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Unexpected Love

Page 2

by Casey Clipper

  He looked to Jane, confused. She nodded to Mark, who grabbed his arm again and pulled him from the room. He really didn't appreciate being manhandled.

  They led him into an empty room and closed the door.

  “Ryan, Miss Tummands is claiming you're the biological father of her son. She's attempted to put the baby up for adoption without you're consent. You should have been contacted to agree to the process and sign paperwork. We believe something more is going on here. This is against state adoption agency regulations,” Jane explained.

  Ryan didn’t process what she said. He stood dumbfounded, his mouth gaped and eyes unfocused.

  Jane turned to Mark. “Call Sean.”


  Behind Ryan, Sean paced and raked his hand through his overlong hair. A habit his brother picked up years ago instead of putting his fist through a wall. Ryan watched him, hoping his older brother would come up with something to fix this mess, because he currently wasn't capable of mentally functioning. Beth sat off to the side, a frown donning her normally light features.

  “We need a paternity test,” Sean demanded.

  “Already taken care of,” Doc Jane said. “We swabbed Ryan after we called you.”

  “I called an attorney, Dan Turner. He should be here soon,” Sean said.

  Ryan sagged. Dan Turner was a phenomenal attorney. He actually worked with their cousin's husband often. Considered one of he best lawyers in Pennsylvania, the man owned a large law firm in Pittsburgh. His firm handled all clienteles. Maybe Dan could figure out what the hell was going on with this sudden development that made no sense.

  His head fell into his hands. “How the fuck could this have happened? There's no way. I use condoms, Sean. I swear I do,” he said, his voice pleading for some sort of answer. His normal overconfidence was lost in a world of complete and utter bafflement and terror.

  His brother's large hand landed on his shoulder. “I know. We'll figure it out.”

  Ryan looked up to his brother, his best friend, his closest confidant, his other half. Sean was his role model. No one compared to his older brother. Their relationship had always been extremely close. From the time they were young boys romping around the house and yard, to the time they were teens and played football together, to when Sean enlisted in the United States Navy and Ryan refused to allow him to go it alone, they'd stayed side-by-side. They'd been each other's support system while their father, a career Marine Corps officer, had been gone day-in and day-out, year after year. Hard life lessons had been learned with one another. Hell, Sean saved his life while they served as SEALs together. He'd slashed an enemy combatant's throat to keep them from shooting their weapons and give up their hidden location. There wasn't anything they didn't know about each other. They even developed a silent communication with a simple small look or glance, a jerk of the head, or a twitch of a brow or jaw line, or subtle eye movement.

  “Thanks,” he croaked.

  The door swung open and Dan Turner strolled into the room. His air of cocky confidence a welcome blanket that quickly enveloped the room. Ryan caught the adoption agency personnel give each other wary side glances.

  “Dan,” Sean held out his hand, “thank you for getting here so quickly.”

  “No problem, Sean.” He took a seat next to Ryan and zeroed in on the agents. “So Miss Tummands claims Mr. Millen is the father of the child.” He raised a censorious brow. “And you were going to try to adopt him out without the consent of the father? You do know that's against the law in Pennsylvania, right? Where is your agency from?”

  “Mr. Turner, our client mislead us into thinking she'd contacted the biological father and informed him of the child. She made it very clear that getting him to sign over his rights would not be a problem,” the first agent nervously explained.

  What the fuck? Why the hell would she make up that type of lie that could possibly affect a baby's life?

  “Well, now that the supposed father is here, your services won't be needed.” Dan turned to him. “Correct?”

  “Correct,” Sean whipped out.

  Ryan looked horrified towards his brother. “But‒”

  “Don't even fucking think about it, Ryan,” Sean barked. His brother shook from head to toe, his face beet red. “You won't give up my nephew.”

  “I think we need some time alone,” Dan said to the room, his tone authoritative.

  Everyone quickly scattered from the conference room. Sean slid his big body into the seat beside him.

  “You can't give him up, Ryan. You'll regret it later, and I can't imagine having your son somewhere out there in another family's life and not in ours, where he should be,” Sean said, now under control with the room empty.

  “What if the baby isn't mine?” he pointed out. Yeah, even he heard the hopeful tone drip out.

  “Then Miss Tummands needs to find out who the baby's father is,” Dan said, his best legal voice in full force. “But for now, since she put your name on the birth certificate, you're considered to be the baby’s legal father. If the paternity test comes back negative, we can get that fixed.”

  “What will happen with the baby until we find out?” Beth quietly asked from the corner.

  Dan slid a glance Beth's direction and his eyes lit up. “Hello, I didn't see you there.” He stood and approached her with an outstretched hand. “Dan Turner,” he said smoothly.

  Sean bristled, jumped up from his seat, and inserted himself between the suave attorney and his girl. “This is my wife, Elizabeth Millen. She's pregnant with my twins,” Sean growled.

  Dan chuckled. “Down boy. I clearly see she's spoken for and I’m off the market myself. It's lovely to meet you, Elizabeth.”


  “Beth,” he corrected. “The baby can go home with Ryan as soon as the hospital says he can be discharged.”

  Ryan could have sworn he was about to drop over from a heart attack. Bring home a baby? A newborn baby? Without a wife? Or girlfriend? Or...or...oh, dear God, he was going to vomit.

  “Ryan,” Beth said.

  He looked her direction. Those beautiful blue eyes looked at him pleading. “Please, bring the baby home.”


  “I'll help,” she vowed. “Sean will help. You're parents will help.”

  “As much as we can, Ry,” Sean interjected.

  He couldn't think. His mind scrambled. It was all too much. He couldn't process how all of this could have happened. He was confused, scared shitless, and dumbfounded. This morning he woke up to a chick stroking him to a rock hard erection and spent a good hour having meaningless, satisfying sex with her. How the hell had the day taken on such a dramatic turn, all before noon?

  “Ryan,” Sean said sympathetically. “I know.” The look in his brother’s eyes said he understood the jumbled mess in his head.

  His body sagged further into the chair. “Okay,” he took a deep breath, “I'll take him.”


  Lynn held the disconnect notice in her shaking hands. How was she going to pay the electric bill? She made too much money at her department store job to qualify for assistance, yet not enough to keep up on her ever-increasing debt. How embarrassing for a thirty-two year old woman. She should be in her prime. Taking on the world. Or settled down with a husband and children, going on beach or Disney World vacations. Instead she had a nursing degree in a saturated market that wasn't hiring and money she didn't possess owed out the wazoo. She could find a job elsewhere, if she was willing or able to move out of state. But her parents, brother, and cousin wouldn't allow that to happen. Stupid former Green Berets. Demanding know-it-alls.

  She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Something in her life had to change. Hence, why she stood on the doorstep of her brother's boss, hoping he was available.

  The door swung open and she took a self-preserving step back. A man who looked like he should be on a bike raising hell stood before her. His eyes were black as night, his arms tattooed, and a cigarette
dangled from his lips. Dark blue jeans with a chain that hung from his belt loops, conformed to his thick thighs.

  “Hello,” he said and leaned against the door, his arm extended over his head. “What can I do for you?” he asked, his question full of innuendo.

  “Ummm,” she stuttered. “Is Russ or Jarrett here?”

  He raised a brow. “Who's asking?”

  “I'm Russ's sister.”

  “Well, Russ's sister, he's not here but Jarrett is,” he said wryly.

  A long, uncomfortable pause passed between them. Well, uncomfortable for her. He seemed perfectly as ease making her squirm from foot to foot.

  “Can I see him?” she spat then clamped her mouth shut. Oops.

  He cocked another brow, took the cigarette out of his mouth, and flicked it across the lawn. “Does Russ's sister have a name?”


  “L-Y-N-N,” he spelled out. “Come on in.” He motioned her inside. “If you dare.” He chuckled.

  “Can you please just get him for me?” she asked. “You know what, never mind.” Her eyes filled with tears she tried to blink away. She didn't need this shit. Some douchebag with an ego complex that toyed with her. She’d dealt enough with that type to last more than one lifetime.

  She spun on her heels to head back to her dilapidated 97' Geo Prism.

  “Is that your car?” she heard jackass ask from behind her.

  “Yes,” she snapped, digging her keys out of her purse.

  “Does it drive?”

  She wheeled around. “Of course it drives. How the hell else did I get here? Asshole.”

  His brows shot up. Next thing she knew, he was charging her, getting into her personal space, towering her. “Watch the mouth, sweatpea. Don't need the attitude. I'm just messing with you, well, except for that piece of shit you're driving. Why is your brother and/or cousin allowing you to get behind the wheel of that thing?” He took her by the elbow and led her back to the house.

  “They don't know I'm driving it,” she admitted.

  He glared down at her. “They will now. If you don't tell them, I will.”

  “Thanks,” she mumbled sarcastically.

  “Good God, are you one of those bitchy girls that hates life or men–or both? Because, let me tell you, sweetheart, you're way too gorgeous to have that crap-ass attitude,” he mocked.

  Great, not only did the man look lethal, he was intelligently observant too. Talk about a deadly combo to womankind.

  They stepped into the house and Lynn stopped. She wasn't standing in the center of a suburban home, the best description would be more like a mansion. She knew the family Jarrett and Russ worked for had loads of money. How else would they be able to afford to pay two men to be nannies at just under six figure salaries? Each. But the wealth laid out before her was staggering. Everything newly polished, no disorder, modern colors and expensive art work was displayed all around her.

  “Follow me, Lynn. Or are you going to stand there gaping like a guppy?” the tattooed ass said, smirking arrogantly.

  “Fuck you,” she muttered under her breath.

  “I suppose I could add you to my list of ladies in waiting,” he challenged.

  “Can you just show me to my cousin?”

  He laughed, turned, and sauntered down a long hallway and through a sliding glass door. Realizing he was leading her where she demanded, she scurried after him. She stepped outside on a large deck that overlooked an oversized in-ground, fenced-in pool. And in the yard, chasing after a tiny girl who cackled evilly and an overactive little boy who shadowed, was her larger-than-life cousin.

  An ear piercing whistle from the tattooed ass startled her. “Jarrett. Company,” the man yelled.

  Jarrett glanced up with a wide smile spread across his handsome feature. “Lynn?” His face dropped.

  Crap. She should have called.

  Jarrett gathered his terrible twosome into side arm holds and carried them up the steps. Both kids giggled hysterically.

  “Lynn, what are you doing here?” he asked as he reached the deck.

  “I'm sorry, Jarrett. I should have called but I was desperate.”

  “Is everything all right?” he asked concerned. He set the kids down and got down to eye level with the two. Really, it was an amusing sight. An oversized Green Beret, who could kill on a dime, crouching down to speak reasonably with two young kids. “Why don't you go inside and find your mommy or daddy for a couple minutes. Tell them Jarrett's cousin stopped by for a quick chat.”

  “Okay,” the little girl said.

  “'Kay,” the little boy mimicked.

  “Come on, I'll take you inside,” the jackass said.

  They watched the children scatter into the house with the jerk following behind.

  “They're adorable,” she said softly.

  Jarrett shrugged. “They look exactly like their parents.”

  “Good genes.”

  “Lynn, what's up?” he asked straight to the point.

  She sighed. Might as well rip off the band-aid. “I need a place to stay. I can't afford my apartment on my own any longer. I'm in horrible debt, have disconnect notices and collection letters.”

  “How much do you need?” He took a step closer. “Does Russ know? He didn't say a word.”

  She shook her head. “No one knows. I can't go back home, you know how much my parents drive me insane. I can't borrow money. I'll just end up in the same position next month. I need a place to stay so I can get caught up on bills.”

  She could hear her voice quiver and crack. Her desperation leaked from her pours like a sour stench that could be smelled by anyone in the vicinity.

  “Of course you can stay at our place,” he said sympathetically. It was the answer she needed but was like nails on a chalkboard to her. “For as long as you need. We're hardly there. We spend most of our time here, and we've ended our time in the service so we don't need the apartment to stay overnight when drilling.”

  Her head snapped to attention. “What do you mean you've ended your service time?”

  “We didn't extend it. Lynn, you have no idea how much money we're making working for the Murphy family. We don't have to buy food, our cell phones are paid for, we get to use a car bought specifically for us to transport the kids, and our health insurance is covered. We'll keep working for this family as long as we can and rake in the money, stash it away, and if the time comes, then we'll do whatever we have to in order to get employment. Not only that, we served our time,” he said, but stopped short of any further explanation. She’d always suspected something detrimental happened to them while they served in Afghanistan, but neither her brother nor cousin ever discussed their tour.

  “Why didn't Russ tell me?” she asked shocked.

  He shrugged. “He probably thought your mom did.”

  She thought about that for a minute. She didn't appreciate her brother not informing her he was once again a regular civilian. A topic for a different day. “Are you sure it’s all right if I stay?”

  “Yes, Lynn,” he answered exasperated.

  “Thanks,” she said, her humiliation creeping back.

  “Come on, I’ll get you the keys to the apartment.” Jarrett wrapped a beefy arm around her shoulders, squeezed, then led her into the house.

  Needing to throw herself on the sword and ask for help sucked ass.


  Ryan stepped over the threshold of his home he shared with his brother and sister-in-law, arms overloaded with newborn baby items. Diapers, formula, clothes, wipes, and whatever else he was able to pull from the trunk. Sean followed with a bassinette that would get the baby through a couple days until he purchased a crib. And Beth followed behind with her nephew protectively wrapped in a blanket and sleeping in her arms. Not once had he yet touched the baby. He hadn’t changed a diaper. Hadn’t changed his clothes. Hadn’t even fed him. That had all been handled by Sean and Beth and his mom, who’d taken fifteen minutes to yell at him about responsibility while
his father yelled at him about wrapping up his dick. After their tirade, his mom was on cloud nine about her new grandson. Though Sean warned her that the new family addition likely would turn out not to be Ryan’s.

  “This baby looks exactly like Ryan as a newborn, Sean,” their mom scolded. “A spitting image.”

  “Mom, all newborns look alike,” Sean argued.

  “They certainly do not,” his mom scoffed, offended. “My sons were the most beautiful babies on this earth and my grandchildren, including this one, will be even more stunning.”

  Sean had walked away muttering to himself about mothers.

  Ryan tossed everything in his arms into a heap on the sofa, went back to the car to grab the rest of the items, then added those to the pile.

  “You aren't leaving those there are you?” Sean asked, stepping into the room.

  “Where am I supposed to put them?” Ryan snapped.

  “Up in the baby's room,” his brother spat back.

  “Which room would that be? The one for your twins?”

  Ryan must have lost some of his instincts in his years since he left the navy, because he didn't see the fist coming. Sean nailed him square in the nose.

  Ryan stumbled back, grabbed at his face, and blinked through his watering eyes. “Fuck, Sean! That shit hurt.”

  Luckily his brother held back. Normally, Sean would have broken the nose. “Get your head out of your ass and pull yourself together,” Sean snarled. “It's been two days since you found out you had a son. Time to move forward and quit talking shit about my twins.”

  “That's probably not my son.” He pointed to the kitchen where Beth had disappeared.

  “You don't know that yet.”

  “I do.”

  “Ryan, condoms break and they're not one-hundred percent full proof. You know that, you've read the box. It's possible that is your child,” Sean said. “And don't think for one minute that my wife, who can barely get around, it going to become his surrogate mother. She needs to take care of herself. Yes, we'll help you out, but you need to figure something out with daycare.”


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