Rose and Jacob

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Rose and Jacob Page 9

by Lexi Buchanan

  The apartment was small but nice and clean. The living room had a kitchen attached with a separate eating area. There were two doors off from the hall, which I presumed led to a bathroom and bedroom.

  Jacob led me directly to the bathroom to wash my face. Afterwards, I felt ten times better and went looking for him.

  I found him in the kitchen, warming some milk. I just stood and watched him, unobserved. He was gorgeous. My heart thumped in my chest. It felt so right being together in his apartment.

  He turned and caught me watching him. His whole face lit up. “Are you feeling better?” He walked over to me and took my face between his hands before he kissed me.

  I wrapped myself around him and just held on. After a few minutes, I looked up into his eyes. “Make love to me, Jacob. Show me how much you love me.”

  He just stared at me for the longest time, then took me by the hand and led me to his bedroom. He stood in front of me and started to unbutton my dress while keeping eye contact with me. I lifted my hands and unbuttoned his shirt, smoothing my hands over his naked chest. He groaned and leaned down to take my lips in a passionate kiss. Goose bumps erupted all over my skin.

  I left his shirt and slid my arms around his neck. My fingers ran through the hair at the nape of his neck while we continued to kiss.

  Jacob removed my clothes and laid me down on his bed. He stood to the side of me and very slowly removed his own clothes.

  He was stunning and hard. Oh my. Climbing onto the bed, he lay down beside me, pulling me into his arms, and caressing my naked back with his hand. He landed on my bottom and squeezed, pulling me even closer to him.

  I felt his penis against my thigh. Hard and swollen. Hot.

  He kissed me and slipped his tongue into my mouth. He moved to lie on top of me. Chest to chest. Stomach to stomach. Thigh to thigh. He nudged my legs apart and slipped between them. He was inside of me and I moaned. He groaned.

  All the time he was moving so slowly in and out of me, he was placing small kisses all over my face. He finally came back to my lips where he slipped his tongue inside my mouth again, and imitated what he was doing to me with his penis. I started to shake.

  He pulled away from my mouth and sucked one of my nipples into his mouth. Ah. I shattered into a million pieces. Jacob swelled and twitched inside me. Our lovemaking brought tears to my eyes.

  He withdrew from me and pulled me back into his arms, then just held me against him.

  Making love on the beach had been wonderful, but in Jacob’s bed had been beyond wonderful, and it was without the pain of him breaking through my womanhood.


  I lifted my head from his chest to look at him. “Yes?”

  “If I manage to get an apprenticeship in Boston, will you really go with me? And be my wife?”

  I burst into tears. “Yes, yes, yes!” I kissed him all over his face as my tears continued to flow. I was so excited that his feelings for me were the same as mine for him.

  Jacob helped me to mop up, laughing at my enthusiasm.

  I laughed. “You only want to go to Boston because of the Boston Braves,” I teased.

  “That does have its advantages.”

  Chapter 14

  After reading about the love between Rose and Jacob last night, Mack woke up feeling refreshed and light-hearted.

  If only to have a love like they had. To know, once in a lifetime, what it would be like to love someone so much and for it to be returned.

  Since Lucas had been spending time with Thomas, he’d been falling asleep pretty soon after going to bed and waking up after Mack, much to her delight.

  After her morning shower, she dressed in her favorite shorts and headed downstairs only to find Lucas already sitting at the kitchen table reading.

  “How long have you been up, Lucas? I thought you were in bed,” she asked, ruffling his hair as she walked past him to start the coffee.

  “Just now. Thomas said he’s going to come for breakfast again so I didn’t want to miss him.”

  She laughed. “Oh, Lucas. I can assure you that there is no way you would have missed him.”

  There was a knock on the back door. Lucas bolted out of his chair and ran to answer it while Mack rooted around in the bottom of the refrigerator for some eggs.

  “Auntie Mack, it’s the very hot guy with a gorgeous butt you want to get your hands on,” Lucas shouted from the back door, which had Mack banging her head on the refrigerator.

  She turned around and met the heated look of the man from last night.

  “Oh, my God!” was the first thing that came to mind, and out of her mouth, after what Lucas had just said. Mack couldn’t remember the last time she was so embarrassed. How in hell was she going to get out of this one? Pretend Lucas hadn’t said anything!

  “Hi, I’m Mackenzie Harper, but everyone calls me Mack.” She held out her hand to him.

  “Nice to meet you, Mack, I’m Dean Simone. I just rented next door for a few weeks.” He tried not to laugh at her embarrassment while he admired her legs, which looked amazing. She was pretty hot as well, especially in very short shorts.

  Before anyone could respond, Lucas did. “She already knows. She was hanging out the window telling my mom on the phone when you arrived.”

  With a shocked intake of breath, Mack slapped her hand over Lucas’s mouth. “How many times have I told you not to listen to adult conversations?”

  “It’s a bit difficult when I’m in the room when you’re having the adult conversation,” Lucas replied with a huge grin, knowing exactly what he was up to.

  At a loss for words, Mack hustled Lucas into the living room to play a Wii game. She hoped Thomas would arrive soon.

  She turned around and caught Dean looking at her legs, again. He very slowly moved up her body, his eyes finally meeting hers.

  She was flustered, thanks to him and Lucas. “Dean, what can I do for you? I presume you called around for a reason?” she asked in a husky voice.

  Now that he’d seen her, he wasn’t too sure about his plan. She was a pretty little thing. Tall but not as tall as he was, slimly built, long dark hair, and lovely clear skin, apart from a sprinkling of freckles over her nose. He would really love to lick each and every one. Not the response he should be having to someone he’d come to investigate, before telling his grandfather about her and her questions.

  “Dean?” Mack questioned, all embarrassed, sure he’d just been giving her another once-over.

  “Oh, sorry. I seem to have forgotten things like coffee, milk, and sugar. I was wondering whether you would take pity on your new neighbor and loan me some.”

  God, he had a killer smile, and she was stuttering in embarrassment. “That’s fine. In fact, there’s some fresh coffee over there if you want to help yourself to a cup.”

  “Great, thanks.” He walked toward the coffee, and while he poured a cup, he couldn’t help but watch her out of the corner of his eye. He’d been stunned when the little kid had answered the door and shouted back to her, probably her words from last night. How in hell he managed not to laugh was beyond him, and then stepping inside to see the most perfect butt he’d ever seen sticking out of the refrigerator. She made his mouth water.

  He watched Mack openly as she started to cook breakfast, which reminded him, he really did need to shop for food.

  Thomas walked in through the door with a bunch of tulips in his hands just then and went straight over to Mack, not noticing Dean yet. “Well, Mack, you look pretty good this morning. Mavis told me there’s a handsome young man that moved in next door. Why don’t you go and introduce yourself.” He winked at her.

  Thomas jumped around when he heard a throat being cleared and came face to face with a grinning Dean.

  “Hi, I’m Dean from next door.”

  He looked back and forth between Mack and Dean. “I’m Thomas, and do I need to leave?”

  Mack laughed. “Don’t be silly. Dean just popped in to beg for coffee.” She smiled at
Dean before she continued, “Breakfast won’t be long. Lucas is waiting in the living room for you.” She watched him walk away, and then turned toward Dean. “Would you like to stay for breakfast?”

  “Mmm, I’m hungry. What’s on offer?” he asked, then laughed out loud when Mack’s eyes opened wide at the innuendo in his voice.

  “Well, it certainly isn’t me! How about pancakes and syrup instead?”

  “That will do . . . for now!” Mack blushed and turned toward the counter.

  She finished mixing the batter for the pancakes while only half concentrating, as she was finding Dean’s presence overwhelming in the small kitchen. He just seemed to permeate every single space.

  “You can go relax in the living room and watch them both on the Wii if you like,” she said to try to get him out of the kitchen before she did something stupid.

  “No, I’m fine right here . . . watching you.”

  Not knowing what to say, she turned her back and started cooking the pancakes.

  Once made, she bent over to place the cooked pancakes in the oven to keep them warm. She turned back around and, with a quick glance at Dean, placed warmed syrup and butter on the table.

  “Dean, are you okay?”

  He met her eyes. “Those shorts should be illegal,” he growled.


  “Those shorts. On you. Should be illegal. I’m not going to be able to move anytime soon.” He grinned. She blushed. He was definitely forward but, for some reason, she didn’t mind at all.

  She still felt a bit tongue-tied and decided it might be best to ignore him. She called Lucas and Thomas in for breakfast.

  After Mack had placed the food and drinks on the table, the only seat left was the one next to Dean. With a quick glance at him, she took the seat. Their eyes met as he smiled over a forkful of pancakes, but it assured her that his mouth was at least busy, for now.

  Eating in silence, Mack felt all hot and bothered, and she kept telling herself it really had nothing whatsoever to do with the really hot guy sitting next to her. Unfortunately, his voice matched the body, and he was, no doubt, used to using his voice to get women to drop their panties. Squirming in her seat as Dean kept throwing hot glances her way, she decided a distraction was needed before she said to hell with it and jumped the guy.

  “Auntie Mack?” Lucas said, distracting her.

  “Yes, Lucas?” She silently thanked her nephew.

  “Will you make me a cake today, please? If I promise to be good.”

  “I baked a pound cake yesterday. You can have a slice of that after dinner,” Mack offered, feeling herself blush, and certainly not admitting she’d made it for Dean. “Now eat up, so you can go off with Thomas.”

  She turned to Thomas, and asked, “What are you two up to today?”

  He winked at Lucas. “Well, my buddy and I, thought we might dig for worms.”

  Mack had just taken a sip of coffee, which ended up going down the wrong way and she started to choke. Putting the cup down rather heavily, it sloshed everywhere. She jumped up to grab some paper towels, only to find Dean already on the case.

  Actually, he was more interested in drying her legs than anything else.

  “Dean, you about finished down there?” She stood with her hands on her hips, trying not to laugh. It had been a long time since a man had been on his knees before her like that.

  “Babe, I’ve not even started!” he whispered.

  She opened and closed her mouth, lost for words as Dean remained on his knees as he flirted with her.

  He took pity on her when he saw her blush, and quickly stood back up, taking his seat again.

  She glanced across the table only to see both Thomas and Lucas watching the show. Thomas looked as though he was about to burst into laughter.

  “Now where were we?” Mack asked once she was seated again.

  “Worms. They’re to use as bait because Thomas dropped the others,” Lucas announced with glee.

  With a glare at both Thomas and Lucas, Mack couldn’t decide if they were serious or not and from the look on Dean’s face, neither could he.

  “Where did you drop them?” Mack asked very slowly.

  Both Lucas and Thomas looked rather shifty. “I think it’s time to go. Come on, Lucas.”

  “Okay, bye, Auntie Mack. Bye, Dean,” Lucas shouted as he skipped off in front of Thomas.

  She leaned forward and put her head in her hands then groaned. “I could kill those two.”

  Dean laughed. “Are they always like that?”

  “Pretty much.”

  Mack started moving the dishes from the table while Dean filled the sink with water and started to wash them. She picked up a hand towel and started to dry them, still a bit stunned there was a sexy guy in her kitchen who didn’t disappear the minute he’d finished eating. A keeper, as her mother would say.

  It had been a really long time since anyone had flirted with her, and it felt really nice. The fact that Dean seemed like a decent guy added to the pleasure.

  “Do you want to go for a ride on my bike?” Dean asked before he could stop himself.

  She seemed like a really nice, good-looking woman, who he actually wanted to spend time with, but he needed to find out if there was a diary. Why in hell did he use his mother’s maiden name when he introduced himself? She would have probably been okay with his real name. Mack certainly didn’t seem like an opportunist.

  “You mean the Harley?” Mack asked with a huge grin on her face.

  He winked. “Is there any other?”

  “Give me five to put some jeans on.”

  Dean groaned, wishing she didn’t have to cover her amazing legs, with jeans.

  As she ran upstairs, she was really excited. Mack had always wanted to go on a Harley, but all the guys she usually attracted had compact cars you couldn’t even breathe in!

  Chapter 15

  Dean, in the meantime, was really hoping she didn’t look as hot in jeans as she did in shorts; otherwise, he’d have a heck of a job keeping his hands to himself. He looked up when she was on her way back to the kitchen, and froze, his mouth going dry. The jeans, the tightest he had ever seen, look like she had painted them on and they rested very low on her hips. Her top began to ride up as she moved, and he caught glimpses of her flat, bronzed stomach.

  “Okay, you ready?” she asked, already on her way out the door.

  “Oh, yes,” he whispered.


  With a slight cough, he tried to clear the restriction in his throat. “Yes, let’s go.” He followed her outside, watching the sway of her delectable bottom as he did.

  She was standing to the side of the bike while Dean fastened her helmet, unable to resist standing in close to him. He was wearing some sort of cologne and smelled delicious.

  As she climbed onto the bike, she hesitated, having no idea where to put her hands.

  “Hold the brackets here and here,” Dean answered her unspoken question.

  “Okay, thanks.”

  “Or me!” He grinned just before he put his helmet on.

  He sat on the front of the bike and took in some deep breaths to try to calm his raging hormones, which shot straight back up again as soon as he felt her hands sliding around his waist, under his T-shirt so it brought her hands into contact with his skin.

  Mack grinned to herself as she felt his stomach muscles quiver. Two could play at that game.

  She felt all hot and bothered, and didn’t know why she had to suffer on her own. She moved forward, her legs closing in along his thighs. He clenched his jaw together to stop the groan from escaping.

  As he started the bike up, Dean just prayed he would get them to the lighthouse in one piece.

  “Thomas, what do you think Auntie Mack and Dean are doing?”

  He looked at Lucas, who was sitting in the lounge with cookies and milk, reading another Our Gang comic. “Um, talking. They are neighbors, you know,” he replied.

  “He seems okay. I t
hink he likes Auntie Mack. Do you think he’ll marry her and go live with her?”

  He didn’t really know where Lucas was going with that question. “Would that bother you if he did, Lucas?” he asked, taking a seat beside him.

  Lucas stuck out his lower lip in a pout and said, “I wanted her to marry you!”

  He laughed. “Lucas, I’m an eighty-year-old man. Your aunt is young and needs a younger man, like Dean or someone like him.”

  “Have you ever been married?” Lucas asked with a frown.

  “Yes. I was married for thirty years before she passed away.”

  “That’s sad.” Lucas went quiet for a few moments. “What was her name?”

  Thomas was deep in thought and replied, “Janet, the love of my life.”

  “Hmm, well, would you be my granddad then? Scott has three granddads and he says it’s really cool.”

  “We’ll have to see, Lucas. Let’s get back to reading. Do you want me to read you this one?” he asked, rather amused.

  “Yes, please.”

  Be his granddad. If Lucas only knew how much he would really enjoy that. Hopefully, Mack would stay in touch with him when it was time for her to head back to Boston. He would miss them both terribly.

  Dean was at the Portland Head Light watching Mack while she walked along the edge of the cliffs. With the light breeze from the ocean blowing her hair back from her face, she was stunning.

  He’d really enjoyed spending the day with her. They’d driven into Portland and browsed around the Old Port shops. Then on their way to the lighthouse, they’d stopped for lunch and ate a delicious lobster meal.

  Dean, for the first time in a long time, felt as though he could breathe. Mack was like a breath of fresh air, so easy to talk to. To laugh with. She listened to what he had to say without interrupting, and only offered her opinion once he’d finished. And her opinions were rich and full of amazing insight. She even listened while he went on and on about his work as a graphic novelist. He worked with a couple of authors, who had great ideas, but couldn’t put their vision on paper, which is where he came in. He loved his work and the flexibility it gave him.


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