Unexpected Love

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Unexpected Love Page 6

by Casey Clipper

  He pulled a bottle out of the diaper bag then heated it in the warmer in the kitchen. Beth had pulled the device out for him. It had been hers to use for her baby girls when they arrived, but instead his kind-hearted sister-in-law kept pulling out gifted items she received from her baby shower for him to use. He was going to have to make a department store trip to replace everything.

  After the bottle was warm, Ryan went back to the living room and pulled Brady out of the carrier. Immediately his son came wide awake, his newborn eyes blinking open, still needing to adjust to any lighting. Plopping himself down on the sofa, he cradled his son in his arms and popped the bottle into Brady's tiny mouth. Ryan snorted when the infant downed the formula as if he hadn't been fed in days, not hours.

  In the silence of the house, the baby in his arms, Ryan stared at Brady. The newborn was so incredibly tiny in his large arms. Flawless, soft skin that hadn't been damaged by life or the sun severely contrasted against his tanned arms. His blue Onsie that Beth dressed him in this morning made his dark blue eyes vividly stand out. If Brady truly was his son, he'd have the same color peepers as the entire Millen clan. Those genes were wicked strong, and they passed them down from generation to generation.

  The annoying ring of his cell interrupted the quiet, startling Brady, whose formula dripped from his mouth when he twitched.


  “Ryan Millen please.”


  “Mr. Millen, this is the clinic calling with the results of the DNA paternity test,” the woman said professionally.

  “Okay,” he said. A part of his stomach flipped with nerves that Brady was in fact his. The other part knew what the outcome of this call was going to be and was distraught over how to handle the inevitable.

  “The match is 99.999% chance the baby is yours Mr. Millen,” the woman said factually.

  “I see. Thank you,” he said and disconnected the call before she continued. His cell rang again, this time with Dan Turner's number. He didn't bother to answer. Dan was only going to tell him what he already knew. Let him leave a message.

  Letting out the long breath he'd been holding, he gazed down at his son. His son. He was an unwilling father. Most people wouldn't understand how a NICU nurse couldn't want kids, but to him, it made sense. He'd seen too much of the world. It was an easy decision. At least for him. Did he love taking care of the newborns and saving their lives to give the nervous parents hope? Yes, he relished his work. But he always got to leave that at the hospital and not bring it home. Now things were different. How did he adjust to life with this development? How did he raise this baby boy to feel loved when he, himself didn't want the child to begin with? And how did he not fuck up the kid with that line of thinking?

  Ryan dialed the hospital to talk to his supervisor. Hopefully one problem area could be cleared up with a work schedule change. If his boss felt generous today.


  Eight in the evening and Brady was having a fit. Well, more like he was in severe gas pain. For the life of him, Ryan couldn't work the bubble out of the baby.

  “Come on, Brady,” he groaned. “Bring up that gas.”

  The house phone rang as Ryan strolled by it, patting the baby on the back while he screamed out.


  “Hey, Ry, just wanted to let you know we're staying the night at the Connors',” Sean said. “Everything all right?”

  “He's got a gas bubble I can't work out.”

  “Ah,” Sean responded then paused. “Do you need me to come home? I'm positive Beth's dad would looove to cater to his daughter without me here. In fact, if he could push me out the door right now I'm sure he would.”

  Ryan snorted. Mr. Connors' love for his “baby girl” Beth was unrivaled by any adult father he'd ever witnessed. Though everyone understood why. The Connors almost lost their only child years ago in that tragic car explosion that took her hearing and his cousin's husband's life.

  “No, we'll work through it,” Ryan said. He could hear the exhaustion in his own tone. “The clinic called.”


  “He's mine.”

  The line went silent between the two brothers.

  “Are you okay with that?” Sean quietly asked.

  “Not really,” he answered truthfully.

  “Do you want to give him up?”

  “No,” he answered quickly. Where the hell did that come from?

  He could practically see Sean's grin through the phone. “Good. Brady's now officially my nephew. Whatever he wants and needs, he'll get.”

  And with that, Ryan felt a slight weight lift from his shoulders. Well, maybe ten pounds of the thousand pound load.


  At seven in the morning, sharp, the front doorbell rang. Ryan approved of Lynn's punctuality. When he swung the door open, he was struck that he hadn't noticed how beautiful she was when he'd seen her yesterday. Standing in front of him, she wore her dark brown hair pulled back in a loose ponytail and wore minimal makeup. She didn't need any. Her sun-kissed skin glowed as if she'd just walked off the beach.

  “Hi,” she said, her voice soft but confident.

  “Hi,” he said, staring like a dumbass.

  She titled her head to the side. “Are you going to let me in or are we doing this on the front step?”

  And she had sass. He liked sass. Sass was fun.

  Finally shaking his jumbled head, he motioned her inside. “Sorry.”

  She mumbled something under her breath he didn't catch as she strolled by him. He ushered her to the kitchen where his brother and Beth sat, waiting for her arrival. They'd come home this morning instead of going straight to the office from her parents' house, specifically to meet Lynn.

  “Lynn, this is my older brother, Sean, and his much younger trophy wife Elizabeth. She goes by Beth,” Ryan said. For the first time in days he felt a bit like his normal self. More than likely the result of Lynn's presence and the potential of her becoming his savior.

  “Nice,” Sean groaned.

  “Ryan,” Beth softly scolded, but her smile gave away she thought the joke was hilarious.

  “This is Lynn, Russ's sister,” Ryan said, eyeing his brother to see his reaction. Sean didn't disappoint. His eyes narrowed ever so slightly. A question. What the hell was Ryan thinking? Ryan slyly answered with a tick of his brow. Don't judge.

  Beth stood off the stool, waddled over to Lynn, and held out her hand. “Nice to meet you, Lynn.”

  “Oh, my,” Lynn said shocked. “When are you due?”

  “Two months. We're having twin girls,” Beth answered, smiling and rubbing her belly.

  Sean approached his wife and caressed her overgrown stomach. “My girls.” Beth looked up at her husband as he leaned down and kissed her on the lips. “All three of you,” he said quietly.

  Ryan rolled his eyes. “Really?”

  He refocused on Lynn who was grinning at the couple, her amazing hazel eyes lit with warmth. Those shining eyes were lined with dark lashes. She didn't even need to wear eyeliner. A man could get taken in by those awesome peepers.

  “Sean and Beth live here as well,” Ryan said, testing her. “The twins have a nursery, and we're throwing together another room for Brady.”

  “Wait,” Lynn said.” All of you live here?”

  Beth bit her lip and nodded. Sean grew in height and puffed out his chest, ready for a battle. Again, Ryan rolled his eyes at his brother. The man may have left the military but the military never left him.

  “We do,” Ryan answered. “The house is large enough for all of us to live together. We have five bedrooms, five bathrooms, a game room, family room, three-car garage, an oversized dining room and living room. Outside we have an in-ground pool and a large yard for when the kids get older. We're okay on space.”

  She looked at him confused. “Why?”

  He appreciated her bluntness. Most people wouldn't ask. They'd come to their own single-minded conclusions without knowing th
e truth. Maybe think there was some ménage relationship between him, Sean, and Beth. Hell, Beth's own father outright demanded to know if that was the case.

  He shrugged and waved a finger between him and Sean. “We've always been close. Can't imagine not living with him. His amazing wife has accepted that nuance of ours, and I can't thank her enough for it. Not only do I get to stay with my brother, I get the benefit of a terrific sister-in-law.”

  Beth blushed that bright red that she had no control over. Sean grinned and nodded.

  “But won't you get on one another's nerves, especially with all the children?” Lynn asked.

  “Probably,” Ryan and Sean said in unison.

  They were interrupted by the scream of a newborn. Beth went to rush to him but Sean held her back and shook his head.

  “He's in here,” Ryan said, leading Lynn into the spacious living room and over to the white whicker bassinette positioned next to the sofa. He felt Sean follow them into the room, lingering in the doorway.

  Ryan picked up the baby. “This is Brady. It's his feeding time.”

  Lynn cocked a censorious brow.

  “He's hungry,” he quickly corrected.

  What the hell? One scowl from the gorgeous woman and he found himself censoring his words. Okay, so his son wasn't cattle. Maybe he should concentrate on correct terminology usage.

  Carrying the baby into the kitchen, he pulled a bottle out of the fridge and placed it in the warmer. While he waited, he placed Brady over his shoulder and awkwardly bounced the newborn to try to soothe him. Why he couldn't get a handle on his son, he didn't understand. He didn't have an issue with the newborns at the NICU. He handled those babies with a gentle ease. Brady on the other hand, he was all thumbs and miscalculated movements. There wasn't even a hint of the lethal SEAL he was at one point in his life.

  “I did talk to my supervisor last night and luckily a daylight spot has opened. Thankfully she's allowing me first bid on it,” Ryan said. “I would need someone six-thirty in the morning until four-thirty.” The bottle warmer finished and Ryan make quick work of getting it into Brady's searching mouth.

  “I can do that,” Lynn said, watching him closely. There was something about her gazed zero in on him that made him feel...exposed. It took him off guard. He didn't like that.

  “I can pay twenty-two thousand a year,” he said. Quoting her that low price grated on his guilt complex, but accepting the daylight shift position he was going to lose two dollars an hour. And working in the saturated Pittsburgh market as a nurse, the pay was below the national median. He didn't make as much as he would elsewhere in the country. That was a price he had been willing to pay to stay with his brother.

  She turned to Beth and Sean, who followed them but once again hovered in the doorway. Lynn focused in on Beth. “Are you all right with me coming into your home and being a strong female presence in his and the baby's life and in this house?”

  Ryan and Sean both blinked in surprise. Beth smiled, then bit her full bottom lip. A nervous habit of hers.

  How extremely astute of Lynn to make certain that the lady of the house wouldn't be threatened by another woman moving in on her territory. Ryan had never considered that possibility. It would make sense that Beth would feel she was the first female of the house and had a rightful claim in that role. If Ryan ever chose a woman to spend the rest of his days with, it would have to be someone who was all right with taking a dual position as queen bee of their home. As long as Beth accepted it as well. Though that'd never be an issue since marriage wasn't on his bucket list.

  “Whatever Ryan needs for help, I'm perfectly fine with,” Beth said. Her eyes filled with sympathy, love, and adoration. God, she was perfect. Ryan had to look away and cough out the frog caught in his throat. He didn't deserve his sister-in-law's sweetness, but he was selfish enough to take it.

  “Thank you, Beth,” he said, his voice rough.

  “When you speak to her, you look at her,” Sean snapped.

  Ryan's head whipped to his brother. Sean's eyes were blazing angry. Ryan tended to forget how sensitive Sean was with Beth's deafness and with those around them who forgot to speak directly to her.

  “Thank you, Beth,” he repeated.

  She flushed brightly. “Anything for you and Brady, Ryan.”

  Ryan caught Lynn looking between them confused.

  “Beth is deaf,” Ryan explained. “She lost her hearing over five years ago. She's excellent at lip reading and since we started sign language class together, she's become much better at that as well.”

  Lynn smiled and shocked them all by signing. “I can sign as well. I spent my high school junior year as a foreign exchange student with a family whose oldest son was deaf.”

  “Thank you, Lynn. I hope you decide to take the job.” Beth signed slowly but accurately.

  Ryan stared at the woman, who was not only beautiful, but extremely intelligent as well. She had no business entering his life, but he needed her. “Will you take the job?”

  “I think I will,” she said and smiled brightly, taking his breath away. She lit up the damn room.

  “When can you start?”

  “I'll make some calls and let you know in a few hours what I can arrange. When do you need me to start?”

  “As soon as possible,” he breathed. His world suddenly felt like something was lining up correctly. It may have only been days since Brady was dropped on him, but it felt like it had been months of debilitating nonsense.


  After Lynn left the Millen home, she went back to her apartment and made the appropriate calls. She gave the department store zero notice. No, it wasn't professional, but she couldn't find it in herself to care. Mr. Murphy had called her to find out the discussion she had with Ryan, which made her a bit uncomfortable. She voiced that to the man, who dismissively chuckled at her forwardness. He then explained that Ryan wouldn't accept his help because of pride, but that as a full time nanny she deserved to make more than $22k a year. She refused to argue that valid point. When she explained her arrangement with Ryan, he casually suggested she hand the checks to him and he'd open up a savings account for Ryan and Brady. Though she considered that a thoughtful idea, she still felt as if she was sneaking behind Ryan's back and didn't want to start their inevitable intimate business relationship hiding something that important. By the end of the phone conversation, Lynn swore Mr. Murphy could have managed to get her to sign over her first born, her car, as well as make him a chocolate cake. She concluded that his wife must not stand a chance against him.

  After their call ended, she changed into lounge pants and a tee. She started a pot of coffee and considered the Millens. What baffled her was the brothers' enormous home compared to Ryan's salary. Each piece of neutral colored furniture was a sturdy investment or an obvious family heirloom. Designer drapes hung from every window. No mini-blinds for that house. Nope, each piece of glass was covered in thick, beige shades. There wasn't a single small room in the house, including the five bathrooms that contained a separate shower and tub, all dark grey ceramic tile and oak vanities. And the kitchen. That homage to every stainless steel appliance on the market, again, more oak cabinetry, and an island large enough to seat eight had to be worth at least thirty grand. She couldn't even begin to compute the in-ground pool that looked more like its own paradise oasis in the upscale neighborhood. The only thing that made sense to her was Sean must bring home the real wealth in the house. Which added up since he was the one with the medical doctorate.

  Whatever. She didn't need to concern herself with trivial details that she had no business contemplating. She had a higher paying job and that's all that mattered.

  Lynn spent a few hours unpacking more boxes to continue to settle into the apartment. She also took on the tedious task of dusting and ended up in a sneezing fit that insisted on a drug store visit for allergy medication. She'd just walked through the door when her cell rang. This time she glanced at the caller ID to find Robert's annoying
name flashing before her. Damn it. Why the hell won't he leave her alone? You'd think after a guy dumps you, breaks your heart, and gives you the shaft, he'd never return. That should be a given. Let a woman get over his stupid ass. But no. Guess that was too much to ask.

  “What?” she snapped when she answered.

  He ignored her tone. Something she was used to. “Hi, Lynnie. What are you doing this evening?”


  “I was going to get something to eat and thought it would be great if we got together,” he said, sounding jovial.

  “I'd rather clean.” How was that for a hint?It didn't work. “Lynnie, be reasonable.”“Robert, I don't have time for you. You dumped me, broke my heart, and left me high and dry. I'm trying to get my life in order. I've struggled to do it on my own but had to breakdown and ask my brother and cousin for help. You screwed me. Lose my number,” she snarled and disconnected the call. She didn't need this harassment from him. Everyday was a challenge for her to stay sane, not cave to the strain she was under, and run back home to be tortured into living with her parents. This job would hopefully relieve some of that pressure. At least she hoped.


  Six-thirty the next morning, Lynn stood on the Millen home doorstep and rang the bell. The door swung open and Ryan stood before her with a screaming newborn on his shoulder.

  “Come in. Glad you're here. He's hungry, so I can show you his routine,” he said, sounding breathless.

  Lynn followed him into the kitchen.

  “I feed him concentrated brand formula that I mix and keep bottles in the fridge. We heat the bottles in the warmer. Right now he's eating every two to three hours,” he said while pulling a bottle out and placing it in the warmer. Lynn stepped up beside him to watch exactly what he was doing since her bottle producing skills lacked experience.


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