Confessions of a Gunfighter

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Confessions of a Gunfighter Page 25

by Tell Cotten

  “I’ve been thinking on it,” I replied. “I ain’t made up my mind just yet.”

  Lee smiled and shook his head.

  “You ain’t fooling me none,” Lee said. “I know what you’re going to do.”

  “You do?” I asked innocently.

  “Yep,” Lee nodded. “You’re going to go back to the Tomlins and wait for Palmer. He said he’d be coming for you, remember?”

  “I remember,” I replied wryly.

  “Well then, that’s what you’re going to do,” Lee declared.

  “How did you figure that?” I smiled.

  “’Cause that’s the way me and you are,” Lee replied. “You might have all of these silly rules that you go by now. But, I know you won’t run from a fight. You know it, and I know it.”

  “Mebbe I’m going back for other reasons,” I said.

  “You are. You’re going back for two reasons,” Lee said matter-of-factly. “Palmer’s one reason, and the other’s Rachel.”

  I couldn’t argue with that. So instead, I just smiled.

  “Mebbe you’re right,” I said.

  It fell silent again, and then I looked over at Lee.

  “So, now that the cattle drive is over, what are you going to do now?” I asked.

  “Reckon I’ll just go with you,” Lee replied. “Keep you company.”

  “You just want to see what happens with Palmer,” I retorted.

  Lee grinned.

  “Well, it could turn out to be interesting,” he said.

  “You think everything I do is interesting,” I frowned.

  Lee chuckled.

  “Well, you are a mighty interesting feller,” Lee agreed.

  Chapter seventy-eight

  It worried me to think that Ross was back at Empty-lake with Rachel. So, two days later me and Lee decided to leave.

  Yancy, however, thought that I should stay a while longer.

  “You ain’t healed up yet,” he insisted.

  “I’ll be fine,” I replied, and added, “I’m not bleeding anymore.”

  Yancy knew there was no use trying to talk me out of it, so he didn’t say anything else.

  We saddled up as Yancy and Cooper stood by.

  “Well, so long,” I said as I shook their hands.

  “So long,” Yancy said. “Come see us sometime.”

  “I’ll do that,” I replied.

  “Is that invite for me too?” Lee smiled.

  Yancy turned and studied Lee with a stern look.

  “One of these days you’re going to rob the wrong feller in the wrong place,” Yancy finally said. “When that happens, I’m going to have to kill you Lee, unless you change your ways.”

  Lee laughed as we climbed into the saddle.

  “I reckon we’ll have to wait and see, won’t we?” Lee said.

  “You’re either on one side or the other, Lee,” Yancy said. “Can’t be on both sides of the river at once.”

  “Yeah, but it’s real easy to cross back and forth,” Lee replied.

  Yancy smiled faintly and shook his head.

  “Mebbe so, but don’t be crossing any rivers around here.”

  “Don’t plan to,” Lee said.

  “Good,” Yancy said.

  Lee nodded, and then we said good-bye and rode out.


  We had to ride slow, and it took us almost three weeks to get back to Empty-lake. We circled town and headed south towards headquarters.

  We pulled up when we topped out on the hill that overlooked headquarters. Things looked to be normal, and I was glad.

  Lee looked at me curiously.

  “Thought about what you’re going to say to Rachel?” He asked.

  “No,” I replied.

  Lee frowned.

  “Well, you’d better think of something, don’t you think?”

  “You just leave Rachel to me,” I replied.

  “Sure,” Lee chuckled.

  We kicked up our horses and rode on down the hill.

  I spotted Mr. Tomlin, Ross, and Buster down at the barn, so we rode over there.

  Ross spotted us, and he said something to Mr. Tomlin. Mr. Tomlin spun around and grinned real big.

  “Well! You came back!” He exclaimed as me and Lee pulled up in front of them.

  “I’m back,” I replied.

  Mr. Tomlin and Buster looked pleased, but Ross just frowned thoughtfully.

  “I guess you’d be wanting your job back,” Mr. Tomlin said.

  “Yes, sir,” I replied. “I sure would.”

  “You’ve got it,” Mr. Tomlin said.

  I grinned.

  “Thank you, sir,” I replied, and asked, “So, how are things around here?”

  “We haven’t had any trouble since, ah, Lieutenant Porter was retired,” Mr. Tomlin said. “The government sent out a new bunch of soldiers boys, but so far they’ve been honest.”

  “Good, I’m glad,” I replied earnestly.

  Mr. Tomlin looked over at Lee.

  “How ’bout you? Want a job?”

  Lee frowned thoughtfully.

  “Well, sir, tell you the truth, I ain’t looking for work right now. I just rode down with Rondo to keep him company and drink some coffee. But, I’d like to stay around for a few days, if’n you don’t mind.”

  “You’re welcome to stay as long as you’d like,” Mr. Tomlin replied.

  “Thank you, sir,” Lee grinned.

  We dismounted and tended to our horses, and then Ross helped us stow our gear in the bunkhouse.

  Ross looked at me.

  “I reckon you’re wanting to see Rachel,” he said solemnly.

  “I would,” I replied.

  “She’s up at the house,” Ross said. “I’m sure she’ll be real happy to see you.”

  “Thanks, Ross,” I said.

  Ross just shrugged.

  “It’s always been you, Rondo. These past few weeks I had hoped, but…,” Ross’s voice trailed off.

  It was silent, and then Ross looked back up.

  “By the way; he’s here,” Ross said.

  “Who is?” I asked.

  “Palmer,” Ross replied.

  I was startled.

  “Where is he?” I demanded to know.

  “I saw him in town a couple of weeks ago,” Ross told me. “He wanted to know where you were, but I didn’t tell him anything. So, he said that he was just going to wait right there in town until you showed up. Folks told me that he’s been staying at the hotel. He plays poker in the saloons, and every once in a while he rides out of town and practices some with his six-shooter.”

  I glanced at Lee, and he just grinned.

  “Well now,” I said. “That’s interesting, ain’t it Lee?”

  “’Tis,” Lee agreed.

  I stood there and thought it over, and it didn’t take me long to decide on a plan of action.

  “Lee, you’re good at delivering messages. Think you could deliver another one?” I asked.

  “Now?” Lee asked.

  “Now,” I replied. “I want you to ride into town and tell Palmer that I’ll be there in the morning.”

  “Don’t you want to wait a few days first?” Lee asked. “We just got here!”

  “Nope,” I replied. “We both know there’s no way of avoiding this. So, it’s better to get it done with.”

  “I just unsaddled my horse,” Lee protested.

  “Well, re-saddle him,” I replied.

  Lee grumbled about it, but he still saddled up and rode out.

  I watched him leave, and then I walked up to the main house.

  Rachel was on the other side of the house, working in the garden. I watched her for a moment, and then she turned around and saw me.

  Her mouth fell open in surprise, and she just stood there and looked at me.

  “You’re back,” she said.

  Her voice was strained, and her face was tense.

  “I am,” I replied.

  It was silent as Rachel thought on tha

  “Did you get things figured out?” She finally asked.

  “I think so,” I nodded.

  “Good, I’m glad,” Rachel said, and she smiled anxiously.

  I smiled back, and then it fell silent again as we both searched for words.

  “So, what happens next?” Rachel asked after a bit.

  “I don’t know,” I replied, and then I said suddenly, “Listen, I like you plenty, Rachel, but I still don’t have anything to offer. A man in my position just can’t be thinking of marriage… at least not yet.”

  She nodded like she understood.

  “So, where does that leave us?” She asked.

  I frowned as I thought on that.

  “I don’t know, Rachel,” I finally said. “But, I do know one thing.”

  “What’s that?” Rachel asked.

  “I ain’t leaving again. I’m planning on staying around here for good,” I declared.

  Rachel smiled, and I got that week feeling in the knees again.

  “Good,” she said.

  Chapter seventy-nine

  Lee rode back in right before dark.

  We were sitting out on the front porch of the main house, and I had been explaining all that had happened during my stay at Midway.

  Lee unsaddled his horse and joined us.

  Mrs. Tomlin had saved Lee some supper, and he sat out on the front porch with us while he ate.

  “I found him,” he told me.

  “You tell him?” I asked.

  “Yep,” Lee said. “He seemed pleased.”

  “How come?” I asked.

  “It’ll happen in town, and that’ll give Palmer an audience,” Lee explained.

  “Oh,” I said.

  Lee continued.

  “Palmer’s going to be ready too. It seems like he’s healed up good, and he also told me that he’s been practicing.”

  “He needed to,” I replied, and then I stood. “Well, reckon I’ll be turning in.”

  Everybody said goodnight, and I went down to the bunkhouse and bedded down. But I didn’t sleep much, and I was up way before breakfast.

  I was restless, and while I waited for daylight I cleaned and reloaded my ivory handled six-shooter.

  By then everybody else was up, so we all went up to the main house and ate breakfast.

  It was a solemn meal. Nobody talked much, and everybody looked anxious. That is, ’cept for Lee. He ate more than the rest of us combined.

  After breakfast I went down to the barn and saddled Desperate. Lee came along too, and when he started saddling his horse I looked curiously at him.

  “Where are you going?” I asked.

  “With you,” Lee replied.

  I thought it over.

  “I ain’t asking for help,” I finally said.

  “I ain’t offering to help,” Lee replied. “I just want a closer look, is all.”

  I frowned, but didn’t say anything.

  Everybody else stood by as I led Desperate out of the corrals.

  “We’d like to help if we could,” Mr. Tomlin spoke up.

  I shook my head.

  “I appreciate the offer, sir, but this is between me and Palmer.”

  Mr. Tomlin nodded.

  “All right then. You just be careful,” he said.

  I nodded, and then Rachel walked over to me. Everybody else backed off and left us alone.

  “I guess you have to do this,” she said.

  “It’ll happen sooner or later,” I agreed. “Might as well be sooner.”

  Rachel lifted her chin proudly.

  “All right then, go do what you have to do. I’ll be here when you get back.”

  I looked at her for a moment, and then I turned and stepped into the saddle.

  Everybody watched us as we rode out. For some reason I had a lump in my throat, and I had to turn my head.

  We trotted in silence, but then Lee finally looked over at me.

  “How you feeling?”

  “Still sore and stiff,” I replied.

  Lee shot me a worried look.

  “That ain’t a good way to be before a gunfight,” Lee said. “Especially stiff.”

  “I’ll be fine,” I replied.

  Lee nodded thoughtfully, and then he smiled.

  “Seems like we’ve made this ride before,” Lee commented.

  I smiled and nodded.

  “Worried?” Lee wanted to know.

  I shrugged.

  “It’s always the tenderfoot that gets you,” Lee declared. “Now, Palmer ain’t no tenderfoot, but he ain’t got ‘it’ neither. But he does have luck.”

  “You ain’t making me feel any better,” I said.

  “Sorry, I was just thinking out loud,” Lee said. “You know me; I like to think ’bout things.”


  Lee continued.

  “Course, you’ve never been beaten.”

  I disagreed, and I shook my head.

  “No, Kinrich beat me the first time,” I said.

  Lee frowned as he thought on that.

  “True, but you beat Kinrich the second time around,” Lee said.

  I smiled wryly.

  “That’s why I’m still here,” I replied.

  “’Spose it is,” Lee agreed. “Course, Palmer’s still here too.”

  “’Cause he’s lucky,” I assumed.

  “Yep,” Lee nodded. “So, the question is: are you better, or is he luckier?”

  “Reckon we’ll find out,” I replied.

  “Reckon so,” Lee said.

  Chapter eighty

  Like before, Lee rode into town first to look things over.

  I sat down and waited on the same log that I had sat on before. About twenty minutes passed, and then Lee trotted back.

  “Palmer’s sitting out on the front porch of the hotel, waiting for you,” Lee told me.

  I nodded as I got mounted.

  “And another thing,” Lee said. “Them new soldier boys ain’t in town. They’re out on a patrol somewheres.”

  “Good,” I reasoned. “One less thing to worry about.”

  Lee nodded, and then we rode into town.

  As we rode down the street the feeling suddenly grabbed a-hold of me, and I felt a fury building up inside of me like I had never felt before. Palmer had caused me a lot of grief over the years, and for the first time I actually wanted to kill.

  I dismounted and looked at Lee.

  “If Palmer kills me, then I want you to make sure that he doesn’t bother the Tomlins,” I said.

  “Sure,” Lee nodded.

  I nodded back, and then I tied Desperate to the hitching rail.

  Lee did the same, and he stepped up onto the porch behind me.

  “Good luck,” Lee said.

  I smiled and nodded, and then I turned and walked towards the hotel.

  Palmer stood when he saw me, and he stepped out into the street. I walked towards him and stopped when I was about thirty feet away. The wind was blowing a little, and dust swirled around us.

  I studied Palmer. He was sober and solemn looking, and his face was hard as a rock.

  I spoke first in a low, hard voice.

  “I don’t want this, Palmer, but you’ve left me no choice.”

  “That’s right,” Palmer said solemnly. “I’ve been waiting for this day a long time. After I kill you folks will finally know who I am.”

  “You’re nothing, Palmer, and you always will be,” I replied.

  Palmer’s eyes went hard and flat. He stood there poised and ready, and any second now he was going to draw.

  There was no need to say anything else, so I just stood there and waited for him to make the first move.

  Suddenly, Palmer made a grab for his six-shooter.

  With lightning speed I palmed my Colt, and Palmer hadn’t even touched his gun handle yet.

  My six-shooter blasted away, and Palmer’s body jolted backwards.

  I slapped the hammer with the palm of my hand as I walk
ed towards him, and every time I fired Palmer’s body jerked violently.

  The loud clicking sound of my empty six-shooter finally made me stop. Palmer fell over backwards, and he was coughing and spitting up blood.

  I reloaded and holstered my six-shooter, and then I walked up to him. Death was quickly coming to him, and he looked at me with terror stricken eyes.

  “I thought I was faster,” he managed to say.

  “You thought wrong,” I replied.

  Palmer didn’t answer. His eyes were starting to glaze over, and just like that he was dead.

  I shook my head as I looked down at him.

  “What a waste,” I muttered softly.

  Lee walked up behind me.

  “You all right?” Lee asked.

  I nodded curtly, and Lee frowned as he looked down at Palmer.

  “Reckon he didn’t practice enough,” he commented.

  “Guess not,” I replied.

  It was silent, and then I turned towards the horses.

  “Let’s go home,” I said.


  Lee left two days later.

  We had just finished eating breakfast when Lee announced that he was leaving. Everybody tried to talk Lee into staying, but his mind was made up.

  “I ain’t never been able to stay in one place for too long,” Lee told Mr. Tomlin. “It’s time I drifted on.”

  “Well, you’re welcome back anytime,” Mr. Tomlin replied.

  “I appreciate that,” Lee replied earnestly.

  They shook hands, and then Lee and I walked down to the barn. I stood by with my hands in my pockets while I watched Lee saddle his horse.

  “You may not know it, but you’ve got a good future here, Rondo,” Lee said as he tightened his cinch.

  “Think so?” I replied.

  “Know so,” Lee said. “Don’t you go and mess it up now.”

  I smiled wryly.

  “I’ll try not to,” I said.

  Lee looked over at me, and he smiled and nodded.

  “So, where are you headed?” I asked.

  Lee was silent as he finished saddling his horse, and I could tell that he was hesitant to tell me.

  I waited patiently, and Lee finally gave in.

  “I met some brothers by the name of Oltman up in Abilene,” Lee said. “We figured we might, uh, work together some.”


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