A Dragon's Healing Heart [Fury 5]

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A Dragon's Healing Heart [Fury 5] Page 4

by Marcy Jacks

  Though both her and his parents had done their level best to keep them away from each other at least until after they’d both graduated from college.

  David had missed out on a lot of Aiden’s baby years because of that. He could only come over when the sun was up, and only if his parents were there as well for the visit, and he was never allowed to sleep over.

  His parents had been thrilled with the grandbaby. Of course, they’d had David fairly later on in their lives. Her parents had only put up with becoming early grandparents because they knew it was a legitimate mating.

  Being that age and going through a mating heat he could do almost nothing about had been fucking torture, and he knew it had caused a lot of strife between Emily and her parents, but things had worked out.

  “Wow, so you’re not much older than I am at all.” Storm grinned about that. “And here I was thinking that I had to behave myself for some grumpy old man.”


  Storm was still grinning at him, right before he snorted and turned his face away, hiding it behind his hand. “I honestly have no idea what it is, but seeing you look so irritated with me is adorable.”


  He didn’t think that word applied to him.

  “Puppies are adorable. Babies are adorable. Sometimes.”

  Storm snorted again.

  “I am not adorable.”

  “You kind of are.”

  Storm looked at him just then, and even though they barely knew each other, it was something in his eyes, in the way they became half lidded, that made David realize his mate might be after something.

  The scent of musk perfuming the air, heavily blanketing around David, made him want the same thing his mate wanted.

  His skin felt overly sensitive in his borrowed clothes. The hairs on the back of David’s neck and on his arms stood right up.

  Storm stepped closer. They were toe to toe. David could feel the man’s body heat as well as smell his desire now.

  “I could take you home with me. You wouldn’t have to stay in Silver’s guest room anymore.”

  David swallowed hard. His body felt like a live wire now that he’d been started up like this.

  “You want to fuck?”

  Storm’s smile showed off a little tooth.

  David supposed that was answer enough.

  He could be an adult about this. He was mated to this man, and regardless of what pain he was going through, his body wouldn’t be told to wait.

  And he’d slept like a damned baby last night anyway.

  “All right. You’d better make this worth it.”

  “I will.”

  * * * *

  Storm was hyperaware of the way his mate didn’t want to be seen by anyone as they snuck their way back into the circle of houses.

  To Storm’s house.

  He figured David just didn’t want to take the risk that Aiden would see them since it would likely pick at an already sensitive wound.

  He felt almost like a teenager sneaking into his house with a secret lover.

  David continued to shock him with the way he reacted to Storm’s touch.

  He supposed that, since David had already had a mate and that mate had been a woman, he continued to expect the man would be a little shy of his touch.

  But he wasn’t. The instant the door closed behind them and they had their privacy, David shocked Storm as he reached up for him, pulled his face down, and crushed their mouths together.

  As if they’d had years to get used to each other, to build a rhythm, to learn each other’s bodies, their tastes and preferences.

  Their desires.

  At the moment, David very clearly desired Storm, and there was nothing in the world Storm wouldn’t do to give David what he wanted.

  He moved them to his living room. His house was small. He didn’t need much, but going up the stairs to his bedroom seemed like a waste of time. Why bother with that when there was a couch right over there that did just as well?

  Their kissing was sloppy. They could hardly get a proper rhythm going when they struggled to keep up with each other, pushing and pulling each other to their destination.

  Storm fell down onto his mate, and luckily, he did it on the couch he was aiming for.

  David yelled out a little from the shock of the fall, and they bonked their heads together.

  “Ow, fuck,” David said, but then that was all he said as he grabbed Storm by the ears and brought his mouth back down for another kiss.

  As though he was starving without Storm’s mouth.

  And Storm loved it.

  He kissed his mate back with all the energy, all the love and lust he had within him, because it was all there and it was all real.

  He dipped his tongue into David’s mouth, his cock throbbing when he heard the delectable mewl that came from his throat.

  David pulled at Storm’s shirt. He seemed desperate to get it off his chest and over his head before Storm could shrug out of his leather jacket.

  Storm pulled back just long enough to do that. He grinned down at his mate as he did.

  David’s smile seemed a little more nervous.

  “Relax. I’ll take care of you.”

  David swallowed, nodding. “Right.”

  Storm needed to get his shit together. He wanted David to enjoy this, to have no regrets.

  So when he pulled down the stretchy waist of David’s pants and exposed his cock, he did so with great care.

  He held on to David’s dick as though he would the Hope Diamond. This thing was a fucking treasure.

  Of course, he wouldn’t stroke the Hope Diamond unless he was cleaning it, and he definitely wouldn’t put the Hope Diamond into his mouth, but he figured the comparison would be appreciated if he ever told it to David.

  David’s eyes slid shut as Storm stroked his cock. It was already hard, but it throbbed in Storm’s hand as he worked it.

  “Fuck,” David sighed, canting his hips forward, but he couldn’t seem to get much momentum with Storm straddling him like that.

  “Feels good?”

  David nodded.

  Storm undid his jeans. He pulled his cock free, pressing their dicks together and taking David’s hand.

  He brought it lower so they were both stroking their cocks together.

  “That’s it, baby. Move your hand. Just like that.”

  David did as he was told. The more he moved his hand, the more of a rhythm he seemed to find.

  Their breath puffed warmly between their bodies.

  “That’s fucking crazy.”

  Storm was going to hope his mate meant crazy in a good way. He was glad for it either way. Glad that David was enjoying himself. Glad that he looked as though he was losing himself.

  Last night when they’d tried this, David looked more as though he was in pain. Pain just from being touched from someone other than his first love.

  No pressure or anything. It just meant that Storm had to be very careful with how he handled his mate. He had to be careful with the way he touched him.

  He had to make sure this was one of the better nights of David’s life.

  Right now was nothing like it had been last night. Right now, David touched him, stroked him, and asked for more as though he’d been missing this for his entire life.

  And Storm was more than getting into it. Not just because of the mating heat either. He’d never had a mate before, so unlike David, he had nothing to compare it to, but now, oh God, right now it felt as though he’d never felt anything for as long as he’d lived.

  Not until this very moment.

  His body was alive in a way it had never been, and he wasn’t going to be satisfied with just this. He could tell that much right now. He could tell when David threw his head back and came with a hard groan between their bodies.

  No. They weren’t even close to being done.

  Chapter Six

  Storm yanked his mate out of his clothes. He had to get the man naked as
soon as possible. His body couldn’t handle it. The heat was beginning to suffocate him and not in a good way.

  Was that normal? He’d heard that denying a mating heat could be uncomfortable but never that it could lead him to struggle for breath.

  Maybe it was all the kissing he was doing. After David came to his pleasure, the scent of his musk was heavy in the air, and the man reached for him, pulling Storm down on top of him, their mouths crushing together as though they were just learning what kissing was.

  And it was good. So good that Storm was forgetting to take a couple of breaths between kisses.

  David panted for breath whenever their mouths happened to separate, but otherwise, he hardly seemed to notice. The only thing on Storm’s mind was stripping his mate, and David seemed more than eager to help him out of his clothes, as well.

  It was daylight now, and even with the curtains shut, it was bright in here. Not dark like it had been the night before.

  Which made it much easier for David to take note of Storm’s cock and balls.

  It was a little strange, considering he’d just been stroking them together, but now he looked at Storm’s dick as though he’d never seen such a thing before.

  The man’s eyes widened as he stared down at it.

  “Fuck, you’re big,” he said.

  Storm grinned at that. “I am, but so are you.”

  Storm’s cock was a touch bigger than David’s, but the beta was still well endowed. The man certainly had nothing to feel shy about when it came to comparing their sizes, but he looked as though he was about to be hit with a bout of bashfulness.

  Storm took David’s hand and brought it to his cock. “Touch me. It’s just me.”

  David’s hand was still, but the man melted easily, stroking Storm’s cock with a newly found rhythm.

  Slowly, Storm was starting to understand the way David worked. Perhaps he hadn’t been like this with his wife, and this might only be a reaction to a new mate of the same sex, but it seemed David had a habit of getting a little shy when they started touching.

  After a minute or so, he got used to it and found his place, settling into a pattern, and it was when he relaxed that pattern that Storm was able to touch his mate again without fear of pushing him into something he didn’t want.

  He didn’t want David to give himself over because he thought it was something that needed to be done as a result of the mating. He didn’t want the man to do this because it was something that needed to be done and over with either.

  This was supposed to be a good thing for the both of them. A good memory they could both look back on and be pleased with.

  Storm leaned down to David’s stomach, licking away the seed David had spilled.

  The man gasped. “What are you doing?”

  Storm looked up at him. He felt a little wild in that moment, as though his inner dragon was spreading its wings and getting ready to take flight.

  Then, without answering the man, Storm went right back to what he was doing, tasting his mate, taking David inside himself.

  And he was delicious.

  “You…you’re crazy.”

  Storm blew a raspberry on David’s stomach at those words.

  “What? Why?”

  David blinked. He looked so utterly lost it was kind of cute.

  “Why would you lick that up?”

  “Don’t tell me it’s the first time you’ve ever seen anyone do that?”

  He wasn’t about to ask if David’s wife had ever gone down on him. Storm was pretty sure the answer was yes and that she had tasted him in ways Storm was doing now.

  He just knew better than to point that out.

  David would most definitely not like to hear about his dead wife when Storm was in the middle of pleasuring him.

  It was more than likely the other man was only objecting because it was Storm doing it to him. Another man.

  “I’ve seen it. You’re just…”

  “A guy?”

  David pressed his lips together. Clearly embarrassed by this whole thing. He nodded.

  Storm grinned. “Don’t worry. You taste good.”

  He held David’s eye contact as he let his tongue slide along the ridges of David’s stomach. He was in good shape. It was a pleasure to let his tongue make a trail over the muscle of his abs, the small hills, tasting David’s skin and his pleasure.

  David gasped, as though Storm had been licking something else the entire time.

  “Baby, I want you.” Storm turned his gaze back up to David. “I want to fuck you.”

  He could hear the sound of David’s heart beating, the nervous thumping that reminded Storm of a frightened rabbit.

  Storm stroked David’s legs, waiting for a yes or no. They were both hard again, and if Storm didn’t get the chance to be inside his mate, he was going to have to run to the freezer, grab the bag of ice inside it, and run upstairs to the tub, and pour that ice all over his cock.

  David moved. Storm’s gut clenched, but David did not get off the couch. He turned himself onto his hands and knees, glancing back over his shoulder.

  “Like this?”

  It was kind of basic, and not all that romantic, but Storm could work with it.

  And it could give him the chance to do something else for his mate.

  “Stay just like that.”

  Storm leaned in again. He had a great idea, and he was pretty sure David was going to like it.

  He let his tongue press against the man’s hole, and the second he tasted that part of him, Storm knew there was no going back.

  David also shot right up and looked back at him, horrified. “What are you doing?”

  Storm grinned, pushed himself up, and kissed David’s neck. “Trust me. You’ll like this.”

  David swallowed.

  “Trust me.”

  David took a moment to think about it, and then he nodded. “All right.”

  He got back to his hands and knees, but this time he braced his hands on the arm of the couch. “Still like this? You don’t want me any other way?”

  “This is probably easiest for me right now. Just relax. You’ll like this.”

  He pressed his tongue back to David’s hole. He noted the way the man’s pucker tightened up when Storm touched it with his tongue. Right. Clearly no one had ever done this to him before.

  And that made Storm proud on such a stupid level he couldn’t even really put it into words.

  He was going to be the first to give his mate this kind of pleasure. Even though David was a few years older than he was, and had been mated and married before meeting him, there were still some firsts Storm could give to him.

  He couldn’t wait.

  After a few seconds of Storm teasing and flicking the man’s pucker with his tongue, David groaned, seemingly in spite of himself.

  Storm’s cock jumped at the sound. He hardened his tongue and pressed it more firmly against David’s asshole, pushing inside, opening him up.

  David spasmed. He brought his hand up to cover his mouth, but it wasn’t enough to hold back the sweetness of that sound. The sound of his pleasure.

  That’s it, baby. You like this, don’t you?

  Storm wanted to say that, but he was too busy using his mouth for other things. He reached around to David’s front, finding his dick, hard again and throbbing. David mewled as Storm stroked him from root to tip while he licked at his hole.

  Storm flicked his tongue, enjoying the sharp cry David let out and the way his body jumped against the sudden pleasure.

  He’d never felt so powerful before in all of his life, and he’d fought and killed warlocks who had tried to attack his territory and who had gone after other helpless dragons.

  Those feelings were nothing in comparison to this. This was true power and strength. Giving his mate pleasure.

  David seemed to lose most of his vocabulary with the exception of a few choice words he repeated again and again as his claws came out and he dug them into the fabric of Storm�
��s couch. “Oh fuck, oh my God.”

  The man thrust back against Storm’s tongue, as though desperate for more, needing more, or else he wouldn’t be able to reach his final pleasure.

  Storm didn’t want him to. He gripped his hand at the base of David’s cock in such a way as to prevent that very thing.

  David seemed to pick up on this. He reached down, his hand holding tightly to Storm’s as he tried to encourage him to move, so they could stroke David’s cock together.


  Storm had to pull back. David wasn’t going to get any more ready than this.

  “Almost, baby. Almost.”

  He lined up the head of his prick with David’s hole before he realized something pretty important was missing.


  “Stay just like that.”

  He jumped away from the couch, aware of the state he was leaving David in as he ran up the stairs and to his bedroom.

  Lube. Fucking idiot. How could he forget something as simple as that? If he got back downstairs and David had lost his nerve and was putting his clothes back on, it would be entirely Storm’s fault.

  He searched around for the lube as though desperately searching for where he’d put his first aid kit in the middle of an emergency. It was as though his brain had been scrambled and he couldn’t quite remember where anything went.

  It was kind of messed up when he thought about it like that.

  He could have sworn it was in this drawer, but all he saw in there was an old magazine, his electric razor, shaving cream, deodorant…

  Where in the hell…

  There it was!

  He grabbed the bottle, sighing with how much harder that had been than it needed to be before he took off back downstairs.

  He was going to have to keep better track of where he kept his stuff.

  David was still in the living room. Luckily he wasn’t wearing his clothes. He was just sitting there, hands on his lap, as though unsure of what he should be doing.

  The man smiled at him when Storm came back. “You sounded like you were tearing the whole place apart upstairs.”

  Storm grinned and wiggled the bottle. “This little sucker didn’t want to be found.”

  David looked at it. He nodded, but some of that deer-in-the-headlights look had returned to his face.


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