by McKay, KC
"You deserved it." She fiddled with her short-cropped hair. "I was thinking about taking some time off myself. Do you think maybe you and I… Would you consider… I wanted to ask you if maybe we—"
I applied a soft tone. "Lieutenant Novak, are you asking me on a sordid holiday to fulfill your—"
I didn't have to finish my question as her broad smile and affirmative nod gave me the answer I craved.
Her eyes focused on her finger doodling on the clear desktop. "I was thinking Spain. I've always wanted to go there, and it's only about a three hour flight. What do you think about that?" She raised her gaze.
I thrust my hands over my head and clicked my fingers. "Ole!"
Our plane landed in Malaga in the southern part of Spain. Once we picked up our luggage and rental car, we were on the road to Marbella where Darcy had booked us into a hotel. Drivers had to be over twenty-five, so that left all the driving to her. I pretended to be upset, but in reality I was glad I could drink as much as I wanted and didn't have to worry driving.
The mountainous landscape had a barrenness about it. Power lines stood on top of virtually every hilltop, and building cranes dotted the skyline as apartment complexes were being built with great enthusiasm. I paid some attention to the scenery, but was more interested in Darcy's toned legs operating the clutch and gas pedals, still wondering how she got those legs to do that trick with the splits over my throbbing hard-on.
As we zipped along the highway with other miniature-sized cars, I told Darcy I would give her my half of the money for the hotel, but she refused, insisting it was her treat. She said it was her compensation package for me not winning Sailor of the Year. I teased her back saying she would easily have won 'Sailor with the Rear' if there had been such a competition.
She parked the car outside hotel reception. The high sixties weather felt warm as we stepped out of the car compared to the wet and cold Scotland we had left only hours before. Her sneakers let out soft squeaks as we walked across the terracotta tiles to the mahogany check-in desk of the El Presidente hotel. Grand chandeliers hung from the wooden vaulted ceiling and fans whooshed overhead.
"Buenos dias, señor," Darcy greeted the desk clerk.
"Good day, madam," the clerk replied.
Darcy looked at me, half rolling her eyes. "So much for taking Spanish in school." She returned her attention to the guy at the desk. "I booked a room for us. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Smith."
My jaw dropped and I stared at her. "Are you serious?" I asked in a hushed tone.
She drew in close and whispered, "I'm was feeling a bit naughty when I booked it, and still am. You up for it?"
My crotch twitched as soon as she used the words 'feeling naughty.' I turned away from the clerk and whispered to Darcy. "Why is pretending to be married naughty?"
She cupped her hand to my ear. "It's like we're having an affair and no one must know."
"Gotcha." Wow. Whoever thought pretending to be married could be sexy?
The porter showed us to our room. After he carried the luggage in, I carried 'Mrs. Smith' over the threshold.
A king-sized bed dominated the modest room. I couldn't wait to get Darcy into that bed, but there was a lot of wasted space. I planned to spend most of the time on top of her, or vice versa, so a single bed would have been more than enough room.
We followed the porter onto the balcony overlooking the Mediterranean Sea. White sandy beaches stretched below our room, inviting us for upcoming days of sand, sea and sun. And I was with Darcy. Life couldn't get any better.
We left the unpacking when Darcy insisted on a drink before anything else, even before consummating the Smith name. I took her hand as we left the room and headed to the beach in search of a bar. It felt good to be able to show my affection for her publicly without fear of being seen by someone who could end our fun, not to mention our careers.
The autumn breeze reminded us it was the off season, and fairly quiet. It felt hot to us, but that could have been from just being with one another.
We walked side-by-side, holding hands as the warm sand squished between our toes. In the distance, the rock of Gibraltar and the mountain range of North Africa stood out under the light, sun-drenched haze.
A shanty structure with a wooden terrace and yellow San Miguel patio umbrellas stood on the beach, surrounded by palm trees. It held a rustic look with no pretenses about what it was: A simple place to have an inexpensive drink on the edge of the Mediterranean, and I just so happened to have the most gorgeous woman in the world hanging on my arm. My kind of place — in body and soul.
We settled into the cane chairs on the terrace and Darcy ordered two 'grande' beers in Spanish without even looking at the menu. The waiter returned a moment later with two large mugs of beer dripping with cold sweat, and a bowl of peanuts. The mid-afternoon sun glistened off the sea, and except for some locals dining inside, the place was deserted and we had the terrace to ourselves. We raised our glasses and toasted to our Spanish holiday.
The beer cooled me down from the inside out as it slid down my throat. I smacked my lips as I set the mug down and had a little giggle when I noticed Darcy sporting a beer froth moustache.
I leaned over and kissed her, my tongue clearing away the excess froth behind the cover of my mouth.
Darcy adjusted her sunglasses. I could see her eyes behind her Gucci shades, but my glasses were mirrored, so she didn't know if I was looking at her eyes or her boobs. In all honesty, I spent equal time on both areas.
Time drifted as we marveled at the beauty of our surroundings. We didn't speak about us, but I wasn't worried. Insecurity wasn't attractive. It felt so comfortable being together and I was pleased we didn't have to keep reassuring one another of our affection. Besides, she could tell me that later in the middle of one of her orgasms.
I lit a cigarette.
She pushed the ashtray my way. "Those things will kill you, you know?"
I sensed her comment was out of genuine concern, and not just from being snarky for the sake of it. "I'll quit one day."
She rolled her eyes. "How do you think you did with your finals for economics and law?"
I rocked my hand in the iffy gesture. "Not sure. It was tough, but I did my best." Win or lose, I felt proud of myself, but it had been her idea which got the ball rolling in that direction, so I also felt a certain amount of gratefulness to her for the push.
She sipped her beer, then wiped her lips before I could see if it left an imprint. "Have you decided what campus you're going to apply to for your Bachelor's?"
I put on my smug look and tried to sound Ivy League by rolling the 'r.' "I thought I'd try Harrrvard."
"Oh, right. That's good." She bobbed her head in agreement. "Hey, you'd be neighbors with the Kennedys. Maybe you and Ted could go for drinks after your political science class."
"Oh, right. Ted and the gang." I flicked my ash. "On second thought, maybe I'll just stick with what I already have and apply to the University of Maryland."
She leaned across and patted my hand. "Harrrvard's loss."
We shared a smile.
"What about you?" I asked. "Any plans to be the first woman admiral of the Navy?"
Her finger drew through the condensation on her mug. "Probably not. I'll do my twenty years and retire with full benefits, and I'll still be young enough to have another career after that."
"Yum… a sophisticated, older type go-go dancer." I licked my lips. "I like it."
"Not likely. I would need a boob job then."
My eyes immediately assessed her small assets. "Don't sell yourself short, I still think they're perfect."
"Thanks for the vote of confidence, but I think I'll try to get something a little more intellectually stimulating."
I pulled my sunglasses down and looked over the tops of them. "Oh, I'm sure you'd be stimulating in one of those go-go cages."
After a few beers, we headed back to the hotel and shared a night of wild passion. Darcy w
as one of those controlled drinkers. Maybe that was something I'd have to learn in officer's training. The restraint she showed while drinking didn't carry over to the bedroom. She totally unleashed herself when the clothes came off. I bet that was something they hadn't taught her in officer's training.
The next morning we grabbed some croissants from the breakfast buffet and headed to the beach. We found a couple of sun loungers and set up 'camp' to work on our tans and relax in the sun. The straw and bamboo lie-lows proved to be comfortable. I had a look around. A scattering of people were here and there, some walking along the beach and some sunning themselves.
I reached across and brushed her hand. "You know, I've heard in Europe it's quite acceptable for women to sunbathe topless." Once I said it a bout of nervousness hit me. I didn't want her to think I was a total perv, but it would be so hot to see her boobs on show in public. "So if you feel like it… 'When in Rome,' as they say…"
"What?" She jerked upright. "I can't do that!"
"Of course you can. This is Europe. They're not so hung up on bare breasts over here. Wouldn't you like a nice even tan?"
She looked around the beach. "This wouldn't by chance be for your benefit, would it?"
"Well, there's not many people around, so it's pretty private, and I could keep an eye out in case anyone comes along."
She lowered her glasses. "So… you want me to get my tits out, then you'll be so busy keeping a look out, you're not even going to lust after me. Not much point then, is there?"
I drew a deep breath. "Okay, I lied. It's for me. I want to see you half naked in a public place. That would be so cool. And hot… really hot. Happy now?"
"Oh, I see." She bit her finger and gave me her coy look. "So my boyfriend wants me to make a public show of myself, and doesn't mind if other guys see me in a state of undress, so he can get turned on. Is this some kind of exhibitionist/voyeur kick? You know, you getting off on other guys seeing my boobs?"
As she often did, her tone was unreadable. Maybe she liked the idea herself, but she wasn't letting on one way or the other.
I looked over her slender body under the cover of my sunglasses. Wow! She thought of me as her boyfriend. In secrecy anyway, but it was enough to get my blood pumping. I had to be careful. It sounded like one of those trick questions, setting me up if I gave her the wrong answer. Did she want me to be a jealous asshole? Or would she get turned on knowing I let other guys look at her, but I was the only one who could have her — showing her off like a prized asset. A trophy kind of thing.
I cleared my throat. "When I was a kid, my mom always made me shit lunches for school. I'd usually get some crap sandwich and a dented-up can of snack pack pudding. The other kids used to tease me. Richard Lancaster slammed his fist on my Twinkie once. Bastard. Anyway, the other kids would show me their homemade brownies or cupcakes that looked really good, but we all knew they weren't going to share with me. That used to make me mad and envious at the same time. It really sucked. Look-but-don't-touch kind of thing." I slid my glasses up to rest on the top of my head. "Well, this could kind of be my revenge. I got the best-looking girl in the Mediterranean with me, and I don't mind letting other people seeing her as long as everyone knows I'm the only one getting a piece of that pie."
Her eyebrows rose over the top of her sunglasses. "A smashed up Twinkie, huh?"
I nodded.
She smiled and took her top off.
We spent the week drinking beer and sangria, sunbathing topless, walking along the beach, and having hot sex. In our unrestrained environment, we grew close.
On our last evening in Spain, we strolled along the beach as the orange sun set on the horizon and the waves splashed onto the soft sand with musical rhythm. Our fingers interlocked and Darcy rested her head on my shoulder as we walked along the silky sand.
A wave of nervousness washed over me as I grew curious about our long term prospects and I wanted to know what the future may hold for us as a couple. "So, do you think you can keep your hands off Admirals and Captains while I go to college and earn my commission? I mean, once I come out as an officer, I'd like to have a fellow hot officer to share things with. Maybe we could even get stationed together somewhere."
She released her hand and hugged my bicep. "I would love nothing more than for us to be fellow officers in the same camp. And no, I won't be looking for anyone else. I am so impressed that you want to improve yourself, and even more impressed that you want to do it for me."
I slipped my arm around her waist and she reciprocated by doing the same. "I would have never considered it if you hadn't mentioned it, and I'm hoping you'll still care about me when I do it."
"I will. Promise."
We stopped and faced each other. Neither of us wore our sunglasses, so she undoubtedly saw me staring at her nipples as they stretched the fabric of her yellow tank top without the restraint of a bra. It wasn't cold, so it must have been me. I smiled as I placed my hands at her waist.
"Darcy, I want to say something."
Our eyes held each other and she had a look of hopefulness.
"This may be the last time I get to see those gorgeous tits on public display." In one swift movement, I jerked the tank top up. Her arms flailed as I wiggled the top free and over her head, exposing her bare chest.
"Zac!" she squealed.
I took off running through the sand holding her shirt over my head as she chased me. I glanced back and she held an arm across her boobs, covering herself while she tried to catch me.
I laughed, but wanted her, so I slowed down enough so she could catch me. She jumped on my back, bringing me to the soft sand. I rolled over and lay on my back as she sat on my stomach, her hands clamped on my wrists, holding me down. I had a perfect view of her bare breasts as she sat on me.
"You, bastard," she puffed, but her smile negated the anger she tried to project.
"Lieutenant Novak, you have the greatest set of tits this side of the Atlantic."
"Only half the world?"
"Hey, it's the half I'm in." I looked at her longingly. "Kiss me."
She lowered herself until her eager lips touched mine. She held me by both sides of my head as her tongue dove into my mouth. I pulled her to lay flat on top of me while we exchanged passion. That kiss sealed my fate.
I gently gripped her head and raised it until our mouths parted and our eyes met.
I looked into her soul. "Darcy, I love you."
"I love you too," she whispered back.
Chapter 34
Once Darcy and I returned to Scotland we reestablished our professional relationship. Even with the demands of the workplace, we still made time for private, personal, and intimate liaisons. Our future was uncertain, but our commitment to one another was not.
My desk lay covered in paperwork as I chipped away at routine tasks.
Billy Earl came in and handed me an envelope. "I just came from the division office. They told me to give ya this."
I took it. "What is it?"
He shook his head. "Fer a college boy, you ain't very smart, are ya?"
The A-4 sized envelope was stamped 'University of Maryland' on the top right-hand corner. My test results. My heart skittered as I stared at it.
"Ain't ya gonna open it?"
My eyes darted to Billy Earl, then back to the envelope. The contents inside would secure my degree in Business, or label me as a dumb-shit. Shakily, I tore back the flap and pulled out the contents.
Economics - C+
Business Law - A-
After the shock subsided, my grin widened until the corners of my lips hit the bottom of my earlobes.
I stood up, grabbed Billy Earl and hugged him.
"I did it, Billy Earl! I did it! I passed!"
Billy Earl pushed me away and took a step back. "I'm pleased fer ya, Zac, but there ain't no need to get all queer on me. Hellfire, we ain't even cousins."
I ignored Bumpkin B
illy and danced around the office, waving the paper over my head, then looked at it time and time again to make the disbelief go away — then danced some more.
I grabbed some money out of my pocket and sent one of the guys down to the soda machine to get a round of pop for everyone in the shop to celebrate. I couldn't wait to tell Darcy.
Six of us sat in my office, sipping celebratory cokes as I soaked up their praise and graciously accepted their pats on the back. Although I had a few classes still to pass, knowing that I had enough credits for my core subject was a great relief.
Billy Earl propped his feet on the desk and looked smug. "I got some news of my own."
I nodded my encouragement. "Go on then."
He brushed his knuckles against his chest. "I passed the test for first class petty officer. I'm getting promoted." His chubby face beamed.
"What?" I gasped. "No way."
He nodded, smiling. "Yes siree, Bob. I had to miss some on purpose. It wouldn't look right if I aced it."
I snickered. "Yeah, right."
His smugness grew. "Don't judge a hog by his rind."
I felt duty-bound to challenge him. "Billy Earl, if you knew all the answers, how come you never passed the test before?"
He spit into a can. "'Cause I didn't want to."
"Why not? You'd get more money and less shitty jobs."
"You're a dang fool." He made a gross sounding snort. "Look at you. You got responsibility, and you're stressed out to the max. The PMA makes you watch over jobs instead of hittin' the beach for beer and boobies. Even Lieutenant Novak has to stay behind and work on her time off, and she's an officer. Let me tell you something, City Slicker."
Whatever he was about to say had my full attention.
He lowered his feet off the desk, grabbed the underside of his chair and slid closer to me, leaning forward. "I ain't stupid. I just play dumb so I don't get responsibility. I could have passed that test anytime I wanted to. I knew all the correct answers, that's how I failed before. I knew how many I had to get wrong." He smiled broadly. "The Lieutenant's right, though. I retire next year, and I already decided I'd pass the test this time so my retirement pension will be higher." He leaned back, smiling even broader. "Still think I'm stupid?"