Grizzly Bear Buns: A BBW Bear Shifter Menage Paranormal Romance Novella (The Twelve Dancing Bears Book 1)

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Grizzly Bear Buns: A BBW Bear Shifter Menage Paranormal Romance Novella (The Twelve Dancing Bears Book 1) Page 2

by Sable Sylvan

  “Virgins?” whispered Helen to Jasmine.

  “First times,” explained Jasmine. “So, you.”

  “Virgins! Listen up because I’m only going to tell you this once,” said the voice which had a perfect radio DJ tone and rhythm. “Bear Buns is not like a normal club. We have two areas: the main stage and the runway stage. If you wanted a typical strip club experience, well, you’re in the wrong wing, and it’s too late for you to leave now. If you are looking to see feats of showmanship that will blow away the wildest Hollywood stuntmen, if you are looking to be amazed, dazzled, tantalized, and possibly even...worshipped, you are in the only room in Seattle where all your fantasies can come true. The dancers will come up and do their sets, and afterward, wander the floor to give private dances, on the tables, or giving an anything-but-standard lap dance. The next dancers will be on stage, and they’ll be followed by yet more dancers, and so on. For the most discerning of ladies, dancers are available for, in the cocktail rooms, which are what we call our very unique champagne rooms, because calling them champagne rooms, well, that just wouldn’t do them justice. Finally, if you are picked to come on stage, and virgins, some of you will be picked, you have the option of not going on stage...but trust me, these are opportunities you do not want to miss! Finally, don’t tap on the glass, keep all arms and legs inside the vehicle, and of course...have a great fucking time!”

  With that, all the people in the crowd cheered, hooted, and hollered, and that included Helen and her lady friends. Music started playing and a fog machine filled the stage. The light from above was pale blue and the light from back, a dark green, and on the stage, came out two men in the most ridiculous looking grizzly bear costumes that Helen had ever seen. They were wearing what looked like sports mascot costumes mixed with fursuits...and they were not sexy, not in the least. The eyes were goofy. The fabric looked cheap.

  “We paid for...this?” asked Helen.

  “Shh, the good bits haven’t even started yet,” whispered Jasmine.

  “Just watch, trust us,” said Alicia.

  Helen sipped at her drink. Worst come to worst, she would have a funny story to tell her next date...if she ever even had a next date. Helen pinched herself to get herself to stop thinking so negatively. Fun. This was about having fun, and not thinking about the Scumbag Formerly Known As Boyfriend. She drank some more, and felt herself relaxing. She watched as the bears on the stage wrestled. It all looked rather silly to her and not at all erotic...

  Until it turned out that there was more to this show than met the eye. It looked like it was just two guys messing around on stage, but she realized that what they were doing was actually highly erotic. They were tumbling and rolling over one another, and in turn, that made her wonder what it would be like to be up there, with those two men rolling around and playfully clawing at one another. Secondly, it made her wonder what these men looked like. The costumes left everything to the imagination. Who were these mystery men who were making her loins feel needy?

  One of the bears ripped the arms off of the other. A few people, who Helen guessed were virgins like her, because they’d been the only ones to have been shocked, but the rest of the people hooted and hollered...because what was torn off was a tear away part of the bear costume. The bears had revealed, underneath, strong, sexy biceps that reminded Helen of a pair of arms she’d seen recently. She looked around. Where were Owen and Ryan? They’d told her she’d see them during the show, but in the hullabaloo of the main stage area, there was no tracking them down.

  Another arm ripped away, revealing the man’s set of sexy guns. As he got up to flex, the other bear came up to pull on his legs, but the man whose arms were now revealed took that as an opportunity to pull the arms off the other bear, revealing his taut, toned, long arms to the ladies. The men walked up to the edge of the stage and instead of fighting, started...cooperating. They listen as the women cheered and begged for them to show just a little more skin.

  The second man was the first to have all four limbs revealed to the audience, so he was just wearing the torso of the costume and the helmet...but there was a contrast between the ugliness of the costume and the sexiness of the man inside that made Helen feel absolutely dripping wet. This show had seemed hokey, but not even ten minutes in and it had her more aroused than Scumbag had ever made her feel.

  The first man was stripped down by the second man so that his limbs were exposed to the audience too. He had gorgeous thick thighs that led up to an ass that was hidden by the costume that Helen found herself desperately wanting to see...and she wasn’t even the kind of woman who cared that much about men’s asses! Of course, she was at Bear Buns, so she naturally wanted to see some bare bear buns. The men came to the side of the stage and pointed out at the crowd.

  “Ladies, gentlemen, and friends, this is the part of the show where one of you lucky ladies will get picked to come up on stage with these two nasty grizzly bears. Remember, what happens here, well, it might not just stay here, but try not to fall in love with these two sexy bastards too quickly. Let’s see a show of hands...who here is a virgin? Honesty is the best policy, especially if you’re looking to get a hold of a pair of those bear buns!”

  The crowd erupted in screams. Panties were flung like trebuchets filled with Greek fire at the metaphorical walls guarding the city of man from the realm of barbarian women. Women hooted. Women hollered. Women screamed and misbehaved as these men pranced, flexed, and crawled across the stage, teasing and tantalizing the women who reached out for these men as if they were dying of thirst and these men were the only people in the world who had a single drop of water for them, stored on their lips.

  “Ladies, ladies, calm down, I know I’ve seen some of your faces before...and that you’re anything but virgins,” said the DJ, but he couldn’t control the commotion he’d started. The men pranced around the stage and Helen found herself shouting along with Jasmine and Alicia, who were trying to break the world record for highest pitch and decibels in human history.

  The lights went down, and the cheering stopped for a second...until a few seconds later, a large moonlight made its way over the crowd and the women were clamoring to get in its light, chasing after it, but the light was faster, moving itself a few inches away from the grasp of lingering fingers faster than the fingers could keep up. Helen had to admit that half of the fun of this show had been seeing all these women clamor for the attention of the only two men in Seattle who were receiving more attention than a freshman girl at her first kegger.

  And that’s why Helen didn’t realize that the light hitting her wasn’t just one of the stage’s lights...but the light, the light that every girl in that room wanted to be in. The two men in bear suits looked at the woman and gave her a thumbs up symbol and a thumbs down symbol. That’s how she could signal to them what she wanted. Well, she’d gone this far into the belly of the beast, so of course, Helen gave two big thumbs up!

  The crowd went wild as one of the bears got off the stage. Helen thought it was to help her onto the stage, but no. Before she could even rise from her chair, the bear had slung her over his shoulder as if she was a hunk of meat he was going to carry back to his cave to devour. The girls hooted and hollered as Helen was carried up onto he stage by the masked bear, who moved to cradle her in his arms as he walked up the ramp onto the stage, where, in the center of the stage, a chair had been lowered.

  To call the stage chair a chair was to do it injustice, but it would have been injustice to call it a throne, because this opulent piece of furniture looked absolutely out of place with the rest of the forest themed decor on stage. The man lowered Helen gently and she sat down in the chair, waving out to the crowd. The crowd looked smaller from the stage but she could spot her friends who were cheering her name.

  “Ladies...this is the part of the show that I know a lot of you are looking forward to, so are you get...into some really hot shift?” teased the DJ.

  The hoots, hollers and ho
wls from the audience were all the answer that anyone needed. The men walked to the side of the stage...and then, ran at each other, in parallel lines, so they didn’t hit each other, but something else happened as they ran instead. The men got down onto all fours and did somersaults...and when they bounded back onto stage, these men were not in human form.

  In front of Helen were the two largest, biggest, baddest looking grizzly bears she’d ever seen. One had dark fur that almost looked black, with eyes as deep as pitch, and the other had lighter fur with pale eyes that reminded her of the reflection of a stormy sky against the surface of the ocean. Even though she was inside the hottest strip club in the Pacific Northwest, one that was literally named ‘Bear Buns’, she was shocked to find herself face to face with two of the largest predators in North America, standing right in front of her on a stage where before, there had been two handsome, muscular men. Of course, the rational part of Helen knew that those men were the same beings as the bears in front of her, but the visceral part of Helen that was as vestigial as her appendix told the hunter-gatherer that what was in front of her was something so big and bad that the origin of its common name literally meant “forbidden”.

  The bears crossed around Helen, and for a few agonizing seconds, she felt as if she was in the middle of the ocean with a paper cut on her finger, surrounded by a school of sharks, but the bears, after crossing behind the throne, went into yet another running sprint, running to the edge of the stage and standing up on their hind paws to beat their chest and roar for the women in the crowd.

  Helen relaxed. These were obviously just the same guys as before, but with new furry costumes. Well, not quite “costumes”, as these were their natural forms, their shifts, but for the purposes of the strip club, the shift may as well have been a costume change, and of course, the ladies were eating it up, throwing bills, drink coupons, and anything else they could get their hands on towards the stage. Helen spotted so many Bear Buns shirts thrown onto the stage that she swore the store could’ve just restocked itself after each show, reselling each shirt ten times over until the shirt managed to find an owner that would take it home.

  “Now, ladies, I know you like things to get wild...but now, it’s time for things to get hot...real hot,” said the DJ, and the bears turned towards Helen, their paws in an X over their faces, and the bears went out of their shift, their musculature and skeletons returning to normal as their hair receded...and what Helen saw shocked her.

  The men were absolutely nude. There was a reason this club was called ‘Bear Buns’, after all, and she was sure that the ladies that were facing the stage were getting quite an eyeful of bear buns. The men shimmied back and forth as they turned back to the audience, baring their faces and their chests for the women to ogle. Of course, as they were bear shifters, there was one special part of their body that the women were obsessed with...and it wasn’t the part that most people would think they’d be focused on.

  No, the twig and berries got less love that night than the big marks plastered on the chests of the men that were dancing and doing their thing in front of one of the horniest crowds in all of America. Those marks were the marks that made these men so special...because they matched, and anyone who knew anything about shifters and mate marks knew what matching marks meant.


  That’s right. Two on one loving, with maybe a show put on for that special someone. Every woman wanted to find true love with one person...but what if they could find it with two? That was the fantasy being sold at Bear Buns, and it was a fantasy that had its roots in reality. This was what really made Bear Buns special, unbeknownst to Helen, because every girl in the audience hoped that the two men on stage would choose her, not just to go on stage or into their cocktail room, but to be their shared fated mate. After all, the only thing better than one sexy handsome man who would dedicate his every breath to making a woman happy...was a two-pack of those men.

  Helen felt like an absolute queen on that stage, with a great view of the bear buns show, all to herself. These bears had serious buns. These weren’t wimpy hot dog buns that were long and flat. These weren’t hamburger buns, round but flat and squishy and saggy, covered in seeds. No. One man had honey buns, succulent, sweet, and ready to be eaten right up, hot, for breakfast. The other had onion buns, the kind of buns that could bring a tear to any woman’s eye. These weren’t buns made with science fiction plastic surgery...these were all natural bear buns, and they were amazing.

  But, when the men turned, Helen’s jaw dropped.

  First of all, of course, she had to look at their packages. Both large and thick, she thought that they had to be wearing some sort of prop, but there was no prop that could resemble the size and thickness of a large roll of meat so well. There was no dildo that natural. There was no strap on that could blend in that well. No, those dicks were real, and so were the balls hanging next to them.

  Her eyes traveled up. Abs. Pecs. Firm, just like she’d expected. On the chest, there were marks. They must have put on makeup or something, because the marks matched. They were both of a dark horse with a golden apple in the center. And past those marks?

  The faces of the two men that had hit on her at the bar...the faces of Ryan and Owen, the bear shifters who, as it turned out, did work together, and had kept true to their promise of seeing her before the show was over.

  Chapter Three

  “Ryan? Owen?” asked Helen out loud. Over the sound of the music, the bears could barely hear her.

  “Bet this isn’t what you were expecting tonight,” said Owen as Ryan gyrated over Helen, his buns brushing over the seat of her dressy pants. Owen was rubbing Helen’s shoulders as the ladies in the crowd cheered. “So...are you going to help us put on a show for these good people?”

  “Oh, what the heck, sure,” said Helen with a wide smile that she couldn’t contain. “What should I do?”

  “Do what comes naturally,” said Owen. “It’s what they’re doing out there.” Out in the crowd, the women were having one heck of a time, and Helen noticed they were all smiling, laughing, some even dancing, and others grabbing at the scraps of bear costume that had burst into torn up pieces when the guys shifted into their bear form during their act.

  “Well, I guess they’re gonna wanna see me grab some of those bear buns,” said Helen. She reached forward and grabbed Ryan’s buns. The ass was thick and firm. It filled her hands with all its muscular glory. Owen walked around and started to twerk next to Ryan, the both of them shaking their asses for dear life, and Helen played those asses like bongos in front of the entire crowd. She grabbed a cheek in each hand, one cheek per sexy stripper, and pinched them until they turned pink.

  The boys pushed the throne closer to the center of the stage. An assistant dressed in all black theater clothes pushed out a large trunk.

  “What’s this?” asked Helen.

  “Open it up and find out!” said Ryan while he danced with Owen in front of all the ladies, the two of them putting on a naughty show of their own for the voyeurs in the audience who appreciated the man on man action.

  Helen opened the chest. Inside there was a bevy of props that rivaled a college theatre department’s collection, however, one prop in particular stood out to her...the feather boa. It was bright pink with neon green accents and it was absolutely ridiculous, but nothing screamed “bachelorette party” better than that boa, and darn it, she was a bachelorette now, because she certainly wasn’t hitched to that lowlife whats-his-name that Ryan and Owen had already managed to help her forget.

  Helen took out the boa and wrapped it around her neck. She walked out onto the catwalk, did some voguing, and then, took the boa and wrapped it around Ryan first...and then, around Owen. When Ryan tried to grab her attention again, she whipped him with that feather boa and he pretended that it stung, and when Owen grabbed at her, Helen pretended to put him in handcuffs using the feather boa. It was the silliest prop in the box, but it was also the kinkiest in Helen’s hands.

  Ryan and Owen looked over Helen. They’d sensed, from the moment she’d walked into the main stage area with her friends, that there was something special about her. She’d seemed meek and timid from afar, but they had apparently been oh so wrong about the nature of the woman who was now the center of attention on stage, a woman who was equal parts curves and sass, with just a dash of kinkiness that made her super sweet but also a little bit spicy.

  Ryan pressed the hidden button that activated his microphone. “Lex, I don’t think we’re gonna need to pick a random girl for the cocktail room tonight...if you know what I mean,” said Ryan.

  “Oh, I can see what you mean,” replied the DJ, Lex. “You want me to make the announcement?”

  “No, we’ll pick her up discreetly after the second act comes off stage and takes our place on the main floor, nobody’ll notice us slipping out,” said Owen, nodding to Ryan. He knew exactly what his nasty partner in crime had in store. “Play us off, Lex.”

  The crowd was roaring as Helen threw the boa into the crowd, and more women fought over that than had fought over the scraps of costumes that had been on the boys, because that boa was like a fetish object that contained the whole of the sexuality that had gone down on that stage. Usually, the women who went on stage, especially the virgins, were shy...but Helen had actually let loose and had fun, and the set was ending on a very high note. Helen left the stage via a set of side stairs and walked back to her table, cool as a cucumber.

  “Miss me much?” asked Helen.

  Jasmine and Alicia’s jaws were still on the floor. “Holy heck, girl, I didn’t know you had it in you!” said Jasmine.

  “I want to say that I knew...but I didn’t. I mean, I thought that you had it in you...but I didn’t think that you’d actually let that out!” said Alicia. “And trust me...I have a feeling we won’t be buying our own drinks tonight.” She motioned at a platter of neon beverages on the table.


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