A Dragon's Healing Heart [Fury 5]

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A Dragon's Healing Heart [Fury 5] Page 1

by Marcy Jacks

  Fury 5

  A Dragon’s Healing Heart

  Storm is a dragon warrior. He fights and kills warlocks to protect shifters from the Dog Catchers. His new mate is older and recently lost his previous mate to the cruelty of the Dog Catchers. David wants Storm more than anything in the world, but his guilt won’t allow it, and it’s torturing them both.

  Storm wants to take David for himself, but he can’t. Not when David is forcing himself to let the mating heat take him. Storm can be patient when he needs to be. He’s a grown man and he can prove to his mate that he’s worthy of him, that David is safe, and that nothing will happen to the rest of his family.

  When it’s revealed there is someone in the dragon clan who might have had a hand in David’s suffering, Storm will have to use all of his love and patience to keep his mate from doing something he will regret.

  Genre: Alternative (M/M, Gay), Contemporary, Fantasy, Paranormal, Shape-shifter, Vampires/Werewolves

  Length: 25,238 words


  Fury 5

  Marcy Jacks


  Siren Publishing, Inc.




  Copyright © 2018 by Marcy Jacks

  ISBN: 978-1-64243-059-2

  First Publication: March 2018

  Cover design by Harris Channing

  All art and logo copyright © 2018 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.



  Marcy Jacks lives and works in Ontario Canada, and she loves writing about gorgeous guys in tricky situations, likes Otome romance games, and is a terrible procrastinator. You can reach her at [email protected]

  For all titles by Marcy Jacks, please visit


  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  About the Author

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven





  Fury 5


  Copyright © 2018

  Chapter One

  Storm hesitated outside of the bedroom.

  David’s bedroom. The room that had been given to him as one of their new guests.

  Wolf guests. More and more were coming to the clan, and this one smelled particularly good.

  Good enough that Storm had a good idea of what it meant and what was needed in order to make his not-so-little problem go away.

  He raised his hand, pulled back, and turned away from the door.

  Storm rushed his fingers over his head, wishing he hadn’t shaved off his Mohawk because, in that moment, he really needed something to grip onto.

  Realizing he had a mate, and one that was older than him, made him rethink the look. So his head was shaved. He might grow it in a little. He’d liked his hair, but now that he had a mate, Storm figured it was time to look a little more respectable.

  Which was also why he’d taken out his eyebrow ring and the silver stud at his lower lip.

  The tattoos he couldn’t do much about. For now.

  Christ, he didn’t even know what this guy liked.

  Storm always knew there was no real choice to be had with whom he mated with. He tried to keep an open mind about whom he would get. If it ever happened. Whether his mate was male or female, Storm wanted to be a good mate.

  He just never thought that the mate he’d end up with would be older than him, and a father.

  And a widower.


  It was already midnight. He knew the guy inside wasn’t sleeping.

  He could hear him in there.

  It wasn’t that he was doing anything, but Storm could hear David’s heartbeat.

  It was not the slow and steady heartbeat of a man who was fast asleep.

  David and Aiden had been spending a lot of time together since David had come here. Aiden was his only son and had managed to escape the Dog Catchers who were rounding up the wolves.

  After a disease that went around over five years ago, killing all the alphas, be they wolves, foxes, or cats, the Dog Catchers had showed up as a measure of protection.

  The disease didn’t just kill the alphas. It turned them against their own packs.

  Silver’s own mate, Erin, had a few horror stories about what his father and sister had done when they were taken with that brain disease.

  The alphas killed so many people—women, children, betas, omegas, humans. They went after everyone before either dying or killing themselves.

  The humans had signed off on the Dog Catchers after it happened

  They were supposed to bring in any beta or omega suspected of harboring the disease and treat them.

  They were not supposed to round up anyone they saw fit and turn them into guinea pigs.

  The Dog Catchers were ruthless, and they were after any and all omegas and betas.

  While everyone thought of the disease as hitting only the alphas, Storm had since discovered a few betas had been hit with it, as well and even fewer omegas.

  At this point, it was fairly safe to say that if there were any omegas and betas running around today, they weren’t going to get infected with the disease.

  Too much time had passed. No one else had been diagnosed.

  So the Dog Catchers were either being massive pricks and there was something, or someone, who needed to be taken out of that organization, or it had never been about treating the sick in the first place.

  Storm supposed it didn’t matter. David was still left without his wife. A wife he would probably rather have coming to him tonight than Storm.

  He knocked on the door.

  Storm heard the heartbeat of the man inside briefly falter, and then there were footsteps.

  “Who is it?”

  He knew who it was.

  “It’s me. Storm.” Storm cleared his throat. “I was one of the men on the team during the rescue mission for you. I was wondering how you were doing?”

  Stupid question. He knew how the guy was doing, and now Storm was here hoping he would open the door so he could get the guy naked and in bed.

  Which was part of the reason why he was so shocked when the door finally did open and David looked out at him.

  Older he might be, but he sure as hell didn’t look it.

  “Hi,” Storm said.

  Christ, he’d had more lovers than he knew what to do with at times. He’d taken men and
women to his bed, and fun times were always had by all, but looking down at a guy who was smaller and shorter than he was had Storm suddenly frozen all the way into his gut.

  He couldn’t think, and he could hardly breathe. He’d never been this nervous. Not even when he’d lost his virginity as a teenager.

  David swallowed hard. His hair was dark, the same shade of brunet as his son’s. His eyes were gray, too, but there wasn’t that hint of green that Aiden had.

  David leaned against the doorway, crossing his arms. “Hi.”

  One thing David did have that Aiden didn’t were the flecks of gray at his temples.

  Wolves and dragons tended to live longer than humans did, but not so much longer that the aging process didn’t still take effect.

  Storm’s mouth was dry. Why was his mouth so dry?

  “I was wondering how you were feeling.”

  “I know what you were wondering.”

  Storm’s spine tensed. “You do?”

  Only then did Storm notice the soft bags beneath David’s eyes. As though the man had been doing very little sleeping.

  “I’m not a dragon or an alpha, but I still have a sense of smell. I can smell your lust all over you.”

  Right. Now Storm really did feel like a damned kid again. He was thirty-three years old, and that seemed way too old to be feeling so nervous about something like this.

  “Right. I’m not trying to bother you.”

  “I know. I know how this works. You can’t help it, and neither can I.”

  Storm glommed onto that quickly. “So you know.”

  David looked at him, rubbed his jaw, and then looked away.

  Yeah, he really looked as though he needed some sleep.

  “Yeah, I know.”

  Storm’s heart ached for the man.

  Fuck. This was a mistake.

  “So, you want to come in here? Get this over with?”

  Get it over with?

  “I was hoping this wouldn’t be something you’d have to put up with.”

  David rubbed the back of his head. “Yeah, well, sorry I can’t really show that much interest right now. I mean, obviously I’m interested.”

  The man glanced down. Storm’s eyes did the same, and he noted the tenting happening in David’s pants.

  Storm pressed his lips together.

  He didn’t just see it. He could smell it.

  The mating heat would make David’s body react like that. Of course. There was no other way around it. What the hell did he think was going to happen?

  It was more than likely the other man had already touched himself a number of times to try to ease the ache that came with a constantly hard dick and full testicles.

  Storm had done it a couple times himself that day just so he could have a little self-control when he came here.

  Now that he was in front of the object of his desires, could smell the man, and see his obvious lust for him, it was hard.

  So fucking hard to tell himself to turn away. To give the man the space he needed.

  Storm rubbed at his face.

  “You can come in if you want.” David sounded resigned. “Maybe when you’re done I can get some sleep. Or…”

  The man trailed off and looked away.

  Storm couldn’t do it.

  Well, he could, but he couldn’t.

  It felt too close to taking advantage. He didn’t want that. He didn’t want to fuck his mate for the first time because David wanted to forget about his lost first love. His first mate.

  Or because David thought it was just something he needed to endure.

  “Did it ever occur to you that you might have another mate?”

  “No.” David shook his head. “I mean, everyone thinks about it at some time or another, right? But after Emily was gone…it was the last thing on my mind. To be honest, the first couple of times I caught the scent of a mate, I thought it was her…”

  His voice broke. David cut himself off, likely because he didn’t want to give away anything else, any more of his pain.

  And Storm was the asshole who’d come here wanting to fuck him.

  He was the asshole who still wanted to fuck him. Emotional pain and all. His body ached for him. His hands itched to reach out and grab David, to push him inside, kiss him, walk him back toward the bed…

  David reached for Storm’s wrist. He wasn’t a small man. Not really. He was about the height of his son, but he had a little more bulk in his shoulders.

  He was still smaller than Storm was. His fingers couldn’t come close to reaching all the way around his wrist.

  And yet, when he pulled Storm into his bedroom, Storm went willingly with him, the door shutting behind them.

  The darkness hit him hard compared to the hallway. Did David have no lights on in here or what?

  “David, I’m not sure if—”

  Storm’s next words were immediately cut off by a pair of lips against his own. Lips that were warm and eager. A tongue that tasted wonderful when it pushed between his lips.

  The shock caught him off guard. The taste of his mate, and the sensation of those eager hands all over his body, pulled from him an instinct that refused to be ignored.

  Storm’s hands moved across David’s waist to the loose pants he wore and the oversized T-shirt.

  He stripped David completely naked, clumsily yanked himself out of his clothes, and then stood shocked as his mate sank to his knees in front of Storm’s cock.

  He would have thought that a man who had, so far, spent all of his adult life mated to a woman might be a little shy when it came to this.

  It seemed Storm’s fear was for nothing. The mating heat was apparently taking over that last little bit of apprehension.

  “I want to forget,” David said, right before Storm felt the pressure of those lips around his cock.

  Chapter Two

  David honestly couldn’t believe he was doing this.

  Never in his life had he ever had another man’s dick in his mouth. He’d never been remotely curious about it either.

  He’d had Emily, and they’d started their family young, but she had always been more than enough.

  Once, as a joke, he told Emily that if he ever died, she could only ever have a woman for a second mate because he would be too jealous if she were to replace him with a man.

  And it would give him something fun to watch from heaven.

  She’d told him that if she ever died and he wanted a second mate, it would have to be with a man for the same reason.

  They’d laughed their asses off over that one, and in all honesty, he’d forgotten about it.

  Until now.

  Well, he hoped he was putting on a good show for her, if she happened to be watching this from…wherever she was.

  The dragon, Storm, groaned as David bobbed his head back and forth. He wasn’t even sure he was doing this right. Emily had done this to him before, but it wasn’t as though he’d been paying special attention to exactly what she’d been doing so David could put that talent to good use.

  The dragon was hard. Of course he was. His dick was salty, but it wasn’t gross in his mouth. David had worried that it would be, but this was all right.

  It tasted like, well, skin. He could do that. He could handle that.

  He couldn’t bob his head too far down around the shaft. Otherwise, his gag reflex started up.

  He wanted this to be good for them both. He didn’t want to choke on Storm’s cock.

  Just in case, David reached for the other man’s testicles, cupping them in his hand.

  This was something he could do a little better. David rolled them. He’d always liked it when his balls were played with, so why not give it a shot here?

  The reaction from Storm was exactly as David had been hoping for.

  The man groaned. His perfectly sculpted abs clenched tightly, and David knew he had him.

  The man was not only younger than David was he was good looking, too.

  He wasn’t
sure why dragons didn’t have alphas. If this man had been born a wolf shifter, he definitely would have been an alpha with his size and strength.

  Personality…David was going to wait before making a judgment on that one. So far it was hard to tell.

  An alpha would have gone more aggressively for what he wanted. Storm seemed almost nervous. It was sort of cute, but it could also be a product of their age differences. Or David’s loss.

  Don’t think about that.

  He put Emily out of his head. He didn’t want to see her face while he had a man’s dick in his mouth.

  He focused on the task at hand. The smell. The heat.

  This was a mating. His body pulled him to this man. There was going to be no peace for him until he got this out of his system.

  Then he could sleep.

  David pulled his mouth back suddenly. “How old are you?”

  Storm blinked down at him. “Wh-what?”

  David had no time for this. “How old are you? Hurry up! I just had your dick in my mouth!”

  “I’m thirty-three.”

  He sighed. “Good. Christ.”

  He hadn’t even thought to ask. Storm didn’t exactly look like a teenager. He looked like an adult male in his twenties, but there was no telling with some people, and David supposed he was a little paranoid.

  “Why?” Storm apparently didn’t get it. “How old did you think I was?”

  Now David was embarrassed. He looked away from the other man so he didn’t have to show Storm his glare. “I suppose I thought you were still in your twenties.”

  The man was a bit older than David thought, but that was a good thing in the long run.

  He didn’t have to worry about some young, reckless asshole who only thought of themselves.

  David sure as hell remembered what his friends had been like at that age. They hadn’t had kids as young as David had, so they didn’t need to grow up as fast as he did.


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