The Lone Hunt

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The Lone Hunt Page 25

by L. L. Raand

  Lara stepped up beside her while Raina moved past them into the courtyard. “We were on our way.”

  “You seem to put a lot of trust in an enemy.”

  “She’s not the enemy.”

  Niki’s brows drew together over eyes bright with fury. “Then who is?”

  Just like Niki, Lara had thought she’d known the face of the enemy once, when the world had been simply divided into Pack and non-Pack, those to trust and those to suspect. But then the world had changed, and life as she’d known it had ended. And just like Niki, she’d felt only anger—for what she’d lost, for what she’d become, for the friends she had loved who had become strangers to her. She’d fought the pain and those who reminded her of her loss with rage, but now, looking at Niki, she felt sadness and unexpected sympathy. She clasped Niki’s arm. “You know who we must fight, as do I. The power behind the experiments, the cowards who tried to assassinate the Alpha, the humans and Praeterns who plot to destroy us.”

  “I’m not sure I am strong enough to fight them,” Niki confessed. She’d held her ground in Nocturne, despite the hunger that had clawed at her guts when the seductive tendrils of thrall had twined through her, but she’d left sick with need and sick of herself. If she hadn’t had the image of Sophia to cling to, if she hadn’t made a promise to the Alpha, she might have—

  “But you didn’t,” Lara whispered.

  Niki jerked. She’d felt no probing, no sweet caress of phantom hands and hot mouths gliding over her body. “How?”

  “You always did broadcast strong enough for me to hear you in the next mountain range.” Lara laughed softly and slung an arm around Niki’s shoulders. “I can catch glimpses without trying—in fact, if you’d been with anyone other than Sophia I might have watched longer tha—”

  Snarling, Niki lunged, but Lara was already five feet away. Niki snorted in disgust. “I said you were more Vampire than Were, now.”

  Raina leapt to Lara’s side from the shadows. “And you are still just an undisciplined wolf.”

  “No,” Lara said, stepping between them. “I’d forgotten how short her temper is.” She rested her hand on Raina’s back and grinned at Niki. “I said had it been anyone but Sophia…and what we want to do, or might do, is of no matter. Only what we do.”

  Niki grumbled, her wolf eyes tracking Lara suspiciously. But she nodded.

  “And what we need to do,” Lara said softly, “is work as one to defeat our common enemies.”

  “If the Alpha says I must fight with you,” Niki muttered, “then I will.”

  “Good. Let’s go ask her,” Lara said.

  Niki jumped down and led the way across the Compound, skirting the fire pits where huge cast-iron pots hung, filled with stew for the returning patrols. Lara followed with Raina by her side. She could have broken their contact, but she liked the flow of muscles in Raina’s back beneath her hand. Raina was sleek and strong, and her nearness filled Lara with pleasure.

  “Why do you bait her?” Raina asked.

  “Niki is a dominant wolf who could lead her own Pack if she chose to leave the Timberwolves—she trusts strength, needs to be challenged, needs to fight. We have always tussled.”

  “And coupled?”

  Lara slowed, studied the heat in Raina’s eyes. “Yes.”

  Raina growled.

  “But she is mated now, and…” Lara hesitated. “And I am a Vampire.” She sensed Raina’s cat pacing. “What?”

  “Is there anyone here you haven’t coupled with?”

  “A few,” Lara said offhandedly, and Raina’s anger washed over her in a hot wave. “I’m a Vampire, I must feed—”

  “Feeding is not the same as coupling,” Raina snarled. She leapt to the door where Niki waited. “Let’s go.”

  Lara overtook them easily as Niki escorted them to the great hall where the Alpha usually convened with the centuri. Tonight the centuri were absent, but the room was filled with power. The Alpha stood by the huge stone fireplace with the Prima seated on a carved wood and leather chair to her right. Niki moved to take her position on the Alpha’s left. The three most dominant wolf Weres in the Western Hemisphere commanded so much power Lara would have knelt if she hadn’t owed allegiance to another. As it was, her wolf whined unhappily and she struggled to keep her head up.

  The Liege reclined in a deep leather chair angled toward the fire blazing in the hearth. Becca sat with one hip on the chair’s broad arm, her hand on Jody’s shoulder. Zahn stood by Jody’s side, her gaze skimming over Lara as intensely as if she stood naked. Lara shuddered at the force rolling off her maker and her maker’s consort—Jody and Becca were united by blood, their spirits and minds combining to project an impenetrable wall of pure control.

  Lara’s instincts urged her to fight or flee, but she held herself steady. Raina’s fate was about to be decided, and, along with Raina’s, hers. She would not let anyone hurt Raina or the cubs. She shouldn’t have cared what happened to this cat—to this enemy—but despite their differences, despite the obstacles that centuries of antipathy had bred in them, her wolf had recognized her, had known her, from the first. Lara moved closer to Raina and clasped the back of her neck. Raina seemed unaffected by either the Alpha or the Liege’s effortless show of strength, but she leaned ever so slightly into Lara’s touch.

  Sylvan tracked the gesture and then focused on Raina as if they were the only two in the room. “I have been told you fought bravely and without hesitation in support of my wolves today.”

  “You gave me no choice,” Raina said, her chin high, “and I fought first and foremost for my cubs and my Pride.”

  Sylvan smiled. “Spoken like a true Alpha.”

  “I am the Alpha.”

  Sylvan’s eyes grew hard. “How do I know if I give you your freedom that you will not lead your cats against me when you have regained your position and fortified your strength?”

  “Because I never did before,” Raina said, “and I have even less reason to do that now.”

  “You intend for us to live side by side and respect our territorial borders?”

  “I didn’t say that,” Raina said.

  “Don’t toy with me, Cat,” Sylvan said softly.

  Lara tightened her grip slightly on Raina’s neck. Don’t antagonize her. You are strong, but she is older and has the strength of a thousand wolves behind her.

  Sylvan was silent, her wolf wary, watching.

  “Hundreds of years ago an agreement like that might’ve worked,” Raina said, “but now, we have more to worry about than hunting land and room for our young to roam.” She glanced at Jody for an instant, then returned her attention to Sylvan. “I was not in favor of the Exodus. Most of us with less power than the wolves and the Vampires were opposed, but that decision has been made. Now our strength lies in our unity. We have enemies, and we will be stronger together.”

  Sylvan leaned a shoulder against the mantelpiece. “I wish those on the Coalition could see that as clearly as you do,” she said wryly.

  “Perhaps you should invite more of us, and then they might.”

  “Not a bad suggestion. And in the meantime?”

  “I intend to return to my territory, to claim control of my Pride, and to raise my cubs to live free.”

  “By my leave?” Sylvan said softly, challenge in her eyes.

  Raina, Lara communicated urgently, you violated Pack land. The reasons don’t matter. In this one instance, your pride is not what matters.

  Raina slowly turned her head, met Lara’s gaze, and said aloud, “You know as well as I, sometimes pride is all we have.”

  “You have more than that now,” Lara said. “You have the cubs.” Lara hesitated. “And, should you want it, a second who will stand for you, with you.”

  “That’s an interesting offer,” Jody said mildly. “Since you are my warlord, you can only stand for Raina if I formally recognize her as an ally.”

  Raina addressed Sylvan. “I propose that my cats support you against any adversa
ry who threatens your sovereignty, and in turn, you support me and my Pride.”

  Sylvan turned to Jody. “Liege Gates?”

  Jody shrugged without altering her relaxed, seemingly indifferent posture, but her eyes were laser sharp. “Alpha Carras kept her word and risked her life for yours and mine. I accept an alliance with her.”

  “As do I,” Sylvan said.

  Raina said, “My forces are small and it will take some time to unify my Pride. I have young to protect. I ask for sanctuary in your mountains while I rebuild my forces.”

  “I will extend sanctuary, but any cat who challenges a wolf on my territory will not be dealt with as a friend.”

  “I promise that anyone who violates Pack land will answer to me,” Raina said.

  Lara said, “And to me.” She turned to Jody. “Will you give me leave to offer my services to Alpha Carras as your envoy?”

  “As long as the alliance stands,” Jody said, the cold flame in her eyes a hint of what would come if the alliance was broken.

  “I will stand for her as long as she wants,” Lara said, knowing she was making an oath that would cost her life if the alliance failed.

  “So noted,” Jody said softly.

  “It seems,” Sylvan said, “we have a new triumvirate. Let me be clear. Individually, we must serve our Pack, our Pride, and our Dominion, but as each stands against those who would destroy us all, we pledge to support one another. Do you so pledge?”

  Raina drew her fist to her heart. “I so pledge the allegiance of the Catamount Pride to the Timberwolves and the Night Hunters.”

  Jody rose and clasped Becca’s hand. “The Night Hunters pledge allegiance to the Catamount and the Timberwolf Weres.”

  Drake stood and circled an arm around Sylvan’s waist. Together they echoed the pledge. Then Sylvan looked into each face. “And may we all protect and preserve those who depend upon us.”


  Raina was silent until she and Lara reached the courtyard and started toward the nursery. The moon was high and the Compound was nearly deserted except for the guards on the gates. The wolves were hunting. “I will not have you as my second or an envoy of Jody Gates.”

  Lara snarled softly. “Why not? Did you find me unworthy in battle?”

  “The cat Alpha rules alone, or”—Raina slowed and Lara turned back, her eyes flickering amber as her wolf raged at the insult—“with a mate.” Raina cradled Lara’s jaw and brushed her thumb over Lara’s mouth. “I want you as my mate.”

  Lara jerked, her breath catching. “I—I cannot mate. You know what I am.”

  “Yes,” Raina said, “I know what you are. I know who you are. You are wolf and Vampire—and you are mine.”

  Lara gripped Raina’s shoulders. “I can’t give you cubs.”

  “I have cubs. Will you stand for them?”

  “I told you I would from the first.”

  “Will you stand for me?”

  “I declared that I would to my Liege, to my Alpha.”

  “I know you may need to feed elsewhere,” Raina said, gripping Lara’s hair in her fist, raking her canines down Lara’s throat, “but no one touches you. I will give you what you need. I don’t share what is mine.”

  Lara trembled. “If I take from you all that I need, I will bind you to me for eternity.”

  Raina bit down, scored Lara’s flesh. “That would be a beginning.”

  Lara pulled her close, buried her face in the curve of Raina’s neck. “Raina. I love you.”

  “I love you.” Raina kissed the curve of Lara’s neck. “And I claim you. Do you accept my claim?”

  “Yes.” Lara pressed Raina’s hand to her breast, above her heart that beat only for her. “I accept, and claim you, with my heart.”

  Raina lifted Lara’s face, kissed her. “With my heart, with my life.”

  “Let’s go see the cubs,” Lara whispered. “And then let’s hunt together.”

  “Yes,” Raina murmured. “It is time for us to run as one.”

  Chapter Thirty

  Raina settled the two cubs into the crib Lara had placed in the corner of the barracks room Sylvan had provided them. The privacy afforded by the closed door behind her and the ability to protect and care for her cubs had restored her sense of power and purpose. She wasn’t a fugitive any longer, no longer hunted in her own land and hiding from the wolves who would see her dead just for being who she was. She stroked Tessa’s golden coat, smiled as she stretched in her sleep and twined her legs around her brother.

  “They look content,” Lara mused. She’d watched Raina call them to skin and feed them, amazed at the simple beauty of so natural an act. Raina glowed with vitality and power, and Lara imagined she could feel a spark of life that had nothing to do with blood. Raina filled her heart. She held up her arm where the new scratches from Tessa had already faded away and smiled wryly. “I think they’re getting used to me.”

  “That was just for show.” Raina grinned proudly. “She was testing her place.”

  “Young for that.”

  Raina huffed. “Not for a cub of mine.”

  Lara grumbled good-naturedly. “She’ll be testing you in a couple of years.”

  “I’m not worried.” Raina grasped the bottom of her T-shirt and pulled it off. Lara’s eyes instantly sparked red, and Raina’s cat gave a satisfied purr. Lara’s gaze sharpened as Raina swept her hands over her breasts and down her belly to the snap on her pants. Her nipples tightened as she slowly drew the zipper down and pushed the pants off. She stepped free and walked to Lara, twining her arms around Lara’s neck and pressing close. “They’ll both learn where they belong. And when they’re old enough, if they want to lead, there will be plenty of cats looking for leaders.”

  Lara threaded her fingers through Raina’s hair, tilted her head back, and skimmed her mouth over Raina’s throat. Raina’s pulse pounded against her lips. “I think you enjoy teasing me.”

  “Oh,” Raina breathed softly, sliding sensuously against Lara, “I do. How much time do we have?”

  “The moon is almost high and the Alpha will be running,” Lara murmured, licking the spot under the edge of Raina’s jaw that made Raina’s hips jerk.

  “We should hurry then,” Raina said. “I don’t want to insult your Alpha by being late to the hunt.”

  Lara’s canines pushed down, her mouth filled, her belly tensed. Bloodlust clouded her awareness of anything but Raina. “Then perhaps you should have kept your clothes on.”

  Raina cupped the back of Lara’s head and pulled her mouth tight to her skin, forcing the points of Lara’s canines into her throat. “Perhaps you should hurry.”

  Lara caressed the length of Raina’s back and cupped her ass, pushing her thigh between her legs. She didn’t want to rush. She wanted every second to be emblazoned on her mind. She’d fed earlier and the hunger was tolerable, the bloodlust no longer insanity but anticipation of the pleasure to come. The desperation had disappeared with the welcome in Raina’s eyes. “Orders, Alpha?”

  “Please,” Raina gasped. “I need you.”

  Groaning, Lara tasted her, drew her in, slowly, deeply. Raina trembled in her arms, and Lara took her, finding peace along with her pleasure.

  When Raina came back to awareness, she was tangled up with Lara on the bed. Lara was naked, and they were both covered with sex-sheen. Lara lay boneless upon her, her face cradled against her throat where she had fed. Raina stretched, purred softly, and slid her hand over the carved plane of Lara’s abdomen and between her legs. Lara was hot and full, slick with the remnants of their passion.

  Lara stirred and kissed Raina’s throat. “Are you tired? Did I take too mu—”

  “Never. Are you ready again?”

  “I am, but the Alpha is calling the hunt.” Lara lifted up, kissed her, and pressed her hand over Raina’s, stopping her teasing motions. “Later. Before I sleep. Now, let’s run.”

  “The cubs?”

  “They’ll be fine with the guards in the yard. Any
wolf who hears them waken will stop to check on them. They’re safe here. The Alpha has declared you a friend.”

  “You were right, she is fair.”

  Lara stirred, took Raina’s hand. “She is also wise. She took your advice to let the cat prisoner live so he can contact those who hired him.”

  “His only motivation in taking the security job at the lab was money. He values his life more.” Raina had not wanted to see him killed, even though he had dishonored her and his Pride, but he was Sylvan’s to do with as she chose. “I don’t think he will risk angering your Alpha.”

  Lara smiled. “The Alpha forced him to submit without touching him. And then she let Niki have him.”

  Raina had stood by in silence while Niki, naked and shimmering with power, had straddled the prostrate male and buried her canines in his neck. He’d thrashed an instant then gone limp, submitting to her completely as his cock emptied impotently against her thigh.

  “He knows Niki has his scent,” Raina said, “and if he betrays our alliance with you, she will hunt him no matter where he hides. With my consent. And now we will have our own eyes and ears among the enemy.”

  Lara opened the door into the hallway. “Are you sure you’re not part Vampire? You’re good at the politics of war.”

  “Maybe you have something to do with that,” Raina said with a grin.

  Lara laughed and drew her outside to the courtyard as Sylvan called her wolves to the hunt. The Alpha stood naked in a circle of moonlight cast by a brilliant full moon, her golden hair wilding around her face. Drake stood by her side within a semicircle formed by the centuri, Sophia, Callan and his mate, and the senior sentries. Beyond the gates, the jagged mountain peaks stood like obsidian blades against a mirror sky. The air was still and thick with the scent of life. Raina hesitated and Lara tugged her hand.


  Lara vaulted from the porch and shifted in midair, landing lithely and twisting to find Raina. Pulled by the force of Lara’s call, Raina shifted and bounded down to join her with a feeling of freedom she had not known in weeks.


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