matching values with, 16-17
money as motive in, 17
taking risks in, 1-17
of women, 99-101
Catholic Health Initiatives, 8, 16, 21
change. See also turnarounds
Baldrige process as mechanism for, 43
creating symbols of, 34
tolerance for, 55-56
Chester, Jack, 7, 8
child-care centers, 92
chronic conditions, 122
civil rights movement, 95-97
cognitive diversity, 105
College for Creative Studies, 70-71
comaraderie, 31-32
comfort zone, getting out of, 12-14
Commission on Care, 138-139
common ground, finding, 122-124
about goals, 85-87
innovation and, 66
interdisciplinary teams and, 27-28
listening in, 91, 92
safety and, 85
in turnarounds, 28-30
diversity and, 103, 104
finding common ground with, 122-124
involving in innovation, 70-71
partnerships with, 114-119
performance and, 50
serving, 119-122
volunteer opportunities in, 89-90
Community Giving Campaign, 89
Community Health Needs Assessment, 120
competition, 69, 102
confidence, 9, 12-13, 53-54, 88-90
Connelly, Jim, 26-27, 118, 125-126
consistency, 79
context, 86-87
continuous improvement, 53-54, 66-67
control, relinquishing, 83-84
Conway, William, 47, 49, 53
core beliefs, disrupting, 55-56
core competencies, 58
Corporate Nurse Executive Council, 45
Coticchia, Mark, 64
courage, 9, 12
Cronin, Connie, 45
diversity and, 104
focus on people in, 77
innovation supported by, 59-61, 64-73
leadership fit with, 136
managing, 73
mergers and, 126-127, 128-130
of performance excellence, 44-46
quality focus in, 42
of safety, 48
in turnarounds, 30-32
values and, 16-17
victim mentality in, 51-52
da Vinci system, 35-36
decision making
communicating about, 28-30
respecting people in, 80
vision and, 32-33
DeGeneres, Ellen, 63
delivery models, 63
demographic changes, 119-120
depression care, 47
Detroit, 113-124
auto industry and, 114-115
caring for community in, 119-122
diversity in, 103
economic conditions in, 56, 116-119
finding common ground with, 122-124
health care as asset to, 115-119
incentives to live in, 117
infant mortality in, 120-121
obesity and malnutrition in, 121-122
patient attrition and, 33-34
Detroit College for Creative Studies, 64
Detroit Institute of Art, 90
Detroit Medical Center, 117
Detroit Receiving Hospital, 90
Detroit Regional Infant Mortality Reduction Task Force, 121
Detroit Symphony, 90
development, 87
diagnosis-related group (DRG) system, 20
dialysis, 66-67
differentiation, 3
difficult people, learning from, 11-12
Dillard, Wanda, 106
disruptions, 19-20, 36-38. See also turnarounds
of core beliefs, 55-56
innovation and, 58-61
listening to, 55-73
diversity, 95-111, 137
career obstacles and, 6-9
defining broadly, 104-105
intentional cultivation of, 110-111
from interdisciplinary teams, 27-28, 64
stakeholder, 108-109
support structures for, 107-108
value of, 102-103
DiversityInc, 110
Dole, Elizabeth, 11
Duggan, Mike, 119
Duke University Comprehensive Cancer Center, 3
Dulchavsky, Scott, 64, 90
education. See also training
in employee safety, 82
performance and, 50-51
efficiency, 43-46
electronic medical records (EMR), 44, 130-131
Employee Health Clinics, 82
employee resource groups (ERGs), 107-108
caring for, 78, 80-83
engaging, 34-35
focusing on, 75-93
getting buy-in from, 85-87
hiring and recruiting, 67-68, 110-111, 124
as innovators, 67-68
layoffs of, 24-25, 28-30, 79-80
morale of, 34-35, 56
recognition for, 91-92
respecting, 78-80
setting up for success, 83-88, 87-88
training and development for, 87, 107-110
underutilized, 105-106
empowerment, 67-68
enabling, 83-84
innovation and, 69-70
in turnarounds, 34-35
volunteerism and, 89-90
entrepreneurship, 73, 118-119. See also innovation
e-prescribing, 60
expansion, 46
attutide toward, innovation and, 71-73
creating safe environments for, 85
balancing work and, 17, 82-83
diversity in, 104
support from, 15-16
women’s careers and, 100
favoritism, 84
fears, facing, 12-14
finance, 12, 13
innovation in health care and, 58, 63-64
as performance pillar, 51
quality and, 52-53
First National Bank of Ohio, 6, 100
flexibility, 104
on people, 24-25, 28-30, 50, 75-93, 78-80
problem-solving lens in, 65-67, 125
on quality, 36-37, 40-54
Ford, Bill, 42, 126
Ford, Henry, 2
business philosophy of, xv
on efficiency, 43-44
failures of, 72
focus on people by, 76-77
hospital founded by, 22-23
innovation by, 59
late success of, 17
as leadership role model, xv-xvi, 11
on quality, 42
on readiness, 36
safety procedures by, 46
on tradition and new leaders, 57
Fordism, xv
Ford Motor Company, 42, 46, 72
Gallup Q12 survey, 87-88
gay people, 7-9, 96-99, 138
gender diversity, 6-7, 99-101
General Motors, 60, 118-119
Generation With Promise, 121-122
Genesis containers, 62
Gibson, Sloan, 138-139
Gilbert, Al, 4-5, 8, 10-11, 105, 132
Gilbert, Dan, 119
Global Health Initiative, 72
goals, getting buy-in on, 85-87
governance, 129
Great Recession of 2008, 125-126
Groth, Tom, 34
funding, 52
investing for, 32-36
performance and, 50
Hall, Veronica, 45
head count, 75-76
Health Alliance Plan, 22, 34, 128
health care
caring for community in, 119-122<
br />
consolidation in, 127
cultural complexity in, 137
in Detroit, as asset, 115-119
efficiency in, 43-46
financial incentives in, 52-53
focus on people in, 77-78
inflection points in, 19-21
innovation in, 58-61
interest groups in, 58-59
leading indicators in, 37-38
performance in, 49-51
quality in, 40
safety in, 46-48
health kiosks, 71
Heart Walk, 89, 90
Hempstead, David, 127
Henry Ford Early College, 122-123
Henry Ford Health System (HFHS), 4
anticipation of future threats at, 36-37
attracting patients to, 33-34
Baldrige award to, 39-54
Beaumont merger with, 126-130
caring for community in, 119-122
culture at, 30-32, 64-71, 126-127, 128-130
in Detroit’s economic development, 117-119
difficulties facing, 9-10
disruptions facing, 19-20
diversity support at, 107-108, 108-109
efficiency in, 43-46
expansion of, 46
innovation at, 59-64
investing for growth at, 32-36
layoffs at, 79-80
leadership team at, 26-28
momentum in, 137-138
performance at, 48-53
research at, 35-36, 58-60
robotic surgery at, 35-36
safety at, 46-48
turnaround at, 21-23
vision at, 32-33, 77-78
West Bloomfield hospital, 55-58
Henry Ford Hospital, 22-23
Henry Ford Macomb Hospital, 79-80
Henry Ford Physician Network, 45
Henry Ford Production Model, 62
HFHS. See Henry Ford Health System (HFHS)
hiring and recruiting, 67-68, 110-111, 124
honesty, 13, 14, 85
hospital gowns, 62-63, 66, 68-69, 70-71
for employees to live in Detroit, 117
for innovation, 68-70
inclusion, 67-68, 107-108
infant mortality, 120-121
injuries, self-reporting, 81-82
barriers to, 64-65
community in, 70-71
cultures that support, 31-32, 64-71
in Detroit’s growth, 118-119
diversity and, 102-103
encouraging, 71-73
funding, 68-70
in health care, 58-61
at HFHS, 57-64
incentivizing, 68-70
opening to everyone, 67-68
prioritizing, 59-61
problem-solving lens in, 65-67
quality improvement and, 53-54
regulation and, 59
research and, 35-36
saying yes to, 83-84
Innovation Challenges, 69-70
Innovation Institute, 62, 63-64, 67
inspiration, 88-90
Institute for Healthcare Improvement, 40, 47
Institute on Multicultural Health, 108
between business units, 31
efficiency and, 44-46
pillars of performance and, 51
intellectual property policies, 69
intentionality, 110-111
interdisciplinary teams, 27-28, 64
investing for growth, 32-36
Kaufman Hall, 128
Kelley, Mark, 23
Kennedy, Bobby, 95
Kennedy, John F., 95
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 95
Kreps, Juanita, 11
Kresge Foundation, 138
Lassiter, Wright L, III, 54, 107, 110, 133-136
communicating about, 28-30
respect during, 79-80
taking care of people and, 24-25
leaders and leadership
as barriers to innovation, 64-65
being a student of, 10-12
consistency in, 79
disruptive, 57-58, 102
diversity in, 109-110
doing what’s difficult and, 9-17
focus on people and, 75-93
gaps in, 36
getting out of your comfort zone and, 12-14
innovation and, 102
inspiration from, 88-90
letting others be strong and, 13-14
listening to disruptors and, 60-61
making it personal, 90-92
making tough calls and, 24-25, 29-30
partnership model for, 26-28
personal/visible investment by, 24
philosophy of, 2
presence of everywhere, 2
succession planning for, 8, 54, 126, 131-136
supporters and, 14-16
in turnarounds, 19-38
unconventional, xiii-xvi
women, 99-101
leading indicators, 37-38
Lean In movement, 2, 99-101
lean management, 62
learning, 10-12, 65
LGBT people, 7-9, 96-99, 138
Lim, Marie, 96
listening, 90-91, 92
Live Midtown program, 117
Lynchburg General Hospital, 78
Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, 39-54, 58
application process for, 42-43
criteria for, 48-49
framework used by, 42-53
ongoing improvement and, 53-54
process for, 40-43
malnutrition, 121-122
innovation and, 72-73
micromanaging by, 31
support from, 14-15
May, Isa, 96
Medicaid, 21-22, 37, 133
medical education payments, 38
Medicare payment system, 20, 37, 53
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, 3-4, 10, 90
Menon, Mani, 35-36, 52, 61, 68
mentors, 14-16, 101
for diversity, 107-108
learning from, 10-12
mergers, 126-130
metrics, 54, 81-82
for partnerships, 123-124
self-limiting, 51-52
minimally invasive surgery, 35-36, 52, 56, 61, 68
cultures that accept, 31-32
talking about, 85
Modern Healthcare, 133
money, 17
morale, 34-35, 56
music, 90
National Institute of Health (NIH), 59
National Kidney Foundation, 89
negativity, 51-52
Nelson, Stanley, 59
“No Harm Campaign,” 47, 66-67, 81-82
Nyongesa, Zakaria, 105-106
Obama, Barack, 138-139
obesity, 121-122
obstacles, 5-9
on-demand approach, 63
“1000,000 Lives Campaign,” 47
O’Neill, Bill, 61-62
operational design, 82
opportunities, from interdisciplinary teams, 27-28, 64
Oswald, Kathy, 132-133, 134
ownership, 86
Parker, Fran, 60
community, 89-90
finding common ground in, 122-124
in turnarounds, 26-28
patient gowns, 62-63, 66, 68-69
people, focus on, 75-93
caring for caregivers and, 78, 80-83
communication and, 28-30
inspiring others and, 88-90
making it personal, 90-93
making touch calls and, 24-25
in performance, 50
respect and, 78-80
Baldrige criteria for, 48-49
for CEOs, 131-132
cultures that enable, 31
empowerment and, 67-68
inspiring, 88-90
seven piillars of, 49-51
philanthropy, 89-90
Pierce, Sandy, 126, 128, 134
planning, 125-139
integrating, 45
succession, 8, 54, 126, 131-136
politics, 79, 84
presence, 91
priorities, competing, 41
problem-solving lens, 65-67, 125
process improvement, 44, 62
public service, 138-139
public speaking, 12-13
quality, 36-37, 39-54
continuous improvement in, 53-54, 66-67
efficiency and, 43-46
in performance, 50
safety and, 46-48
QuickCare, 63
Quicken Loans, 119
race. See diversity
Radical Convenience, 63
recognition, 91-92, 104
regulation, 59, 119
Reid, Irvin, 33
relationships, 14, 34-35
research, 35-36, 50-51, 58-60
Reserve Primary Fund, 125-126
respect, 78-80, 104
responsibility, 3, 24-25
Riney, Bob, 27, 37, 127
anticipating future disruptions and, 36-38
getting out of your comfort zone and, 12-14
innovation and, 71-73
personal, 1-2
saying yes to, 83-84
Ritz-Carlton, 57-58
Riverside Methodist Hospital, 5, 13-14
author “outed” at, 7-8, 97, 99
cost structure changes at, 20-21, 37
underutilized people at, 105-106
values at, 16
robotic prostate surgery, 35-36, 52, 56, 61, 68
role models, 2, 10-12
safety, 46-48, 78, 80-83, 85
Sahney, Vinod, 40
Sandberg, Sheryl, 2
Schramm, William, 45
service, 36-37, 50
Six Sigma, 62
Smith, Lee, 13
sponsors, 14-16
stakeholder diversity, 108-109
StatChat, 66
strategic thinking, 131-132
Structural Heart Team, 61-62
cultures that enable, 31
different paths to, 2
obstacles to the author’s, 5-9
readiness and, 36-38
setting people up for, 83-88, 87-88
succession planning, 8, 54, 126, 131-136
SuggestQuest, 92
suicide rates, 47
Summa Health System, 8, 21
suppliers, 109
support systems, 14-16, 107-108
sustainability, planning for, 37
interdisciplinary, 27-28, 64
leadership, 26-28
TechTown, 118-119
3-D printing treatments, 61-62
Tibbetts, Sam, 77
training, 87, 107-110
transparency, 30-31
trends, anticipating, 37-38
cultures that support, 30-31
layoffs and, 80
saying yes and, 83-84
turnarounds, 19-38
anticipating, 36-38
common threads of successful, 23-25
communication in, 28-30
investing to grow in, 32-36
partnership model in, 26-28
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