The Goodwill Gesture

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The Goodwill Gesture Page 23

by McKay, KC

  Although technically innocent, I felt bad.

  His voice softened. "And on a personal note, you're scum."

  Not so sure if I was innocent on that one. I felt worse.

  The room spun and my butt clenched to keep from shitting myself.

  "What do you have to say for yourself?"

  I looked him in the eyes. "Sir, I'm ashamed of my behavior. It was all my doing." I turned my head and nodded toward Darcy. "Ma'am, I apologize if I caused you any distress and sincerely regret my actions." I looked back at the XO. "I would also like to add that I have the utmost respect for Lieutenant Novak and she has never done anything to give me reason to behave as I did. She is a true professional in every sense of the word. I let a moment of madness distort my judgment." I had to stop as my heart beat so hard it knocked me off balance. "Sir, I accept full responsibility and am prepared to take whatever punishment the Navy sees fit."

  The XO leaned back in his chair, looking pleased. "Good, at least we don't have to horse-shit around beating a confession out of you." He smirked. "Now, if you want to go in front of the Captain, that's your prerogative. I've already spoken to him, and by his direction — if you agree, he will only restrict you to the ship until your court-martial. And that's all. No fines, extra duty or bust in rank. If you're not happy with restriction, then by all means just say the word and I'll be happy to send you in front of Captain Harbin so you can argue your case of why a sick fucking pervert should be allowed to run around the streets of Scotland."

  I wanted to shove his shit-eating grin down his throat, but let common sense prevail. "No, sir, I think he's being more than fair."

  He nodded with an air of satisfaction. "Good. Your court-martial will be in twenty-one days in Norfolk, Virginia. You will remain onboard until Shore Patrol escorts you stateside for your trial. Any questions?"

  "No, sir." Sadness hit me with the force of a baseball bat. I'd still give it my best shot to beat the rap, but I wouldn't have Darcy in my corner cheering me on or offering me moral support for this one. This was my own battle, and one I couldn't afford to win if it cast her in a questionable light.


  The PMA arranged a transfer for me to go to ship's company where I was assigned to work on the Anticipation itself and no longer worked on the submarines. And as Master Chief had promised, I did work on unclogging toilet lines. It was shitty work, but someone had to do. It certainly didn't hold the prestige of being the supervisor of the pipefitting shop.

  I still worked hard, but there was nowhere near the stress level of working on the subs, and no longer being in charge of anything or anyone, I didn't get yelled at very much. Being seen as a potential rapist, however, didn't win me any points with my new workmates, especially the women. I kept my head down and got on with the assignments I was given.

  One morning, as I stood with my new division receiving instruction for our work assignments for the day, I was handed an envelope at the end of our meeting by my new boss, Chief Lowery. The envelope was sealed and simply had HT2 Chambers hand-written on the front. I stepped away from my shipmates and opened it.

  Hi 007,

  Come see me tonight at 2000. I'll be alone and we can talk. I have some exciting news. See you then.

  Mrs. Smith

  Boy, was she ever good at the spy game. I looked at my watch. Eight AM. I hadn't seen her since we were both in the XO's stateroom over a week ago, and after that hearing, we'd only managed one quick private moment and agreed not to contact one another for fear of getting found out. But I couldn't deny how excited I was that I would see her again in twelve hours' time.

  I was moved that she had offered to marry me to keep my hopes going. It was a pretty safe proposition on her part. I remembered when my mom died, lots of people said "If there's anything I can do, just let me know." I think Darcy's promise was something like that. A nice gesture, but deep down she probably knew she'd never really have to do anything about it. Still, it would give me something to fantasize about if I went to prison.

  The day went by slowly, but eight o'clock finally rolled around. With it being nighttime, I knew she meant to meet in her private stateroom and not her quite public office. I knocked on the door. She opened it and quickly ushered me in.

  She looked hot, as always, and I was excited just to be in her presence. I moved in to give her a kiss.

  She backed away and put her palm up. "Before you get any ideas, nothing intimate is going to happen, okay? I just needed to talk to you. We can't afford to get busted again, and an innocent kiss may lead to other, not-so-innocent activities."

  I lowered my head like a shamed schoolboy. "Sorry." I looked up. "You said you had some exciting news."

  She took my hands in hers and smiled broadly. "We're getting married."

  I smiled back, hoping to reassure her optimism. "Of course we are. As soon as I get out of the big house, we'll be Mr. and Mrs. Chambers." With those words, it dawned on me that a woman of her stature may not want to lower her status by being identified by someone as common as me. "You do want to take my name, don't you?" I couldn't help it that my tone came out laced with doubt.

  She patted my hand. "Of course I do, but you do understand that I can't do that while I'm still in the Navy, right?"

  I nodded.

  She waved her hand around. "Never mind that, we're getting married next week, before your court-martial."

  I cast my head around her stateroom, looking at the ceiling and walls. "Well, I don't see any flying pigs, so that'll be a neat trick."

  She led me over and we sat on the edge of her bed, still holding hands and looking into each other's eyes. "I pulled your birth certificate out of your personnel record, and sent yours and mine along with other forms to the Scottish registry office. Everything has come back and we can get married in Gretna Green this weekend, before you go to Norfolk." Her face was radiant.

  "Wait a minute." I broke her hold and buried my head in my palms a moment to get it to stop spinning. "Even if we forget everything else for a moment, there's still the simple fact that I'm restricted to the ship. How the hell am I supposed to get to Gretna Green? Whatever and wherever the hell that is."

  Darcy bounced on the bed, beaming. "Gretna Green is a village in southern Scotland famous for quick weddings." She did a shoulder shimmy. "We're eloping."

  "Great," I responded without conviction.

  For Darcy's next trick, she needed to get me off the ship.

  Chapter 37

  Being on a big ship, not everyone knew everyone else. Darcy checked the watch roster and picked a time to depart the ship when neither of us knew the Officer of the Deck on duty.

  We stood in front of the OOD. She held up her ID card and asked for permission for us to go ashore.

  The OOD cocked his head to one side and looked at me. "Where's your ID card?"

  "He's on restriction," Darcy replied, then handed him a form. "I have permission from the Captain to escort him ashore to get essentials before he's shipped out next week."

  The OOD looked over the paper. "Very well, Lieutenant." He saluted and we were on our way.

  We didn't speak on the liberty boat which took us to shore, nor at any time as we moved down the pier and past Scottish immigration. In fact, I did my best to hide behind Darcy so I wouldn't be seen at all.

  We got into a taxi and Darcy instructed the driver to take us to the ferry. It wasn't until we found seclusion on the boat with a cup of coffee in hand before we spoke.

  "What did you show the Officer of the Deck?" I asked.

  She smiled. "Just a little something I typed up, releasing you into my custody."

  "Signed by the Captain?"

  "How do you think I got the forms signed so we could get married?"

  I shrugged.

  "Well, my 'Captain Harbin' signature is even better than my 'Zac Chambers' signature." A corner of her mouth turned up.

  "You forged my signature? His signature? Our signatures?" My eyes opened wider with ea
ch revelation.

  She patted my cheek. "Where would you rather be? Here? Or back there?" she said, jerking her head in the direction of the far off ship.

  "You're crazy. You risked all that for me? What if you got caught? I mean, you risked everything to—"

  "Zac. Shut up." She held my face in her hand. "You put your butt on the line for me, so this was the least I could do."

  "Lieutenant…" I leaned in, touching my nose to hers, "…you are a woman of many talents, and I love you."

  Her tongue darted out and touched my lips. "Just remember that on our honeymoon night. I hope you're ready."


  The taxi dropped us off at the Stables Hotel in Gretna Green on Friday evening. The wedding was booked for Saturday, and then we were to head back to Sacred Loch on Sunday.

  I didn't have to stand duty on any of those days, and with it being the weekend, my missing would probably go unnoticed. The XO figured that once he took my ID card, I'd be stuck on the ship and that would be it. I guess he hadn't figure on me having such a smart girlfriend.

  We checked in to the luxury hotel and were shown to a fabulous room with a four-poster bed. My hopes were quickly dashed when Darcy told me I'd be sleeping on the hide-a-bed until we were officially married. A cold shower would have to get me through one more night.

  Saturday afternoon came and we arrived at the world famous Blacksmiths for the wedding. They supplied two witnesses: some old guy in a kilt and — I assumed — his wife in her own skirt. They were ugly, but happy, and it didn't bother me. It would have been impossible to outshine Darcy, but I didn't want a better-looking couple than us there anyway.

  I wore my dress blue uniform, but Darcy didn't wear hers. That would be flaunting our violation. Instead, she went for a cream-colored dress. It was elegant and cut just above the knees, with a high collar and puffy sleeves. She looked gorgeous.

  Tingles rippled along my body as we stood in front of the registrar in the old stone building, reciting our vows. He was difficult to understand with his Scottish accent, and the problem was compounded by my dizziness. The fact that I was marrying such a beautiful woman, at short notice, and under difficult circumstances made my head spin so incredibly fast words swirled around my head instead of sinking in.

  I said 'I do' when he paused and stared at me in apparent anticipation of my answer. I nearly passed out when Darcy said 'I do,' the full magnitude of what was happening hitting me with the power of a force ten hurricane. But my happiness stood at force twelve.

  Then, my heart sank when the officiator asked for the rings. It had never crossed my mind, not to mention I'd been a little indisposed before and after Darcy's proposal. I was saddened that I couldn't give my wife a show of my eternal love. Darcy, however, was full of surprises.

  From underneath her bouquet of white carnations she produced two simple gold bands.

  She placed them in my open palm. "I know you didn't have time," she said, "so I picked us up some temps, just until you get back on track."

  She didn't need to prove it, but she just kept reinforcing the fact that she was the most special person in the world. I loved her, and she was the best thing that ever happened to me.

  Once we finished proclaiming our love for one another and defining our relationship as never-ending, we returned to the hotel. She cried a little on the way back, sad that her father wasn't there to give her away. But I also figured a few tears were to celebrate her new status as Mrs. Chambers. Other than her missing parents, she thought the day was perfect.

  Before we left the hotel on the way to the wedding, I had lagged behind and made a few of my own arrangements.

  We stood on the dark blue carpet outside our honeymoon suite, giggling like school kids. After inserting the key and holding the door ajar with my foot, I hoisted Darcy up and carried her across the threshold, this time as Mrs. Chambers, not Mrs. Smith.

  I waltzed into the room with my bride in my arms. As per my instruction, a bottle of champagne sat in an ice bucket with two champagne flutes next to it at the ready and a small platter of smoked salmon. I hated salmon but knew it was one of Darcy's favorites. I hoped if I washed it down with the bubbly maybe it wouldn't taste too bad.

  Her face lit up when she saw the treats. "Did you arrange this?"

  I smiled. "That depends. This is for Mrs. Chambers. Do you know her?"

  "Know her?" She wrapped her arms around my neck. "I want to fuck her husband."

  I let her feel the firmness of my hands on her petite waist. "I happen to know he's a very loyal guy and he's not in the fuck business anymore. He only wants to make love exclusively to his wife."

  "Well," she whispered. "Perhaps I'll go find Mrs. Chambers and have her slip into something worthy of his lovemaking." She held me by the sides of my face and kissed me. Extraordinary passion passed through our lips. She backed away. "Pour us a drink, Mr. Chambers, while I put on something that will light your fire." She winked and sashayed off to the bathroom.

  I poured the champagne, treating myself to a few extra sips in anticipation of seeing my wife and consummating our marriage.

  Darcy returned wearing a sheer, black negligee, with peek-a-boo slits allowing the tips of her dark brown nipples to protrude into the open air. I loved her nipples. The entirety of them were about the size of a quarter, which was in perfect proportion to the rest of her petite body. The seductive nightie stopped at her crotch line, allowing glimpses of her black lace panties, also cut with a peek-a-boo pussy exposer. I grew rock-hard within seconds of seeing her breathtaking beauty and sexiness.

  "Does my husband see anything he likes?" she purred.

  "Your husband likes everything he sees." I lustfully licked my lips, then handed her a glass of champagne. We raised our glasses. "If I can make you half as happy as you make me, you'll live in eternal bliss."

  Her cheeks went flush. "Why, Mr. Chambers, you're making me go weak at the knees."

  "If you need to rest, you can always get on your knees, and while you're down there…" I gave her a devilish little grin.

  "Hey, we're married. I don't have to do that anymore."

  I stared at her in disbelief.

  Darcy burst out laughing. "Your face is a picture right now, Zac." She stepped in and stroked my face. "As if I would make my husband go without his wifely pleasures." She lowered her voice to just above a whisper, still running her hand along my cheek. "Do you like it when I suck your cock?" She held her champagne in one hand and moved her free hand from my face down to my erection, rubbing it through my pants. "Mmm… feels like somebody's ready for some action."

  I reached down and felt at the slit in her panties, rubbing my fingertip along her moistness. "I'd say I'm not the only one ready for action."

  Darcy stepped back and guzzled her champagne, emptying the flute in one gulp, then hurled the glass into the fireplace, smashing it to bits.

  After I got over the shock, I followed her lead. The bubbles tickled my nose, but I ignored them and sucked down the sparkling liquid in record speed, then chucked my glass into the stone fireplace. I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand. "Why did we do that?"

  She shrugged. "Don't know. I saw it in a movie once and it looked like fun." She unbuttoned my pants, then lowered them and my boxers around my ankles while my stiff rod pointed straight up, straining toward the ceiling. "Wow," she cooed. She gripped me, stroking me in her loose-fitting fist. "This thing isn't going to go off any time soon, is it?"

  "You keep that up, baby, and it could explode at any moment."

  She lowered herself onto her knees. "Umm…" Her mouth moved in and her lips locked around my erection, then ever so slowly, she slid her mouth down my shaft, devouring my hardness until it had completely disappeared down her throat. I loved watching her take me in her mouth.

  Her head bobbed and she created a powerful suction that made me want to explode, but I employed restraint; thinking about Margaret Thatcher and her stellar job as the Prime Minister of Great Britain

  Darcy stood up, took me by the hand, and led me to the bed.

  As we stood next to the bed she slipped her thumbs into the side of her panties and wiggled her hips, lowering her lacy covering.

  "Stop," I instructed her. "Leave them on. Leave it all on."

  Her face lit up. "Anything you say, boss."

  After pulling the covers back, she crawled in and lay herself spread-eagle in the middle of the bed, extending her limbs as far as she could toward each corner.

  Now that was hot. I finished stripping and straddled her abdomen, my erection bouncing uncontrollably with unleashed excitement.

  I nearly, but not quite, lay on her. The tip of my erection brushed against her negligee. I leaned forward enough to let my mass touch on her stomach. Swaying across her abdomen managed to collect some of the sheer material, gathering it around my stiffness. It felt so good on my skin I momentarily considered becoming a cross-dresser.

  I stretched my arms so my hands gripped her wrists and moved my feet to wrap on the inside of her knees. She moved her legs closer together so we intertwined with one another. Leaning farther down, I nibbled her earlobe, occasionally darting my tongue into her ear, which made her purr with pleasure. I slowly pumped against her flat stomach, enjoying the tingles that sent rivets of pleasure down my spine to the tips of my toes. I worked my staff under her nightie so my erection touched her skin, unencumbered by the soft fabric that kept her from total nudity. I pressed myself against her harder, building to a steady rhythm of humping her stomach.

  I stopped, slid my body down and parted the slit on her panties, exposing her neatly shaved box. Lowering my head, I slid my mouth along her path to paradise. This was even better than Spain, when we only pretended to be married. The thought of her being my wife drove my tongue farther into her, wanting to please her as much as I could.

  Darcy thrashed from side-to-side. "Zac, I need you. Make love to me as your wife."


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