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Lily in the Mirror

Page 9

by Paula Hayes


  It was one of Beryl’s old notepads. On the first page Beryl had set down ‘ten terrific ways with tripe’. Nimmy had scratched it out and had written Setting Lily Free. Dad had no idea what it meant and tried his best to put a sensible spin on it while I flicked through Nimmy’s writing. The rest of the notepad was all about her ideas for getting Other Lily out of the mirror. Her handwriting started off way messy and then it got all small and loopy and grown up — like on the aerogrammes. She had scribbled Edgar’s curse over and over like she was trying to work out what special clue she was missing. She had written down all the possible phrases that might undo it.

  Of course nothing had worked but she must have had the vibe that the time was right, right now. The gift of VIBE is a totally underrated powerful thing. It is mighty MIGHTY.

  Nimmy must have kept her secret thoughts stuck behind the mirror. A place where Other Lily could not see and Beryl would not dare to look!

  ‘I’m sure there is a reasonable explanation,’ said Dad in a voice that did not sound rational but squeaky and weird.

  GG pushed his glasses back up on his nose and said, ‘PISH POSH, JOHN, we just witnessed something supernatural and it was a magnificent display of … of what I don’t know, but it surely was not rational or logical.’ GG gulped and I could see his tears were about to spill out from under his ultra-daggy spectacles. The thick glass made them look like a weir about to gush over. He attempted my favourite classic Colin smile but failed. ‘When my dear Lucy …’ he could not say the word died so he said, ‘When my dear heart took leave of the Rosy Room, I could have sworn … I could have sworn I saw her younger self … not quite herself … a different self.’

  Then he looked at me with big watery eyes as the penny began to drop clang clangity clang. The telepatheticness between us was electrifying. His big wide eyes said, MISSING KEY + THE CLEVER COVER OF A COMPENDIUM OF RECIPES + FREAKED-OUT FAVOURITE GRANDCHILD ENSCONSED IN VINTAGE PARADISE = THE MISSING SISTER LILY.

  ‘Lily? It was Lily. It is Lily. Lily Dunnings!’ he whispered, ‘Lily Pilly, is she here now?’

  Everyone’s faces said, ‘Oh dear, GG has totally flipped out!!’

  But I said, ‘YES, YES SHE IS!’

  Grandad’s legs swayed and buckled and Fern ran towards him to keep him from keeling over. She sat him down in Ken’s chair.

  My Grandad is made of strong stuff.

  ‘Before my Lucy went into the Home, she would talk incessantly to the mirror — any mirror — and I presumed it was part of her … condition. I paid no heed but I now know she was talking to her own dear sister … all this time … all those years.’ GG was very brave and continued on. ‘To me the mirror always seemed … I don’t know how to say this. I was jealous of dear Lucy’s strange fascination with it. I found it quite unsettling … it was always covered up and Lucy dearest would squeal with rage if I so much as stepped a foot near it, particularly if she was in the process of throwing the sheet over it. I have to admit that sometimes I was slightly miffed by her maudlin preoccupation with things from her past. But now I understand. I just wish she had told me.’ GG’s voice cracked and fell silent until he blew his nose trumpet-style on his gentleman-sized old hankie and tried to smile.

  Dad was shaking his head and trying to talk but no words came out of his mouth. His mother had passed on and he thought his father was booking into cuckoo lalaland all in the same day. Poor Dad.

  ‘You know I always got a strange feeling as well, GG,’ said Fern, ‘like the mirror was trying to draw me to it … as irresistible as the needle on the curse-ed spinning wheel.’

  Whatever — I said to myself. I watched OL move from the shiny silver door handle and into the glass window, making sure this time she did not ruffle the sheer voile lace.

  Am I the only one in the family who has any powers of observation at all?

  ‘And just then in your bedroom I felt the drapes were possessed by a dreamy melancholy.’ Fern began to tear up to show how overwhelming her gift of vibe is.

  Annoying MUCH? (Although melancholy is an excellent word.)

  I scowled at her and Mum saw me and tilted her head at Fern then back to me. This is Mum’s code for You are affecting Lily’s mental health. Please stop ASAP.

  Fern scowled but shut up. It is so like Fern to want to be all in on the dark-and-mysterious thing. It is my thing. Stick to cats!

  ‘Thank you, dear Frondsy,’ smiled GG at Fern. This is his pet name for her. Mine is better.

  Dad recovered and crossed his arms. He looked a bit like Linden when he gets into trouble. ‘Now, Dad … you are overwrought,’ he said in his I am humouring you voice.

  I knew it was up to me to speak up for Lucy and Other Lily and Colin. As I took a deep breath in, a vision of a young Nimmy popped into my head and she said, ‘Finger fun time, dear Lily.’

  So I bent down, intending to pick up the finger and the pin box with the toe bit in it. But the pin box snapped open ON ITS OWN and the toe bit left the pretty pinhead pins nest and moved forward up into the air and before my Dad could say, ‘Go to your rational place and think logically,’ the finger started to wiggle and jiggle and then it flew up to join the toe.

  I turned to OL and said, ‘Are you doing this?’

  She shook her head and said, ‘Golly gosh NO!’ Her eyes were as big as my Dad’s. ‘But I know who is!’

  Everyone turned at the sound of her charming voice ringing out of the lace.

  Their eyes became as wide as orbs because they could all see a lovely vintage teen girl in the window. The lacy voile shimmered and it really suited her … quite atmospheric. The best thing was she was no longer downhearted — she was beaming with sheer joy and chuckling. She waved and curtsied politely at us all but her eyes were glued on the floating finger and toe.

  We followed her gaze and the eight of us slipped into a highly mesmerised state as the finger and toe literally tangoed and twisted midair in front of Dad’s nose and then … whoosh they flew and flittered and flounced all the way to the windowpane and the voile parted by MAGIC.

  The body parts settled onto OL’s missing finger hand and damaged toe foot. OL giggled loudly and I thought this was way inappropriate at the time, until she whispered, ‘Thank you, dear Lucy.’ She moved her hand in a way that made me think she was touching dear Lucy’s pretty ghostly face. Nimmy had fixed everything and given her dear sensible son John a bit of a fright. It was if she was saying, ‘Go to your magical creative place and think of endless possibilities … and piffle to logic every now and then.’

  Other Lily held out her hand and stepped out of the window all freshly refreshed. As she became clearer, someone of equal beauty began to materialise. Other Lily was holding a young Lucy’s hand! AKA our dear Nimmy.

  Lucy/Nimmy was totally gorgeous. She had very straight blonde hair (exactly the same as mine except for the blonde bit) and she was rocking an emerald-green frock with a snazzy crocheted trim (a Beryl original). On her feet was a pair of sandals of a strappy nature, not in the least bit sensible, and quite sassy. I could not be sure but I thought she had on the slightest smear of a coral-coloured lipstick.

  The sisters shimmied over to me. ‘Thank you, dear Lily, for reuniting us after all these years. We could not have done it without you, you perfect peach,’ trilled Nimmy.

  I was bursting with sheer joy and I have to say it is the best, best feeling in the world.

  Other Lily’s blue eyes watered up with tears of happiness and she whispered, ‘Two sisters — together again.’

  I think Nimmy/Lucy must have felt extra chatty and excited because she could now think and say what she needed to think and say for the first time in years.

  She glided over to Zinnia. ‘Zinnzy darling, ENJOY!’ and she touselled Manuel’s curls.

  Then it was Fern’s turn. ‘Frondsy, FOCUS!’ and playfully tweaked her nose.

  She appeared in front of Mum and said, ‘Letty sweetheart, COURAGE!’

  Then she hur
ried over to her only son, my dad. ‘John, RELAX!’ She rubbed his belly.

  Then she marched over to Pig Boy. ‘Linden dearest, BUCK UP, BUCKO!’ She poked him in the chest. I could tell it was not a hard poke but Linden jumped back like a scaredy-cat and stood on my toe.

  Just saying.

  She looked at Sophie and said, ‘Thank you for having faith in Lily and for your devotion to me.’

  Then it was my turn. ‘Lily Pilly, you are a sheer delight,’ she squeezed my hand and whispered, ‘Life … EMBRACE!’

  Finally she shimmied over to GG. ‘Colin, my dreamboat — my love.’ She kissed his cheek tenderly and I was right about the lipstick … GG’s cheek is still glowing.

  She returned to Other Lily’s side and said, ‘Well, dear heart, we have a bit of time up our spectral sleeves … where to now?’

  And as quick as a flash Other Lily replied, ‘Papa’s rose garden, of course, I noticed the Queen Elizabeth grandiflora was exquisite — but it wasn’t the same without you, dear.’

  They flew and glided over our heads and out into the glorious day. We could hear them giggling above the rose petals. We followed them outside to catch sight of the two gliding higher and higher.

  Lucy squealed with a hint of wicked glee, ‘Oh Lily darling, let’s pay a visit to Dawn and get her sorted once and for all. We must — simply must — help her darling dogs.’

  ‘We might kill her with the fright!’ gasped OL at first but then began to titter, ‘or just hospitalise her for a short spell. To save the pooches I think that is an acceptable risk! Smelling salts at the ready!’

  OL turned to wave at me for the last time. She blew me a kiss as she cried out, ‘If you need us, call on us!’

  ‘How?’ I shouted.

  ‘You’ll know,’ laughed Nimmy, ‘you are a very special and very smart girl!’

  Higher and higher they flew until I could not see them but could just make out Nimmy’s voice. ‘How about Paris after that?’

  ‘Jadorable,’ was Other Lily’s faint but dreamy reply.

  The absolute best thing is that my entire family and Sophie the super-nice nurse (who is now our dear friend) SAW the entire thing. Not a product of Lily Land, father dearest!

  After the magic slash supernatural fun finished, we all ended up back in the kitchen and Zinnia put the kettle on and started to make the scones.

  Mum, Fern and I settled down in the Rosy Room to go through all the tins and boxes. We were looking at old photos and cards and reading about all the wonderful memories. Mum found the copy of Alice in Wonderland hidden behind the wardrobe, double-wrapped in grease-proof paper with a kitchen string triple knot — sly Nimmy! When Fern found a picture of Fabian the cat she shouted, ‘OMG — I forgot to feed the cats.’

  The three cats were going off their white-and-red furry faces.

  Fern opened the laundry door and screamed before bolting outside and running down the road shouting at the sky, ‘Thank you, Nimmy and Aunty Lil.’

  (The utter nerve … her name is LILY not LIL.)

  I figured out why she was happy slash hysterical as the three cats strode into the Rosy Room and began to smooch and cuddle around my feet. They had completely returned to a normal sparky white.


  Everyone had so many questions and they were all talking at once so I went and got this diary and read it aloud for them while they were all sitting around the table. I left some bits out about me being scared at first, but I did not leave out anything that had to do with Linden!

  He put his head down and chewed on his scone in a state of total embarrassment. Then he whispered, ‘Sorry, Lily … for everything.’ Mum was like, over the moon that he had said sorry, and even though I have kindly forgiven him, I can’t help it if I have a really good memory. It is actually one of my strengths … along with my vibe gift.

  GG wanted to read this journal for himself and has very nicely let me keep any letters and photos and material and newspaper clippings I want. I am going to glue them into the back of the notebook. GG said this is called an appendix. I do not like this word as it makes me think of a person’s appendix. I prefer the word scrapbook. Mum is mad for scrapbooking, so she said she would help me arrange it all so it looks great and I can even use her hot-glue gun and double-sided tape — quite a breakthrough. (Letty/hot-glue gun = Beryl/creepy scissors, I do not understand how adults become so attached to boring everyday things!)

  This reminds me, Dad was cool about the laptop damage. He said ‘these things happen’ (and did not add ‘mostly to you, Lily’ like he normally does). Apparently it is still under warranty. PHEW!

  Fern is not smart like me but she is kind (I suppose) and is going to stay on to look after GG who has apparently been knocked for six (Dad-ism for totally shocked!).

  Linden is still being nice but I won’t waste my last pacer lead on him as I am nearly out of lead and want to finish this journal. We walked down to the shops together for milk, butter and choc bits so GG could make the ganache cake. He did not run away with all the money like he did last time so I dare to hope.

  This morning Zinnia started screaming in Spanish from the bathroom. As it turns out, Zinnia’s screams were happy screams because she and Manuel are having a baby! I thought I would be grossed out but I am not. I’m going to be an aunty. Amazeballs! Everyone is over the moon and it’s the second best thing to happen this week.

  I think my life is about to change.

  I overheard Dad say that realistically he is not getting any younger as he is closer to sixty than fifty which is way old — and maybe they should think about retiring to Treebark. Mum said something about a tree change and a complete re-evaluation of life values. She said she finally felt ready to find her birth mother.

  Zinnia told them that she and Manuel want their baby to grow up in Treebark. Then Fern piped up and said she didn’t want to do Arts anymore, she wanted to be a wildlife rescue officer and Treebark is the perfect place for her as it is her ancestral village. Spew! Sigh! Spew again!

  We were still in a joyous commotion when the doorbell rang.

  I ran to answer it because I hoped it was the new and improved Dawn. But it wasn’t. It was Isabella, the girl from next door, with her dad. She was carrying a massive big bunch of old-fashioned flowers and they both wanted to tell GG they were there for him. Bless!

  Isabella was wearing a Harry Potter t-shirt that had the words Wizard in Training printed on it. I have seen the shirt before on the internet and always wanted one. My intuition shouted YOU ARE AWESOME!

  I asked her, ‘You like Harry Potter?’

  She smiled shyly and answered, ‘It is my life.’

  GG smiled at both of us and then invited the pair of them in for a cup of tea but Isabella’s dad said that it was Issy’s eleventh birthday and they were travelling to Perth to visit a special bookshop which is totes my favourite too!

  I really hope we move here.

  Mum and Dad told Zinnia and Fern ‘not to mention it to Lily’ as they do not want ‘to overstimulate her’ at this point in time. They have never seen me so chatty and happy and I guess it’s freaking them out a bit. But my vibe is super strong that we will all be moving here very very soon! Hooray!

  I brought my pacer and this journal into the Rosy Room as I thought I should write the last words in here. I was sitting on the rug and looking around wistfully when I got a very strong vibe to open up a certain shoebox, I was seriously overcome. So I opened up the box and all I saw were piles of baby photos of us all. There was a cute one of a bald Zinnzy cutting her first tooth, Fern has medieval-style braces on in one photo and Linden is wearing an elf suit that is clearly chafing in another. I am jadorable blowing out candles on my sixth birthday cake, with Nimmy’s scaly old hand on top of mine, holding onto the knife. I had to stop for a while because of the lump in my throat.

  I persevered with my divination and dug around to the bottom when my fingers touched a small wooden box. It is tiny and carved with the most g
lorious patterns. It has a beautiful smell — like lilies.

  I feel it is not part of the Rosy Room but it has a story of its own. I can’t work out a way to open it up. It looks like a smooth square but when I rattle the box I can hear something move inside.


  I don’t think so.

  Intrigue and mystery?

  I know so. I can feel in it my very core.

  #mightyvibe #verygoodmagic #wordnerd


  I would like to thank my aunt, Betty Prendergast, for the countless hours of proofreading and for the forty-five years of love.

  Thank you to Cate Sutherland for seeing and understanding Lily’s totes special internal landscape.

  To my editor Naama, you have gently guided me through Lily’s land and helped me to make it more accessible and wonderful! Thank you.

  Thanks to my mum, dad and my own sister Linda and the Richos for all your love and support.

  Thank you to Rebecca Newman for saying ‘what Cate said’ and pointing me in the right direction.

  Catherine Parish (aka Kate Martyn), Jean Prendergast and Anna Nankivell — thanks for your never-ending kind words.

  To Wendy Wright — for getting it and loving it.

  To Elle Lambert and her dad, an inspirational duo.

  And for June Roberts — there is beauty in the littlest things.

  To Phil, Luke, Angela, Charlotte and Daniel — you all inspire me, each with your own strengths and gifts.

  About the Author

  Paula Hayes is an introverted mother of four who tends to collect small animals. Writing has always been her passion but it had been sadly tempered by her gift for procrastination. She does not like sudoku, board games or heights. She is recovering from a deep-seated fear of figs.


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