Rose and Jacob

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Rose and Jacob Page 15

by Lexi Buchanan

  “Condom. Hell, I don’t have any!” he whispered.

  She grinned up at him. “Don’t worry. I’m on the pill and had a check-up for health insurance three months ago. Results came back fine.”

  “I got checked about seven months ago, but I’ve been celibate around eighteen months.”


  He grinned wickedly. “Yeah. I have a lot saved up!”

  Mack stretched out and stared up at Dean, who couldn’t stop devouring her with his eyes. “I’m all yours.”

  “I don’t think this is going to last as long as I’d like. I want you so damn much.”

  “Then get over here,” Mack pleaded.

  Before she knew what was happening, she was on her back with him on top of her, his mouth locked to one of her nipples while he suckled, licked, and nibbled on it.

  “Dean, don’t stop,” Mack said holding his head to her breast.

  He let her breast slide out of his mouth and moved over to her other one. At the same time, he moved his hand between her legs and found her entrance. He dipped a finger inside her core to find her more than ready for him.

  “Christ, Mack.” He placed two fingers inside her as he rubbed her clit with his thumb.

  Mack started to rotate her hips. “No. Dean. Inside me now. I need you,” she panted.

  He pulled his fingers from her and moved fully between her legs. His erection was hard as a rock and ready to burst. As he entered her, he moved his face within an inch of Mack’s and looked straight into her eyes. “I’ve never felt like this before.”

  She wrapped her legs around his hips. “I feel the same . . . Kiss me.”

  “God, babe.” He moaned as he started to slide slowly in and out of her, while he placed hot, wet kisses to her mouth.

  Dean was breathing really heavy and he started to lose control. “I can’t hold on.” He moved his hand down to her clit and started to rub it between his fingers.

  “Oh, yes.” Mack arched her back and dug her nails into his back as she started to convulse around his throbbing shaft. “Oh, don’t stop.”

  “I can’t,” Dean croaked as he started to shoot inside her in long bursts of pleasure. As his orgasm ripped through him, Mack’s muscles contracted around him.

  He was still panting as he dropped his head to Mack’s shoulder, breathing heavily. “Hell. I saw stars . . . the whole universe.”

  “Me too,” she whispered, placing a kiss on his shoulder.

  “Let me stay with you tonight. Just to sleep. I think you’ve done me in, but I need to hold you in my arms all night.”


  Laying on the sofa, with Mack still cuddled around him made him feel like the luckiest man alive. He should be running away, but instead, he wanted to stay right where he was.

  Over the past week, he’d started to fall in love with her. The thought of her with anyone else made him see red. Hell! He was in love with her. He just hoped she was in the same place that he was, because he did not intend to let her go.

  Mack slept blissfully in his arms.

  Thomas climbed into bed and couldn’t help but feel unsettled. Discussing Rose after all these years was rather upsetting, and to discover she had left him a photograph with a note on the back . . . Ah well.

  He picked the comic up from his night table and slowly started to turn the pages, holding his breath each time a new page opened. When he turned to the middle of the comic, he found what he was supposed to find sixty-eight years ago, which brought tears to his eyes.

  A Polaroid photograph of his sister Rose, wrapped in the arms of—who he presumed was—Jacob Evans. They both looked so much in love.

  Mack had said there was a message on the back for him. He just hoped the ink hadn’t faded with age. He took a deep breath and turned the picture over to look at the handwriting he never thought he would ever see again.

  Dear Thomas,

  I want you to know that you are the only one I will miss. I love you so much, brother, please forgive me.

  If you ever need anything, go to the address at the bottom and ask for Eleanor, she will know how to find me.

  When we have our own place and are settled in Boston, I will be back to see you. It may take a few years, but know that I will always be thinking about you.

  All my love, Thomas, my JT,


  He used his fingers to wipe his eyes and, with shaking hands, he placed the comic and photograph back on the table to the side of his bed. He needed to tell Mack what actually happened that night, and maybe then, he would feel better. After all, he had carried around so much guilt for all these years.

  First, though, he would show her the photograph and then think about what to say.

  At eighty, it was time to be free and have peace of mind at last.

  Chapter 25

  Mack woke with a smile and snuggled against a hard, male chest. Dean was spooned behind her, his arm around her waist with his hand cupping her breast. She was overwhelmed with contentment. He felt totally amazing, and she didn’t want to move.

  She couldn’t believe she’d fallen asleep on him last night after the best sex of her life. She hadn’t even woken up when he’d carried her upstairs.

  “Morning, babe,” Dean whispered into her ear, sending shivers down her spine. He smoothed his hand down the curve of her waist and hip, then over the top of her thighs. She was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen, ever known; inside and out.

  “Morning . . . you feel so good.” She turned her head for his kiss. Moving closer, she rubbed against Dean’s erection; his hands shook.

  “I want you inside me,” Mack moaned, reaching behind her, she smoothed her hand along Dean’s shaft, rubbing her thumb over the leaking tip.

  “Mack . . .” Dean lost his voice to a groan. He couldn’t think of anything else but Mack with her sliding her hand back and forth along his quivering body part.

  He was breathing heavily as he moved her hand away, slid his hand over Mack’s thigh and brought it up and over his. He took hold of his dick and rubbed the flared head between her thighs, which dragged a long moan out of her before he entered her in one thrust.

  She gasped for breath with the pleasure he elicited out of her. Mack reached behind her again and dug her fingers into Dean’s hip while she ground herself against him.

  “You feel so good inside me.” She contracted around him.

  He growled in her ear in response, and wrapped his arms around her. With one hand going to her breast, he massaged her nipple, and with the other, he massaged her clit.

  Dean started to move his hips real slow, sliding in and out, creating a delicious friction inside of Mack.

  She turned her head and looked into Dean’s eyes. “Faster.”

  He sealed his lips to hers in a heated kiss while he quickened his pace.

  Mack came apart in his arms—panting and groaning, rippling around his shaft for so long that he came with her.

  They lay spent in each other’s arms for a short while before Dean withdrew from her body. He turned her over, and after placing a gentle kiss to her lips, pulled her against his body as he rested his chin on the top of her head.

  “I wish we could stay in bed all day,” Mack murmured. Her body felt heavy from the contentment she felt.

  Dean smiled. “I do too. But I guess Lucas is going to be awake soon so we need to make a move.”

  Mack was the first to pull away. “I’ll shower and dress so at least one of us is decent when he wakes up.” She reluctantly climbed from the bed.

  “I’ll just admire the view.” He grinned, watching her walk buck-naked into the bathroom. He groaned when he realized he was hard as hell again.

  He gave a sigh of relief as she disappeared from sight, but his relief was short-lived as the shower went on and he had a front row view of Mack as she took a shower. The sexy minx had left the door to the bathroom open!

  Hell! There was no sign of his erection subsiding anytime soon with the show
she was putting on. He watched her slide the sponge over her sexy curves, her breasts, and then . . . he closed his eyes before he jumped out of bed to join her.

  Mack towel-dried in the bathroom before she walked back into the bedroom to dress. She stopped short when she met Dean’s heavy-lidded eyes.

  “You’re wicked. Look what you’ve done to me!” He lifted the duvet from the top of his hips to show Mack how affected by her he was.

  With a lick of her lips, she looked up at the clock and realized Lucas would be up any minute. “Lucas is about to get up, but all I want to do is wrap my mouth around you.” She gave him a wicked grin.

  Dean arched off the bed. “I’m going to have a very cold shower. Please be dressed by the time I get out.”

  “I’ll start breakfast.” She grinned and watched Dean climb out of bed. He was so ready for action!

  “Even better.” He walked past her with a swat on her bottom.

  Downstairs Mack was cooking bacon, sausage, eggs, and biscuits for breakfast. She whistled away, feeling like her life was perfect for the first time in a long time. She couldn’t remember ever feeling this way before. She knew then that she had fallen for Dean Evans. He always seemed to know the right thing to say, or what she needed, without her having to say anything. He was good on the eyes as well, which was an added bonus, and when naked . . . Oh boy!

  Thomas walked through the kitchen door, which pulled Mack from her thoughts of a very naked Dean. “Morning, Mack,” he said, but not with his usual flare.

  Mack looked more closely at him and noticed how pale he was. “Thomas, are you all right?” She walked over to hug him. “Come, sit down, and tell me what’s wrong. You don’t look well. Do you need to go to the doctor?”

  “It’s not that, Mack,” Thomas explained, just as Dean came down the stairs.

  “Morning, Thomas.” Then he saw Mack’s concerned expression. “What’s wrong?”

  “It’s been a very long time since anyone was worried about me. But I’m not sick, just a bit of a shock, I guess.”

  Thomas looked at Mack. “I found this last night, right where you said it would be.” He took the photograph of Rose and Jacob out of his pocket. He handed it to Mack, his hands unsteady. She took hold of the photograph and placed it face down on the table, sitting down next to him, she took hold of his hands and just held them.

  “Thank you, Thomas.”

  “Look at it, Mack, and read what she wrote to me.” He had tears in his eyes.

  “Auntie Mack, I’m up,” Lucas shouted as he came bouncing into the kitchen. “Thomas . . . Dean . . . you’re both here . . . really early.” He pulled up short.

  Not knowing what to say, Dean placed one of his hands on Mack’s shoulder. He just needed to touch her. “I’ll go distract him while you talk to Thomas,” he whispered. He was curious about the photograph, but right now, distracting Lucas was the priority.

  Mack turned to look up at Dean. She took hold of his hand and pressed a quick kiss to his palm before letting go. “Thank you.”

  She watched Dean and Lucas retreat to the living room, no doubt to play some more Super Mario Brothers, which they were both addicted to.

  She turned her attention back to Thomas and reached out to pick the photograph up. Turning it over, she took her first look at Rose.

  The photograph showed a young couple who were obviously in love with each other. Jacob was taller than Rose was; the top of her head came to around his shoulders. They were both slim built, although Jacob looked to have some muscle on him, and he had broad shoulders. Rose just looked slim and delicate with a ribbon tied around her long blond hair. At least, it looked blond in the black and white photo.

  Mack had to fight back tears as she looked at the photograph. These two were so much in love, and the relationship ended so tragically. It broke her heart.

  She didn’t feel ready to read what Rose had written, but knew she must, for Thomas, and because it would only play on her mind if she didn’t. She turned the photograph over and finally read what Rose had written to her brother all those years ago.

  “Oh, Thomas.” She placed her hand over her mouth. Tears rolled down her face.

  “I know, Mack. She really did love me, and if she had made it to Boston, she said she would have come back to see me eventually. Probably when she could stand up to Mother and Father.”

  Mack dried her eyes. “Thomas, would you mind if I just take a picture with my cell of this photograph?”

  “No, that’s fine. We’ll have to get you a copy made.”

  “That would be great.”

  Just as Mack was about to snap a copy of the picture, Lucas came running into the room. Thomas quickly picked the photograph up off the table and put it back into his pocket.

  She pulled herself together. “Come on, time for breakfast,” Mack announced, just as Dean walked into the kitchen.

  He walked over to her and couldn’t help but run his hand down her back in a loving caress. “Are you okay?” he whispered in her ear. Dean bent down and placed a sweet kiss to her lips.

  “I am now,” she replied, grinning. “Come on, Dean. Let’s eat.”

  Breakfast was a silent affair, each lost in their own thoughts. All Dean wanted to do was pick Mack up and hold her until all her troubles were gone. She’d been crying when he’d walked into the kitchen, probably looking at the photograph Thomas had quickly hidden when Lucas appeared. This whole thing with Rose and his grandfather had really gotten to her. He hated how much it upset her.

  It also shocked him just how much he was feeling for Mack. She’d gotten under his skin and he was sure she was there to stay. He just hoped she felt the same because he did not intend to let her walk away.

  “You’re looking mighty happy with yourself, young man,” Thomas said, pointing his fork at Dean.

  “Um, yes I am,” he replied while eating his breakfast.

  “Are you going to share?” Thomas looked back and forth between Dean and Mack.

  “I might share my thoughts, but I’m not sharing my woman,” Dean said to a laughing Thomas across the table.

  “Who’s your woman?” Lucas piped up.

  Dean paused with the last of his breakfast about to disappear into his mouth. “Your Auntie Mack. Is that all right with you, Lucas?”

  “If you make her cry, I’m going to beat you up,” Lucas growled.

  Dean about managed to swallow a mouth full of food without laughing. His expression turned serious as he said, “If I make her cry, I’ll let you beat me up. Is that a deal?” He held out his hand to Lucas, who looked at it then shook it with sticky fingers.


  “Don’t I get a say in any of this?” Mack asked.

  Lucas and Dean both looked at her. “No!” they said together.

  She laughed. “Okay, if all the macho stuff is out of the way, what’s everyone doing today?”

  “I’m going with Thomas to the Irish Pub,” Lucas informed them with glee.

  “Oh, you are, are you?” She raised an eyebrow in Thomas’s direction and waited for an explanation, which wasn’t long in coming.

  “Well now, I usually meet a couple of old guys every week, and today is the day. We play cards, and just people watch. They want me to bring Lucas as I mentioned him a time or two the other night.”

  Mack still frowned. She wasn’t too sure about the pub idea. “Are you sure Lucas will be okay there?”

  “Don’t be worrying. You have enough on your plate right now. Lucas will be fine. If I didn’t think he would be, I wouldn’t take him.”

  “Okay, but I’ll pick him up just after lunch.”

  Lucas started to jump up and down. “Yes, yes, yes, I’m going to the pub. I’m going to the pub.” He started to sing around the kitchen.

  Mack put her head in her hands. Dean and Thomas roared with laughter.

  “Oh, my God, Lucas. Do not, under any condition, tell your father.”

  “Why, Auntie Mack? Daddy always says you have
to at least do everything once.”

  Mack glanced at Thomas and Dean then gave them a dirty look because they were still laughing. “Lucas, I don’t think your daddy meant for you to do it all while you’re still six!”

  “Okay, scout’s honor, this is our secret. I’m going up to wash my hands. Back in a minute, Thomas.” Lucas rushed off.

  “You do realize as soon as he sees his father that his adventure at the pub will be the first thing he tells him?” Mack picked up her coffee and took a sip while thinking about Lucas’s trip to the ‘Irish pub’ with Thomas. Hopefully, he wouldn’t get into too much trouble.

  “Spend today with me again?” Dean asked, breaking into her thoughts.

  “I’d love to.”

  “Well, who do we have here, Thomas?”

  “This is my good friend, Lucas Cartwright. Lucas, meet a couple of friends of mine, Levi and Walt. We’ve been friends for seventy-seven years.”

  Lucas’s jaw dropped and Levi smiled. “Well, come on over here and tell us some gossip, kid.”

  He took a seat between Levi and Thomas. “What do you want to know?”

  “Well now, let me think. What’s going on up at that cottage of Thomas’s that you’re staying in?”

  “Oh, that’s easy. My auntie has a secret about something she found about someone named Rose, and Dean slept in her bed last night, but she doesn’t know I know that. Is that what you mean?” Lucas looked at the stunned faces looking back at him. “What did I say?”

  Thomas came back to his wits first. “You did fine, Lucas. Why don’t I teach you how to play poker so you can fleece your father,” he replied, trying to change the subject.

  “That would be cool.” Lucas grinned.

  Thomas hadn’t expected that kind of gossip to come out of Lucas’s mouth. He was a handful all right. He chuckled to himself.

  Tomorrow. Tomorrow, he would talk to Mack about the night Rose died. Maybe. Maybe not.

  Thomas glanced quickly over at Levi and Walt, who still seemed a little bit preoccupied. He was guessing they were thinking back to the time Rose died.


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