Claiming His Human

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Claiming His Human Page 6

by Fel Fern

  He tossed a pancake slice at Danny’s face, splattering syrup in the process.

  “Hey,” Danny protested, then did the same. He wiped at his face.

  “Rick’s going to be mad,” he warned when Danny threateningly raised another piece using his fork, this one was more drenched than the first.

  “Heh, you should have thought of that before you threw one at me,” Danny said, mischievous look in his eyes.

  Having a food fight with Danny felt like being transported in the past, Craig thought with a smile. Maybe he would take up Danny’s suggestion and see how his bear was doing.

  Chapter Nine

  “You’re leaving?” Rick asked his brother, who paused from texting on his phone.

  “Yeah, Danny needs help with something,” Connor replied, sounding vague.

  Without waiting for his reply, Connor exited the bar. Rick rolled his eyes. Typical of Connor to leave him hanging. He didn’t want to disturb Mac, either, who was busy with some kind of couple thing with Pat. Well, it didn’t matter.

  Bar fights were common, especially to a bar which catered exclusively to paranormals. Was this going to be his life now? Late nights at the bar and cleaning up messes, alone while his brothers were off doing something fun with their mates?

  Fuck. Where did that bitter line of thought come from? Rick wasn’t petty.

  His brothers had mates to fuss over now. Rick should accept his new reality. For some reason, his thoughts went back to Craig as he grabbed a broom and began sweeping the broken glass on the floor. The damage hadn’t been that bad, just a few broken windows and a couple of broken tables and chairs.

  Two brawling and drunk shifters could have done plenty more damage than this. Thankfully, once Alicia saw the fight, she called Connor and the local police right away. His brothers only told him about the mess that morning. When he demanded to know why they kept it from him, they said his human needed him more. That shut him up quite effectively.

  He’d been reluctant to leave Craig that morning, already imagined making breakfast for the two of them. Rick was no great cook, but he considered himself a decent one. When the bar had no chef, he put on an apron and took over, because Mac and Connor couldn’t cook an egg without burning it.

  What if he arrived home, only to find out his little human had left?

  It wasn’t like Craig was his human, either, was it?

  He huffed, continuing to clean up. Half an hour later, he heard the door swinging open. That familiar tantalizing scent hit him. Craig. His bear woke up inside him as their gazes met. Craig wore a plain white shirt today, denim jeans, and plain white sneakers. Shit, but the gorgeous human all but screamed edible and mine to his bear.

  “Hey, Danny said you wouldn’t mind if I dropped by,” Craig said with a sheepish smile.

  “Danny did?” Rick thought back on Connor’s lame excuse. He had a sneaking suspicion Danny had been responsible for luring his brother away. If so, then he had to thank Danny.

  “Yep. Um. Can I help with anything?”

  “You don’t have to return to the city yet?” he asked, curious.

  Craig shook his head. “I planned to stay three more days, if that’s okay with you.”

  Three days? Well. Rick could work with that.

  “Sure,” Rick said. “Grab a broom.”

  They worked in silence for a little bit, and Craig surprised him by taking orders well. Once the broken glass and wood pieces had been swept off, they got rid of the broken furniture.

  “I’m sorry about your bar,” Craig said as they carried the bags containing the debris outside.

  Rick grunted. “Not the first time this has happened. When your usual patrons consist of shifters and other paranormals, fights are bound to break out. This one had been pretty tame.”

  “Really?” Craig looked doubtful.

  “Come on. I’ll make us lunch and get us a couple of beers as a reward for your help,” Rick said.

  Craig brightened at that. “Mister Bear, is this a date?”

  Rick gave him a stoic look, then headed back inside. Craig followed him all the way to the kitchen.

  “You can sit down. You’re probably still tired from last night,” Rick suggested. When Craig opened his mouth, he continued, “You want me to tell Danny you fainted?”

  Craig stuck out a tongue. “Unfair. Fine. I’ll wait.”

  “Any food restrictions?” Rick asked before Craig left.

  “Nope. It’s my holiday, so I can eat whatever I want.” Craig grimaced. “I’ll think about losing weight later.”

  “Sounds hard,” he said. “Just so you know, you’re perfect the way you are.”

  Craig widened his eyes, as if not believing him. “You’re just saying that to be nice.”

  “Nope. I say what I mean. So, burgers and fries are good with you?” he asked.

  “Sure. Um. You don’t want to order instead of doing more work?”

  “I want to cook for you.”

  “Oh.” Craig blushed, looking pleased. “Thanks. I’d like that. No one has ever done anything like this for me.”

  “Shoo,” Rick said. “Let me cook.”

  Hearing Craig scamper off, he smiled. Rick could do this order in his head. Once the burgers and fries were ready, he brought them to the bar counter. “Can you grab two beers for us?” he asked Craig. “They’re in a fridge behind the bar.”

  “Whoo, this is the first time I’m behind a bar,” Craig declared as he pulled out two bottles for them.

  He chuckled as Craig took a seat next to him. They ate ravenously. Rick was hungrier than he thought, and Craig seemed to have an appetite. In between bites, they talked, got to know each other better. Rick realized it felt nice, hearing Craig’s animated voice.

  He was intrigued by Craig’s stories of his job, how it took him everywhere around the world. It occurred to Rick that unlike the times when he’d been brooding in here alone after closing time, it didn’t feel as lonely with Craig next to him.

  “Sounds like a pretty exciting life,” he said after Craig told him about his adventures during Paris Fashion Week a year ago.

  “It’s okay. I mean, I’m grateful all those designers gave me a chance earlier in my career, but I work so much that I barely can enjoy life. You know what I come home to everyday? An empty apartment and pre-made meals. I can’t even get a cat as much as I want to, because I won’t have time for a pet.”

  That, Rick mused, sounded lonely, no different from his own life.

  “Enough about me. It must be so cool, being a bar owner. I’m sure it was hard at first after your dad died, but business seems to be doing well, according to Danny,” Craig said.

  “It is. I’m thinking of hiring permanent staff soon. I have the same problem as you do. I work too much, as well,” Rick admitted.

  “This isn’t bad, right? Taking a break, I mean,” Craig began, then cleared his throat. “How about it? Want to show this city slicker around town?”

  Rick already decided to take some time off work. He didn’t think his brothers would mind at all, so he could spend more time with Craig.

  “I like this side of you, little human. Taking initiative and all,” Rick drawled.

  Craig blushed. “You have no idea how determined I can be.”

  “Is that so? But I already know. It takes guts to model full-time, after all. Sounds like a dog-eat-dog world to me. Some of your stories remind me of aggressive shifters vying for a position in a pack.”

  “Does it?” Craig ate up the rest of his fries.

  It seemed Craig got easily embarrassed with praises. Rick eyed his little human, amused Craig leaned in close and snuck in a kiss. The moment Rick had been waiting for. He gripped the back of Craig’s neck, kissed him long and deep. When he pulled away, Craig panted. So tempting. Craig had been incredibly sweet, too, volunteering to help him out.

  Now that the bar had been swept clean and he only needed to find replacements for the window and broken chairs and tables, Rick had
other dirtier things on his mind. Before learning about the fight, he planned on luring Craig with breakfast and a little post-breakfast sex.

  An idea came to mind. “You up for dessert, too?”

  “Ooh, what do you have?”

  “Ice cream. You can even pick the flavor,” Rick said, trying to come off as magnanimous.

  “Wow, the bar serves ice cream, too? I didn’t see that on the menu,” Craig pointed out. “Oh! Is it one of those secret items on the menu you need to ask for?”

  “Nope, the ice cream’s my personal stash.” Rick rose from his seat and went behind the bar. Craig followed him like a curious puppy. Rick opened the fridge containing the beers and showed Craig the secret compartment below.

  “I didn’t know bears liked ice cream, too.”

  “We like anything sweet,” he replied, raking Craig up and down with a knowing look to prove a point.

  “You think I’m sweet?” Craig blurted.

  “I know you are. You forget, little human. I already tasted you, but I’m far from done. I plan on enjoying you as much as possible,” Rick said, flashing Craig a toothy smile. He couldn’t wait for the moment when Craig would realize that he was part of dessert.

  Chapter Ten

  Seeing that predatory look on Rick’s face, Craig’s heart cranked up a beat. He sucked in a breath, and asked, “Am I dessert?”

  Rick chuckled, grabbing what looked like a cookies and cream pint from the freezer.

  “I thought I can pick the flavor,” he added, trying to gather his wits.

  “Sure, I have double chocolate and raspberry, too.”


  “Good choice.”

  Rick replaced the pint in his hand, shut the fridge door, and set the ice cream on the bar. The big werebear closed in, until Craig’s back hit the smooth counter. Hoping he read the situation right, he locked his hands around Rick’s neck. Rick settled his hands on his ass and lifted him with ease onto the counter.

  He blushed for no reason. The bar was empty, but still, anyone could walk in on them any time. Excitement traveled down his spine as Rick grabbed the hem of his shirt. Craig raised his arms, letting Rick pull it off.

  “See?” Rick said. “I didn’t wreck this one.”

  “Thank you. I can’t go home shirtless.”

  Rick raised an eyebrow.

  “Okay, this is one of my favorite shirts,” Craig amended.

  Rick hooked his fingers into his belt loops. Craig couldn’t believe this was happening, that Rick planned on taking him right here, on the bar countertop. Anticipation surged through him as Rick yanked off his jeans, followed by his boxers. Craig kicked away his shoes and realized he was butt-naked while Rick remained fully dressed.

  “Perfect,” Rick said, thumbing his nipple, then giving his dick a squeeze. Craig didn’t need to look down he was getting hard.

  He groaned, about to close his legs, but Rick used his big body to keep them apart. The werebear tipped his chin, took his mouth again, leaving him momentarily breathless. He reached for Rick’s shirt. Smiling, the werbear tugged it off, unveiling rock hard muscle.

  His mouth went dry, and he licked his lips. “Mine.”

  Rick chuckled. “Not yet, I haven’t had my dessert. Lie back down.”

  Rick pressed a gentle hand on his chest. The wood felt cool and smooth on his skin, his legs still dangling on the edge of the bar, kept open by Rick’s body. Splayed like this, he became aware Rick could see his rising prick, balls, and pink hole.

  Exposed. Rick possessed the ability to strip him bare, but he didn’t mind. Rick always worried about keeping appearances during a shoot or event, but with Rick, he didn’t have to worry. He could be himself. A luxury.

  Rick opened the ice cream, grabbed a spoon from a drawer nearby, and scooped up some, before placing it over his lips. He took a bite, groaning after. The sweetness of chocolate exploded in his mouth. He licked at his lips.

  “More,” he said.


  The infuriating werebear placed two scoops on his chest. It felt cold at first, but Rick soon lowered his head and licked away the melting concoction. Damn, but that only made him further aroused. Rick eyed his dick, and he swallowed, not protesting when Rick added more chocolate ice cream over his dick.

  Some of the ice cream melted by then but Rick only put his mouth to his prick. He moaned, clawing at the counter as Rick used his tongue and explored him from tip to balls. Rick didn’t miss a spot, he noticed, mind a haze as Rick took his balls into his mouth, sucked on them.

  “Oh God,” he whispered, feeling Rick lashing his tongue at his puckered entrance. He gripped the counter, gasping as Rick shove his tongue inside Craig’s hole. Craig bucked, but Rick held him steady.

  At this rate, he’d blow. Rick gave his dick a few licks before rising his head, seemingly amused by his snarl of frustration.

  “Why did you stop?” he couldn’t help but ask.

  “Don’t come yet,” Rick commanded, voice firm.

  “That’s going to be hard,” he grumbled.

  “I want to take you from behind.”

  Rick’s confident tone made him blush. Rick pulled away from him and helped him get off the bar. The werebear planted a kiss to his mouth, the hickey on his neck, before spinning him by the shoulder. His dick dug against the wood as Rick fingered his asshole, rubbed it back and forth repeatedly. The movement nearly drove him insane with want.

  “Please,” he uttered, taking a peek over his shoulder to see Rick pulling out lube from his pants pocket.

  “You always carry that around?” he asked. God, did Rick hear the jealousy in his voice? With Rick’s looks, he had a feeling the werebear didn’t have a problem attracting attention. Craig didn’t have the right to be jealous though. How could he, when in three days, he’d be going back to his old life?

  Damn it. He refused to think about that, especially when Rick was on the verge of fucking him senseless.

  “I anticipated getting lucky this morning,” Rick responded.

  His heart started hammering at those words. Rick returned to position and nudged his legs apart. He clutched at the edges of the bar as Rick pushed two slick fingers insides his entrance, lubing him up. Finally, the werebear rubbed his cockhead against his hole. He moaned as Rick pushed in without warning. Unlike last night, Rick didn’t need to be careful. He let out a shuddering breath as Rick buried himself to the hilt, until his balls rested against Craig’s ass.

  “You good, baby?” Rick asked against his ear.

  Baby. What he would give to hear that term of endearment on Rick’s lips again.

  He answered with a mewl. Rick began to move in and out of him, finding a rhythm which suited them both. Why did Rick being inside him feel so damn good? Like this, with their bodies constantly connecting, it was easy to forget about the life he left behind. Just like Danny, Craig wondered if he could take the same leap of faith.

  “Faster,” Craig pleaded. “Please.”

  “Now that’s just like cherry on top,” Rick murmured, mouth on the side of his neck, seemingly fixated on that spot.

  Rick moved faster, deeper, rendering them both to panting messes. At the last thrust, Rick brushed against his sweet spot, making him cry out. The werebear hit his prostate repeatedly. He arched his back, aware of his balls tightening against his body. Craig let out a scream as Rick’s last push finally sent him over the edge. His mind flew as he emptied out his balls. Rick pistoned in and out of him several more times, before emptying his cum inside his ass.

  After, Rick held him against his warm chest. Craig shut his eyes, enjoying the solid feel of the man behind him. He didn’t want this moment to end, not anytime soon. He came to the realization he might just like Craig too much. Hell, love Craig—which scared him a little shitless, because they only met a few days ago. Yet Craig had never felt such a deep connection with anyone.

  Rick got him the way no one else did.

  “What’s going on in
that little head of yours, little human?” Rick asked, licking at his pulse point.

  He shuddered and secretly hoped Rick would bite him again. Craig found it hot the first time. Ah, well. Maybe next time. Rick asked him a question, Craig remembered, but he couldn’t tell the werebear the truth.

  “I was hoping,” he began, placing his hand over Rick’s, “that your offer to show me around still stands.”

  “It does.”

  God, Craig hated lying to his man.

  Oh. In the deepest places of his heart, he knew they could be something more than a temporary thing, but that meant giving up the life he’d worked so hard to build, too. He wasn’t naive. Craig asked Danny about the details of why Connor couldn’t move to the city and knew the same applied to Rick. Rick’s bear probably thought of the Red Mountains as home, too, and even most folks understood shifters preferred to live near nature.

  “You seem sad,” Rick said, gently turning him by the shoulders. The werebear narrowed his eyes. Did he wear such an open expression on his face, Craig wondered. “What’s wrong?”

  Trust Rick to sense he wasn’t completely okay.

  “Did I hurt you?” Rick sounded concerned now.

  “Not at all,” he replied quickly. “I just enjoy spending time with you. Being around you, I feel free and I can be myself. Colleagues and fans I know only see what they want of me, this glammed-up model that’s not even me.”

  Rick said nothing, although the werebear looked like he had plenty to say to that statement. Maybe, Craig realized inwardly, in the end both of them were skilled liars. Neither of them wanted this, whatever this was, to end.

  Craig had three days left. He intended to make good use of that, because whatever this was between Rick and him, it wasn’t just a simple fling. Parting ways would hurt like hell, but he didn’t want to stop because of that, either.

  “Let’s clean up,” Rick suggested. “I have plans for us today.”


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