Hearts of Blue

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Hearts of Blue Page 30

by L.H. Cosway

  “Hey! I’m not finished yet.”

  Lee chuckled and raised his hands in surrender. “No need to bite my head off. I just thought you might get full.”

  “Ha! I’m a cop. I’m never full.”

  “This is true. I should see about frying you up some donuts.”

  I narrowed my gaze, still chewing. “Don’t be a dick.”

  “You want my dick? Whoa, ease up there, serg. I’m not a piece of meat.” His cheeky wink held pure mischief as he bent to pull a pot out of the cupboard.

  I scowled playfully at his comment, slightly annoyed by how easily he could get to me, and honestly, feeling a little turned on now that he’d switched up the conversation. I watched as he began melting butter in a saucepan and adding shallots. Already the smell was heavenly, and he hadn’t even put in the other ingredients yet. When he got some melted butter on his thumb, he stuck it in his mouth to suck it off, and without even realising it, I was clenching my thighs at the visual. When the steam made him too hot, he lifted his T-shirt to wipe the sweat from his brow, exposing his abs. I swear, if anyone ever decided to make a cookery show about Lee, they’d get top ratings.

  I put down my empty plate and took a sip of water. Yes, because I was thirsty, but also because I was too warm.

  “The sauce looks great,” I told him, and he glanced up.

  “Yeah? You should come over again tomorrow. I’m makin’ a Ruby Murray.”

  “Oh, my God, you’re such a Cockney sometimes.” I mock-cringed.

  Lee grinned impishly. “You don’t like it?”

  “Danny Dyer doesn’t really do it for me.”

  “You lie. All the ladies love a bit of the Danny. They want him to take them down the rub-a-dub and dip his Hampton Wick in their Morris Minors.”

  I almost wheezed, I laughed so hard. “That’s truly awful. Please don’t ever talk dirty to me in Cockney again. It’ll put me off sex for life.”

  Lee was laughing too, his face handsome as he raised his hands. “Okay, understood. We wouldn’t want to put you off sex.”

  “And why’s that?” I asked, suddenly feeling flirtatious.

  “Because you get the orgasm version of hangry. If I don’t make you come, you’re in a right mood.”

  “Shut up! That’s not true.”

  “Happened a few times, Snap,” he asserted teasingly.

  “Oh, you’re a little liar.” My expression showed my annoyance, and he looked pleased as punch that he was riling me. Clearly, that had been his intention all along.

  After we ate the mini steaks, and I told Lee which version of his béarnaise recipe I preferred, he grabbed two beers from the fridge and brought me upstairs where there was a rooftop terrace. It was only a two-story building, so you couldn’t exactly see for miles, but it was still nice. The weather was mild, and the sky was starting to darken.

  Lee popped open the bottles, handed one to me, and took a long swig of his own. We sat side by side on folding chairs, our feet propped up on an old wooden bench.

  “I like it here,” I said, breaking the quiet.

  “Yeah? I’m gonna get some of those funky coloured lights and hang them over the fencing, set up a few outdoor heaters and get some deck furniture. Make a nice little outdoor dining area.”

  “Sounds like you’ve put a lot of thought into it.”

  “If you’re gonna do something, might as well do it right,” said Lee, tipping his bottle to mine.

  “I’ll drink to that.”

  We sat in quiet for a few minutes, letting the nighttime city noises wash over us. Lee had pulled his chair up close to mine, so our shoulders were only inches apart.

  My hair was up in a ponytail and my old T-shirt hung lazily off one shoulder. I was vaguely aware of a feathery sensation before realising it was Lee’s lips brushing just below my hairline. Letting out a low sigh, I tilted my head farther to the side to grant him more access.

  “You know I love you, right?” he whispered, shocking me out of my reverie. My heart pounded, and I momentarily lost the ability to breathe. He’d told me he loved me once, while drunk beyond belief, but this was different. This time I knew it was true. Emotion clogged my throat, blocking my voice, and I felt wetness prick at my eyes.

  “I know,” I finally managed to whisper.

  “I understand if you can’t say it back yet. I just wanted to tell you how I feel.”

  Involuntarily my mouth dropped open as I stared him. How could he ever think I didn’t feel just as strongly for him as he did for me?

  “Lee,” I said, my voice scratchy, “I know I never admitted it, but I started falling for you a long time ago. It was impossible not to.”

  I saw him hesitate, his face stoic as he watched me. I knew what he was waiting for. He needed me to say the words. After a moment that felt like forever, I managed to muster the courage.

  “I love you, too,” I said, and he reached over to caress my cheek.

  “Yeah?” he asked, his eyes searching mine like I might change my mind between one second and the next.

  “Yeah,” I whispered.

  In quick succession, he took both our bottles and set them down on the bench. Then he was back, his mouth devouring my neck, kissing and nipping in a way that sent tremors throughout my entire body. How was it that a few carefully placed kisses could reduce me to a quivering, breathless pile of need?

  Lee tugged me over to sit on his lap, dragging my mouth to his and kissing me with a relaxed, confident sort of urgency. The spot between my legs ached to be touched while his erection dug into my hip. Before I knew it, I was straddling him, and he’d pulled the tie from my hair, letting the strands fall around my shoulders.

  I was delirious with arousal, needing his mouth everywhere at once. Lee shoved my calf-length skirt up around my waist, his hands finding my underwear and hastily pushing the fabric to one side. When he slid a finger down my folds, he broke our kiss, leaned back, and stared up at me.

  “You’re fucking beautiful,” he said, his voice fierce.

  I let out a weak moan, my breaths quickening.

  “I’m going to watch you come,” Lee went on. “I bet it’ll be fast.”

  He wasn’t wrong. I’d been without sex for months, and being around him for the last few days had me wired. I was in woeful need of a release. Lee pushed two fingers inside me, and I savoured the feeling of fullness while he began rubbing my clit with his thumb. Enjoying the pressure, I closed my eyes, and his other hand slid beneath my T-shirt, pulling down the cup of my bra and palming my breast. He moulded it with his hand, then plucked my beaded nipple, causing me to shudder, ever closer to orgasm. His thumb flicked lazily back and forth. I opened my eyes just as I was about to come, locked gazes with Lee, and shook as pleasure overtook me.

  “So fucking beautiful,” he repeated, devouring me with his stare.

  Once my orgasm faded, I snuggled close to him, breathing in his scent. His hand was still on my breast, and he absentmindedly massaged it as we sat there in the afterglow.

  I was disappointed when he gently moved me, helping us both to stand, and said, “I should get you home.”

  I wanted to pout and complain like a child, wanted to beg him to take me right there on the roof, but I had to maintain some measure of decorum. So instead I nodded and followed him back down to the kitchen, where I’d left my jacket and handbag.

  I was standing by the counter, gathering my things, when I felt his heat at my back.

  “Ah, fuck taking it slow,” said Lee, his hands at my waist. I gasped when he pushed my skirt up again, this time pulling my underwear off and stuffing it in his pocket. All of a sudden I was reminded of our first time, in the dark of the crowded nightclub, absorbing one another like it was our last night on earth. We’d been so desperate for each other back then, had spent so long in a dance, playing a game without any set rules or guidelines.

  Lee’s hand clutched my neck, his mouth at my ear as he asked, “Do you want me?”

I whimpered.

  His hold on me wasn’t gentle, and I savoured the hint of pain. With his other hand, he undid his belt and shoved down his jeans. When I felt his warm cock brush my arse, I arched my spine, seeking. His breath stuttered out of him, like he was having a hard time keeping it together.

  “So perfect,” he growled right before he gave me a light slap on the bottom.

  “I need you. Now,” I breathed, my voice airy and light.

  His hands roamed up my back, removing my bra and letting it drop unceremoniously to the floor. Everywhere he touched me, I shivered. When he cupped my bottom with both hands, his thumb slipping into the crease and smoothing over a forbidden place, I shuddered, my eyes fluttering closed.

  His cock brushed my entrance teasingly, hands gripping me now as he pushed inside in one hard stroke. When he was embedded deep in me he stilled, his mouth on my nape, planting wet little kisses that got me going even more.

  We were both still standing, the sensation more intense that way. Lee’s hips began to move, hammering in and out quickly as he unleashed his need for me. One hand came up to mould my breast, the other spread out flat on my stomach, holding me in place. I arched my spine, letting him in as deep as he could go.

  “Come back to mine tonight,” he breathed harshly.

  “Yes,” I said, my voice high as it mixed with my moans.

  He bit down on my shoulder. “Maybe we’ll stop by yours first, pick up those handcuffs.”

  A quick, unexpected laugh escaped me.

  “I can’t wait to put my mouth on your pussy,” Lee continued in a growl. “God, you’re clenching me so tight right now.”

  Man, when he didn’t go all Cockney, he was really good at dirty talk. His voice filled my ears, telling me all the naughty things he planned on doing to me. I was so wet right then, his cock pounding me hard. I lost the ability to think and fell into the sensation. Lee’s mouth went to my neck, sucking my skin as his movements sped up even more. He was going to leave a mark, but I couldn’t even summon the urge to care. I was sure my uniform would cover it at work.

  When he came, it was with a sharp, gravelly expletive, his teeth grazing me as his hips slowed and his warmth filled me. I sighed as my walls tightened around him and he pulled my body tight to his.

  “Love ya, Karla, always will,” he said as he finally caught his breath.

  “Love you, too,” I replied, turning my face and capturing his lips in a slow, tender kiss.


  Here’s what you need to know: We did go back for the handcuffs, and it was incredible. I was going to order a pair of furry ones online, because real cuffs hurt like a mother…especially when you couldn’t help straining against them.

  Aside from prying ourselves apart when we had to work, Lee and I were inseparable over the following week or two. When the day finally came for the opening of his restaurant, I made sure I had the night off to attend. Lee was putting on a big shindig, with free food and drinks to celebrate the grand opening.

  I wore a figure-hugging black dress with heels, and styled my hair in loose waves. Alexis even had her parents babysit Oliver for the night so she could come. My BFF never turned down free food, even if she had to drag herself away from her adorable newborn for a few hours. This was her first night out since giving birth, and I was glad she was getting the chance to let her hair down.

  Reya came, too, looking stunning in a dark blue dress that hugged her curvy form. She’d slotted herself right back into Trevor’s friend zone, but there was no reasoning with her. Trevor had an energetic sort of charm that could become addictive, especially for an introvert like Reya. She got to live vicariously through his extrovert behaviour. In any case, he and his group of traceurs had won their competition and were headed off to Thailand for a month of sightseeing and mountain climbing. Since the two of them had been spending so much time together, I wondered how she’d handle his absence.

  Lee had been at the restaurant all day, preparing for the party, so I hadn’t seen him since the night before. Arriving with my two friends, I saw him standing by the service window, a row of plates lined up before him as he okayed the dishes. He looked busy so I left him to it, accepting a glass of white wine from the waiter carrying around a tray.

  A little while later I excused myself to use the bathroom, and bumped into Liam on my way back out. He was sitting on the staircase, nursing a glass of whiskey. His eyes grew wary when he saw me, knocking back the last of his drink and slamming down the glass.

  “Not feeling the crowds?” I asked, hovering close by.

  “Big parties aren’t really my thing,” he said, and I took that as an invitation to sit down.

  “Yeah, mine neither.”

  I felt him looking at me curiously as we fell into a silence.

  “Lee seems happy these days,” said Liam after a time.

  “I like to hope he is.”

  Turning his body, his voice and face were serious as he said, “Can I ask you a question?”

  “Of course.”

  “Do you think I’d make a good cop?”

  He couldn’t have surprised me more if he’d asked if he’d make a good micro-pig farmer. My brow furrowed as I hurried to reply, “Oh, well, sure, I think you could be a good anything if you put your mind to it, Liam.”

  He turned away again, his gaze levelled on his hands. “That’s a pat answer, Karla. Give it to me straight. I want your honest opinion.”

  “Is this something you’ve been thinking about?” I asked. I was still trying to get my head around the fact that Liam was considering joining the police. I wasn’t an easy person to surprise, but this certainly took the biscuit.

  “I wouldn’t be asking if it wasn’t,” he said, his voice low and uncertain. It made me wonder if he felt insecure about opening up to me.

  “Liam, I think you’d make a fantastic cop, and that’s the God’s honest truth. But you’ve got a record. You could find it difficult getting your application accepted.”

  “Yeah, that’s what I thought,” he said glumly.

  I studied him, my eyes tracing his handsome profile and short brown hair. Liam was the Cross brother I’d spent the least time with. But looking at him now, I was beginning to think he was the most self-serious, even though he was the youngest. I thought maybe he pushed himself harder to prove his worth to his older siblings.

  Nudging his shoulder with mine, I said, “I could help you, you know. Put a good word in. It can’t hurt matters. And if it doesn’t work, there’s always the army.”

  Liam shook his head. “Nah, the army’s not for me.”

  “So why the police?”

  He lifted a brow. “Honestly? It’s got a lot to do with all the stuff we used to be involved in.” He paused and sighed. “I just feel like stealing’s the only thing I’ve ever really been good at. It’s the thing I know best, but I can’t do it anymore. So I thought maybe I could switch it around, use all the stuff I know about thieving and be the prevention instead of the cause.” He glanced at me. “It’s stupid, I know.”

  I grasped his shoulder. “It’s not stupid, not at all. I actually think it’s very noble. Half the cops I work with got into policing because it’s a government job with a steady paycheck, and those are the good ones. You don’t even want me to get started on the bad.”

  Liam seemed hopeful, and a little embarrassed at my compliment. “So you think I’ve got a chance?”

  “I do. And I’ll do everything I can to help.”

  A few minutes later, I crept up on Lee in the kitchen as he stood typing out a message on his phone. I slid my arms around his waist and squeezed tight.

  “Hey,” I murmured. “Everything going okay?”

  He let out a breath and twisted in my arms. “Yeah, we’ve run out of beer, though. I was just texting the supplier, seeing if he can get another delivery in before closing.”

  I nodded. “Fingers crossed he can. Hey, I was just talking to Liam.”

  Lee’s brow furrowed.
“What did he say? He’s been a moody little sod the past few weeks. I don’t know what’s going on with him.”

  “He told me he’s been thinking about joining the police,” I said, my words coming out in an excited rush.

  Lee shot me an arch look. “Is this a wind-up?”

  “Believe me, I was just as surprised as you are. But no, it’s not a wind-up. I think he’s been considering this for a while.”

  Lee still seemed sceptical, but he gave me a small smile anyway, his hands lowering to cup my arse as he whispered, “Maybe having you around’s been a good influence.”

  I pressed a kiss to his lips before drawing away. After all, there were half a dozen staff milling about, and PDAs weren’t my thing. I lifted a cracker spread with cream cheese smoked salmon off a tray and shoved it in my mouth. Lee gave me a playful smack on the bottom and told me to stop picking at his finger foods. Just as I rubbed away the sting, threatening to get him back, Liam walked into the kitchen.

  “Well, well, well, aren’t you full of surprises,” Lee announced loudly at the sight of his younger brother. “Thinking of joining the coppers. Our dear old granddad would be turning in his grave. You know mum’s old man was a black marketer back in the day.”

  Liam shot me an exasperated look. “You didn’t have to run right off and tell him.”

  “What?” I said, already shoving another cracker into my mouth. “I was excited.”

  He sighed and turned to Lee. “And why the fuck would I give a shit about some old geezer I’ve never met?”

  “Because you’re making a change, cleaning up the Cross name,” Lee replied, slipping his arm around my waist and preventing me from eating any more of his finger foods. “Hey, who’d have thought the coppers’d be the new family business?”

  I grinned and stuck out my tongue. “You should be thanking me for the improvement. And I’m not family yet.”

  Lee barked a laugh. “Yet being the operative word. I’ll have a ring on that finger before the year is out.”

  I gaped at him but couldn’t help the smile that spread from ear to ear. “Shut up.”

  “Make me,” he purred, capturing my lips in another kiss.


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