HIS Return (Hamilton Investigation & Security: HIS Series Book 3)

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HIS Return (Hamilton Investigation & Security: HIS Series Book 3) Page 1

by Sheila Kell

  Four years without a word. Will she accept him back?

  Next thing she knew, an arm wrapped around her waist and another grabbed under her knees. Knowing what he planned, she kicked and squealed but to no avail. He pulled her close to his chest before he launched them into the air.

  Her nose burned as water rushed up it. Damn him! She surfaced sputtering and coughing. “Jake Cavanaugh!”

  He kept one hand on her waist, holding her an arm’s length from him as they tread water. “Yes, sprite?” His loving, playful tone prompted her laughter. This she’d missed.

  She swatted at his chest, eager to move away yet desperate to move closer. “That wasn’t funny.”

  “I beg to differ.” He inched her a bit closer, then with the hand at her waist, he released her to rub a thumb down her cheek ever so tenderly, his eyes turning dark as desire took over.

  A tremor built deep within her and the breath rushed from between her lips. Did he plan to kiss her? She wanted it so badly. She remembered the warmth of his lips and the stroke of his tongue. She’d spent plenty of nights dreaming of them. Would he kiss her with such fervor while awake?

  She swam closer. “I don’t know about this.”

  “I do.”

  Praise for the novels

  of Sheila Kell

  HIS Desire

  A must read for lovers of romantic suspense. It was thrilling, suspenseful, chilling, emotional and extremely sexy.”

  —Escape Reality with Books

  “If you are looking for a new favorite author who knows how to tell a story why keeping you on the edge guessing look no further.”

  —Cyn’s Book Reviews

  HIS Choice

  “HIS Choice is second in a series, and while it always helps to have read the first novel, author Sheila Kell has created a stand-alone entry that will have the readers wanting more!”

  —InD’tale Magazine

  “Wow, can it get any better? Well, true to Sheila’s style, yes, yes it can get better.”

  —The Book Fairy Reviews

  Hamilton Investigation & Security

  HIS Series, Book Three

  Jake & Emily

  Sheila Kell



  Copyright © 2016 by Sheila Kell

  Publisher: Cunningham Publishing

  Editor: Hot Tree Editing

  Interior Designer: AuthorsDesigns

  Cover Designer: CT Cover Creations

  Cover Models: Eric De La Rosa and Anna Medvedeva

  Photographer: Eric Battershell Photography

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of the publisher, Cunningham Publishing, excepting brief quotes used in reviews.

  Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Purchase only authorized editions.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, events and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  To the extent that the image or images on the cover of this book depict a person or persons, such person or persons are merely models and are not intended to portray any character or characters featured in the book.

  ISBN Kindle electronic copy 978-0-9909165-6-7

  Printed in the United States of America

  To HIS Hot Heroines

  You are not only the best street team, but you’ve had faith in me before I published my first book. I wouldn’t stick to it without your cheering me on. I am grateful to consider each of you a friend.


  As in my previous novels, I could not have written HIS Return without the assistance of many people. I’d be remiss if I didn’t include them in these acknowledgments. My hope is that I have not missed anyone.

  I want to thank Dawn and Arthur Tohill for the lesson in three-year-old speech. I thoroughly enjoyed the insightful conversations.

  My critique partner, author Christine Ardigo, ripped up half of what I originally sent her to read, and I couldn’t be more grateful. Otherwise this story would have sat on shelves. I have been blessed with the best book wifey around.

  Several wonderful friends were always there when I needed an ear or a kick in the pants. They helped me work through the plot, draft the synopsis and proofread. I quite possibly would have quit a long time ago if not for them. From the bottom of my heart, thank you, author Teri McGill, author Sharon Gibbs and Stacy Nelson. I love you, ladies.

  Two sisters were amazingly helpful to me as I pushed ideas and chapters at them while asking for their opinion. Debbie Attenborough and Gina Brown, you are wonderful, and I am grateful you were open and honest with me.

  A long time ago I met a reader, Jamie McDowell Reinhardt. She has been supportive of the series, and I am happy to know her. Jamie willingly accepted the challenge and named Amber’s fish in the book. It’s a perfect name for a three-year-old.

  I am pleased to be showcasing another set of Eric Battershell’s images on the incredible cover designed by Clarise Tan of CT Cover Creations. Working with the two of you on this series continues to be amazing.

  To Hot Tree Editing, I sincerely appreciate your tireless dedication to helping me publish my best work. Becky Johnson, you drive me to write better. I am excited to work with you on future books.

  And, finally, I want to thank my mother for dropping everything when I needed it to read what I’d written and give me her feedback. I think she ran the store out of tabs.

  Table of Contents




























  About The Author


  THREE. TWO. ONE. Midnight.

  Emily Hamilton knew exactly what she would do since she’d turned eighteen—seduce Jake Cavanaugh. She’d loved Jake since the day he’d walked through their door twelve years earlier. Sure it began as a child’s infatuation, but it morphed into a love of him as a man. When she’d turned sixteen, she’d attempted to capture his attention, dressing to impress him, flirting, acting like a woman instead of a silly teenager.

  Yet, he’d continued to call her “sprite,” the stupid childhood name he’d given her. When he’d done so, she’d escaped to her room and cried. He hadn’t seen her as a woman.

  Sometimes she’d catch a weird look in his ice-blue eyes before he’d frown, which she took as disapproval. Emily banished whatever outfit she’d worn when he gazed at her that way. She’d tried everything to turn that gaze to desire. She’d seen it flash through his eyes a few times, only to quickly disappear before a lo
ok of indifference flooded them.

  In an attempt to keep him to herself, she’d told women who had shown up to see him or phoned, that he was in his bedroom with another woman. Jake never understood why some women stopped speaking to him. But Layla Stevens, his on-again, off-again girlfriend, always came back.

  In her heart, Emily knew he wanted her, but he wouldn’t act on it because of her age. In fact, last week she accidentally fell into his arms, hoping he wouldn’t push her away. Being that close to his body had set hers on fire like she’d never felt before, giving her a hint of what could be between them.

  She’d witnessed the blaze of heat in his gaze too as he’d pulled her into a sensual embrace. Emily had wanted to cheer because she thought he’d finally kiss her, and he almost had; instead, he’d groaned and pushed her away saying she was too young. She’d wanted to scream, to beat on his chest and make him quit denying them. There was only a four and a half year age difference between them and many people had an even larger one.

  “I’m no longer jailbait, Jake,” she whispered to her empty bedroom. He’d called her that often enough, but now, he no longer had a reason to ignore what was between them. She didn’t care that she’d make the first move. He’d follow along. She felt it.

  Stripped down, she rubbed a jasmine-vanilla body cream on her petite body. It was advertised to heighten sensuality. She wanted all the help she could get. She double-checked her appearance in the full-length mirror, pleased that her long blonde hair had cooperated with her and fell in smooth waves down her back. Finally, she dusted on a light touch of makeup. He’d always said she looked best with little to none.

  Satisfied that she’d passed her inspection, Emily picked up the short, light pink, silk robe from her bed, slipped it on and reviewed her plan, searching for potential flaws.

  Could she actually do this? Could she seduce her brother’s best friend?

  The creak of the front door opening and closing reached her ears. She cracked her door open a few inches listening for footsteps on the stairs and a specific bedroom to be occupied.

  Hearing Jake enter his room, she closed her door without a sound, tiptoed to her bed and then sat on the edge of it, waiting for him to settle in for the night. She released a pent-up sigh of relief. Her brother, AJ, hadn’t come home with him, and her father was out of town. With only the two of them occupying the house, it couldn’t be more perfect.

  A crash and then a curse reinforced her belief that he’d been drinking. He, AJ, and a couple of their college buddies had been out celebrating their graduation. Jake had majored in international studies, specializing in Middle Eastern affairs. Emily knew with the languages Jake now spoke and the countries’ problems he’d studied in depth that he would be a valuable asset against terrorism. This worried her, especially since Jake and AJ would leave to join the FBI in the morning. Would they deploy him to some far off land? Would she ever see him again? She shuddered at the thought of his being in harm’s way.

  She pushed those images from her mind, banishing them for the evening. She couldn’t allow herself to be brought down that miserable path. She had a mission of seduction and love to tackle, so she had to stay on track.

  What if he turned her away or treated her like a child?

  Her rapidly beating heart plummeted to her stomach, squashing the dozens of butterflies that had been fluttering around. Their pitiful attempt at convincing her to abandon her plan, to let Jake leave without knowing her feelings, without an opportunity for him to humiliate her by turning her away, failed.

  Emily stood and straightened her shoulders. “I am a Hamilton, and Hamiltons don’t back down or quit.” It was now or never. She exited her room and walked down the hall to Jake’s bedroom. After inhaling a deep, calming breath, holding it a moment before releasing it, she opened his door, stepped in and silently closed it behind her. The room was dark with only a sliver of moonlight shining in the middle of the room through a part in the curtains. But, she knew her way around, knew where each piece of furniture was located, but most importantly, knew where his bed stood.

  Her body trembled as she slowly approached him, her pulse jetting through her body. At the last moment, she missed crashing into his luggage. “Jake.” She hadn’t expected the slight hitch that entered her whisper.

  Oh, how she loved this man. She’d remained a virgin for him, wanting him to be her first and only lover. She couldn’t help but wonder if he would appreciate it.

  His only answer to her call was snoring.

  Emily nibbled on her bottom lip. What to do? What to do? He’s supposed to be awake.

  She attempted to view his expression, but the moon had slipped behind a cloud, plunging the entire room into near darkness.

  Feeling for his shape, she touched his shoulder lightly and called out his name again, but that also failed to rouse him. This had to happen tonight. She wanted him to know she was his before he left for training.

  Although inexperienced, she knew a way to wake him, hoping he wasn’t in a deep alcohol-induced sleep. Emily removed her robe and slid into bed beside him. His body heat drew her closer while nervous energy rippled through her, and her body quivered. She whispered his name and then hesitantly glided her right hand up and down his naked chest. The excitement of finally being this intimate with him ran rampant through her with overwhelming anticipation.

  Jake didn’t wake to her touch, but his muscles tensed under her palms. She would not back down.

  Emily pressed a light, lingering kiss to his neck, savoring his taste. She whispered his name in his ear, nipping at the lobe with the hope to turn up the heat inside him enough to rouse him. Jake’s response was unintelligible, so she continued her assault, lightly kissing him and whispering his name. As she explored his body, he moaned, reached out and pulled her close, rubbed his hands up and down her back, and then he clutched her buttocks tightly in his hands, feeding her desire.

  The moonlight entered the room again, casting a shadowy light on Jake’s face and his closed eyes. His hand moved to her breast, and passion gripped its shimmery hold, intensifying her burning need for him. She didn’t resist when he grabbed the back of her head and pulled her to him, slanting his lips over hers in a deep, heated kiss with an intensity that left her breathless and craving more.

  Their first kiss, his warm lips on hers, had been better than she’d imagined. And, she’d dreamed of it for years, and pursued it just as long. In her romantic fantasy, they were in the gazebo, alone, a light rain sliding off the roof, driving the remainder of the family indoors. Jake would walk to her and pull her into his arms, slowly lowering his lips to hers, telling her that he loved her.

  Pulling away to look into his eyes, disappointment tugged at her that they remained closed. Her heart hammering in her chest, Emily called to him again, receiving no response, but one of his hands kept running through her hair while the other fed the tingling taking over her body as he played with her breast and taut nipple.

  Emily glided her arm downward, and her small hand encircled his growing hardness, feeling the shuddering response flow through him before she began caressing the length of him. He groaned, and his hands tightened in her hair, pushing her head down, leaving no doubt of his request.

  Never having attempted the task, she’d heard about it, read about it, but had never been curious enough to attempt until now. As heat pulsed stronger between her legs, she maneuvered herself down his body, uncertainty attempting to shove its way through her. She wanted this to be perfect for Jake.

  His tormented groan spoke to her, giving her the courage she needed to pleasure him with her mouth. Exhilarated, she continued the movement of her hand on his fully rigid cock, slowly and tightly, her tongue swirling around the engorged head before she took him into her mouth.

  Jake’s head fell back on the pillow, and he mumbled something that sounded like, “God, yes, Em!”

n and love pounded through her blood, urging her onward when she heard her name. She continued the rhythm, reached down and cupped his balls, and moaned when he urgently pulled her up his torso.

  With a growl, he covered her lips, devouring them, leaving the throbbing between her thighs in desperate need of relief. He pulled her astride him, reached down and slid a finger inside her. “You are so hot and wet.” The words were slurred, but she understood him.

  She halted. This wasn’t right. He wasn’t fully awake. Releasing a heavy sigh, Emily climbed off Jake. “I’d best go.” Disappointment dropped to the pit of her stomach. This had been her chance, and she’d blown it.

  A hand clamped around her wrist. “No. Stay.”

  She couldn’t make out his face in the dark, but his words were clear. A cheer raised itself inside her, and she slowly climbed on top of him.

  Emily’s breath caught in her throat at the heady sensation that Jake would finally make love to her, leaving her euphoric and anxious. She’d closed her eyes and tensed as he guided himself to her slick entrance, slowly sliding inside her, making her feel like a woman. She almost cried out in disappointment when he withdrew, leaving her empty, lost, her future with him fading away. Then he’d slid himself inside her again, withdrawing and nudging inside her deeper with each move until he was fully sheathed. After the initial discomfort ceased, a new wave of heat flooded her.

  He groaned, clenched her hips and moved her slowly up and down his length, setting a rhythm that sent warm pulses to her core and each stroke increased the intensity. Her attempt at reining in her erratic heartbeat and breathing failed miserably. She finally knew what it was like to have him inside her body, and she loved it.

  With a hand behind her back, he’d pulled her down for what she’d expected to be a kiss. Instead, he took her sensitive nipple into his mouth, tugging, sucking and nipping, building urgency inside her, awakening a sexual hunger that was new to her.

  She arched her back and sighed in pleasure, turning herself over to him completely. The dreams of his hands on her, his filling her had never been this wonderful, this satisfying, tempting her to the very peak of ecstasy.


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