Two Doms for Vicki [Pleasure, Montana 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Two Doms for Vicki [Pleasure, Montana 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 10

by Melody Snow Monroe

  She brought her glass to her lips. “I’m not the type to raise a kid alone.”

  Vicki got that distant look in her eyes. Perhaps she’d lost hope that the three of them could be together. While this gave him a good opening to start the discussion about marriage, from the way she clasped her glass and lowered her gaze, she wasn’t ready, so he let the topic drop.

  As soon as they finished eating, Clint jumped up and brought his dish to the sink. Vicki stood to help.

  Before she took a step, he held out a hand. “I got it.”

  “I helped make the mess, so I’ll help clean.” She carried her dish into the small kitchen.

  He would have told her she didn’t have to, but she seemed determined, and battling her on every item would only distance them.

  He patted his stomach. “I for one need to rest a little before we chow down on the brownies.” He then realized the mistake. “We didn’t make them, did we?”

  She shook her head. A cute smile swept her face. “I think we got a little distracted.”

  He slid over to her and pinned her against the counter. “Then you’ll have to come back to make them.”

  “I’d like that.”

  He drew her close and kissed her. Even though he’d just had the most amazing sex, the woman did something to his insides. She short-circuited his control center.

  She looked around him. “I should be going. Sanford would not be pleased if I straggled in late tomorrow.”

  He wanted her to stay. “You can’t spend the night?” In an attempt to convince her, he kissed the sensitive spot right before her ear. She loved it when he touched her there.

  She groaned then gently pressed on his chest. “I can’t.”

  He let go. “No?”

  She sucked in her bottom lip, and his groin tightened.

  “You know I’d love to, but what would Sanford do if he found me here—naked, needy, wanting?”

  He cracked up. “Point taken. Grab your coat and I’ll follow you home.”

  She shook her head. “You don’t have to do that. I only live a few miles away.”

  He didn’t want to let her go yet. “What if you get a flat tire and are stranded?”

  “I have a cell phone. I’ll call you.”

  “What if it’s not charged? What if you don’t get cell service?”

  She laughed. “Okay, okay. You can follow me home, but I’m not inviting you in.”

  “Not asking. I know you need to rest.”

  She had that cute cheeky grin on her face he loved. “That’s right. You know everything and since you want what’s best, you’ll let me rest.”

  He kissed her quick then gathered his jacket and keys. “You’re learning fast.”

  She, too, had parked in back. He waited for her to start her engine, then drove down the back alley after her. Even his brother would say he was being overprotective, but that was just his nature.

  He enjoyed trailing behind her and making sure she stayed safe. She put on her signal and made the lefthand turn down her street. He followed. Scattered cars were parked on the road since many of the homes didn’t have garages.

  She pulled into her drive and cut the engine. If he stopped, he’d want to kiss her again and one thing would lead to another, so he honked and drove on.

  As he neared the end of her street, a flash of light in his rearview mirror caught his attention. He slowed. Someone’s cab light had gone on then off implying someone was getting out of his car. The vehicle sat in front of Vicki’s house, and the hair on his neck stood up. He immediately jetted into a random drive to turn around, all the while keeping his focus on the driver. A man got out of his car and headed straight toward Vicki.

  “Not going to happen on my shift, buddy.” It was almost nine, so it wouldn’t be one of her patients.

  Before Clint reached her drive, the person grabbed Vicki’s arm, and she tugged out of his grasp. Clint saw red.

  He floored his truck and braked hard as he almost crashed into the front of the man’s vehicle. Clint jumped out without taking the time to turn off the ignition and sprinted toward them.

  “Hey,” he shouted.

  The man stepped back. Vicki rushed toward him. He never expected that she’d hold up her hands to defend the man. “It’s just Doug.”

  “Who’s Doug?” Actually he didn’t give a fuck who Doug was. He didn’t want anyone touching his woman.

  “He was one of my patients.”

  He looked over at the guy. Doug was swaying from one foot to other like he was ready to go off the deep end. At least he didn’t appear to have a weapon. “I need to speak with him.”

  She grabbed his arm, but he broke free then got in Doug’s face. If he’d been on duty, he might have behaved, but this was Vicki. “What do you want?”

  The man straightened his shoulders. “That’s between me and Vicki.”

  She tried to edge her way between them, but he gently moved her behind him. He didn’t want her to get hurt.

  “Tell me.”

  “Vicki’s my girl. It’s between us.”

  He lost it at the my girl part and shoved the man back. Doug charged and swung, but Clint ducked in time to avoid the man’s fist. Vicki yelled, and his common sense returned. He held up his hands. “Let’s talk.” Or rather you listen and then get the fuck away from here for good.

  The man was a good three inches shorter than he was but weighed a few pounds more.

  “Who are you?” Doug asked.

  “Deputy Clint Mansfield.”

  The air seemed to deflate out of him. “Oh.”

  Clint glanced at Vicki. “Go inside.” She’d be cold, and there was no reason for her to see either of them lose his temper again.

  “I’m staying.”

  If they’d been further in their relationship, and if Doug hadn’t been here, he would have spanked her.

  “I think you should go, Doug. Clearly, Vicki doesn’t want to talk with you.”

  Doug looked over his shoulder. “Vicki?”

  “Not now, Doug.”

  “I came because I was worried you hadn’t come home from work. It’s late.”

  Every one of Clint’s senses went to high alert. “Do you always make sure she gets home safely?” He was pleased he’d kept his tone even. He’d even managed to inject a hint of praise for the man, though he doubted his acting skills were as good as he thought.


  “Well, I’ll be watching over her from now on.”

  It was too dark to be sure, but if looks could kill, Doug would be shooting dangers at him.

  Chapter Eleven

  Clint used all of his control not to punch the guy, as he valued his job as well as Justin Bradford, sheriff extraordinaire, who would frown upon him taking out his jealousy on a local. As soon as Doug’s taillights disappeared, he returned to Vicki. “Can we talk?”

  “There’s nothing to talk about. I’m going inside.”

  Fuck. She acted like he’d screwed up. She should have gone inside when he’d asked. Doug could have pulled a gun or attacked her. He followed Vicki up the stairs.

  She spun around. “Alone. I’m good. Really.”

  She opened her door, but her hand shook so much that his anger built again. “I want you to pack a bag and come back with me.”

  Vicki flipped on the light and faced him. “Look, Doug cares about me. I was the one who dumped him. He’s harmless.”

  Her dumping him would make Doug mad. He might believe her had it been the other way around. “Tell me this. When you’ve come home, say in the last few weeks, have you seen him here waiting in his car?”


  “He says he makes sure you arrive home safely. That means he’s been stalking you. Until tonight, he’s been hiding. Something must have triggered his need to approach you.”

  She unbuttoned her coat, removed it, and tossed it on the back of the sofa. “I’m sure he knows I’m working for Sanford. He saw me at the parade, too.” He followe
d her into the kitchen. “Maybe he wants to win me back.”

  Unless he had more facts about this guy, he’d assumed Doug was a threat. “If you won’t come with me, I’ll sleep in my car.”

  As expected, she swiveled to face him. “You can’t do that. You’ll freeze.”

  “Then come back with me. At least for tonight. We’ll only cuddle.” He moved closer and slid an errant strand of hair behind her ear. “I won’t let Sanford near you. I’ll protect you.”

  She laughed. “I don’t need protection from Sanford.”

  “You’ll be able to sleep in later as you won’t have to drive to work.”

  She blew out a breath. “Okay, but only for one night.”

  Inwardly, he cheered. “Go pack.” On the outside, he drew on his cop persona to act professional.

  As soon as she disappeared, he paced the living room. What was that guy’s agenda? Was he really just a lovesick guy who cared for her?

  Clint was determined to find out.

  * * * *

  When Sanford returned to the apartment, he hadn’t expected to find dishes in the sink, half-melted candles on the table, and no roommate. Clint’s bedroom door sat ajar.


  There was no evidence of Vicki in the apartment, yet the two wine glasses implied she’d been here. Too bad she’d left. While the meeting with Sayles had gone well, he could use some loving. It was almost 9:30 p.m. Where could his brother be? He texted Clint and waited.

  A few minutes later the front door opened and Clint entered, carrying a suitcase, followed by Vicki. As happy as he was to see her, the fact she wasn’t smiling concerned him.

  “What’s wrong, angel?”

  “Ask your brother.”

  That didn’t sound good. “Clint?”

  Clint turned to Vicki. “Why don’t you take a shower and put on your pajamas. I’ll be in shortly.”

  She nodded, walked past both and ducked into his bedroom. If Sanford didn’t even get a hug something bad must have happened. As soon as she closed the door, Sanford faced his brother. “Spill.”

  He told him about Doug Webb waiting for her at her house. “Her ex and I kind of got into a small scuffle.”

  He looked his brother up and down, but he didn’t see any bruises on him. “Define scuffle.”

  “He swung and missed. I didn’t attack back. Vicki seemed to be on the guy’s side.”

  “Chelsea mentioned Vicki was dating someone for a few months but when she found out we were returning, she dumped him.”

  Clint strode to the refrigerator and pulled out a beer. “That would piss off a guy.”

  “Let’s hope he isn’t the type to seek revenge.”

  He guzzled part of his beer. “What do you think of hiring Justin’s cousin, Gavin Kirkwood, to keep an eye on him.”

  “Who’s Kirkwood?”

  “He’s one of the owners of Elite Detective Services. He moved here a little while ago.”

  “Anything you want to do to keep an eye on this guy is fine by me.” He stepped into the kitchen and grabbed a beer for himself before moving back into the living room. He dropped onto the sofa and nodded to the bedroom. “Why is Vicki so upset? She barely looked at me.”

  Clint sat in the seat across from him. “She thinks I’m overreacting.”

  Sanford scraped his nail down the paper label. “Are you?”

  “That ass admitted to watching her every night. What was I supposed to do?”

  “I get it.” Sanford might not have been so generous.

  Clint leaned back. “She agreed to stay for one night only. She doesn’t like us taking away her independence.”

  “I see her point. Is Doug from around here?”

  Clint shrugged. “Know nothing about him, but by tomorrow at lunch, I’ll know what size underwear he wears.”

  “Gross, bro.”

  Clint finished his beer. “I’m hoping he’s as harmless as Vicki says. Even if he doesn’t plan on harming her, there’s no guarantee he won’t come after one of us.”

  Now that definitely didn’t sit well with him.

  * * * *

  Vicki might have overreacted. She was willing to admit to herself that having a stalker was creepy, but to tell Clint was another matter. He would never let her out of his sight.

  It really didn’t matter if she’d trusted Doug at one time. Now she needed to be careful. With Sanford running for mayor, any scandal could be disastrous, and even though the town was highly accepting of all types of relationships, staying the night with the potential mayor might not be a good thing either.

  Well, she was here now and couldn’t change that. If she had any chance of showering alone, she needed to take one before the men came in. The bathroom in Clint’s room was the only one in the apartment, and she didn’t want to keep either man from using it. She undressed and brought her pajamas into the bathroom with her. She didn’t know why she was being so shy, but maybe she believed she could keep the lights off for only so long. As soon as the water warmed, she stepped under the showerhead. She was able to wash and get out before either man came in.

  She’d expected one, if not both, to burst in the bathroom and claim they wanted to save water and suggest they all wash together. Only they hadn’t. While she’d washed quickly, she had stayed in the shower for over five minutes. That gave them plenty of time to come in. Hmm. Maybe they’d sensed she wasn’t in the mood. They’d be right, but it would have been nice if they’d ask to share.

  Slightly more confused than when she’d first walked in, she stepped out, dried, and donned her pajamas. She was exhausted, but it would have been rude not to ask how Sanford’s dinner had gone.

  She pulled open the bedroom door and stepped into the living room. Both men stopped their conversation and looked up.

  “You look more refreshed, angel.” Sanford patted the sofa next to him. “Come join us.” She slid next to him, her leg touching his. “You have a bad day, angel?”

  She thought Clint would have told him about their amazing date and wonderful lovemaking. “It was fantastic until Doug had to go and spoil things.”

  He pulled her close, and his warm hug was divine. “You don’t need to worry about a thing. Doug’s not going to bother you again.”

  His tone sounded too certain. She sat up. “What does that mean?” She looked over at Clint. “Are you going to arrest him for keeping an eye out for me?”

  “No, darlin’. We mean we’re going to make sure you stay safe. That’s all.”

  Sanford tugged her close again. “Let’s not discuss this tonight. I have some good news.”

  She wanted to erase the last hour. “Tell me.”

  “On Friday night, Bob Sayles is throwing a campaign party. It’s like my coming out party, only it’s to officially endorse my candidacy.”

  “That’s awesome.” What would she need to do? “Where will this soiree be held?”

  “We went round and round about the best location, but it kept coming back to renting out the Mountain View.”

  She hissed. “If it’s a Friday night, that’s going to piss off a lot of people. Luke and Preston have a steady clientele, many of whom work at the coal plant. You really don’t want to have them spreading ill will.”

  “Mmm. You might have a point. If you have a better suggestion, I’m all ears.”

  “What about Clete Knight’s estate? His home is huge. Before he married Bella, he owned a line of coffee shops along the east coast. The guy’s filthy rich, but as nice as they come. I’m sure he believes in the town’s expansion since he personifies growth.”

  “I know the name, but I don’t remember him.”

  “I’ve gotten to know Bella quite well. She runs Knight’s Delight in town.”

  “Bella. Isn’t she the one who’s about to pop out a second child? I didn’t realize she was Clete Knight’s wife, though with the shop named Knight’s Delight, I should have put two and two together.”

  “The one and only. Hawk and Clete�
��s mother owns the bed-and-breakfast down the street, too.”

  Sanford smiled. “That would be Knight’s Bed and Breakfast. I’m seeing a pattern here.”

  “See? They’re expanding in many ways.” She laughed. “Do you want me to ask Bella if her husband would like to sponsor you?”

  He kissed her. “What would I do without you?”

  “Lose the election?”

  He laughed then stood, pulling her to her feet. “We have a long day tomorrow. Get some sleep.” He gave her a quick kiss then headed to his bedroom.

  That was it? No attempt to get her naked? She’d never understand these men. Clint grinned.

  She crossed her arms. “What’s so funny?”


  “What about me?”

  He stepped closer. “If I recall, you wanted to leave before Sanford came in so that you wouldn’t have to put up with any of his advances. You said you were too sore.”

  That was true. “So?”

  “When he gives you a peck good-night and goes into his bedroom without inviting you, you get bent out of shape.”

  She wasn’t bent out of shape, just a little dented. “Sometimes a girl wants to know she’s wanted. That doesn’t mean she has to accept the advances.”

  He whistled. “I think I need to go back to the drawing board or take another Understanding Women 101 class.”

  She punched his arm, twisted around, and strode back to the bedroom. He laughed. Jerk.

  * * * *

  When Vicki awoke, Clint was not in the room. Disappointed she couldn’t get in a few more hugs, she sat up and listened. Noise came from the living room, implying one or both brothers were still here.

  She crawled out of bed. Last night had been wonderful. They’d cuddled, kissed, and talked, but mostly just listened to each other. Clint seemed to understand her mood and moved accordingly.

  A knock sounded on the door, and Sanford stuck in his head. “Breakfast is served. Get a move on it, sleepyhead.”

  “Is Clint out there?”

  “No. He’s already at work.”

  Yikes. She looked around for a clock but found none. After opening her suitcase, she searched for what she wanted to wear. She’d brought two outfits, not sure which she’d be in the mood to put on. She chose the black slacks and peach blouse as the black boot-cut pants were slimming. Not wanting to keep Sanford waiting, she only applied blush, eyeliner, and lipstick before hurrying out. Her hair would have to stay in its naturally frizzy state.


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