Helheim (The Nine Worlds Trilogy Book 2)

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Helheim (The Nine Worlds Trilogy Book 2) Page 16

by Debbie Champion

  "Where is he?" asked Alex, looking around the hall.

  "He went after Hel. I wouldn't want to be in her shoes when he catches up with her. She attacked the god of the gods, that's the worse thing anyone could ever do," she said.

  "She deserves everything coming her way. The miserable wretch," said Baldur, sternly. "I suppose we can't expect too much of her though. She is the daughter of Loki after all. There isn't an honourable bone in her body."

  They all stood in silence contemplating the devastation in the room.

  "So what happens to them?" asked Alex, indicating the dead warriors.

  "Anyone who dies a second death is claimed by Niddhogg. That lot deserve it, though there was one..." said Baldur, moving over to the pile of bodies.

  "I saw that," said Sasha, joining him. "A warrior took a dagger for you. He threw himself in front of you when you were trapped. Here it was this one," she said bending down and placing her hand on the shoulder of a warrior.

  He groaned and Sasha jumped back in shock.

  "He's still alive," she cried.

  Baldur grabbed the man under the arms and dragged him out from the pile of bodies. A knife was sticking out of his back between his shoulder blades and he removed it gently and pressed down hard on the wound.

  "Harold, is that you?" asked Sasha, pushing a matted lock of hair away from his dirty, blood encrusted face.

  "The one and same," he said grimacing in pain. "I told you I wasn't a coward."

  "You were very brave and I thank you for saving me from that dagger," said Baldur, helping Harold sit up.

  "It's very strange. I mean, I'm already dead, why am I bleeding and why does it hurt so much?" Harold asked confused.

  "When Hel takes the cowards she retains their bodies so she can punish them again and again if she wants. She would have done better calling on the shade warriors, the ones locked in everlasting battle at the bottom of the hill. We would have stood no chance against them. They are pure ghosts and you can't kill a ghost," explained Baldur.

  "Yes you can," cut in Sasha. "You saw Alex, those Nifs were ghosts and he annihilated them with his power."

  "That's very true. Alex, you're a handy man to have around," laughed Baldur.

  "Yeah well, a handier man is Sven. Hey dude, are you ok down there? You were a totally awesome ninja dwarf," said Alex.

  Sven looked over his shoulder at Alex and shrugged. "I'm fine. I was just thinking about Niddhogg. He's going to have one feast tonight."

  "And we need to get out of here before he shows up and claims his bounty," said Baldur. "Harold, you're coming with us. I don't care what Hel says, she owes us."

  Harold's face lit up. "Thank you sire. I will serve you until my dying breath....well my next dying breath."

  "How do we get home?" asked Alex, looking at the others.

  "Hel will release you all," boomed Odin, riding through the doorway on Sleipnir.

  Hel was lying across Sleipnir's rump, her arms and legs dangling down on each side. They came to a stop in the middle of the hall and Odin threw Hel onto the floor.

  "I've had a little chat with my granddaughter and she has seen the error of her ways. Instead of being punished she will return you all home and we'll put this all behind us."

  "What? She gets away with attacking us?" asked Alex angrily.

  "Do not question me boy. Ruling down here for eternity is punishment enough," growled Odin.

  Alex huffed and left the dais to collect his sword, which he saw lying on the ground. He sheathed it carefully and turned to Hel.

  "How do we do this then? The sooner we are out of here the better," he spat.

  She was kneeling on the floor where Odin had thrown her and she turned towards him.

  "Be careful boy. When you return to my realm next, I will have full power over you. You would do well to show me some respect."

  "I'm immortal Hel, I'll never be coming back here," he sneered at her.

  "That's what you think," she hissed under her breath.

  Alex's stomach turned over as he fingered the pommel of the sword nervously.

  "Hel, enough, send them home," barked Odin.

  She stood up and smoothed down her crumpled gown, then beckoned them forward haughtily.

  "Sven, you may return to Svartalfheim. I thank you for your service. When you return to me many years from now you shall become one of my advisors. Anyone who can get through level seventy on Candy Crush must be very wise."

  Sven laughed and nodded to acknowledge the honour.

  "Send me a Facebook request and then I can send you extra lives. That will help," he said.

  Alex shuddered inside; he hoped she wouldn't send him one too. It was bad enough being friends with a Volva.

  Sven came over to Alex and gripped his hand. "Alex, thanks for coming back to get me. I won't forget that. If you ever need my help call me. I might be small but I can sure pack a punch," he said, looking at the dead warriors.

  "Hey, take care man and say hi to Lit. I'll come and see you guys once I've destroyed this sword."

  "Sasha my darling," said Sven, standing in front of her. "I'm sorry but it would never have worked between us. I know you will be heartbroken but you may recover one day," he said cheekily.

  She leaned over and gave him a quick hug and kissed his cheek.

  "Oh I know. I'll recover one day. Take care and keep out of trouble," she winked at him.

  Sven stood in the centre of the hall inside the coiled snake and within moments he had disappeared in a flash of bright light.

  "Hey, that looked easy," cried Alex. "We were nearly squashed to death."

  "Yes well, I like Sven. I don't like you," said Hel, walking over to her throne.

  "Now the rest of you," she said stone faced.

  They all gathered into the circle except Odin. When Alex looked at him quizzically he laughed.

  "Oh no, I'm riding Sleipnir out of here. We'll travel up the Yggdrasil tree and meet you in Asgard."

  Alex nodded and braced himself for the journey.

  "Hel, be nice," warned Odin sternly.

  She pouted and sat down on her throne in a huff. "Whatever," she muttered.

  With a flick of her wrist, a bright light filled Alex's eyes. He closed them quickly and when he opened them again he saw he was standing just outside Valhalla under the golden tree.

  "That was easy," he said, turning to Sasha.

  She was hugging her parents tightly and they were all crying tears of joy.

  "Alex, you're back, thank goodness," cried Lexi, bursting from the doors and running down the stairs towards him.

  She threw herself into his arms and hugged him tightly. The smell of her perfume filled his nose and he hugged her back, burying his face into the soft golden curls by her neck. He was so relieved to be alive and finally out of Helheim. Someone clearing their throat loudly brought him back to his senses and he gently pushed Lexi away from him.

  "Alex, Becca and Matt must be worried sick about us," said Sasha, glaring at him.

  "Oh my god, yes. We said we would get them before we went back to Helheim. I promised Becca. She's going to kill me," he said, his stomach flipping over with dread and guilt.

  "She'll understand. There was no time," said Lexi. "You couldn't exactly ask Gramps to stop off in Midgard to collect them. He's not exactly a taxi cab is he?" she laughed prettily.

  "I know, but I need to get back now." Alex paced up and down impatiently.

  "No, not yet," pleaded Lexi, holding onto his arm. "I've prepared a feast, a party to welcome Baldur and Nanna home," she said, going over to hug Baldur and Nanna. "And your father has gone to collect your mother," she added. "We're going to have the biggest reunion ever," she said happily.

  "My mother? He's back then?" asked Alex, his eyes shining with excitement. "Odin said he had to take Loki to the giants."

  "He did, apparently he behaved himself and didn't kill any this time. I guess he was eager to get back and fetch your mother."

/>   "Crikey, my mum? I don't believe it. I'm going to get to meet her," he said, suddenly nervous at the thought. What if she didn't like him? He thought to himself.

  "Becca and Matt deserve to be here too. None of this would have been possible without them," said Sasha.

  She turned to Baldur. "Dad, can you persuade Odin to let them into Asgard for tonight? Look Harold's here, he's human."

  Harold was standing under the golden tree, clapping old friends on the back and drinking beer from a very large drinking horn.

  Baldur laughed. "I'm sure he can make an exception this time, Alex go fetch them and I'll talk to Odin when he returns. I'm sure this is going to be a feast to remember. Oh Nanna, can you feel that?" he asked, drawing Nanna to him around the waist.

  "The sun," she murmured, closing her eyes and lifting her face to the sky.

  "It's so warm," said Baldur.

  "I can still smell death though," said Nanna, wrinkling her nose.

  "We need a bath dear," laughed Baldur. "Harold, you too," he called across to him. "You stink my friend and you need some clothes."

  "Well so would you if you had been buried up to your neck for nine centuries," said Harold indignantly.

  "Come with me," said Lexi. "I'll get you sorted out. Ellewen can you take Alex home to fetch his friends? I can't wait to meet them, they must be very special," she looked away quickly so Alex couldn't tell what she really meant by that comment.

  "Are you staying here Sasha?" Alex asked.

  "Yes, I'm not letting those two out of my sight," she said, nodding towards Baldur and Nanna who were laughing together and pointing towards familiar sights.

  "You can portal back with Ellewen. It will be quicker," she added.

  "Ok, I'll be back as soon as I can. Save some food for me. I'm starving."

  "You're always starving," she laughed, hitting him on the arm gently.

  "Come on then. I don't want to miss the party because I have to taxi you around all day," moaned Ellewen.

  She had been talking quietly to Iduna who had been standing in the shade of the tree waiting to greet Baldur and Nanna.

  "Hey, I'm ready. Just be careful, I really hate portals," he said, walking over to stand next to her.

  "Watch it or I might lose you en route," she snapped.

  She reached into her pocket, drew out a small black bag and sprinkled a powder around them.

  "What's that, fairy dust?" joked Alex.

  Ellewen glared at him and quickly muttered the portal spell under her breath. Suddenly the ground fell away beneath them and Alex felt himself falling through the black void. They seemed to fall forever before Alex found himself bouncing up and down on green grass. When he finally came to rest he saw that they were back at the henge.

  "Hey, why are we here?" he asked Ellewen.

  "Oh, I'm sorry, should I have portalled you into Becca's living room? I'm sure her parents would really have appreciated that," she said sarcastically.

  "Hey, what's up with you? I thought you would be pleased to come back and pick Matt up," he teased.

  "Shut up Alex. You're really beginning to wind me up."

  "What? What have I done?" he asked confused, rubbing his hand through his hair.

  It was sticky with blood which wasn't his and he realised he must look a complete mess.

  "You're a total rat Alex. Lexi really likes you. One minute you're all over her and the next you can't wait to get back to Becca. You can't lead them both on like this. It's not fair."

  "What? Lexi is my cousin as Sasha keeps reminding me. We're related, it's not right," he cried, frustrated.

  "Seriously? Everyone in Asgard is related in one way or another. No one gives a hoot who is related to whom. You're all immortal, it doesn't really matter."

  "Look, I like Lexi I really do. But it just doesn't feel right. I'm with Becca ok? I didn't mean to mess anybody around. God what a mess."

  Alex flung his arms up in despair and a rumble of thunder sounded in the distance.

  "Ok, I get it. Just be careful around Lexi, alright? Hadron really messed with her head. She needs friends right now, not complications," said Ellewen. "And calm down, I don't want to get caught in a storm. I look bad enough already without showing up like a drowned rat too."

  "Hey, I don't think Matt will mind. You might want to take some of your own advice. If I recall correctly, I don't think your boyfriend Tom will like the way you've been looking at Matt recently," he said nastily.

  Ellewen froze to the spot and glared at Alex.

  "That's none of your business Alex, leave me alone," she snapped at him.

  She turned around abruptly and walked quickly across the grass towards the gate.

  "Ooh, touchy," he called after her.

  She spun around and flicked her wrist at him and turned around again smiling.

  "What?" shouted Alex to her back. "What was that?"

  He flicked his wrist in imitation and then looked down at himself in a panic. She had done something to him but he couldn't figure out what it was.

  "Ellewen, what did you do, you witch?" he shouted angrily, running after her.

  A clap of thunder echoed overhead and he forced himself to calm down. He didn't want to get wet anymore than she did.

  "Oh nothing Alex, I was just messing with you," she called over her shoulder, chuckling to herself.

  Alex didn't believe her and kept patting his hands down his body, trying to figure out what she had done. Ellewen looked at him and laughed hysterically. She leaped nimbly over the gate and waited for him to catch up.

  "Come on slow coach. The quicker we get them, the quicker we can join the party."

  Alex poked his tongue out at her childishly and leapt over the gate too.

  "If you've done anything to me, so help me, I'll..."

  "You'll what Alex?" she laughed. "You wouldn't harm your favourite..."

  "Alex!" shouted a voice from up the path. "Where the hell have you been?"

  "Oh this is going to be fun," grinned Ellewen, enjoying the look of panic on Alex's face.

  "Oh boy," muttered Alex, seeing Becca storm towards him.

  Chapter Thirteen

  "Oh my god, look at the state of you," cried Becca. "You're covered in blood and you stink. You went back without us didn't you?" she asked angrily.

  "Becca, I can explain," he pleaded, holding his hands out placatingly. "I met Odin, my grandfather and he took us directly to Helheim to sacrifice Sleipnir."

  "He agreed? Everyone was making out he wouldn't," asked Becca.

  "Look, it's a really long story, but in a nutshell he gave Sleipnir a golden apple before we left so when he sacrificed him he came back to life. It was amazing. You should've seen the look on Hel's face, it was classic."

  "Yes I should have," snapped Becca. "Perhaps if you hadn't forgotten about us we could've helped too. It looks like you've been attacked. Your clothes are ripped, there's blood everywhere."

  "Yeah, we had a bit of a problem with Hel. She didn't like being tricked so she set an army on us and when that didn't work she summoned the Nifs."

  "Alex was a hero Becca. I wouldn't give him a hard time. We would all be dead if it weren't for him," said Ellewen, placing her hand on Becca's arm.

  Alex saw Becca visibly relax; Ellewen was doing magic on her to calm her down.

  "Ellewen, enough," he barked.

  She jumped back and Becca shook her head confused.

  "Dude, what happened to your ears?" asked Matt.

  He had been standing back letting Becca vent her fury. Judging from the state of Alex and Ellewen he was feeling quite relieved they hadn't come back for them.

  "My ears?" asked Alex confused.

  He reached up and felt his ears. They were larger and had pointed tips.

  "Ellewen!" he shouted.

  She skipped out of the way giggling. "I told you before Alex, don't mess with a Volva."

  "Ellewen," Alex warned. "I'm getting angry. You won't like me when I'm angry."r />
  "Come on Hulk, calm down," laughed Matt.

  "Big ears look good on you. What do you think Becca?" Ellewen asked, studying Alex with a cheeky expression on her face.

  "I think a bigger nose would have been more appropriate. He's quite the liar after all," she said, bitterly.

  "Aw, come on Becca. Honestly there was no chance to come and get you. As soon as there was I came. Look I'm taking you back to Asgard. Baldur is sorting it out with Odin. There's going to be a big party to welcome them back. Just think, we're going to meet all of the gods and goddesses and my dad is fetching my mum. How cool is that?" he pleaded, grabbing hold of her hand.

  "You got Baldur out then?" she asked.

  "Yep and Nanna, Sven and Harold."

  "Harold?" asked Matt.

  "Yeah, the guy who was buried up to his neck watching the battle. Turns out he isn't a coward after all."

  "We can go to Asgard? Seriously?" Becca asked, a flicker of excitement in her eyes.

  "That's what they said. I wasn't going to argue with them," laughed Alex. "Come on, this is going to be wicked."

  How do we get there though? Is Heimdall coming?" asked Becca.

  "Oh, I didn't think about that. Ellewen brought me by portal."

  "No way dude. I'm not risking my life for a party," said Matt shaking his head. “Those portals are dangerous.”

  "It's ok scardy cat, Iduna gave me a crystal portal. They're perfectly safe," said Ellewen.

  "Hang on, if you had a crystal, why did you make me go through your portal?" asked Alex.

  "Because I don't like you," she grinned at him.

  Before Alex could respond, Becca cut in. "Hang on, I'm wearing jeans. I can't go to a party and meet gods and goddesses in jeans," she realised, horrified.

  "I can sort that out, don't worry," said Ellewen, grinning.

  She looked Becca up and down and nodded her head once she had come to a decision. She placed her hands on Becca's shoulders, closed her eyes and muttered under her breath. There was a whoosh of air and a bright blue light which made Alex close his eyes. When he opened them he gasped. Becca looked stunning, she was wearing a short blue lace dress with three quarter length sleeves and blue kitten heeled shoes.

  "Wow, you look beautiful," said Alex, smiling at her.


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