HDU #2: Dirt

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HDU #2: Dirt Page 22

by India Lee


  Despite the bouffant, Amanda’s up-do felt entirely too tight. Touching the dramatic bun at the top of her head, she turned around, once again peering over her shoulder and through the rear window of Harper’s Audi.

  “What is it that you’re looking at?” Harper asked, her eyes still glued to the screen of her phone.

  “Nothing,” Amanda lied. It wasn’t quite nothing. It was a yellow cab that had been parked outside of Harper’s Flatiron building since they had left the apartment and climbed into the Audi — that had since followed them down Fifth Avenue, across Eighth Street and down then down The Bowery. Unless she was imagining it, Amanda could see that the cab’s passenger was wearing a green baseball cap. God, just let us get to this thing already.

  “Are you thirsty?”

  Amanda blinked over at Harper. “What?”

  “I thought you were staring at the 7-11 ‘cause you were thirsty. Which reminds me,” Harper mumbled as she undid her seatbelt, opening her spiked clutch and taking out her wallet. “All they’re going to have at this thing is liquor so I think I’m gonna pick up some coconut waters for us right now. I’ll just have Ron pull over right over here — Ron. Can you pull over right here?”

  Amanda felt a tinge of panic. “What? Are you sure we need to pull over?”

  Harper gave a wry smile. “How else am I going to get out of the car? Don’t worry. We’re early. It’ll only take a second.”

  As Amanda’s protesting lips failed to form a sentence, the car parked and Harper got out, running expertly in her sparkling, four-inch Jimmy Choos. Once her door slammed shut, Amanda locked it, spinning around in her seat to locate the yellow cab.

  It was parked directly behind them.

  “Shit,” Amanda hissed, wondering if the windows in Harper’s Audi were even tinted. Her heart pounded as she watched the capped passenger slide out of the backseat and open his door. Instinctively, Amanda grabbed her phone, her first thought to call Liam.

  By the time she realized that wasn’t an option, her body was instinctively scooting away from the right side window which the capped man had approached, his fist rapping on the glass.

  “Drive! Drive away!”

  It was what she was desperately trying to tell Harper’s driver but Amanda only ended up coughing, her voice catching in her throat with fear. By the time she had gathered herself, her eyes had focused on the man outside her window. Or rather, the boy — whose cap was not so much green as it was blue with a St. Louis Rams logo on the front. Amanda squinted.


  That’s his name, right? It was him. She should’ve known from the way he had somewhat limped over to the car. And from the way his nervous posture didn’t remotely resemble the brazen paparazzo who had been stalking her.

  “Jake?” Rolling down the window, Amanda could feel the confusion contorting her face, her eyes going from squinting to scanning his odd ensemble. To go with the St. Louis hat, he wore a blue Yankees hoodie and Mets logo sweatpants. What… is going on? “Did you just tail my car from my friend’s apartment?”

  Jake cringed. “Yeah, I’m sorry.” Wringing his hands, his pale blue eyes darted about the sidewalk.

  “Um… why?” Amanda asked, feeling oddly like she was interrogating poor Jake despite the fact that he had just followed her for over twenty blocks. “Hello?” She waved her hand to get his attention as he continued peering nervously up and down the sidewalk. Heaving a sigh, Amanda opened the car door. “Jake, would it be easier for you to talk if you were sitting in the car?” she asked, hoping her tone came off as reassuring and not impatient since she did mean to sound comforting. Despite his odd behavior, Amanda couldn’t help but feel sorry for the kid — possibly because there was still something about him that reminded her of someone she knew.

  “Thank you.” With one more eye down the block, Jake slid into the backseat of the car, closing the door on his own. Amanda eyed his jittery limbs as he got situated, wondering immediately if she’d made a mistake. He certainly did have the body language of a carjacker.

  “So. Please tell me what’s going on.”

  Jake cleared his throat. “I just feel like I need to confess why I even applied for my internship at Waltman Global, I applied because I read you were working there.”

  Amanda stared, feeling herself instinctively slide closer to the door. He winced at himself.

  “I’m not a stalker though.”


  “I’m not here to stalk you, I mean.”

  Amanda felt her face truly contort with confusion. Jake covered his own face with his hands.

  “I keep saying the wrong things.”

  “You… do. But it’s okay,” Amanda said slowly. Looking out the rear window, she spotted Harper outside of the magazine store in which she’d bought her coconut water. She had her cell phone wedged between her shoulder and her ear, casually waving to fans and stray paparazzi while chatting with a girlish smile on her lips. It was no doubt Ian on the phone. “Just take a deep breath,” Amanda said, turning back to Jake. She had some time. “Relax for a little bit and then try to tell me everything you want to say in the fewest amount of words possible.”

  “Okay.” He nodded, taking a deep breath. “Okay.”

  “Whenever you’re ready,” Amanda said though when Jake remained silent for the next fifteen seconds, she tried to come up with an icebreaker. “So… are you a Yankees fan or a Mets fan?”


  “Oh. Are your… friends Yankees fans? Or Mets fans.”

  Jake’s cheeks reddened slightly. “Friends?” he repeated with a laugh.

  Oh… kay. No friends, not a Yanks fan, not a Mets fan. “Um. So, where are you from?”

  Jake peered at Amanda before pointing to the Rams logo on his cap. “Missouri.”

  “You’re from St. Louis?” Amanda raised her eyebrows. Immediately, she wondered if he were someone she had met while living out in St. Louis and somehow forgotten already. She had, after all, met a significant amount of people since then. However, Jake shook his head.

  “No, not St. Louis. I’m from Columbia.”

  “Oh.” Amanda felt her eyes squint. Wait. Someone else is from Columbia. She watched as Jake studied the slow recognition on her face. He nodded, chewing his lip.

  “I’m Casey’s brother.”

  Holy shit. “You… what?” How the hell did I forget that she had a brother? Suddenly rushing back to the forefront of Amanda’s memory was the story Casey had told when they had first met in the bathroom of The Strathorne. “I lived here until I was six but after my parents split, my mom moved us to Missouri because she wanted us to have a decently normal life… but I’ve always wanted to be like my dad and conquer every aspect of show business. So I moved back here when I was thirteen.”

  While Jake stayed in Columbia, apparently. Amanda’s wide-eyed gaze drifted as she tried to recall any stories about Jake, any media coverage that he had ever gotten. But her mind came up empty.

  Jake gave an awkward smile, seeming to read her mind. “Yeah, you probably didn’t even know Casey had a brother.”

  “She… told me. Once.”

  “Oh.” Jake seemed surprise. “Well, she hasn’t seen me in thirteen years.”

  Amanda raised her brows. “Seriously? Why not?” she blurted. “I mean… you don’t have to tell me that if it’s a… sensitive topic or something.”

  Jake’s eyes actually relaxed as he gave a short, sheepish laugh. “Uh, I think I probably owe you as much of an explanation as possible considering how I just had a taxi tail you.” He made a face. “And how weird I act around you a Starbucks. I just… get afraid the paparazzi will take a picture of me.”

  “Have they tried to?”

  Jake shook his head adamantly. “No, no. They have no idea who I am or what I look like. My mom did a good job of keeping me away from all… that. Including my dad’s whole side of the family. She thinks they have like, evil in their genetics,” he lau

  Considering how Casey turned out, she might not be wrong, Amanda thought wryly.

  “So… what’s the issue with paparazzi if they don’t know you?”

  “I just don’t want them to accidentally take a picture of me when they’re trying to take one of you,” Jake answered before peering up at her. “Because then Casey will see and she can’t know that I’m here. I know you guys are still kind of friends but please… you can’t tell her that I’m here.”

  Amanda cocked her head curiously but just as she opened her mouth to ask why, a loud rapping came on the window from Jake’s side. He jumped, hitting his head on the roof of the car.

  “Hi, random person. You’re in my seat.”

  Opening the door was Harper, whose dry monotone was in full force as she looked at Jake with dull eyes. For once, her inability to be fazed came to Amanda’s great relief. She seemed to hardly care who Jake was as long as he wasn’t sitting in her car for much longer.

  And before Amanda could say anything, a nervous and bumbling Jake was out of the car and shuffling so quickly down the street that she lost him in the Bowery crowd within seconds.


  Pop Rock Gossip

  August 27th

  Posted by Jessie O.

  7:09PM: Arrivals! Kyle Laurie is wearing an Armand Jadot tux. Zoe Mercury is not wearing much at all. NGL waiting to see Amanda Nathan because F you I still like her

  7:15PM: Vogel is here with wife Wendy Krentz. Wendy is chipper and fab as usual, Tom looks tired already.

  7:16PM: Lots of big young celebs rolling in. Popstars, fashion It girls & athletes like Azura, Gemma Hunter & Damian Evans. Who said Leadoff was an old folks show??


  7:22PM: dear god he is tall

  7:22PM: He’s w/Connor Schaffer. Both look GOOD. Fitted suits + tall men w/ stubble = tears of joy. And for Amanda — tears of awkwardness? Hope she knows he’s here :(

  7:30PM: Liam giving interview about ankle brace he is wearing and how he has slight limp but no concussion. No one listening, everyone just staring at beauty.


  7:42PM: She looks a little aloof/distracted but gorgeous nonetheless. White & cream leather panel halter dress, Thierry Marc Spring collection

  7:42PM: Adorable. Liam noticed her right away. Almost looks like he’s ogling.

  7:43PM: Omg he is sta

  7:43PM: Sorry got too excited because OMG he is staring at her. Flat out gaping. am I the only one who sees this!?!!1

  7:44PM: Connor Schaffer just ruined the moment by dragging Liam into some interview. Ugh

  7:51PM: Anddd Connor just dragged Liam off the red carpet. In my head it’s bc he needed to stop him from passionately running to his love Amanda. I’m a loser

  8:00PM: This screening is ridiculously on time. The perks of being an “old folks’ production.” Reliability.

  9:04PM: Pilot finished. Loved. Milo is a true sweetheart. Show is not crazy dramatic but great characters, great acting, lots of heart. Onto episode 2.

  10:16PM: Second episode finished. This show is FANTASTIC.

  11:20PM: Sorry didn’t tweet much, too captivated by the most lovable characters who will grace TV this Fall. Some people were bored but I suspect they also have no taste

  11:24PM: Onto the after party!

  11:28PM: Ooh this place is dark and sexy and gorgeous. Very Victorian Gothic feel.


  11:48PM: Again, Connor Schaffer takes Liam away because he is the ruiner of my fantasies. And yet the occasional star. How does that work?

  12:35AM: I am actively trying to stalk Amanda Nathan or Liam Brody but neither are anywhere in sight :( :( :(

  12:53AM: Seriously where is this girl even Wendy Krentz is looking for her

  1:18AM: Connor Schaffer is MIA as well. Why am I even here?

  1:49AM: Word has it that both Amanda and Liam have left — and separately. Boooo :(

  2AM: My only comfort tonight is knowing what good TV I have to watch this season. Mad props, Vogel. Forget the haters, I’M a fan of Leadoff :)


  Pop Rock Gossip

  August 27th

  Posted by Bitty

  7:55PM: Casey was fashionably late & this whole party has been pushed back an hour. No one cares b/c she looks fabulous in Givenchy. Can hardly tell she’s an alcoholic.

  7:59PM: This red carpet is sparkling and tricked out. Big portraits of Legacy’s 2 stars next to old pics of Casey & Jamie in case you forgot the show is based on them. Eyeroll.

  8:00PM: Wow Pop Dinner was actually invited to this event! Even weirder: They’re not asking Casey rude questions, they’re being very professional & respectful. Wtf?

  8:20PM: BFF Jamie Nasri has arrived on the carpet and is being annoyingly coy about which parts of the pilot were based on her real life misadventures w/ Casey

  8:56PM: Dylan Hardy is here. I’m guessing he’s very much Team Legacy over Leadoff. Also in attendance, Casey’s dad and aunt. They look tired.

  9:13PM: People are wondering if there is going to be alcohol at the after party. And by people I mean just me.

  10:40PM: Just watched the pilot. Summary: SEX DRUGS SEX DRUGS ANGST ANGST MORE DRUGS. And I loved it.

  10:41PM: Everyone is buzzing excitedly. Ruh-roh, ZINC! Cinereel’s finally got itself a hit!

  10:42PM: NGL, lots of sex & drugs but pilot was actually very good script as well. Witty, smart writing in unique voice. Getting ready to watch Ep. 2!

  11:50PM: What… the f*ck.

  11:51PM: Was that even the same show? Second episode was beyond terrible. Sex, drugs, skin but the flattest writing ever and a totally different tone. Awful.

  11:50PM: People seem disappointed and/or confused. And by people I definitely mean way more than just me.

  11:52PM: Dylan Hardy is still perplexed and squinting at the screen. This adorable image almost makes up for the crap I just watched.

  12:32AM: Mid-episode 3 and I’m texting bc this shit is ridic. Keeps aiming to shock so you don’t notice there is no substance in the script. Right now: 4th party scene

  12:35AM: Glad your family is here to see this, Case. Right now: scene of her and Jamie’s characters doing blow off of their shared boyfriend’s man parts. So edgy!

  12:35AM: This went from raw/interesting to stupid/try-hard fast.

  1AM: The screening is finally over thank Christ. Need a drink to soothe my high hopes. They were just assaulted by Episode 3. Tequila, I’m coming.

  1:32AM: After party is at least hoppin

  1:39AM: “I hope this is sparkling apple cider bc if not you are being very inappropriate.” — Guest to server carrying tray of champagne bc he is the one at fault here

  1:55AM: Everyone is being very fakey and saying they LOVED the show just OMG. Lots of influential fashion, TV & film folk here. They’ll hype this show into surviving.

  1:59AM: Doesn’t hurt to be a Mulreed. Daddy and Auntie Mulreed have your back, even if you’re an alcoholic. Especially because you’re an alcoholic.

  2:34AM: I’m plastered.

  Chapter 17

  Despite the festivities, including the well-received premiere of Leadoff’s first three episodes, all Amanda could think about was Jake Mulreed. Or whatever his last name was. It probably wasn’t Mulreed considering how estranged he was from the Mulreed side of his family.

  Amanda’s foot bounced impatiently, waiting for the screening room to clear so that she could get out and turn her phone back on. I need to talk to Ian. It was possible that he had been very much right about where to look for dirt on Casey — in the past that she had left in Missouri. Somehow, Amanda had never considered that her weakness may have to do with the younger brother she left
behind. More than anything now, she wondered why Jake had been so desperate to keep his visit to New York a secret from Casey.

  IAN. I have a possible lead on Casey. Could you Google her brother Jake for me?

  His response came within a minute.

  Googling. No results for a Jake Mulreed. Tried ‘Daniel Mulreed children’ and it was mostly results about Casey but there is mention of a son in a couple articles. He lives in Missouri with Casey’s mom. The name listed is Daniel Mulreed III not Jake. ???

  Amanda frowned as she read the text, letting Harper shuffle her out of the screening area and toward the main event room.

  What is Casey’s mom’s last name? Her maiden name? Amanda typed her message while looking up between every letter, smiling graciously at the people who stopped her to say how much they enjoyed the premiere. She ignored what she could see in her peripheral vision, which was Fish and Skip rolling their eyes to each other and shaking their heads. She had more important things to think about than the fact that she was getting credit for episodes of Leadoff that she didn’t actually write.

  Good call. Her mom’s maiden name is Tatum and it’s what she goes by now. No results for a ‘Daniel Tatum’ — but the name ‘Jake Tatum’ produces results from local news websites in COLUMBIA, MISSOURI. Jackpot. Dun dun dunnnn. Let me read these articles and text you in a second.

  Amanda couldn’t help the smile that spread on her lips.

  “I saw that,” Harper teased as she continued ushering Amanda from behind, guiding her out of the path of the stone pillars as she messaged Ian. “Planning a secret bathroom rendezvous with Liam?”


  “You have the most ridiculously excited look on your face.”

  Amanda looked up at Harper, her look somewhat shamefaced because her “ridiculous” excitement had more to do with the idea of dirt-digging and sweet revenge.

  “Was that you playing hard-to-get on the red carpet? I caught him staring at you like, five times,” Harper said quietly as they made their way into the after party already in full swing.


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