Thin Ice 5 - Checkmate

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Thin Ice 5 - Checkmate Page 7

by KR Bankston

  Kim told her that sounded like a great idea, evening joking that she would have to sneak her purchases in the house later.

  The server returned with their orders and they each thanked her, got the extra napkins requested and settled down to enjoy their meal. They were half way through it when Kim finally spoke again.

  “How long have you and Kai been fucking each other,” she asked evenly.

  Jaleesa stopped chewing and regarded the woman across the table from her with a mixture of shock and horror that her secret had been uncovered. Forcing herself to swallow the food in her mouth, Jaleesa finally answered.

  “Longer than I’d liked and it’s not what you think,” she added quickly as Kim gave her a look.

  “How did you find out,” Jaleesa asked again.

  Kim explained being in the area and deciding she wanted some Italian.

  “Seeing you was pure coincidence,” she told Jaleesa.

  “Why you fuckin’ him if you don’t want to be,” Kim again grilled her.

  Jaleesa took a deep breath as her mind raced. Here was someone she never expected to be able to confide in, but her back was against the wall and she still didn’t know if Kim had told or was planning to tell Mook what she knew.

  “He’s blackmailing me,” Jaleesa replied as Kim nodded slightly.

  “Tell me everything,” she told the woman, never losing eye contact.

  Taking another breath Jaleesa told Kim the story from beginning to where they were now.

  “So what does he want you to do,” Kim asked.

  Jaleesa answered her as Kim frowned deeply.

  “That’s fucked up,” she replied as Jaleesa agreed this time. “You know you gotta end this bullshit or he will get you caught up,” Kim told her. “If Jacoury finds out he’s gonna kill you first and ask questions later,” she added as Jaleesa told her she knew.

  “I have plans for his ass,” she told Kim acidly.

  “Share them,” she replied simply.

  Jaleesa again took the risk and told the woman what she was planning for the agent. Kim was smiling fully at the end of the explanation.

  “Now, that’s the Tweety I heard about,” she chuckled.

  Jaleesa smiled slightly, glad Kim was being so cool about everything.

  “I need to know when and we need to plan the shit right so there is no escape and no links back,” Kim told her.

  Jaleesa’s mouth dropped. “You’re willing to help me,” she asked incredulously.

  “Hell yeah,” Kim answered without hesitation. “This fool is messing with all our livelihoods, putting all our men at risk, I ain’t about to sit around and let that bullshit happen.”

  Jaleesa smiled and told her she was happy for the help, elaborating further on the plan. The two women discussed every angle of what they were about to do making sure there were no loose ends. Finally satisfied, they paid their tabs and headed out the door, going on to do that shopping they were just talking about.


  Ananda was once again in place when the car pulled up with Kaitlyn inside. Carver again gave her entrance telling her how to get to the nursery where the baby and Ian were. Kaitlyn walked in finding the attractive young nurse holding her daughter.

  “Thanks, I’ll take her,” she told the woman curtly.

  Ian caught the smile before it reached his face, looking into her eyes as he addressed her.

  “Tajdra is fine, Ananda has taken excellent care of her,” he told Kaitlyn matter-of-fact.

  “I’m sure,” she replied sarcastically, asking for the baby’s bags.

  “Ananda, please give us a moment,” Ian told her kindly as the young woman graciously left them alone.

  “What’s your issue with my nanny,” Ian asked, again maintaining eye contact.

  “How much experience has she had Ice, seriously,” Kaitlyn threw back. “She looks like she’s 19 and just out of high school,” she added tersely.

  Ian sighed deeply, completely pleased inside that she was so upset.

  “I would never allow any harm to come to our daughter KiKi,” he told her calmly.

  Kaitlyn took a deep cleansing breath and blew it out slowly. She was tense because she was caught up in the drama of this custody hearing with a very real fear of losing her daughter.

  She decided that maybe her best tactic was to try and be friends with Ian instead of antagonizing him. “I’m sorry Ice,” Kaitlyn began. “I’m just really uptight about leaving her,” she added softly.

  Ian stepped closer to her, almost touching her, looking into her eyes again.

  “I may be a lot of things KiKi, but I love my daughter, and I would never do anything that would cause her hurt,” Ian told her soothingly.

  Kaitlyn nodded slightly, definitely wanting him to back up. Tariq hadn’t touched her in the three weeks since the drama began.

  “Perhaps you’ll have lunch before you leave and allow me just a few more moments with my little girl,” Ian asked as Kaitlyn sighed and told him she couldn’t.

  “The flight leaves at 1:30,” she explained. “Well just make it in time.”

  Ian graciously acquiesced and picked up the bags walking her back toward the front door.

  “Shall I expect you the same time next weekend,” he asked as they arrived at the car.

  “Yes,” Kaitlyn replied calmly.

  “Goodbye sweetheart,” Ian told Tajdra, kissing her cheek again.

  The baby smiled giggling at the gesture. Kaitlyn was impressed with how quickly they seemed to have bonded.

  “Have a good flight KiKi,” Ian told her amiably.

  Thanking him she got into the car and carefully examined her daughter from head to toe as they rode to the airport. Satisfied she was indeed fine, Kaitlyn placed her in the car seat and began preparing her mind for the life she was going to try and mend once they landed.


  Nikki moved stealthily getting out of bed and going to the bathroom. She took a shower, lotion and returned to the bedroom carefully climbing back inside, trying not to disturb Ryan as he rested next to her. He put his arm around her pulling her close and looking into her eyes.

  “You smell good,” he told her softly.

  Nikki smiled and thanked him. He rose himself then heading to the shower. He returned just as Nikki slipped on the soft azure silk robe.

  “Where are you going,” he asked giving her a look.

  “To the kitchen to get some juice, want some,” she asked.

  Ryan told her yes and climbed back in to bed. She returned with two glasses five minutes later and sat on the side of the bed.

  “Girl stop playing and get back in this bed,” he told her giving her yet another look.

  Nikki’s mind was racing as she complied with his request. Ryan was phenomenal and last night when he’d shown up on her doorstep, stripped her and made love to her nonstop for the next three hours did a number on her psyche.

  “What’s on your mind,” Ryan asked, effectively reading her thoughts.

  “Nothing, just thinking this is a nice arrangement,” Nikki told him, needing to take back some of the authority in their affiliation.

  “Yeah it’s straight and I think it’s going to stay that way,” Ryan told her honestly.

  He loved Nikki’s independence and ability to separate reality from fantasy.

  “Of course it will,” she retorted. “You’re free to do you and so am I,” she added as Ryan frowned slightly.

  “Well, you’re free with limits,” he told her seriously.

  “What does that mean,” Nikki replied, slightly irritated.

  He had a woman and she accepted that. There was no way he was locking her down while he had all the fun.

  “It means, you can see, date, hang out with, go to the movies with, anybody you want,” Ryan told her, never taking his eyes from her. “But you better not open your legs for anyone but me.”

  Nikki scoffed.

  “You’ve got to be kidding,” she told him calmly. �
�In case you forgot, you have a woman, so you’re in no position to tell me who I can and cannot get with,” she threw out.

  Quicker than she could react, Ryan held her tightly around her waist, pressed right up against his body as he spoke again. His voice was low and cold, Nikki could actually feel the molten anger emitting from his body.

  “I am not going to repeat myself Nikki,” Ryan growled. “If I even think another fool has felt the inside of your pussy, I’m going to kill him, and I’m going to make you wish you were dead,” he continued growing angrier. “I’m not playin with you either. You know who the fuck I am and that my word is bond, don’t you?”

  Nikki swallowed hard and simply nodded. The man holding her was scaring the hell out of her.

  “Do we understand each other,” he asked finally as she whispered yes.

  Murmuring slightly Ryan kissed her deeply his hands beginning to fondle her breast. Nikki felt his body relaxing and followed suit, allowing herself to respond to the things he was doing to her. Ryan began gently kissing her neck, making his way down to her stomach.

  “Come here,” he told her lying back on the pillow.

  He turned her around so that beautiful butt was right in his face.

  “Sit down,” he told her as Nikki complied and felt the warmth of his tongue as he licked and sucked her clit.

  Moaning deeply, fully aroused from his effort, she took his hard manhood in her mouth sucking greedily. Ryan moaned and she knew he was enjoying it. He sank his tongue deep inside her opening and Nikki flowed freely showing her appreciation. Ryan brought her to orgasm with his tongue as she continued to suck his hardness and bring him closer and closer to release. Telling her to stop, Ryan repositioned her on her knees, getting behind her, kissing the small of her back softly as he continued to finger her clit.

  “Yess,” Nikki breathed as his other hand fondled her hard nipple.

  She felt his hardness at her opening and pulled away slightly.

  “The condom Ryan,” she moaned, wanting him to hurry and put one on.

  She heard the nightstand drawer slide open where she kept them, and the package wrapper tearing. The next sensation was that of Ryan’s manhood as it slid deeply inside her and hit her G-spot.

  “Oh god,” Nikki screamed in ecstasy as Ryan rode her hard and deep.

  “That’s my girl,” he told her as she came hard and coated the condom he wore. “That’s my girl,” Ryan moaned once more as he too reached blissful climax and they collapsed in a sweaty heap onto the bed.


  Monday found Pirate and Creeper waking up in the small out of the way hotel room where they’d crashed earlier in the morning after the all night drive from Louisiana. Gyp hit them up moments after they arrived and they scooped him up from the Greyhound bus station. All three men shared the room as was the plan, keeping their plans secret and able to watch each other’s backs simultaneously. After everyone was awake and coherent they began to talk.

  “We need to find the place she’s staying and watch it for a while,” Pirate threw out.

  Gyp nodded his understanding taking another deep drag from the blunt he was enjoying.

  “You plan to see this fool she dating,” Creeper asked.

  Pirate told him yes, he wanted to see what made Lila take his son and leave the only home she’d ever known.

  “He must really be one mighty ass muthafucka for all that,” Pirate spat angrily.

  The men dressed, finished the weed and headed out into the midmorning.

  “Fuck, it’s hot,” Gyp replied as Creeper and Pirate chuckled.

  They were pretty used to the hot temperatures.

  “I just put the address in the GPS, says it’s about a 45 minute drive,” Creeper told them as they started the truck and followed the device’s instruction.

  “You gonna kill him,” Gyp asked Pirate as they rode.

  “Depends on him,” he replied calmly.

  Pirate honestly had no beef with Mighty at the moment. As much as it hurt him that Lila was with another man, he really had no right to say anything. They weren’t together and hadn’t been for some time. His sole focus at the moment was his 7-year old son and making sure nothing had happened to him.

  “Man what’s up with this toll shit,” Creeper mumbled, placing the bills in the attendant’s hands.

  Thanking them, he raised the toll arm and allowed them to pass.

  The rest of the trip passed uneventfully with them finally arriving at their destination some 20 minutes later.

  “That one right there,” Gyp pointed out, seeing the matching address.

  Circling the block, they returned parking the truck 3 car lengths away from Lila’s front door. As hot as it was, they turned off the truck and rolled down the windows, trying to appear as inconspicuous as possible. They wouldn’t need to wait long. Five minutes into their surveillance a burgundy 560SLK Mercedes pulled up to the front stoop and a well-dressed man got out.

  “Think that’s him,” Creeper asked.

  Pirate frowned slightly and nodded yes. They watched as the man pulled out a key and entered the residence.

  “This muthafucka got a key and shit,” Pirate questioned, half to himself.

  Moments later the man returned to the outside, Lila and CJ following closely behind. Creeper saw the anger instantly appear on his friends face.

  “Chill,” he told Pirate giving him a look. “We got this,” he added as Pirate took a deep breath and nodded his understanding.

  Taking another deep breath, Pirate started the truck and pulled away from curb just as the Benz did, following at a discreet distance. Just let me get my son and get the hell out of this city without catching a fuckin’ case, Pirate thought as the Benz came to a stop in front of a doctor’s office and Lila kissed the drivers lips before she and CJ got out and the Benz went about its way.


  Kaitlyn was still in a state of disbelief. Looking around the bedroom she was still having a hard time believing what had happened. Tariq picked them up at the airport yesterday, bringing Tejdra with him. The girls were of course ecstatic to see each other, as was Kaitlyn to see her other daughter. Tariq was cold and distant from the time she walked outside the airport until they reached the house, each taking a child and bringing them in the house. He hadn’t said more than three words to her, and those had been by force. “Tariq, can we at least talk,” Kaitlyn tried as he gave her a look. “Talk about what KiKi,” he asked acidly. “About how you keep lying to me and making a damned fool outta me,” Tariq continued to badger. Kaitlyn was completely in the dark about the source of his newfound anger, continuing to think he’d spent the weekend brooding about the custody situation. “Tariq I never meant to hurt you,” she tried again. “I love you,” Kaitlyn told him as he laughed meanly and gave her another look. “Yeah,” Tariq questioned angrily. “I don’t believe that shit,” he added as Kaitlyn’s heart ached. “Look,” he began anew, his tone all business. “I’m going to see you through this custody bullshit, then you and I are going to start divorce proceedings,” Tariq casually addressed her. Kaitlyn’s mouth dropped. “But until that time, I’m moving into the guest room,” Tariq began again, ignoring the pain on his wife’s face. “From this moment on, you do you, and I’ma do me,” he finished, turning on his heels and leaving her speechless.

  Coming back to the present Kaitlyn stood in the bathroom looking at her reflection in the mirror. This is entirely your fault you know, her conscience threw at her. If you had left him when you found out he was alive, none of this would be happening now. Kaitlyn sighed deeply rubbing her temples as her mind once again began speaking. She was 10 years old again, having a long philosophical discussion with her father. “Lauren, people lie,” he told her calmly as the little girl listened and absorbed. “They will tell you anything to get too close to you,” he went on as she frowned slightly. “Why daddy,” Lauren asked, full of childhood innocence. “Because people are no good, daughter,” Carlo explained. “Because the
y like to see you in pain,” he went on. “Stay guarded Lauren, always protect your heart,” he told her as she nodded understanding. “Everyone doesn’t love you, even the ones who swear they do,” Carlo said again. “Especially them,” he added almost wistfully. “Love is simply a four letter word of convenience they use to get a clear aim when they put a bullet into your heart,” he finished as Lauren told him she understood and would always guard her heart. Carlo smiled then and told her she was a good girl and would always be his special princess.

  “Too bad I didn’t realize you were warning me about you too,” she murmured as the first tear fell. Wiping it away, Kaitlyn continued looking into her own eyes. “Enough of that shit,” she mumbled again angrily, washing and drying her face.

  Kaitlyn decided the only person in this world she could trust was herself and it was high time she stopped trying to deny who and what she was to please everyone else. Showering and dressing, she walked into the living room where Tariq was watching television. She saw him take her in and smiled to herself. Kaitlyn knew she looked good in the second skin fitting jeans and halter that showed off the perfect breasts sitting high in the push up halter bra she’d paired with it. She also knew the deep Sea Blue coloring was Tariq’s favorite. She was clad in diamonds and sapphires, stopping at the counter long enough to grab the matching blue Coach bag. Turning on the 3-inch, steel heeled, strappy stilettos she addressed him.

  “The nurse will be here in 15 minutes,” Kaitlyn told him calmly, her tone emotionless.

  Tariq waited expectantly for her to say more, but she didn’t. Turning just as abruptly as before, Kaitlyn picked up her keys and walked out the front door. It was time to start planning her own life once again.


  Pirate and his friends stayed put, watching again in front of the doctor’s office. Gyp got out, casually sauntering in front of the office to see what kind of doctor they were visiting. Returning moments later he informed them it was a children’s dental practice.


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