Grizzly Bear Buns: A BBW Bear Shifter Menage Paranormal Romance Novella (The Twelve Dancing Bears Book 1)

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Grizzly Bear Buns: A BBW Bear Shifter Menage Paranormal Romance Novella (The Twelve Dancing Bears Book 1) Page 8

by Sable Sylvan

  Ryan and Owen put some candidates through a trial run at the club, and of course, the question on everyone’s mind was, which pair of bears would find their mates next? Would it be the koala cuties? Maybe the spicy bears who had cinnamon colored fur? Perhaps the black bears who had a special black-light show? Or even the panda bears? Ryan and Owen had a feeling that the next bears that would find true love were Blaze and Hale, the polar bears who could heat up any room...

  Of course, now that Helen had an in at Bear Buns, she and Jasmine and Alicia hung out at least one weekend a month at the club, watching the show. Although Ryan and Owen weren’t stage dancers anymore, they all watched the show to see if there was any room for improvement.

  The engagement, on the other hand, had proved to be a bit of a bear, pardon the pun, because Helen’s family was shocked, to say the least, at her choice of two husbands. However, Ryan and Owen’s families were of course bear shifter families, two families that had gotten close when their boys had started to dance together, so Helen’s family was introduced to them before the wedding and learned that yes, fate sometimes gave a gal two large hunks of loving, and yes, menages were real and not just a sex thing, that there was love behind the relationship. What really proved to the family that these guys were serious about taking care of Helen? The story about how they’d gotten back her grandmother’s quilt and her aunt’s photo album. That made them part of the family.

  With that settled, the wedding went off without a hitch. Helen’s family attended as did both Ryan and Owen’s families, and rather than have a traditional human or shifter wedding, they chose to have a Classical Grecian themed wedding because of the significance of the mate mark. The event was very classy. It wasn’t a frat house toga party, and it definitely wasn’t a Caligula-themed orgy. There was mediterranean food that was prepared by local Greek restaurants, so there were stuffed grape leaves, all kinds of shawarma, and of course, falafels with a tangy yogurt and cucumber sauce. There was, of course, lots of rich red wine, as well as dancing with a modern DJ.

  After the wedding, the trio got onto a plane and headed to Europe for their honeymoon. When Helen had told her family about her art focused honeymoon to Paris, she’d left out details she’d saved for Alicia and Jasmine, namely, that the honeymoon was less about seeing art museums and more about attending and touring the most famous cabaret shows and theaters in the world in the city’s red light district. Technically, cabaret was a performance art, as any attendant at the Bear Buns club could attest, but the shows in Paris made Bear Buns look like amateur hour.

  The trio had gone out onto the town, which by day, was filled with the smells of cafes and baguettes, the sounds of birds chirping, lit by the warm golden sun. At night, however, this part of Paris was quite different, bathed in low red light which made everything look ten times more erotic, as if people were but mere moving shadows.

  The shadows of Paris moved behind dark red curtains, silhouettes lit from the inside of buildings. Some were exhibitionists, while some were just spotted by voyeurs. Most shadows were alone, but some were paired, and in one hotel in Paris, there was a trio of shadows, two tall, buff, and masculine, one shorter, curvy, and the picture of femininity, with a silhouette like a fertility statue, as if Botticelli had sculpted one of Reuben’s visions.

  On the other side of that curtain, inside the hotel room, Ryan, Owen, and Helen were disrobing from having a full and active day and even fuller and more active night. The trio had gone out to see the sites, but at night, one of Ryan and Owen’s connections had procured them tickets to one of the most sensual acts in all of the European continent. It was a multiple shifter species show, with male and female dancers and dancers with genders that defied a binary label. While the gamut of emotions and acts ranged from happy circus acts to funny burlesque skits to sad yet sensual interpretive dances, all had an underlying erotic quality.

  Now, back at the hotel room, the trio was ready to do a special dance of their own. Helen had excused herself to the bedroom to get changed and had come back out into the living room wearing lingerie made of leather and lace, with a lace mask on her face and a leather belt from Owen’s bag in her hands. She snapped the leather belt and the boys turned to look at the woman who could command their hearts and their cocks.

  “ look amazing,” said Owen.

  “What exactly are you planning on using that belt for?” asked Ryan. “I don’t see any lions around for you to tame.”

  Helen walked up to Ryan and ran a hand over his chin. “I don’t believe I asked for get down on your knees.” She pushed Ryan down.

  “Make me,” said Ryan. Helen pushed him down, with her foot, but Ryan grabbed her leg and kissed it, before sinking his teeth into the fishnets of the stockings and pulling.

  “Hey, I like those,” said Owen, pulling Ryan away. Ryan pushed Owen away, and Helen crossed her arms and laughed. They were so easy to toy with.

  “Come on, to the bedroom,” ordered Helen. She made a come hither motion with her fingers and her husbands followed her into the bedroom.

  “You’re in a kinky mood,” said Owen. “What exactly do you have planned?”

  ‘That’s for me to know, you to find out,” said Helen. She pulled Owen close so that he was on top of her and kissed him...before pushing him aside and taking Ryan instead. “Ryan. Do what you do best.”

  “You don’t have to tell me twice,” said Ryan. He pulled Helen’s undergarments off, ripping them to shreds. It was his way, and if Helen hadn’t expected to be taken so passionately, she wouldn’t’ve asked for Ryan to do it. She had blossomed into a sexually confident woman who also had a side of sexual impatience, and for fulfilling that desire, well, she sometimes needed Ryan to just take her, even if that meant destroying a few hundred dollars’ worth of lingerie. Both Ryan and Owen loved to feel fabric rip beneath their fingers...or, below their mouths.

  Ryan entered Helen, who was already ready and slick with desire, but as he entered her, he felt something different...yet also, familiar. He pulled out and lifted up Helen’s ass. There it was...a butt plug, made of metal, with a brilliant fake diamond that seemed to glow in different colors. “Of course you have that in,” said Ryan.

  “I almost wear it more than I wear my wedding ring,” said Helen, flashing the ring that her husbands had given her on the wedding day. It was a plain gold band, the inside had the Greek symbol for Rho, a letter that superficially looked like the letter “P”, based on their initials, R-H-O.

  “You mean you’re really ready?” asked Ryan.

  “That’s right. I want you both in me, sooner rather than later. Trust me. I’ve practiced...and I can take it,” said Helen. “So what are you waiting for? Sandwich me.”

  Helen moved so that she was in doggy position style. Owen carefully removed the butt plug and put it aside on a towel and then before her hole closed up again, entered her, and filled her. Anal wasn’t new to Helen. She bit her lower lip at the initial discomfort but it felt so good to be filled. Owen knew exactly what to do as well, to minimize her discomfort. “Now...Owen, hold me, and stay inside me,” ordered Helen. “Hold me tight and lay down on the bed, holding me up for Ryan.

  “You got it,” said Owen. He carefully maneuvered himself so he was lying down on the bed with Helen above him. He slowly thrust in and out of her and twitched his cock, carefully not to slip out of her. Helen had prepared herself and she was more than ready to take his cock. She really had practiced taking big things up her ass.

  Ryan had been touching his shaft, staying hard, and seeing Helen get penetrated in front of him, well, that was of course a big turn on. Helen held her legs up and Ryan went between the thighs of both Helen and Owen and entered Helen with his cock. He pressed the cock against her entrance and slipped in slowly. It was a very tight fit, not just for Helen, but for the guys, because Helen was being filled with twice the amount of cock as usual. Ryan could feel Owen’s cock rub against his and Owen could feel his cock rub ag
ainst Ryan’s. It made the sensation of fucking the already tight human BBW even hotter and tighter.

  For Helen, it was absolute ecstasy. She was being rubbed from the inside by two guys who were huge. At first, the guys had taken turns pressing in and out of her. That meant that while Owen was hitting the deepest part of her ass, Ryan would be pulling out, and when Ryan was up at her G spot, Owen would be at the base of her pucker. However, what the guys did that really turned her around and brought her closer to the edge? Working together, in sync, like they had done so many nights on the Bear Buns stage. They started to both pull out and push in at the same time, so that it was as if Helen was really being fucked by the “beast with two backs”, a beast with two cocks to boot.

  Helen’s body felt like melted brie as she came over her husbands, her inner walls pulsating, mostly around Ryan’s cock, but of course, as one interior wall was shared with her back entrance, that entrance also pulsed, and Owen’s cock felt Helen’s already tight ass tighten even more around his shaft. Neither Ryan nor Owen could hold back. They had to have their release...and with one last thrust up into Helen, they filled her with their cum, before they pulled out and wiped themselves off.

  Exhausted and lying down on the bedsheets, the trio held each other, the two men with their feet touching and their hands both woven into their mate’s hair. Their arms, around Helen’s body, formed the shape of a heart, just like the golden hearts on their chests, the mate mark that had forever been changed and revealed by the first time that they’d made love with Helen in that Portland hotel room.

  “So...let’s see,” said Ryan. “You’ve done threesomes, BDSM, and’ve been to strip clubs on two continents...and you’ve fallen in love with strippers, twice.”

  “You’ve found true love, with two big, bad bears, and you’ve moved to Seattle, found a new job, and started to travel the world and live the big mystery we call life,” said Owen. “Is there anything left for you to check off your list?”

  “Well, I’ve put a lot of thought into that recently,” said Helen. “And I have to admit...there’s another thing I want to cross off my bucket list.”

  “Oh?” asked Ryan.

  “What is it, my dearest?” asked Owen.

  Helen rubbed over her stomach. Owen and Ryan put their hands over her stomach to meet hers. “Are you sure?” asked Ryan.

  “I know we’ve talked a lot about it, and well, after this honeymoon? I think things are going to be a lot more normal,” said Helen. “A lot more stable. So, I was going to wait until we got back home to tell you, but...I’m thinking about going off my birth control so we can start trying, for babies.”

  “That’s amazing,” said Owen. Ryan couldn’t help but grin widely.

  “So you two agree? We should start trying?” asked Helen.

  “Well...I don’t see any reason we should wait until we get back home,” said Ryan.

  “Neither do I,” said Owen.

  “Then, as always, we’re agreed,” said Helen. “So, gentlemen...should we get started?”

  Ryan and Owen exchanged another knowing look.

  “What’s that look mean?” asked Helen.

  “Ryan and I...we’ve seen a lot as members of the Bear Buns club, as part of the Twelve Dancing Bears,” explained Owen. “We’ve been to every continent, yes, including Antarctica.”

  “But the greatest adventure that we’ll share?” said Ryan. “Well...that’ll be fatherhood. So let’s start our adventure.”

  ...and they lived happily ever after.

  The End

  Sneak Peek: Polar Bear Buns

  Lauren would never have been caught dead in a strip club...if it wasn’t for the fact that one of her dearest friends, Katherine, had gone through a nasty divorce recently. It turned out her soon to be ex-husband, Jerk-Ass Mike, had been sending money to women across the world in exchange for pictures of their feet, and for some frikkin’ reason, he’d decided not to tell Katherine, and instead, let her find out about the indiscretions when she saw one of his massive credit card bills for these services. Of course, Katherine got the best damn divorce attorney she could and was taking Mike for all she could, but that wasn’t going to mend her heart, just her wallet. That’s why it was up to Lauren and their friend Darla to take Katherine up to Seattle for a night of fun.

  Although the night was about her friend Katherine, Lauren also found herself having a good time for the first time in weeks. She’d dated two guys at the same time, a set of tiger shifters, Chad and Thad, who had dumped her after six months of dating which of course included four months of hot sex. They said they had to get serious and find a woman worth claiming as their fated mate. That didn’t scare Lauren away from the singles scene though...or from ogling shifters, which were her weakness.

  All three ladies were supporting each other and boosting each other’s confidence, which made them even more appealing to the handsomest men Seattle had to offer. They hadn’t had to buy a single one of their own drinks that night because men spotted their curves and knew these women were ripe for the mating.

  The night had started out simple. They’d gone and seen a play. One of the actors had hit on Darla afterwards, and told them about a cool after party in a secret venue behind a Chinese food restaurant, past the kitchen. They’d gone and danced their asses off with some of the sexiest men in Seattle, a pair of grizzly bear shifters that were looking to take the party back to where they worked. They’d taken a real shining to Darla.

  When they said that, Lauren was expecting that the bears would take them back to a night club. She had no frikkin’ clue what she was in for.

  The girls got in a cab and went to the address on the card. When they read the address to their driver, he instantly knew where they were headed and said, “Oh, you mean Bear Buns?”

  The girls sheepishly admitted that was indeed their destination.

  The driver gave them a wide grin. “Say no more,” he said, and they were off into the Seattle night.

  Lauren had expected the place to be some seedy back alley joint, but she was pleasantly surprised. The outside of Bear Buns had a large neon sign, as well as a theater style marquee reading THE TWELVE DANCING BEARS, FT. BLAZE AND HALE. There were six posters, three on each of the sides leading up to the entrance, lit by marquee lighting. Each poster featured a handsome pair of men as well as a set of matching animals, all bears. There was one set of grizzly bears. One set was of two ebony dark black bears. There was a poster starring two shirtless guys and cinnamon colored bears. There was a poster featuring two handsome men with black hair, with two panda bears on the bottom. There was a poster featuring a Union Jack and the Australian Southern Cross, with two koalas. Lauren had to do a double take on that one. Of course koala bear shifters existed...but there was a pair working as strippers in frikkin’ Seattle?

  The poster that really caught her eye was a shade of blue that looked so icy that it sent a shiver down her spine and made her arm get goosebumps...but the two handsome men on the poster made her cheeks burn. With pale skin, blonde hair, and piercing blue eyes that reminded her of Siberian wolves, she felt as if there she had chemistry with them.

  “They’d handsome, aren’t they?” asked Darla.

  “They’re really something,” said Lauren. She looked down. The bears featured on the poster were polar bears. Of course they were. These guys looked like they belonged on the ice. “So what did those guys say the deal with this place is?”

  “It’s an all shifter male strip club,” said Katherine. “But most of the male entertainers are bear shifters. Six pairs of these bears are bears that have matching mate marks.”

  “Mate mark? Oh, yeah, how could I forget?” asked Lauren. “Aren’t they on their arms?”

  “No, you’re thinking of tiger shifters like your exes,” said Darla. “Bear shifters usually have a mate mark on their chest. Whoever made the posters removed the marks on purpose, probably because it’s part of the show. It’s a special mark that shows up whe
n they turn eighteen. It tells the bear shifters who their fated mates are.”

  “Fated you believe in that stuff?” asked Lauren. “Of course I know about how it works, in theory. Any girl who’s dated a shifter before knows. Both Chad and Thad explained it to me in thorough detail before they rationalized why they needed to dump me. Do you really believe in a true love so strong that fate has something to do with it, that there’s rules in some big book that we can’t read, that tell us who we’re meant to be with?”

  “Well, maybe it’s not a thing humans have, but for shifters, know Cassie and her husband John? He’s a puma shifter, and I don’t know the mechanics of it, but, he knew she was his fated mate,” said Darla. “And you’ve seen them...they’re really meant to be.”

  Darla looked to Katherine who was smiling wistfully, a tear in her eye. “I’m so sorry,” said Darla. “I didn’t mean to bring that up, after what happened with Jerk-Ass Mike. I’ll shut my mouth.”

  “Don’t,” said Katherine. “It’s weird, but, the possibility of finding true love with a shifter guy, who would forever love me, and never stray or hurt me? That’s really my big dream. I don’t need fancy diamonds or pearls. I don’t need caviar or gold leaf toilet paper. I just want to find true love...and with Michael out of my life, well, I have a chance at finding it again.” Katherine flashed her hand at Darla. The hand was missing the golden ring that Katherine hadn’t been able to take off for the past month. It was a step in the right direction, a new direction.

  “So what’s the deal with The Twelve Dancing Bears?” asked Lauren.

  “They’re bears who are looking to share a fated mate,” said Darla.

  “Share? Aren’t shifters protective? Possessive? Notoriously jealous?” asked Katherine.


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