by Peter Krass
political unions
caricatures of Carnegie and
Carnegie and Roosevelt and
Carnegie’s appointment to Pan-
American Conference and
Carnegie’s childhood experience of
Carnegie’s debates with friends
Carnegie’s interest in presidential
Carnegie’s newspaper syndicate and
Homestead violence and
political unions and Chartist movement
in Scotland and
railroad business and
Supreme Court appointment and
Carnegie and
tariffs and
armor contracts using
rail contracts using
“Popular Illusions about Trusts” (Carnegie)
Potter, John A.
Carnegie’s gifts to
Homestead strike and
Potter, Orrin W.
Poynton, John A.
Precursor, The (newspaper)
Presbyterian Church, Scotland
Pressed Steel Car Company
Price, Hiram
Princeton University (illus.)
Pritchett, Henry S.
Problems of To-Day (Carnegie)
Pujo, Arsène
Pullman, George Mortimer
Pullman Palace Car Company
Quay, Matthew
railroad car industry
railroad industry
bonds and construction in
Carnegie on
Carnegie’s investments in
discriminatory pricing in
economic conditions and downturn in
laborers on
monopolistic behavior in
pools in
rail manufacturing and contracts in
“Railroads Past and Present” (Carnegie)
Rainey and Company
real estate investments
Reed, D. A.
Reed, William
Reeves, Samuel
Reid, James
Reid, Whitelaw
Relief Fund
Carnegie and
peace movement and
“Results of the Labor Struggle” (Carnegie)
Rhodes, Joshua
Riddle, Anna (“Annie”) Duke
“Road to Business Success, The” (Carnegie)
Robert the Bruce, King
Roberts, George
Rockefeller, John D.
Carnegie’s decision to sell and
Carnegie’s partnership with
iron ore industry and
philanthropy of
Roosevelt, Theodore
arbitration treaties and
business leaders and
Carnegie and
Carnegie’s meeting with the kaiser and
Cuba and
Morgan and
peace activities and
proposed meeting with the kaiser
Taft and
Tammany Hall and
Root, Elihu
Rosebery, Lord
Ross, John
Round the World (Carnegie)
Russia, possible contracts in
St. Louis and Illinois Bridge Company
Sanders, Lewis
Schwab, Charles M. (“Charlie”) (illus.)
armor contract and
buyout negotiations and
Carnegie’s companies and
Carnegie’s dinner for
conflict between Carnegie and Frick
Edgar Thomson Steel Works and
Frick and
gambling and
Homestead anniversary and
Homestead steelworks and
Jones’s selection of
labor problems and
Morgan and
relationship with Carnegie
union and
wealth of
Carnegie libraries in (illus.)
Carnegie Trust for the Universities of
Carnegie’s knowledge of stories of
history of
Carnegie’s love of
Carnegie’s request to take a consular
position in
Carnegie’s visits to
Civil War and
Cluny Castle lease in
economic and social conditions in
land reform in
political unions in
weaving industry in
Scott, Anna (“Annie”) Duke Riddle
Scott, John
Scott, Rebecca
Scott, Thomas A. (illus.)
bridge-building investments and
Carnegie’s investments with
Carnegie’s work at Pennsylvania
Railroad and
Civil War and government work of
death of
end of friendship with Carnegie
investment deals of
iron and steel industry and
as mentor to Carnegie
political astuteness of
price-fixing schemes of
sleeping car business and
Scott, Winfield
Scribner, Charles
Shadowbrook, Massachusetts, home
Shakespeare, William
Sherman, John
Sherman Antitrust Act
Sherman Silver Purchase Act
Shiffler, Aaron
Shinn, John
Shinn, William P.
Edgar Thomson Mill and
rifts between Carnegie and
Shiras, George
silver, Carnegie on
Simplified Spelling Board
Sinclair, Upton
Singer, William H.
Skibo Castle, Scotland (illus.)
Auchinduich cottage at
Aultnagar hideaway at
first stay at
guests at
July Fourth fete at
Louise Carnegie and
purchase of
stays at
sleeping car business, Carnegie’s
investment in
Smith, James
Smith, Page
Smith, Sir Swire
social conditions
labor struggles and
in New York City
philanthropy and
in Scotland
workers and
Sons of Vulcan
Spanish-American War
spelling-reform movement
Spencer, Herbert
Boer War and
Carnegie’s attraction to philosophy of
Carnegie’s meetings with
philanthropy and
Stanley, Augustus
Stead, William T.
steel industry. See iron and steel industry
Steffens, Lincoln
Stewart, David A.
Carnegie companies and
railroads and
strikes and
Stone, C. A.
Storey, Samuel
coal mining and coke industry and
Edgar Thomson Mill and
Haymarket Square Riot and
Homestead mill and
iron and steel industry
Pennsylvania Railroad and
Strong George Templeton
Sulzbach Brothers
“Summing Up the Tariff Discussion” (Carnegie)
Supreme Court, Carnegie and
appointment to
Swank, James A.
Swedenborgian church
Taft, Howard
arbitration treaties and
Carnegie and
peace activities and
Roosevelt and
Tammany Hall, New York
Tarbell, Ida
Carnegie’s views on
McKinley Tariff
Wilson-Gorman Bill
br /> Taussig, William
Taylor, Bayard
Taylor, J. H.
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr
telegraph industry
Carnegie’s jobs in
Carnegie’s government work during the
Civil War and
Carnegie’s investments in
Temple, William
Terry, Ellen
Texas & Pacific Railroad
Thomson, Frank
Thomson, J. Edgar
bridge-building investments and
Carnegie’s investments with
Carnegie’s work with, at Pennsylvania
investment deals of
iron and steel industry and
political astuteness of
price-fixing schemes of
reorganization of railroad and
sleeping car business and
steelworks named after
Thurston, George H.
Tilden, Samuel J.
Tin Plate Company
Tower, Charlemagne
Townsend, Edward Y.
Tracy, Benjamin
Triumphant Democracy (Carnegie)
Carnegie’s revision of personal history
reactions to
revised version of
trusts, Carnegie on
Tucker, William Jewett
Tuskegee Institute
Twain, Mark
Union Iron Mills
Union Pacific Railroad
unions. See also Amalgamated Association
of Iron and Steel Workers (AAISW); Knights of Labor
political, during Carnegie’s childhood
steel industry and
United Kingdom Trust
United States
British emigration to
Carnegie’s worship of
Triumphant Democracy by Carnegie on
United States Commission on Industrial
U.S. Steel
congressional investigation of
creation of
Schwab as president of
size of
United States Telegraph Company
Vanderbilt, William
Vandevort, John (“Vandy”)
Carnegie companies and
investments with Carnegie
travels with Carnegie (illus.)
Van Dyke, John C.
van Karnebeek, Jonkheen
Venezuela, Great Britain’s disputes with
“Venezuela Question, The” (Carnegie)
Victoria, Queen of England
Vulcan Iron Company
W. J. Rainey and Company
Walker, John
Wall, Joseph Frazier
Wallace, William
Walsh, Frank P.
Wanamaker, John
Washington, Booker T.
wealth, Carnegie on
weaving industry
Webster Literary Society
Weihe, William
Western Transportation Company
Western Union
Wharton, Edith
Wharton, Joseph
White, Andrew
Whitfield, Estelle (“Stella”)
Whitfield, Harry
Whitfield, John W.
Whitfield, Mrs. John W.
Whitfield, Louise. See Carnegie, Louise
Whitman, Walt
Wilhelm II, Kaiser
Carnegie’s meeting with
Roosevelt’s proposed meeting with
World War I and
Wilkins, William
Wilson, James R. (illus.)
Wilson, Walker & Company
Wilson, Woodrow (illus.)
Carnegie and
World War I and
Wilson-Gorman Bill
Woodruff, T. T.
Woodward, Robert S.
Carnegie’s childhood essay on
Carnegie’s naiveté concerning
conditions of
Carnegie’s philanthropy viewed by
conditions for
railroads and
in Scotland
World War I
“Worst Banking System in the World,
The” (Carnegie)
Young, Brigham