Rose and Jacob

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Rose and Jacob Page 11

by Lexi Buchanan

  “This is going to be quick.” Without pause, he started moving really fast. Heck, it felt so good. He sealed his mouth to mine. Despite it being fast, or maybe because it was so fast, I felt alive! Suddenly, I felt that burst of ecstasy—that rapturous delight. I couldn’t stop shaking and moaning. Jacob groaned and I’m sure he swelled inside me before he shuddered.

  He panted heavily into my neck while I tried to catch my breath.

  “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have taken you like that . . . up against the wall.”

  “Jacob, you can take me like that any time you want, as long as we’re not in public. It was amazing,” I said brazenly.

  He laughed, helping me to get my feet back under me. Then he fastened his pants while I pulled my underwear back on. He took my hand. “I want to show you something.”

  After we were comfortable in his living room, he passed me a letter, “Read it,” and sat beside me.

  The letter was from an engineering company in Boston, offering him an apprentice position that started on Monday, April 21st.

  “Will you still come with me, Rose?” He looked so nervous.

  “I love you, Jacob. I have already agreed to be your wife, so yes, I will still come with you. I’ll go anywhere with you.”

  He sighed in relief.

  “Do you think you could be ready to leave a week today on the 14th? It would be easier for you if we were settled in Boston before I start the job. Eleanor has said you can help her with a few minor things around the house during the day if you’d like.”

  I smiled at him. “I do like, and I can hardly wait.”

  “The money is pretty good so we can save up and find ourselves an apartment if we want. Or if you want to stay longer at my sister’s then we might be able to save for a deposit on our own home, but I would prefer that we get married fairly soon.”

  I pulled his head down to mine and kissed him ever so softly. “I would marry you tomorrow if that was possible.”

  We cuddled on the sofa, not talking for the longest of time, and then all too soon, I had to head home.

  Jacob walked me part of the way while we made plans to meet at eleven, the night of the fourteenth; next Monday.

  I planned to take some of my things to Jacob’s apartment on Friday, and then whatever else I wanted, I would have to sneak them out with me on the fourteenth.

  My biggest regret was that I couldn’t take JT with me. I would miss him so much. I love you brother!

  I will miss Mother and Father, but they have forced me to make this choice. If I thought for one minute they would accept Jacob, I would tell them about us.

  Before going to bed, I needed to find a hiding place for my diary so no one would stumble across it and stop our plans.

  I knew the perfect place!

  Chapter 17

  Mack couldn’t get Rose and Jacob out of her thoughts, and thinking about them brought tears to her eyes. She ended up cooking the eggs for breakfast in tears.

  “Hey, Mack!” Dean said in greeting as he walked into the kitchen and headed straight for the coffee pot. He pulled up short when he saw the streaks on her face. Changing direction, he went straight up to her, and after looking closely, wiped the tears away with his thumbs.

  He removed the pan from the burner and turned it off just as he pulled her into his arms. “Mack, what’s wrong? Why are you upset?”

  She couldn’t answer and just burrowed her face deeper into Dean’s chest. She wrapped her arms around his waist while she sobbed.

  A few minutes later, she pulled away and went to the sink to splash cold water on her face, stopping briefly as she heard Thomas outside talking, probably on his cell. “It’s something and nothing. Please don’t say anything?”

  Dean frowned. “Okay, are you all right now?”

  “Actually, I think I am, but a good morning kiss might make me feel so much better.” She stood right in front of him. He placed his hands on her shoulders and leaned down for a very quick kiss, too quick.

  “Auntie Mack, are you really doing kissing things with Dean?”

  “Oh, my God!” She turned crimson while Dean just grinned and walked over to Lucas doing the high five thing.

  “How’s it going, champ?”

  “Good. I slept in today,” Lucas replied, trying to see out of the window, obviously looking for Thomas.

  “Thomas will be in soon, Lucas. I think he’s talking on his cell.”

  “I wish he’d hurry up.”

  Just then, the back door opened and in walked Thomas. “Morning, folks.”

  He walked over and gave Mack a bunch of peonies.

  She leaned over to give Thomas a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. “I think you need to marry me, Thomas.” He was so sweet and would make an amazing grandfather.

  “Hey, not funny. He can get his own girl. You’re mine.” Dean pulled Mack into his arms, laughing.

  Suddenly, she was all serious and looked up at Dean. “Am I really?”

  Dean stopped laughing and caressed Mack’s face. He pushed the hair back from her forehead. “Mack, I’ve never felt like this before, but I’m starting to think, that maybe, yes, you are.” He placed a lingering kiss to her lips.

  “Auntie Mack, are you making breakfast?”

  Thomas chuckled. “I think she wants to be making something else, buddy.”

  All flustered, she pulled away from Dean and finished making breakfast while she was deep in thought.

  Mack wondered what the hell she was doing. How did this happen? Why did this, with Dean, feel so right? Never in her life had she been so attracted to anyone. Dean had popped into her life twenty-four hours ago. How in the heck had he managed to get under her skin so quickly? When he kissed her, she practically swooned at his feet.

  Dean, meanwhile, was thinking about the mess he’d made for himself, and how he really needed to come clean about his name before his relationship could go any further with Mack. When she asked if she was his girl, his heart had flipped. Looking into her eyes, he knew he would do just about anything to make her his.

  Mack was finally composed and turned from the stove to place the eggs, bacon, and biscuits onto the table.

  “Okay, folks. Can we eat without mentioning anything unpleasant?” She caught a smile on Thomas’s face as she took her seat and started to load her plate with food.

  “This looks great.”

  “Thank you.”

  Thomas looked rather tired. “How was your evening?” Perhaps that might explain it.

  “Late night, but a good one. I won at poker, fifty bucks,” he said rather proudly. “I don’t think I’ve won that big since 1998.”

  Mack froze with a fork of food halfway to her mouth. “You serious?”

  “Sure am. I think Lucas here is my good luck charm.”

  “My granny and gramps play strip poker. Is that what you played?”

  Dean couldn’t help himself and roared with laughter, which in turn had everyone else laughing, except for Lucas.

  “What’s so funny?” Lucas asked, baffled. He looked at the adults as though they’d lost their minds.

  “Your granny and gramps playing strip poker, and no, that wasn’t what I played,” Thomas managed to reply.

  “But why is that funny? Granny says—”

  “Lucas, that’s enough. Your breakfast will be going cold.” Heaven knew what Lucas was about to say. Mack wasn’t waiting to find out.

  Lucas, not wanting to be hushed, carried on, “Auntie Mack, I was only going to say that Granny said she wasn’t embarrassed about her body or her droopy boobs at her age. She also said that if Mommy didn’t stop having her boobs made bigger, they’d pop, and then Daddy wouldn’t have anything to hold onto.” He paused to catch his breath. “What does that mean, Auntie Mack?”

  Both Dean and Thomas made a quick exit outside. She could hear Dean laughing on the other side of the kitchen door.

  She giggled herself and told Lucas to ask his father.

  God, she really
needed to have a word with her mother, who was the most flamboyant person she had ever known. Her mother still lived in the sixties and wasn’t bothered who knew it; she got more outrageous as she grew older. Sometimes she forgot whom she was talking to as Lucas just proved. No matter how much like their mother Melinda was, she would’ve hit the roof if she’d heard that comment.

  She could remember growing up with Melinda, how proper behavior was expected when they were in school. Their mother used to threaten to wash their mouths out with soap and water if they said anything untoward. Perhaps she needed to try that same tact with their mother now. Give her a taste of her own medicine.

  With breakfast now finished, she stood and walked to the backdoor to find Thomas and Dean sitting on the steps. “Thanks for your help, guys.”

  Dean grinned. “Is it safe?”

  “It is and, for abandoning me, you get to wash the dishes!”

  He stood and kissed her, then walked back inside to finish his breakfast along with Thomas.

  “Lucas, what would you say if we go fishing this morning and read some comics this afternoon?”

  “Sounds cool.”

  Thomas was holding Lucas’s hand as they walked to his cottage to get the rods from the front porch where he’d left them before going for breakfast.

  He chuckled to himself about Dean and Mack. He’d noticed them both glancing at each other all through breakfast. Things looked to be heating up there. They’d only met yesterday, but they seemed so in tune with each other. Sometimes a man and woman could spend a lifetime together and never be truly ‘together’. His mother and father came to mind. He really hoped everything worked out for Mack and Dean. They made such a promising couple.

  “Thomas, do you know how to make a cake?”

  Lucas broke his train of thought and he looked down to see him waiting for a response. “Who do you want to make a cake for?”

  “Auntie Mack.”

  Thomas raised his eyebrows. “Why? Is it her birthday?” She hadn’t mentioned anything.

  “No, but she always makes them for me so I thought I could make her one this time.” He looked so hopeful as he added, “With your help.”

  “Hmm. Well. I think it would be safer if we buy one. It might be more like the blind leading the blind if we try to make a cake.” Thomas grinned at Lucas, who looked ready to carry on discussing a cake, then obviously thought better of it.

  “Okay, I guess.”

  They reached his cottage. “Let’s try and catch some fish for dinner instead.” He collected the rods and his fishing basket, took hold of Lucas’s hand again for the walk to the stream. It was his favorite fishing spot that he’d been coming to for more years than he cared to remember.

  Chapter 18

  Mack was alone with Dean, and all she wanted was to feel his lips on hers or, even better, his hands on her body. Smiling to herself, she perched on top of the kitchen table, fluffed her hair, stuck her chest out, and smiled in Dean’s direction.


  He turned to look at her and nearly dropped the plate he was washing. “Mack,” he croaked. “What—” He coughed, gulped, put the plate to one side, and very slowly walked over to her. “You are playing hell with my intentions, Mack. You know that?” Dean leaned in and placed his hands on Mack’s hips. He was a breath away from her lips.

  Mack reached up and ran her hands through his hair, then smiled when she felt a shudder work its way through him.

  “Mack.” He breathed heavily as his lips met hers in a slow seductive kiss. Their tongues met and mated as Dean took hold of Mack’s head to hold her in place while he deepened the kiss.

  Mack wrapped her legs around Dean and pulled him closer.

  “I’m not doing this.” Dean broke from the kiss.

  “Doing what?” Mack replied, innocently.

  Dean groaned. “You know what. I want you, Mack, but I want to take things slow. I want to spend time with you.”

  “This is spending time with me,” Mack interrupted with a pout.

  Dean untangled himself and stepped away, resting his back against the kitchen sink as he just stared at her.

  “You. Are. Lethal. I have no intention of going anywhere so we are going to spend time together . . . without sex getting in the way.” Dean laughed at the look on Mack’s face. “For now, that is.”

  “You’re serious, aren’t you?”

  “Yep.” He crossed his arms over his chest and waited her out.

  “Oh, all right then. What do you want to do?” His eyes flared at her question, which Mack caught and snickered. “Just remember whose idea this was.”

  “I won’t forget. Let’s grab our jackets and climb on the Harley.”

  They’d spent the morning driving along the coastal roads. Dean pulled over now and again for Mack to take some photographs, although he’d been convinced that she’d only wanted to stop to grope his bottom.

  Back at the cottage, Dean parked the bike up and waited for Mack to climb off before joining her. With their helmets removed and placed on the bike, he took hold of Mack’s hand, pulling her down the path to the beach.

  Mack slid her hand out from Dean’s and moved in closer, wrapping her arm around his waist as Dean draped his arm around her shoulders.

  “You feel good against me, Mack.”

  “I know,” she smirked.

  She really was driving him crazy. In fact, he considered himself an idiot for refusing her in the kitchen earlier. What in the hell had he been thinking? He’d actually been thinking that he wanted it to last. That he could, hopefully, build what had started with Mack into something more. That he didn’t want to screw it all up with sex getting involved, at least not until they’d gotten to know each other better.

  “Dean!” Lucas shouted just before the Frisbee clonked him on the head.

  Mack burst out laughing as Dean took off running after a laughing Lucas, who ended up falling over because he was giggling so much.

  “Stop. Stop. Stop.”

  “Are you sorry?” Dean asked him while they both wrestled in the sand.

  “It wasn’t me,” Lucas just about managed to get out.

  Dean froze. “Are you telling me that you didn’t just throw the Frisbee at my head?”

  Lucas just nodded and pointed toward, Thomas.

  Dean glanced at Mack who was openly laughing. He stood up, brushing the sand off his jeans, and then started walking toward Thomas with Lucas running behind him screaming for Thomas to run.

  Before Dean could get to Thomas, Lucas tackled him from behind, which sent them both tumbling back down.

  Dean couldn’t hold his laughter in anymore and grabbed Lucas, gave him a quick tickle, and then got them both upright again.

  “Lucas, I wasn’t about to tackle Thomas to the sand.”

  Lucas looked from Dean to Thomas. “You weren’t?”

  “No, but I did think we could have some fun and maybe get Thomas to sit over there, while you bury his feet in the sand for letting me think it was you with the Frisbee.”

  “Hmm, I think I like that idea. I need some ants.”

  Both Mack and Dean started to chuckle at the look that crossed Thomas’s face. “The sand will be enough . . . this time!” Dean told him.

  “Oh, all right.”

  Dean stayed back, pulling Mack into his arms again as they stood and watched Lucas take hold of Thomas’s hand. It was so sweet watching the little boy lead the older man to the place Dean had suggested. Thomas laughed as he sat down and watched Lucas bury his feet.

  “They’re really going to miss each other when we go back to Boston.”

  “We’re not too far away in Boston. It’s only a couple of hours, we can bring him back to visit,” Dean replied, grinning when Mack realized he’d said ‘we’.

  Mack grinned back, kissed him quickly on his lips, and snuggled into Dean’s chest.

  Chapter 19

  The past week had flown by with Mack and Dean spending most of their time toge
ther. Occasionally, Thomas and Luca would tag along with them in Mack’s car. Lucas preferred to spend his time with Thomas, who sometimes would take him to meet up with Walt and Levi. This had left Mack and Dean alone more often than not so they would spend their time cuddled together on the beach or, in the evenings, on the sofa. They had taken the time to get to know more about each other. Dean had spoken about his love of drawing and art while Mack had spoken about the joys of being a teacher to a mischievous class of seven-year-olds.

  She would really miss Thomas when the summer was over, and leaving Thomas, would probably break Lucas’s heart. At least with him constantly being entertained he hadn’t missed his parents as much as she thought he would. In fact, he’d hardly spent time with her since they’d arrived. She’s wasn’t too bothered because of the unlikely friendship that had begun between them. Lucas would talk to his parents’ on the phone most nights, and he would go over his antics of the day with them. She spent a lot of that time listening to him and chuckling at their adventures.

  Today, he’d gone fishing again with Thomas, and they planned to read some more comics while Mack hadn’t even picked up Rose’s diary in a week. She’d been too exhausted and giddy after spending her days with Dean, who had yet to get her naked!

  “Spend the day with me?” Dean asked, making her jump, as she’d been lost in thought.

  He walked over to her as she glanced up at him. “I’d like that. Do you want to go to the beach and take a picnic? I want to tell you about something.”

  “That would be great.” He really hoped she was going to tell him about the diary. It had nearly killed him, this past week, not saying anything with how close they’d become. He’d tried to tell her on numerous occasions, but he’d always chickened out. Hopefully, the perfect opportunity would arise at the beach. He just hoped she wouldn’t be too pissed with him.


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