It's In His Christmas Wish (A Red River Valley Novel Book 7)

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It's In His Christmas Wish (A Red River Valley Novel Book 7) Page 15

by Shelly Alexander

  Cal slowed, but before he could come to a complete stop, Kimberly had the door open and she hit the pavement at a dead run. When she rounded the bus, she froze.

  Kids of all ages were filing out of the buses, and dozens of Red River business owners—the same business owners who’d turned her down when she needed help repairing the moving truck—were directing the kids over to the Wishing Tree.

  Chairperson Clydelle and her sister-in-crime, Ms. Francine, both shuffled over to her.

  “Nice of you to show up, dear,” Ms. Clydelle said. “It wouldn’t have been right to have the kids open gifts without you, since you’re the one who made all this happen.”

  No, she’d failed to make it happen. “How…?” Her hands went to her cheeks. “Who…?” She couldn’t decide what question to ask first. “The gifts are at my office.”

  Ms. Francine shook her head and pointed down the street, her purse swinging on her arm. “No, they’re not. They’re right here.”

  Kimberly followed Ms. Francine’s boney pointing finger. The moving truck that had been broken down behind her office was slowly moving toward them. It eased into a spot behind the last bus.

  Cal and a group of his firefighter buddies formed an assembly line starting at the tree and stretching all the way to the curb next to the truck. Kimberly craned her neck to see who was driving as the door opened … and Ross stepped out from behind the wheel.

  She held her breath.

  Ross went around to the back of the truck, and the human assembly line started rolling toward the tree, with the firefighters handing off packages one after the other.

  Ross strolled in her direction.

  When her lungs nearly burst, she remembered to breathe again.

  He stopped several feet away. “Evening, ladies,” he said to Ms. Clydelle and Ms. Francine. “Thanks for your help.”

  “You’re very welcome.” Ms. Clydelle looked extremely pleased with herself.

  Ms. Francine clucked her tongue. “It would’ve been a shame not to finish what we started.”

  “You’ve all been conspiring on this?” Kimberly’s hands went to her hips. “Behind my back?”

  Ross shrugged as if to say I’m so busted. “I had to keep you in Red River somehow. These fine ladies were good enough to send out word that no one in town was to help fix the truck.”

  “Wait…” Kimberly glared at the two sisters, who didn’t seem the least bit remorseful, then back at Ross.

  He shrugged again. “I loosened the distributor cap on the truck.” He smiled and lifted a finger. “Mechanic, remember? Thank goodness you left the keys in it, or I would’ve had to hot wire it.”

  She rolled her eyes and threw both hands in the air. “I’ve been going out of my mind trying to figure out how to get the gifts to the kids before Christmas.”

  “Sorry to put you through more…” His eyes softened with regret, and he didn’t finish the sentence. “It was the only way to keep you from leaving town with the gifts. It’s a few days sooner than we’d originally planned, but I hope you don’t mind giving out the presents a little early. It was the only way I could make it all come together here in Red River before you took off in that truck like Santa Claus on wheels.”

  Kimberly ran both sets of fingers through her hair. “But how did you know where the kids lived?”

  “I asked Angelique to make a copy of the list from your clipboard when you weren’t around,” cooed Ms. Francine.

  “My law partner was in on this, too?” Kimberly gasped.

  “Sure was.” Angelique walked up behind her and joined their circle. “I was so afraid I wouldn’t be able to stall you long enough this morning for Ross to sabotage the truck.” She pointed across the park to the bus at the front of the line. “My family came into town a few days early to help out with the chaperoning, food, and whatever else the kids need.” She lifted a brow. “All of them. Aunts, uncles, cousins. Even a few I don’t recognize. I think they’re just pretending to be relatives to feast on my mom’s and her sisters’ Italian cooking.”

  Kimberly went up on tippy toes, and sure enough. A few dozen people—all with olive complexions and waving arms in the air like a scene straight out of Moonstruck—were organizing kids on the other side of the park.

  “Dear Lord. It’s like I’ve died and gone to Sicily,” Kimberly mumbled, then gave her bestie a playful slug. “Thanks, hon. I adore you, ya know.”

  “I know.” Angelique winked. “I better go help out before my grandmother starts teaching the kids how to swear in Italian.” She strolled away.

  “But where will the kids stay?” Kimberly’s mind started spinning. “How can we feed this many people?”

  “Every bed and breakfast, hotel, and lodge has dedicated the next few days to these kids,” Ross said.

  “Cotton Eyed Joe’s is providing lunches and Rocket Pizza is providing dinner,” Ms. Clydelle added. “Everything’s taken care of, so no need to worry.”

  “I…” Kimberly’s voice cracked, and she fought off a prickle behind her eyes. “I don’t know what to say.”

  “Well,” Ms. Francine said innocently. “You could say that you forgive poor Ross, here.” She swung her purse in his direction. “He’s worked hard to make sure this came together so it would be special for you.”

  She turned her gaze on him and their eyes hooked into each other.

  “Ladies,” he said to the two sisters without looking away from Kimberly. “Would you mind giving us a minute?”

  They waddled off, harrumphing as they went.

  “You did all this for me?” she asked, her voice a tangle of emotions.

  Ross eased another step closer. “For the kids, too, but mostly for you.”

  “And the whole town was in on it?” she whispered.

  He nodded and took another step. “Pretty much.”

  “How did you find the buses?” she asked.

  “Let’s just say I’ll be providing free lifetime repairs to my client who owns the buses, and he has a lot of expensive classic cars.” Ross scratched his jaw. “I may have also thrown in my classic pickup.”

  Kimberly let a gasp slip through her lips. “You adore that truck. You rebuilt it yourself. Ross, why?” For a hardass who’d made it her life’s mission growing up to never cry in front of anyone, she’d turned pretty soft lately. Tears swam in her eyes. She’d already made up her mind that she was done with Red River. Why’d he have to go and be so sweet?

  He took yet another step. “Because I gave you my word. Because of all the people in the world, you’re the last one I’d want to let down.”

  That’s all it took for the dam of emotions she’d kept bottled up for so long to break, and tears flowed down her cheeks.

  He came up in front of her, framing her face with both of his hands. “Because I love you.” He pressed a soft kiss to her lips. “I’ve loved you for a long time, and the way I blew it by walking away from you when you tried to do something so wonderful for me was inexcusable. I’m so, so sorry.”

  She covered his hands with hers. “I don’t know, Ross.” She tried to sniff back the tears, but there was no stopping them. “You did the one thing I don’t think I can get past.”

  “I know.” He kissed her forehead. “I’ll do whatever it takes to earn your trust again, if you’ll give me another chance.” He rested his forehead against hers. “But if you don’t want me anymore, I’ll understand.” He chuckled. “I won’t like it one damn bit, but I’ll respect your decision.”

  Good Lord.

  She wanted to throw herself into his arms and forget every bad thing that had happened. Every hang-up that caused her not to want to open her heart to the man she loved.

  But he’d walked away just because she’d made a mistake.

  And he was apologizing and asking her to forgive him, like no one else ever had. He’d spent days planning this massive show of affection.

  She held on tight, not wanting to let go. Not wanting to lose the safety and security s
he felt in his arms.

  If she pushed him away again, maybe she really was letting herself be a victim of her past. Even good people made mistakes. Mistakes that could be forgiven. Right?

  Or was she trying to convince herself that Ross was someone she should count on? The same way she’d tried to convince herself that her parents would come for her, but never did. The same way she’d told herself each foster home would be different, but never was.

  If the universe didn’t seem to hate her so much, she’d wish for a sign. A sign that would guide her and tell her what to do.

  Something tugged at her coat.

  She and Ross broke apart and both looked down.

  Little Noelle was standing there. “Do you think Santa will make my wish come true?” she asked in the smallest, sweetest voice.

  Kimberly glanced at Ross, then they both crouched to Noelle’s level to look her in the eye.

  “Well, we’ll have to see what’s in the presents when we open them.” Kimberly tweaked Noelle’s nose.

  Her lip stuck out. “No, I mean my other wish.”

  Ross gave Kimberly a sympathetic look.

  “Sweetie,” Ross said. “What other wish?”

  Good question. Kimberly didn’t remember seeing extra wishes come in from Noelle’s foster mom. Hopefully, the one thing Kimberly had wanted to shield these kids from wouldn’t happen for little Noelle—disappointment.

  “I wished for a mommy and daddy,” Noelle said.

  “Well, I’m sure wonderful people will come along and want to be your parents,” Ross said.

  Kimberly drew in a sharp breath and gave her head a quick shake so Ross would stop. He obviously thought it was a kind thing to say. He had no way of knowing that she’d heard it a thousand times growing up, and it hurt more and more every year when it failed to happen. Until she’d finally stopped hoping.

  “But they’re already here,” Noelle said, as though Kimberly and Ross didn’t understand.

  They didn’t, actually. “What do you mean, hon?” Kimberly asked.

  Noelle pointed to Ross, then to Kimberly. “I wished for you to be my mommy and daddy.”

  Kimberly’s eyes flew wide.

  Ross’s mouth turned up and he gave her a hopeful look. “That’s the best wish I’ve ever heard.”

  Kimberly’s heart grew so big at that moment, there was no way she couldn’t have let Ross back into it. The possibility of having him in her life and a beautiful little girl named Noelle seemed like more than a Christmas wish come true.

  It seemed like a miracle.


  One year later.

  Ross’s chest expanded as he stood under the gazebo in the park. A few feet away, Noelle’s Wishing Tree was lit even brighter, and loaded with even more wishes than there had been the year before.

  All of Red River and the kids who’d been brought in to open their gifts looked on, but the most special wedding guests of all were Ross’s parents. They were dressed in Christmas colors and both had watery eyes as they stared at Ross and the beautiful little flower girl holding his hand.

  The love of his life walked toward him, following a trail that he’d plowed into the snow earlier that day so she wouldn’t get the train of her dress wet. She’d borrowed a wedding gown, because Kimberly had been too frugal to waste money on a new dress of her own.

  Instead of spending money on a lavish wedding, she’d claimed Red River’s park, in it’s Christmas winter glory, would be a magnificent backdrop.

  She’d been right.

  He glanced down at their flower girl, who had scattered a trail of red and green petals along the plowed trail. Noelle was wearing a pretty new Christmas dress because Kimberly said nothing was too good for their little girl.

  The adoption wasn’t finalized yet, but it would be soon.

  Noelle rested her hand on Comet’s neck, and the dog leaned into her, the blingy antlers Kimberly had made for him wobbled. He’d grown to be Noelle’s fierce protector.

  But not as fierce as Ross, because he was already certain he’d never let his little girl get married. Or date. Or look at a boy.

  He refocused on his bride, and in typical Kimberly fashion, she charged up to the makeshift altar, and whispered, “Hey, big guy. Ready to spend the rest of your life with a misfit?”

  “Yep,” he whispered back. “Love the hair.” She’d been growing it longer, and the silky locks brushed her shoulders.

  She blushed. “Thanks.” She glanced down at Noelle, then leaned in closer to his ear. “I thought maybe you could wrap it in your hands when we’re…” She waggled both brows.

  “If that’s what the lady wants, that’s what the lady will get.” He waggled his brows right back at her.

  “Another wish fulfilled.” She fist-pumped the air. “I’m so damn good at this wish thing.”

  Deacon West, who’d been ordained and become Pastor West since last Christmas, stepped up in front of them and began to explain why they were all gathered.

  It was all a blur. Ross couldn’t keep his eyes or his thoughts off Kimberly. And really, he fully understood why they were gathered. It was to witness the happiest day in his life, in the greatest town on earth, with the best people in the world looking on as witnesses.

  And now, he, Kimberly, Noelle, Comet, and any other little Armstrongs who might come along would be part of Red River as a family.

  In Ross’s book, that was proof enough that wishes really did come true.

  I want to offer a personal heartfelt THANK YOU to my readers for following this series from start to finish. It was my first published series, and I have mixed emotions now that’s it’s over. I’m going to miss it, but I’m excited to delve into new projects set in utterly romantic locations with incredibly sexy characters.

  Rest assured, all of the wonderful quirky characters who make up the soul of Red River will live on my my heart. I hope they will live on in yours, too.

  Need to catch up on the rest of the series? One-Click

  IT’S IN HIS HEART and see where it all began!

  Reviews are an author’s best friend! They spread the word to others who enjoy the same books as you. So be sure to leave a review for IT’S IN HIS CHRISTMAS WISH on AMAZON, B&N, GOODREADS, BOOKBUB and any other favorite sites.

  And don’t miss my DARE ME series! Set on the picturesque vacation island of Angel Fire Falls, it’s a sizzling series about

  secrets and second chances.

  One-Click DARE ME ONCE!

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  Do you like more steam in your romance novels? Try my super sizzling series of erotic rom coms. Download FOREPLAY now.

  About the Checkmate Inc. Series:

  Leo Foxx, Sex Moore, and Oz Strong spent their youths studying a chessboard, textbooks…and women from afar. Now they’re players in the city that never sleeps. Gone are their shy demeanors, replaced with muscle, style, and enough sex appeal to charm women of all ages, shapes, and cup sizes. They’ve got it all, including a multimillion-dollar business called Checkmate Inc.—a company they founded right out of college.

  Some guys are late bloomers, but once they hit their stride, they make up for lost time.

  And the bonus? The founding partners of Checkmate Inc. didn’t become successful and smokin’ hot by accident. They were smart enough to surround themselves with guys who helped them transform into the men they are today. So get ready for more stories about the hotties who are connected to Checkmate Inc.

  A fun, flirty, and dirty contemporary series of STANDALONES in which the sizzling hot players of Checkmate Inc. and the guys who helped them get to where they are all meet their matches.

  More titles by Shelly:

  Shelly’s titles with a little less steam (still sexy, though!):

  The Red River Valley Series

  It’s In His Heart – Coop & Ella’
s Story

  It’s In His Touch – Blake & Angelique’s Story

  It’s In His Smile – Talmadge & Miranda’s Story

  It’s In His Arms – Mitchell & Lorenda’s Story

  It’s In His Forever - Langston & His Secret Love’s Story

  It’s In His Song - Dylan & Hailey’s Story

  It’s In His Christmas Wish - Ross & Kimberly’s Story

  The Angel Fire Falls Series

  Dare Me Once — Trace & Lily’s Story

  Dare Me Again — Elliott & Rebel’s Story

  Dare Me Now - TBA

  Dare Me Always - TBA

  Shelly’s sizzling titles (with a lot of steam):

  The Checkmate Inc. Series

  ForePlay – Leo & Chloe’s Story

  Rookie Moves – Dex & Ava’s Story

  Get Wilde – Ethan & Adeline’s Story

  Sinful Games – Oz & Kendall’s Story

  Wilde Rush - Jacob & Grace’s Story TBA

  About the Author

  Shelly Alexander is the author of contemporary romances that are sometimes sweet, sometimes sizzling, and always sassy. A 2014 Golden Heart® finalist, and a 2019 RITA® finalist, and a 2019 HOLT Medallion finalist, she grew up traveling the world, earned a bachelor’s degree in marketing, and worked in the business world for twenty-five years. With four older brothers, she and her older sister watched every Star Trek episode ever made, joined the softball team instead of ballet class, and played with G.I. Joes while the Barbie Corvette stayed tucked in her closet. When she had three sons of her own, she decided to escape her male-dominated world by reading romance novels and has been hooked ever since. Now she spends her days writing steamy contemporary romances while tending to two spoiled toy poodles named Mozart and Midge. And she grew up to own her very own Corvette, so Barbie can keep hers.


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