The Goodwill Gesture

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The Goodwill Gesture Page 12

by McKay, KC

  "Zac, oh my God," she gasped. "You were amazing! Oh my God."

  I slowly withdrew my head from her sweet spot and wiped my mouth with my hand. "Wow. That was incredible, Darcy. You taste fantastic."

  "Kiss me," she purred.

  I crawled up to her face and kissed her. She thrust her tongue in my mouth and tasted herself. God was she ever hot. That was so horny.

  "Mmm…" she hummed.

  She lay there for a moment and I was happy to sit, looking at her exposed nakedness as my eyes took in the full joy of the visual display. She was satisfied and that was my main priority.

  She sat up and smiled. "On your feet, sailor." She gestured for me to stand up.

  I got to my feet and stood over her.

  She moved to her knees, her breasts still exposed which continually added to my excitement. She slid my underwear down and stroked me until I reached maximum height. "Looks like there's no need to say 'attention.'"

  She smiled at me while she ringed my throbbing extension with her finger and thumb, sliding up and down where I could barely feel her touch, just grazing my skin with an ever-so-delicate touch, driving me insane.

  I so wanted her to grab and squeeze me forcefully, but I resisted and let her call the shots. She had me more excited than I had ever been before, and in the wide-open outdoors, no less, with no inhibitions. "Thank you, ma'am." I called her ma'am to fuel the fantasy of forbidden sex with a Naval officer, adding to the sinfulness of it all.

  She looked up and winked. "You're welcome, sailor." Her warm mouth embraced my girth and slid down my shaft. That touch nearly sent me into a massive orgasm, but I fought it, letting the pressure build in my loin. I lightly touched the sides of her head, running my fingers through her hair.

  I closed my eyes and enjoyed her warm, wet touch. What was I doing? I wanted to watch.

  I was so turned on by it I wouldn't last much longer. She slide her mouth down to the bottom, taking my entire length down her mouth and throat. She was so much more than just a pretty face.

  I grabbed her head tight and held her still as I took control of the pace. My hips thrust quicker and quicker. My juices built up - my explosion imminent. Darcy moaned, sucking hard as I strained to push myself as far into her mouth as I could. My toes curled under, gripping the ground through my shoes, and with an almighty groan, I released my orgasm.


  It was like a shotgun going off; I even heard it.

  Darcy unexpectedly jerked back and looked away. "Shit!" she yelled.

  I had already begun exploding when she backed away. Jizz flew in the air and some landed her on the cheek. "Sorry," I cried out, redirecting my aim away from her face. I stroked myself to finish what she started.

  "Quittez de mes terres," a voice yelled from the distance.

  "He's got a gun!" Darcy yelled.

  "What the fu—"

  Across the field, a farmer stood with a shotgun aimed in the air. I rapidly shook my dripping rod in an attempt to finish the ejaculation before hitching my pants up.

  "Stop that, Zac! He's shooting at us, for cryin' out loud. He said 'Get off my land!' Come on, we gotta get out of here," she screamed.

  I hiked my pants up and we scooped up our clothes, leaving the food and drink behind. Darcy pulled up her dress straps as we ran toward the car. I looked back and the farmer wasn't pursuing us, which offered some assurance that we probably wouldn't be gunned down in the French countryside.

  We got into the car and she started it up. She looked over her shoulder to back up.

  I laughed.

  "What's so funny?" she asked. "Nearly getting shot up for a blowjob?"

  "No." I reached over and brushed her cheek with my finger, wiping off a bit of cum from her face.

  She stopped the car, grabbed my hand, and stuck my finger in her mouth. She sucked it off, then pulled my finger out and leaned toward me.

  "Mmm…" she moaned. "Kiss me."

  Chapter 20

  Darcy felt we used up all our goodwill, and good fortune, so we returned to the ship separately later that evening. Were we now lovers? I wasn't sure. Whatever we were doing was forbidden, but I never had so much fun sinning.

  On the cruise back to Scotland I sat in my office on my own, feet on desk, doing a crossword puzzle – just an old TV guide one – but my mind kept reliving the magical moment with Darcy. I knew she'd be relying on me to keep a professional attitude on the ship and my discretion was essential to our survival should our affair carry on. I hoped it would, but she had more to lose than I did. If she got caught with me she'd get discharged and her Navy career would be over. She couldn't be expected to risk her career for me. Sure, I was a good fuck, but I feared that might not be enough.

  Charlotte came in and plopped in the chair next to me.

  "What's up?" she asked casually.

  What's up? Was that a jibe? If she only knew what I had been up to. I didn't trust her. If she kept holding my failure to perform over my head… well, if she didn't get caught, she was going to hell for deceit. "Hi." I wanted to sound distant, but didn't want to piss her off.

  "What'd the Doc say about you getting the shit kicked out of you?" Her green eyes focused on me.

  I gave her a sharp look. "I didn't get the shit kicked out of me. The guy got in a lucky punch. Anyway, I'm not brain damaged or anything if that's what you think." I pretended to concentrate on my puzzle figuring it would be best if she led the line of questioning instead of me volunteering information.

  "So, you wanna go out when we get back to Scotland?" She bit her bottom lip.

  I laid my book on the desk. "Look, Charlotte. I think you're really hot, and I'm sorry about what happened before. It was nothing to do with you. It was me. Sorry."

  She didn't look very sympathetic.

  I drew a deep breath. "Truth is, I have a girlfriend. That's why I couldn't perform before. You know, guilt. Sorry I didn't tell you. I mean, you're so hot and I wanted you bad, and I thought I could do it. But I couldn't get my girlfriend out of my head. Sorry."

  She examined her fingernails. "Who is she?"

  "What difference does that make?" Geez. One failed sexual encounter and she acted like a Gestapo girlfriend.

  "Just curious. I mean, we've seen each other naked, so I have a right to expect something out of it." She played with the back of her hair and retied her ponytail. Under different circumstances I would have considered that foreplay.

  "I'm not sure I see the connection, but to hold work over me, that's a bit extreme, isn't it?" I pulled out a cigarette.

  "I get what I want, Chambers, and I've decided I want you." She stood up and pushed her chair in. "So, you better figure out a way to get your girlfriend out of your head long enough that you can fulfill your obligation to me. Got it?" She turned and walked off.

  No, I didn't get it, actually. Nonetheless, it didn't look like she was going to give up on me easily. I lit my cigarette and pondered Darcy and Charlotte. How come all the horny ones came with problems attached?

  "Howdy, partner." Billy Earl sat down and stuffed a big wad of chew in his jowl. "Find any French maids to dust off?" He displayed a satisfied grin.

  "No, can't say that I did. How about you?"

  "Well," he leaned back and interlocked his fingers behind his head. "I saw this Mademoiselle who reminded me of a girl back home. I asked her if she wanted a little moo-moo, and I'll be danged, she said yep." He grabbed a can off the desk and spit in it.

  It was a struggle, but I managed to ignore the girl back home part. It was probably a cousin. "Moo-moo?"

  "You know." He slid his finger into his other hand, making the intercourse gesture. "That's French for fuckie-fuckie."

  "Holy shit, Billy Earl. That moonshine's fermented your brain. Moo-moo?" I stared at him in disbelief.

  He brushed his knuckles against his chest. "Laugh all you want, city slicker. I'm the one who went moo-moo while you were going boo-hoo."

  I couldn't argue with his logic,
so I smiled. "Well done, buddy. Hey, how well do you know Charlotte Kemp?"

  He spit in the can and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. "Well, she's pretty. She's been on the ship about as long as me. Eighteen months or so. Why? You hankering to give her some of the old moo-moo?"

  Even his fantasies sounded like it involved farmyard animals. "No, I don't. I just wonder if she ever did anything that she might be embarrassed about. You know, something she may not be very proud of that would keep her quiet if I mentioned it."

  He looked to go into deep thought, which could be a long journey for him. So I waited.

  He broke his own trance by shaking his head. "Nope, can't think of nothin'. Except she does get pretty shitfaced at the club a lot and has been carried out of there more than once. I know a few fellas who thought they were gonna get some moo-moo off her, but then she passed out and they didn't get none in the end. Boy did that ever knot their fur."

  I smiled. "Thanks, Billy Earl. You've been a big help."

  I got up and walked over to the QA lab. Charlotte sat at her desk reading a Zane Grey book. She looked up when I sat down opposite her.

  "I've been thinking, Charlotte. You're right. Let's paint the town when we get back, then we'll get a room. It'll be fun." I winked.

  A smile crossed her face. "It's about time you came to your senses. I'll look forward to it."


  Charlotte and I agreed to meet at the bar across from the pier after work Friday night. It was the Navy bar for enlisted personnel. It wouldn't hurt to have a few witnesses for my plan. I needed Charlotte to have a night she wouldn't remember, but others would.

  I did surprise myself sometimes at how smart I was, but I did owe Billy Earl a certain amount of credit for planting the seed of deception.

  I settled into a booth at the back of the bar by the billiard tables and hoped we could play some pool. Then every time she missed a shot I'd make her chug some whiskey. I needed some kind of game to help speed up her road to drunkenness.

  My beer kept me company until Charlotte slinked in, fifteen minutes late. She probably thought that would heighten my desire, but all it did was piss me off. No matter, I couldn't let that distract me and put me off my plan.

  I stood up as she approached. She did look extra cute in tight-fitting denims that extended just below her knees, leaving her shins exposed and wearing neon green sneakers. A green and gold 'Notre Dame' t-shirt fit her chest nicely and sported a logo about the 'Luck of the Irish.' She wore her hair in a ponytail. Damn her! My weakness, but I'd have to be strong.

  "Hi, Charlotte," I exclaimed. "Wow! You look great. What can I get you?"

  "Diet coke, please."

  I leaned in. "What?"

  "I know I don't need it for my figure…" she ran her hands over her finely formed curves, "…but I don't want the sugar rotting my teeth."

  I nodded. "Yeah, I get that, but what do you want in it? Jack Daniels? Jim Beam? Rum?"

  She shook her head, sending her ponytail flipping to and fro. "Nope, straight DC. I want to see if you're as good as I think you'll be." A devilish grin spread across her smooth face.

  My heart sank. I needed a drunk Charlotte, not a sober, horny one. "Are you grading me or something?"

  She giggled. "Now that could be fun. You got any teacher fantasies?"

  How could I say, 'Yeah, but not with you'? I went to the bar to get her drink. Her straight drink without any alcohol in it! I seriously wanted to ask the bartender to slip large amounts of vodka in it, but that would have been immoral.

  Someone smacked my back. "Hey, buddy, can I buy you a drink?" George stood next to me, smiling.

  I didn't want to be immoral, but George could be. "Thanks, pal. Can I have a Jack Daniel's? A large one."

  "Sure. It's the least I can do for putting me on that job on the Wayne. The PMA thinks the sun shines out of my bum." He ordered the drink and slid it my way when it came. He went back to his table and I headed toward Charlotte, drinks in hand.

  She pointed at the whiskey as I arrived. "What's that?"

  "Oh." I thumbed over my shoulder. "George wanted to buy you a drink for passing the valve on the Wayne. Says he owed you one."

  "Well that was very kind of him. I guess one won't hurt." I handed it to her and she took a delicate sip.

  I inwardly sighed. She was never going to get hammered like that. A group of Marines played at the pool table closest to us. I didn't mind the clacking of the balls so much, but their insipid grunting and animal-like chants were annoying to say the least. One thing about Marines: if their manhood was ever questioned, they had an unrivaled need to prove they were the most macho species on the planet.

  One of the jarheads took a shot, missed, then stood next to our booth while his opponent lined up his shot.

  "Hey, you a Marine?" I called out.

  He turned around and nodded. "Yeah, what about it?" He pushed his chest out.


  I held up Charlotte's whiskey. "I bet my girlfriend can out-drink you, nancy boy."

  Charlotte's elbow dug into my side. "What are you doing?" she hissed.

  I ignored her.

  The Marine's face swelled with a crimson glow. Fishing in his pocket, he pulled out a twenty dollar bill and held it up toward his pals. "Hey, Joey, get us some shots."

  Joey returned a few minutes later with four shots of Jack Daniel's and set them on the table. The pool shark pushed one toward Charlotte and picked one up for himself. "Let's go, sweetheart. In one."

  Charlotte looked to me. "Come on, Zac, I don't want to drink with these guys."

  I leaned over and whispered in her ear. "Look, Charlotte. It's free booze. That's not going to happen very often. Besides, look at him, he's a puss. You can out-drink him easy."

  She picked up a glass. "Okay… but you and me are still gonna happen."

  "I'll be crushed if it doesn't." I patted her leg under the table. "Now dust this sucker."

  Charlotte held her glass up, nodded to the Marine, then slammed her drink back. The jarhead followed suit. Then they did another shot.

  I sat coyly drinking beer as the Marines took turns buying shots for Charlotte and the hustler. Her words became more slurred as the evening wore on, and the Marines would break into song without warning. I told Charlotte she was doing fine, even though her head kept snapping forward — most likely from the weight of her heavy eyelids.

  She did it. The Marines carried the pool player out before Charlotte quit drinking. Once they cleared off, I hoisted Charlotte's arm over my shoulder and led her out. She could still walk a little, so we swung by George's table and I made her stammer some kind of thanks for the drink.

  We left the bar, and got a taxi to 'The Dugout' where I rented us a cheap room. I tried to wake her, but she was out cold. Perfect. Since I had already seen her naked I didn't feel like I was violating her when I stripped her clothes off and put her into bed. After spreading her legs a little, I went to the bathroom, got a large glass of water and poured it on the bed just below her butt cheeks. To my relief, she continued snoring.

  At least I got the jarheads to pay for the booze, because after that, I had to shell out for a cab and room for us not to have sex.

  In the interest of role playing, I stripped off and laid next to her. "Good night, Charlotte," I whispered. "That was awesome." I chuckled to myself.


  The morning sun shone through the window, creating a dazzling prism which I admired for several moments in the quiet.

  Charlotte stirred, rolled over, and her arm fell across my chest.

  "Aggh. What the fuck happened?" she groaned.

  I cleared my throat. "We happened. Wow, Charlotte, that was some night. Jack Daniel's really makes you horny. You were dynamite." I stared at the ceiling, waiting for her response.

  "What?" She rolled on her back and grabbed the sides of her head. Her hand slid on the sheet and she patted around. "Oh crap! What is it with you guys? Why do you always make us s
leep in the wet spot?"

  I smiled.

  Chapter 21

  When we left the next morning I convinced Charlotte she was walking funny. After quizzing her about the time in the bar, there was little doubt she didn't remember much after the fourth or fifth shot. Unless she convinced herself that I was the greatest lover there was and wanted more, perhaps now she'd leave me alone.

  It was business as usual Monday morning. After the meeting, Darcy asked me to stay behind and she sent Master Chief on some errands. It was just her and me behind closed doors. She wasn't stupid enough to jump my bones right then and there, but I hoped all the same. I sat opposite her desk, waiting for her to speak. She tapped a pen against her lips, staring at the desktop.

  "Word has it you were you with Petty Officer Kemp Friday night." Her eyes lifted from the desk to me. "Did you guys have fun?"

  "What?" My jaw involuntarily dropped. "Where'd you hear that?" Since everything happened in the enlisted club I never really gave it much thought that it might make it back to her ears. I wanted witnesses for Charlotte's benefit, not Darcy's disappointment.

  The pen twitched in between her fingers. "I overheard your man George in the boat shack saying you had to practically carry her out of the bar, but he was pretty sure you scored anyway." She shrugged. "It's none of my business, I was just curious. That's all."

  "Look, Darcy—"

  She put her hand up. "Lieutenant Novak, if you don't mind."

  I shook my head. "I do mind. This is a Darcy matter."

  She grimaced at my defiance.

  "Nothing happened. Some jarheads got her drunk, and I came to her rescue and got her out of there. That's all there was to it. Just helping out a shipmate." I leaned forward, stretching over and placing my hand on her desk in front of her. "Trust me. Nothing happened between me and Charlotte."


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