Retribution: An Erotic Novelette [Dangerous Pleasures #2]

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Retribution: An Erotic Novelette [Dangerous Pleasures #2] Page 1

by Terri Pray

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  Renaissance E Books

  Copyright ©

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  NOTICE: This work is copyrighted. It is licensed only for use by the original purchaser. Making copies of this work or distributing it to any unauthorized person by any means, including without limit email, floppy disk, file transfer, paper print out, or any other method constitutes a violation of International copyright law and subjects the violator to severe fines or imprisonment.

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  All rights reserved

  Copyright © 2007 Terri Pray

  This book may not be reproduced in whole or in part without written permission.

  Sizzler Editions/Hot Fashes B&D

  Chapter One

  "Women! You've no idea just what life is truly supposed to be like. All we want is to be treated with some measure of respect, instead you and your kind keep trying to push us down further. We're not slaves but you treat us as though we are. Or less than you. How dare you!” Aaron stalked back across the room until he stared down at her chained form. “I'm not going to take it any longer. It's about time you and women like you finally realize just what's it's like to be in the hands of a real man."

  Shannon paled, her gaze fixed on his face. How had she some how programmed the holo and come up with a man that now looked like the one who stared down at her?

  "Fuck, you'd just lie there, so it's not even worth my effort."

  All right, she'd taken about as much of that as she was willing to. “How dare you! You've no idea what I'd be like if we had sex. You're just jumping to assumptions! And why? Because you hate women!"

  Aaron went rigid as he looked down at her. “I don't hate women, I'm angry at how you and your kind have treated me over the years. Go here, do this, be that, bow, kneel, obey. How in hells name would you like it if you were the one being forced to act like that?"

  She shook her head, frowning. “We were, women were treated that way for generations, everyone knows that."

  "No, everyone knows the histories now written and controlled by women. We don't know the truth. The histories have been scoured clean of any sign of men who acted like human beings. What did we do to you that was so wrong?"

  She knew the answers that had been taught to her as a child, the ones that she had rebelled against and still did. The very answers that had made no sense, yet she found them easy to spout off now that she was faced with a man who had stolen her from the street.

  "Men like you tried to control and beat women down, we were drugged, treated as slave, traded off and married to men without our consent. We had no rights to choose our own lives..."

  "Exactly how we are treated now.” He growled. “So what we did to you is now repeated. And women are supposed to be on some higher moral path!"

  Her jaw tightened, eyes narrowing as she stared at Aaron. How dare he say such a thing. Men had no right to chastise women, or claim they were doing something wrong. He had stolen her, hurt her, chained her in this room and then had the gall to claim she'd not be sexually responsive?

  "You're nothing but a thief and an asshole. You've no idea how I'd react, and I've never treated a man the way you are now treating me.” She tried to move, to stand up, but the chains between her ankles prevented her from moving easily. “Now I suggest you let me go before things spiral out of control completely."

  "Right, and I suppose that you're really a hot and willing slut in the arms of a man, who knows how to treat him and doesn't demand that he worship you? I'm more likely to believe you're an old fashioned woman who can suck cock and lick my feet than you have any glimmer of sensuality in you."

  "I never said I was an old fashioned..."

  "Then you're cold, and only think about your own pleasure, just like the rest of your kind.” He turned, scowling. His steps rang out across the room, his shoulders tense, face dark. “I would have been better off taking someone else, military women, you're worthless."

  "I don't..."

  "Yes you are. Shit, I don't know why I bothered to grab you. You're going to be nothing but trouble.” He shook his head, stalking fully back across the room towards her. “I'd be better of slitting your throat and dumping your body."

  Her heart dropped into the pit of her stomach, turning into a piece of lead as she looked up at him. “You want to—I mean—oh goddess."

  "You're useless to me, trying to ransom you will do nothing but have a mess of your people ready to kill me. And I'm not willing to risk everyone else here just for a minuscule chance that they'll actually pay up and not just hunt everyone here. No, death is the only other option."

  Shannon edged back as far as the chains would permit. “There has to be another way."

  "No. I'll make this quick. I've no desire to drag out your death.” He pulled the knife free from his belt.

  "Please, don't!” Fear clamped about her throat. “I'll show you. I'm not like them. Please, give me a chance.” Goddess have mercy, what was she doing. She'd been through the training. Death shouldn't frighten her so much, at least this way she'd be able to keep her honor.

  But to die like this, killed because she wasn't a woman?

  "Why should I give you the chance?"

  "What do you have to lose?” She tried to keep the whimper of fear from her words. “You're armed, I'm not."

  Aaron took a step back, tapping the knife against his free hand. “And you're willing to debase yourself in order to save your life?"

  "No, I'm willing to show you that you're wrong about me, about women in general. There are some of us who do enjoy sharing pleasures with me, truly sharing them.” Her heart missed a beat, mouth dry as she looked up at him. Despite the chains she managed to move up onto her knees. The chain dug into her ankles but she knelt there, bowing her head a little, a soft smile playing over her lips. “You could always chain my hands behind me if you're worried that I'm going to try something."

  He smiled, fully.

  Okay, so he liked that idea. It at least gave her a fighting chance of surviving.

  Aaron leaned down, unlocking her wrists before he yanked them behind her back and fastened the chain tightly in place. He tugged on the restraints, checking them. “Those should hold you."

  Of that she had no doubt.

  "So now you can prove you mean what you said. You can focus on the pleasure of a man, instead of your own delights.” His hands moved to his pants, opening them slowly. His cock hardened even as she looked at it.

  Oh goddess, he meant...

  "Open your mouth. And if you bite me you'll regret it.” He hissed, taking hold of the back of her head, his grip tight in her hair. He pushed closer, rubbing the head of his cock across her lips. “You're going to do something few women have done in generations, open up and suck!"

  His cock in her mouth?

  What choice did she have if she wanted to avoid having her throat slit?

  Shannon slowly parted her lips, lifting her gaze to his face, watching him closely. What was it he truly wanted of her? She couldn't imagine that he just wanted his cock in her mouth, or did they really enjoy that?

  He rocked forward, caressing her lips with the smooth, heated, head of his cock. She'd almost expected him to thrust straight in but he didn't. Slowly he rolled his hips, teasing her lips with the feeling of his shaft, his fingers tightly wrapped in her hair giving her no room to move.

  He didn't
trust her.

  Not that she could blame him.

  How many women had lashed out at him over the years?

  More than she would ever truly know.

  What was she supposed to do?

  Nervously she parted her lips a little further, licking gently over the head of his cock. Salt, she could taste salt, and the heady taste of something else. Musk? Need? She frowned slightly, tiny lines tightening about her eyes. The head was smooth but for a tiny slit which now beckoned the investigation of her tongue.

  Without thinking she pressed the tip of her tongue into the tiny slit, wriggling, tasting. Only to be rewarded with a rush of taste, salt heavy. The same taste and scent she'd been able to smell on him from the start. He liked that?

  Her lips closed on the head of his cock as she swirled her tongue over the head, tasting him. She'd never done this, not even in the holo programs. It wasn't something she'd thought of, not beyond a quick dismissal of the idea. It had been too—too submissive even for her.

  Aaron groaned, rolling his hips.

  A slight smile claimed her lips. Good, by that sound she was doing something right. She tugged a little at the chains that bound her wrists, but as it had been her idea she didn't dare complain. Shannon shivered as she wrapped her tongue slowly about his cock, exploring it with a gentle whimper.

  "Good.” He grunted.

  She frowned slightly. Just a good, a grunt? Hadn't she shown she could at least try and please a male?

  She glanced up at him through the veil of her own hair.

  "You have a long way to go, bitch.” He warned, tapping his fingers against the hilt of his dagger. “Continue..."

  Shannon lowered her head fully, drawing him into her mouth as she suckled at his cock. He throbbed against her lips, filling her mouth, the head of his cock pressing further into her until it nudged at the back of her throat. She whimpered, struggling at his feet now. Not wanting to feel it fill her that deeply. What if she couldn't breathe?

  Shannon tried to pull back but the grip in her hair only tightened, keeping her in place with his cock still in her mouth. She gave a half strangled sob, licking at the underside of his cock with short, nervous strokes. Maybe if she still tried to please him he wouldn't cut off her air completely?

  "Take it slow, touch gently, lick, suck and explore it. I won't force myself all the way down your throat, not yet at least. Only those who are truly skilled in the art of giving head can manage that.” He informed her, his voice husky, little more than a low growl.

  Shannon gulped for breath when he pulled back for a minute and glanced up at him. His face had turned into a mask of bliss as he rocked slowly in and out of her mouth. His eyes were closed, the stress lines now missing from around his face and eyes. He rolled his head backwards a little as he kept a firm grip on her hair.

  She was obviously doing something right by the expression she could clearly see.

  Her confidence grew with each passing moment and she suckled harder on the end of his cock, lapping at the smooth skin until she could feel him shudder under her experimental touches.

  But then came something she had not been expecting.

  Heat grew slowly between her legs, her sex lips engorged, pressing against her clothing, her small nubbin throbbed until her own hips rocked. This didn't make sense, how could sucking him, licking his cock, arouse her in any way?

  Yet she couldn't deny what she felt.

  With a low moan she swallowed, taking him deeper into her mouth, the head of his cock nudging against the back of her throat. Panic touched her heart, then faded as her throat worked on his shaft, massaging it even as she was left fighting against the urge to gag. She wanted to do this, to show him she wasn't useless, but Shannon knew sooner or later her body would rebel.

  With a low cry he pulled back, freeing himself of her mouth fully.

  "Did I do something wrong?” Shannon edged back a little on her knees. If he was going to kill her she wanted to know why.

  "You didn't.” He grunted, taking a step back from her. His heated gaze passed over her body, taking in her still clothed form. She tensed as she saw his right hand settle on the hilt of his dagger. “I'm going to give you the chance to prove to me that you're willing to serve a man with your entire body, not just your mouth."

  "But I'm chained and dressed."

  "Easy enough to change, to a degree.” He bent down, slicing the clothes from her body with deft movements. Cutting them a piece at a time away from her body until she was left naked but for the chains. Only then did he sheath the knife and reach for the chains between her ankles, unlocking them quickly.

  "What about my wrists?"

  "They can stay bound.” He pushed her onto her back, kicking her legs apart. “Fuck—you look too good to be true."

  Too good to be true? What was he talking about? She looked like a hundred other women she'd served with. “I don't know what you mean."

  He didn't answer as he moved to his knees between her spread thighs. She shivered, her thighs taut. She'd never been this exposed in front of a man before. They didn't get to be the one on top, not in real life, they weren't permitted that level of power. They were supposed to be submissive, willing to lie there and take it, not be in control!

  She whimpered, edging back from him.

  "Keep still!” He slapped her left thigh, the crack ringing out through the room.

  She winced, hips jerking from the sharp pain. “I just—this isn't right!"

  "Why, because you should be on top?” He pulled his pants down to behind his knees, lowering onto her body. “You want to prove you can think of someone else's pleasure other than your own, this it part of doing that."

  "But—I—Don't men enjoy it when they're the one on the bottom?"

  "Some do, maybe even I would on occasions, but I'm in charge here, not you!"

  In charge? It was more than that, being in charge was only the tip of the iceberg. It wasn't like this. With the woman bound and helpless, naked and with him only pulling down his clothing just enough so he could take what he wanted.

  Shannon whimpered, heat rippling through her slick inner walls. Goddess have mercy, what was going on. She peered up at him, seeing the stern look in his eyes, the set of his jaw. He wasn't going to back down on this and goddess help her, she actually wanted to experience this for real. Beyond the safe little fantasies she'd had been able to program, and the holographic projections she had well known would obey her and change their reactions according to her wishes.

  Not like this.

  He didn't move. Instead of just thrusting himself into her exposed body he knelt between her thighs, looking down at her.

  "Why don't you just get on with it?"

  "I'm waiting for you to interest me.” Aaron smirked. “Or can't you manage that?"

  "What? I'm naked and chained, what else do you need?” Heat flushed across her cheeks. She couldn't move away from him, not with the way he was knelt between her thighs. Her hands were bound in place, the chains digging into her wrists, and if he wanted to use her until her body was raw there was nothing she could do to stop him.

  "If I just wanted an unmoving, boring partner I'd grab a sex doll. Now interest me, if you want to live interest me. Move your body, whimper, plead to be touched. Come on! I want to see you dance, move for me!"


  Was he out of his mind?

  A dance was something you did standing up, not flat on your back with a male between your thighs.

  "You're mad!"

  "Do you want to live or not?” He stared down at her, his eyes cold, voice piercing through her body with cold precision.

  "Yes,” her gaze flickered to the dagger he still wore. “Yes, I do."

  "Then show me, interest me."

  Heat claimed her face completely, her jaw clenched as she lay there beneath him. Interest him? He was already aroused, his cock was hard, jutting out from his groin, the head of his organ glistening with drops of his own arousal.

>   How could he even claim that he wasn't interested in her?

  "You have two choices, interest me or die."

  Chapter Two

  Death or arouse him further. For a moment, in sheer frustration, she was willing to scream Kill me now. But that passed almost as quickly as it had arisen. She wanted to live, needed to, dying just because she didn't want to—couldn't figure out how to—interest him further, would have been pointless.

  Life. She wanted to life. To enjoy the worlds she had known and hoped to know again.

  But how?

  "Bah, you're dead from the neck down. Any real woman would have at least tried by now. You're just laying there, expecting me to do the work for you.” He snarled, his gaze narrowed on her naked form, eyes dark.

  What did he want her to do?

  She whimpered slightly, parting her thighs a little further, arching her hips until she could feel her buttocks tighten, lifting them a little from the floor. He wanted her didn't he? She could see his arousal, almost smell it with how close he was to her, and she'd lifted up to make it easier for him. Even though by doing so it pressed her body down on her trapped wrists.

  "Is that all you have, a lift and whimper? That's supposed to be a dance? Stupid slut!” He snapped back at her, resting his hand fully on the hilt of his dagger.

  "No, please. I just—I haven't done this before."

  He nodded. “One more chance, slut."

  Shannon trembled, closing her eyes as she tried to calm her taut nerves. If she didn't figure out what to do next he'd slit her throat and toss her body out with the garbage. She wasn't ready to die. How was she supposed to dance...

  Dancers, she'd seen a holo of them, all in silk and veils, twirling, dancing, spinning, rotating their hips. That was it, that's what she was missing...

  Shannon pressed her heels fully against the floor, tipping her hips a little more towards him. Slowly, her body unused to the movement, she began to roll her hips, swaying. Her back arched, lifting her lower body from the floor. Her thighs protested, the movement awkward at first but she tried nevertheless, she had to.


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