Running with the Devil: Plantain Series Book One

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Running with the Devil: Plantain Series Book One Page 9

by Amelia Oliver

  “This is gonna be a hell, especially knowing what you’ve got on under your clothes,” by his tone I can tell he’s smiling.

  I playfully dig my finger into his ribs, causing him to groan, slapping my ass before squeezing it hard and pulling my hips into his.

  “Keep me updated on Smokey. I’ll leave the car for you, Joey can take me to get my bike,” he says, pulling away and placing the keys in my palm.

  “And try not to miss me too much,” he smiles before turning and heading down the hall to meet Joey near the elevators.

  I spent the rest of the morning at the hospital talking with Emily and Sven as Smokey went in and out of sleep, before I finally decide I should get to work.

  Something about sitting in Dornan’s car makes me feel, special. He never lets anyone drive his Charger, no one. I slip his aviator sunglasses on and blast Heart’s- “Magic Man” as I cruise back home to get Bagheera, then to the shop. About three hours later Dornan texts me with a simple- ‘Here.’ I text back a ‘Thanks’ and don’t hear from him again until after my run that night.

  Dornan: Looks like it’s going to be a few days...staying at the Devil’s Backbone clubhouse in the meantime, place is a shit hole, smells like straight up ass.

  The Devil’s Backbone is a club we’re affiliated with, and often do business together. I’ve been to their clubhouse briefly once, and knew exactly what he means, the sweet bottoms that hang out there also smell like straight up ass.

  Me: Just got home from a run, sorry I didn’t have my phone, few days? (Frowny face).

  He replies immediately.

  Dornan: A run huh? So you’re all sweaty and in tight clothes?

  Me: Sweaty yes, tight clothes no. Those are on the floor, about to shower.

  Dornan: Fuck V, I’m at a table with the brothers and thinking of you nude is making me hard.

  I smile and bite my lower lip.

  Me: Too bad you’re not closer, I could help you with that.

  Dornan: Seriously stop. Thinking about those lips of yours wrapped around my cock with your eyes looking up at me...fuck.

  Envisioning that very thing myself had me pressing my thighs together, and licking my lips. I’ve seen Dornan in some compromising positions with females, but never got a glimpse of the goods. I can only imagine what it would be like to have his dick in my hands, my mouth, my pussy.

  Me: Shower time, later lover boy.

  Dornan: You better think of me in the shower.

  Yes, I did think about him in my shower. His tongue on my clit to be exact, using my fingers and pretending they’re his. When I get out of the shower there’s another text from him.

  Dornan: Did you think about me?

  My fingers hover over the keypad, as I think of how to reply.

  Me: Yes, but I think my fingers won’t hold a candle to yours.

  Two seconds after the texts sent, my phone begins to ring.

  “Hey,” I answer.

  “Are you trying to make me beat off in public?” his tone low and growly.

  “You asked,” I chuckle, and can hear loud voices in the background.

  “What exactly were your fingers doing?”

  I feel heat rush up my neck, and my insides tightening.

  “Um, you were, ya know,” I stop,feeling embarrassed, I was never,neverembarrassed, but shit I can’t say the actual words to him.

  “That won’t do.”

  Then he’s silent, I take a deep breath and close my eyes.

  “I thought about you eating me out and fingering me,” I reply.

  Still silence, as my face grows hotter.

  “Jesus Christ.” he says through gritted teeth. “You’re going to fucking kill me, when I get home-”

  “D come on,” I hear Joey in the background.

  “One second,” Dornan replies. “We gotta meet with the Pres then I’m going to bed, I’m fucking exhausted…but now I have to beat off first,” he says in a low tone almost as if it’s not meant for me to hear.

  “Yeah, we didn’t get much sleep this morning,” I reply.

  “Best sleep I’ve ever had,” he whispers.

  My heart flutters, my smile hurting my cheeks.

  “Sweet dreams babe,” he adds before hanging up.

  The next few days I’m back into my routine, morning runs with Bagheera and then work. After work and sometimes at lunch, I’d head over to the hospital to see Smokey. Then he was discharged only three days after being admitted. Throughout the day Dornan texts me, everything from asking how I am, to what I’m wearing. No matter the message, it causes me to smile and turn my insides to goo. By Friday, I’m so anxious to see Dornan I’m snappy and irritated, especially when he’s been calling me at night, and his deep voice making more than my insides gooey.

  We’re having a club get together tonight, a barbecue with the families that usually turns into a pretty hardcore party after the kids and most of the old ladies leave. I’m not particularly looking forward to this since Dornan and Joey still aren’t back, and don’t know when they will be. But I’ll be getting to spend time with Missy, Gwen, Katie, Emily, and Smokey, who’s feeling well enough to come out for a little while. I make salad and help get all the food together with the old ladies and girlfriends in the club’s massive kitchen, all the while Katie fills me in on what her and Joey did on their night without the kids last weekend. It’s nice to have female bonding time, since I spend more than enough time with men, and like all girls, I enjoy the gossip.

  “You know,” Missy begins, as we walk side by side with bowls of food out towards the picnic tables. The air’s cooling down and the sun is low in the sky, perfect weather for a party. The bonfires are already beginning, as kids run around and play on the playground set up on the back lawn.

  “Children of the Reaper are gonna be here.”

  I try not to falter in my steps, but my breath stutters as my words catch in my throat, so I remain silent.

  “I mean, I’m not sure if Brayden’s coming, but...” she trails off.

  I know that Brayden will be here if that’s the case, he never misses a party and all I can wonder is if he’ll bring his wife. I wish for nothing more than to have Dornan here, not for protection or to make Brayden jealous, but just to have that touchstone. The stability and comfort of his presence, with that I know I can face anything.

  We all eat and I decide to get royally fucked up, it’s been a crazy few weeks and I want to just relax and enjoy my family. Missy and Katie go shot for shot of tequila with me, and by the time the kids are all gone home and the music begins blaring, I’m well on my way to sloppy. There’s still no sign of Brayden, but there are at least two hundred people here, and it’s possible we just haven’t crossed paths yet. I ran into his dad Judas however, and he asks about my dad and we chat briefly, before a sweet bottom passes by and catches his eye. I know for certain if Judas is here, then so is Brayden. But at this point in my drunken state, I don’t really care.

  The sky’s dark now and the bonfires light up all around the compound, casting an orange glow on everyone and everything. Led Zeppelin’s- “When the Levee Breaks,” is blasting through the speakers. While I sit at a picnic table with Katie, talking about her eldest daughter having her first crush. I saw Drag when he first arrived, but ever since he had the alleged altercation with Dornan, he’s kept his distance. For whatever reason, I want to talk to him tonight and find out what really happened, if him being distant has something to do with Dornan. Rocket, Chain, and Dusty sit at the same table as us, discussing whose bike has better modifications. When in mid-sentence Katie squeals, “Baby!”

  Launching herself off the bench, I turn to see Joey, Boo-Boo, and Dornan all walking up. Katie literally jumps into Joey’s arms, before kissing him sloppily in front of everyone. Blue eyes suck me in, and I just sit there staring, unsure what to do. Do I go to him? Were we going to show everyone we’re a thing?

  Dornan never takes off the necklace I gave him, but normally it’s tucked under h
is shirt, tonight it’s laying over his shirt. Well, I’m not really sure what that means, but I know it makes my insides heat and liquefy. The muted metal nestles between his pecs and rests on the bright white of his V-neck t-shirt, and the sight makes me a little weak in the knees. His jeans fit him just right, he even makes his unlaced dirty boots look fucking delicious. His lips quirk into a grin as he starts for me, I finally stand and take two steps to meet him. I’m about to take his hand and lead him to his apartment, when he surprises me by grabbing my thighs, lifting me up to wrap my legs around his hips.

  “Hey there,” he says softly as he runs his nose along mine.

  “Hi,” I reply breathlessly.

  Tenderly he places his lips on mine, sucking and gently coaxing my lips to part, as he slides his tongue inside to stroke mine. My heart pounds and distantly I can make out cheering at the kiss Dornan is laying down on me, glad he’s picked me up because I’m positive my knees would give way from this. My hands cup his jaw before one trails down to the medallion on his chest, running my fingertip over the raised metal. Dornan groans into my mouth while pulling my hips against him firmly, causing me to gasp before I feel a swat on my ass, not from Dornan.

  “Jesus, get a room,” Joey says loudly.

  “Awe, babe, leave them alone,” Katie adds, swatting my ass again.

  Our lips part and we pull away, looking down at him to notice his eyes are glazed, appearing just as turned on as I feel.

  “Having fun?” He asks licking his lips, oblivious to everyone around us.

  Surely he can taste the alcohol transferred from my tongue.

  “I missed you,” I smile.

  He pecks my lips again before his eyes leave mine to scan the partygoers, his eyes stopping, taking a long look across the lot.

  “Children of the Reaper are here?”

  I set my feet on the ground and look in the same direction, and see Judas and Sven are talking near a fire pit. There’s an unasked question in Dornan’s tone; have you seen Brayden? But he doesn’t ask and I don’t tell him, not wanting to even think about Brayden. After a few tense minutes, Dornan relaxes as Joey hands him a beer and they join in on the bike modification conversation, while Katie and I resume ours.

  A few beers later and I’m beyond drunk. I’ve always been able to handle alcohol and know I’m drunker than I appear. Dornan and I keep exchanging glances and often I feel his eyes on me, not looking away when I catch him. However, when he catches me, I blush and avert my eyes. Stopping Katie mid-sentence, I stand,

  “I gotta pee, hold that thought.”

  I wander through the drunken groups of people, making it to the clubhouse after what seems like forever, since I can’t walk a straight line to save my life. Several times I have to push my way through people in the main area to get to the apartment’s hallway. I’m not about to use the public bathrooms, so I head to Dornan’s apartment. I know he has a spare key somewhere around the door, I just have to find it. Attempting to rise up on my tip toes and run my fingertips along the door frame, I stumble for a few seconds before finally toppling over, and landing on my ass. Then I fumble to lift the floor mat and search underneath for it, when I finally do find it, it takes me several times and needing to really focus to get the key off the floor. I’m dizzy when I stand and after letting myself in, I trip towards the bed and land face down on the mattress. On the verge of almost passing out, my bladder urges me to get up and go pee. I practically have to crawl there, sighing deeply when I finally get my ass onto the toilet. Closing my eyes to stop the spins and taking a few deep breaths to stop the pre-vomit taste in my mouth, I sit there a little longer than necessary. Washing my hands, I cup some water and splash my face, using Dornan’s toothbrush to brush my teeth in hopes to settle my stomach.

  Reemerging from the wash room, I feel marginally better. I haven’t been in his room in a long time, but it’s orderly and neat. His king size bed’s made and there are no dirty clothes on the floor, even the bathrooms clean. I wander around the small space and see a framed picture of Missy, Dornan, and Sven, along with Dornan’s older sister Kendall who lives in Montana now, sitting on his bookshelf. There are books and an old baseball along with another photo sitting on the shelf. This one’s of me, Joey, and Dornan when we were about twelve or so.

  As I enter the hallway, closing the door behind me and awkwardly dropping the key onto the floor, which causes me to fall to my knees in order to get it back into its hiding spot. When I stand back up, dizziness washes over me again, just as someone grabs my hips and instantly I know it’s not Dornan. Pulling away just as fast, the action turns my stomach. Brayden stands there, a beer in his hand. He’s tall and muscular from working out every day. He’s got the body to prove it, but looks larger than I remember. I feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand and an uncomfortable tension begin to run through me. The churning bile returns in the pit of my stomach, as he smiles before taking a pull from his beer. Even though the clubhouse is packed, there’s no one back here but us.

  “Hey honey. Were you gonna come say hi to me?” he slurs, stepping closer causing me to step back.

  “I wasn’t planning on it.”

  Thankfully my words aren’t also slurred. He lets out a groan and places a hand over his heart.

  “I’m crushed.”

  I narrow my eyes.

  “What do you want?” I ask.

  “Same thing I always want from you.”

  My jaw tenses, as my vision goes a little foggy, and I have to put a hand against the wall to balance myself.

  “I’m not available for that anymore.”

  His dark brown eyes scan my body. I’m wearing a pair of jean shorts, a long sleeve shirt, and my bike boots.

  “You sure honey?”

  Brayden always calls me honey because of my eye color, and I used to like the endearment, but now it just makes me feel icky.

  “Yes, I’m sure. There’s probably fifty or so sweet bottoms out there willing to get nailed against a wall, or fucked on the sink in the bathroom,” I shrug.

  The first time Brayden and I had sex was slow, delicate, and in a bed, dirty, but nevertheless a bed. From there on out, it was anything but. The only times we ever saw each other was at club meetings or parties where we had to sneak off for a quick fuck, leaving me feeling nothing but disgusting and used.

  “What’s this all about, you got no love for me now?”

  He opens his arms, stepping closer. Again I step back, my steadiness wavering.

  “Are you serious? Uh, how about when you told me you weren’t leaving your wife...that’s what this,” I motion a finger between the two of us, “is all about.”

  “That doesn’t mean we still can’t hook up-”

  He finishes his beer, tossing the empty can down onto the floor.

  “Actually asshole, that’s exactly what it means.”

  Since I’m drunk and my reflexes are a little slow, he’s able to grab my wrist and yank me towards him, causing me to trip over my own feet and fall into his chest.

  “What the fuck did you just call me?” he growls.

  “Asshole,” I reply, trying to jerk my arm free.

  His nostrils flare and his jaw ticks, eyes darkening.

  “You’re nothing but a sweet bottom, I fuck you wherever and whenever I want, don’t you forget that...just because you wear the leather cut and play with the boys doesn’t make you a brother or fuckin V.P.”

  My back hits the wall as he draws closer, the grip on my wrist tightening as he pins my arm to my side.

  “You’re nothing but a worthless bitch,” he breathes into my face.

  His other hand roughly cups my breast, and I jerk to the side in an attempt to get him to stop. My free hand flying to his but he breaks free from my grasp, and wraps his fingers around my jaw.

  “You’re my bitch, I own that ass and if you don’t play nice well then I get to share you with my brothers.”

  “Fuck you, you dick-less piece of shit,” I growl

  I begin to push my body against his, which just causes him to laugh. When both my arms get free and I punch him in the jaw, then he really begins to fight me. Before I can get my arm back to hit him again, he lifts me and tosses me like a rag doll against the wall. The back of my head hits the cement hard with a thud, and leaves me seeing black before stars fill my eyes. The impact drops me to my knees, then his hands are gripping my shirt and bringing me to my feet, my legs unstable leave me slouching and limp. When his fingers begin to fumble with the button on my shorts, I feel my disorientation lift slightly as I attempt to bring my leg up and try to knock his hand away. But then he presses his forearm against my throat, pinning my head against the wall. My nails claw at his skin as the hit to my head, combined with the light headed feeling I have from lack of oxygen, and the alcohol in my system, is winning. Panic takes over and I never let the fear win, but the realization that I’m about to be raped, that this is really happening, scares me more than anything ever has. Brayden slips his hand down the front of my shorts and I gasp, while struggling for air as he touches bare skin. His arm presses harder, allowing me only short small inhales of air.

  “Dick-less, huh. I’ll show you how dick-less I am.”

  He’s looking at me like I’m nothing, like he’s looking through me. I close my eyes as stars dance under my lids, my lungs burn, my body beginning to lose the strength to fight. When suddenly the pressure leaves, and I’m finally able to gasp in a huge lungful of air. There’s thumping and groans beside me as I fall to the floor, my hands bracing myself as I try to stand, my vision slowly coming back to a watery distorted view. I cough and bring my knees under me, slumping into the wall as I continue to try and get up. My body’s shaking uncontrollably, my lungs and throat feel like they’re on fire, and I can’t inhale without coughing.


  I hear Joey’s voice and then big rough hands touch my face, but I can’t see him, not being able to focus.

  “Shit,” he growls.

  Then his hands are gone and I feel alone again.


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