Magic and Mayhem: A Witch Possessed (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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Magic and Mayhem: A Witch Possessed (Kindle Worlds Novella) Page 4

by Isabel Micheals

  “Keep telling yourself that, sweetheart.”

  “Okay, smart-ass. If you’re this all and mighty Black Panther, then why do you look like a putty cat?”

  “I knew mother’s disguise was going to come back and bite me in the ass. It’s a long story.”

  “I’ve got time. Start talking Ebefleazer Scrooge,” Zoe said with a smirk.


  “I’m sure Nicolai has a fascinating story and I for one can’t wait to hear it, but right now we have more pressing matters,” Hildy said to Zoe.

  “It’s okay. I can fend for myself,” Nicolai said as he shifted from a black pussycat to a beautiful Black Panther with piercing green eyes right in front of Zoe.

  “Holy mackerel. What in the Goddess’s name are you?”

  “We’ve already had this discussion. I’m a Shifter. Now hush woman and let me finish showing you that I’m telling the truth.”

  Zoe closed her eyes and embraced the deep baritone voice floating through her mind. She had to admit that Nicolai was stirring up some tantalizing sensations in her v-jay-jay, but she’d never admit that to him in a million years.

  “Open your eyes, sweetheart. We’re not done yet,” Nicolai said in a seductive voice as he continued shifting from a Black Panther into his human form. He heard several gasps from around the room as he completed his shift.

  My niece is one lucky girl, Aunt Hildy thought before Chuck growled and put his hands over her eyes.

  Zoe was momentarily stunned as she took in Nicolai’s beautiful, naked body. He was six-foot five with jet black hair, gorgeous green eyes that could see straight to a woman’s soul, and a muscular yet lean physique that would make any woman drool with lust. But instead of letting him know how appealing she found him as a human, she quickly said, “Oh for Goddess’s sake! Cover yourself up before you hurt someone with that thing.”

  “You’re not fooling anyone, sweetheart. I can feel your reaction to me from across the room and it’s anything but repulsed.”

  “Dream on, Scratch Adams.”

  “Let’s just hope he doesn’t take up yoga like Fabio because he enjoys licking his nads in cat form,” Hildy whispered to Chuck who burst out laughing.

  “Can-it you two before I let my emotions get the better of me and lose control of the protective bubble surrounding Zoe. It’s bad enough that I have one daughter mated to a wolf. Now I have to deal with my other being mated to a damn pussycat for Goddess’s sake. My golden days as a man-whore are obviously coming back to bite me in the ass.”

  “Overdramatic much, Fabio? I mean really. It could have been worse. She could have been mated to Simon, the skunk,” Hildy implied as she burst into laughter again.

  No longer able to watch Zoe lust after Nicolai, he quickly waved his hands to dress the Black Panther in a pair of Point Zero, classic fit denim jeans, a green polo shirt that accentuated the color of his eyes, and a pair of black hiking boots.

  “You seriously need to get a handle on your obsession with shopping.”

  “This from the woman who has more designer clothes and bags in her closet than I have in my entire house. Oh wait! My house is your house. Never mind. Besides, there’s nothing wrong with a man looking his best, especially when he’s dating one of my daughters” Fabio smugly replied.

  “I think we’re all in agreement that Nicolai is one, hot specimen of a man and he has an impressive package, but I must admit that I’m grateful to Fabio for clothing him. While it’s obvious these two young people have a lot to discuss, I agree with Hildy in that we have more pressing matters to deal with right now. Zoe are you calm enough for Hildy to explain what’s happened?”

  “Yes, Aunt Viola.”

  “Good. Hildy, please proceed as we discussed.”

  “Zoe, the Baba Yaga wasn’t lying when she said you were a powerful witch. You are feeling all of the emotions surrounding you because in addition to being a witch, you’re also an Empath, which is extremely rare.”

  “If pain comes with being a powerful witch, then please bind my magic again.”

  “I know you’ve received power you don’t understand, but that’s why the Goddess and Fates sent us to help you.”


  “In order for the pain to stop, you need to channel your emotions, which will be easier said than done because your emotions are tied to your powers. Once Fabio releases the protective bubble surrounding you, the emotions you were feeling will immediately resume. Your instinct will be to pull away. Don’t. Instead, try to find your inner calm.”

  “What do you mean by my inner calm?”

  “A place where you feel grounded and safe. A place where you are able to let the emotions flow over and through you, instead of tearing you apart. Until you find this place, you will continue to experience the initial pain you felt when I unbound your powers. Are you ready to try child? I promise that I will guide you through this every step of the way.”

  Zoe looked around the room at all of the people who were depending on her to defeat Alaric and knew she had to try. “I’m ready.”

  “Bless it be, my child,” Aunt Hildy said before she instructed Fabio to slowly remove the protective bubble of magic surrounding Zoe.

  * * * * * *

  The instant the bubble was gone, Zoe fell to her knees and screamed out in agony. “Make it stop. I need to escape all of these emotions. They’re everywhere.”

  “What do you mean?” Aunt Hildy asked, voice laced with concern.

  “It’s not just your emotions. I’m picking up everyone’s emotions. They’re in my head and my heart, and it hurts.”

  Unable to watch his daughter suffer any longer, Fabio lifted his hand to encase her in the bubble again, but was brought up short by Viola’s hand.

  “She has to master this or we’re all dead. Make no mistake. Alaric won’t show her mercy when the time comes,” she had scribbled on her notepad and held it up for Fabio to read.

  “Goddess, it’s just so hard to concentrate… to even talk. I just want it to go away. My head feels like it’s on fire.”

  No sooner had the words left Zoe’s mouth, several blood red fire balls set the bedroom curtains on fire. Although it took a toll on his magic, Fabio was able to extinguish the fire before any real damage could be done.

  “Focus on my voice, Zoe. The feelings are ripping you apart because your fear of being a witch is getting in the way. Don’t let it. You may have been born a witch, but you’re also human. Trust that you can handle the emotions. Stop being afraid of your destiny, but instead, embrace it. Once you do, you’ll be able to channel the energy attacking your body.”

  Zoe’s ear-wrenching scream had Nicolai quickly moving toward her. “No! Stay away. Please! No contact,” she begged.

  “This is not working. We need another plan,” Fabio shouted.

  “Already on it.”

  Before anyone realized what was happening, Hildy immersed herself into Zoe’s body. Suddenly, Zoe’s screaming and the erratic bursts of power flying throughout the room stopped. The rainbow cloud of power that had been swirling over their heads since Zoe’s magic had been unbound covered her like a cloak.”

  “What in the Hades were you thinking? You could have frozen her to death,” Fabio screamed in horror.

  “There’s no time to argue. We have company. Everyone take cover.” No sooner had the words left Zoe slash Hildy’s mouth, Alaric teleported into the room.

  * * * * * *

  “My. My. What do we have here? A band of misfits you’ve called in as reinforcements to help save your witch since I’ve relieved you of your magic?”

  Viola started speaking, but nothing came out.

  “Huh? What was that? I didn’t quite hear what you said.”

  “Relieved? That’s a crock-of-crap. Don’t you mean stole? On my witch’s honor, when I get my powers back, I’m going to fry your smug ass to Hades and back. Then, I’m going to revive you and do it all over again. Only the next time, you’ll be sporting Fa
bio’s hot pink leotards,” Viola seethed. But since that was too much to scribble on her notepad, she simply shot him the universal finger of love.

  “Aw. I love you too, sugar plum. Now, hand over the witch and maybe… just maybe… I’ll spare your lives.”

  No one in the room said a word, which only pissed Alaric off even more. Nicolai had shielded Zoe behind his back to give Hildy time to take control of her powers. It was risky, but the cocky warlock had yet to see her and for that he was eternally grateful to the Goddess. If Hildy’s plan worked, they might just make it out of this battle alive.

  “No takers? Fine, then we’ll do this the hard way,” Alaric said as he aimed a magenta fireball right for Viola. Fortunately, Fabio had just enough magic to redirect it toward the mirror connected to the vanity, shattering it into pieces.

  “Tsk. Tsk. Someone just got themselves seven years of bad luck. Don’t fret. You won’t live that long to see it come to fruition.”

  “You were bad luck from the moment we met, you sorry sack of horse manure,” Viola retorted, but once again nothing came out. If the fire in her eyes and the beet red face, she was sporting was indicative of how pissed she was about losing her voice and magic, Alaric’s ass was going to be grass when she got her powers back.

  “You’ve gotta speak up Silence of the Lambs. I didn’t quite catch that. Ah, never mind. You won’t live long enough for me to give a rat’s ass anyway.”

  “Her odds are better than yours ass-wipe,” Fabio answered with a blood red fireball of his own that nicked Alaric’s left shoulder.

  “I’m getting damn tired of everyone ruining my new suits. Who the Hades are you leotard boy? Viola’s new squeeze?”

  “That’s for me to know and for you to find out,” Fabio responded with another blood red fireball that had Alaric diving through the doorway of the connecting bathroom. It was obvious he had hit his mark when Alaric screamed out in pain and then promptly began cursing about the hole in his pant leg.

  “Hildy, we’re running out of time. Do you have control of Zoe’s powers or not?” Fabio asked through gritted teeth.

  “I think so.”

  “I don’t need you to think, woman. I need you to know because our lives depend on it.”

  “I’m fully aware of that you douche knocker. Do you have enough power to teleport us all downstairs? I need more room to work with.”

  “Sure, but be forewarned. This might temporarily drain the rest of my powers.”

  “Roger that. Just get us to the living room and I’ll do the rest.”

  * * * * * *

  The Alpha in Nicolai was itching to rip apart the vile warlock who threatened his mate’s life, but he had to play it smart. In the event Hildy’s plan went south, he was already working on a Plan B… and C, if necessary.

  “Here Witchy, Witchy. Come out, Come out, wherever you are,” Alaric taunted from the top of the stairs.

  “I’ve had enough of this douchebag,” Zoe whispered as she stepped from behind Nicolai. “Hello ass-fart, were you looking for me?”

  “Oh goody, goody. You’re just as feisty as your Aunt Viola. I’m going to immensely enjoy killing you in front of her.”

  “Bring it on dog’s breath,” Zoe replied with a bolt of iridescent green magic that went wide and to the left, blowing out the dining room window.

  “What’s the matter witch? Having technical difficulties? If that’s all you’ve got, then this is going to be even easier than I had anticipated,” Alaric said in a mocking tone that pissed Zoe off even more.

  “Take this, you pompous ass-wad,” Zoe said furiously as she wielded another bolt of iridescent green magic toward his right leg, leaving a mark that matched her father’s.

  “Ouch! That hurt! What is with you damn morons and your need to destroy my suits?”

  Zoe ignored Alaric’s antics and continued firing one magic fireball after another until she was out of breath. While some of her shots went wide and blew out a few more windows in the living room, there were a few that left the warlock mewling in agony. Unfortunately, the moment she let her guard down, Alaric took the opportunity to strike… and strike hard he did with a fireball that knocked her completely on her ass.

  The roar that came from Nicolai’s mouth raised the hairs on the backs of the necks of everyone in the room. Instead of shifting into his panther form, he raised both hands, and aimed several indigo fireballs continuously at Alaric until the warlock had no choice but to teleport back to the hell hole from which he had come.


  “Jumping Johosephats! What in the Goddess’s name was that and who are you really? Lie and I’ll zap your furry ass with a bolt of lightning that will have you singing soprano.”

  “Calm down sweetheart and let your father finish healing you,” Nicolai said in a soothing voice.

  “Stop telling me to calm down and answer the damn question.”

  “Fine. I wasn’t lying to you about being your mate and a Shifter. I just didn’t get a chance to explain that I’m also a warlock.”

  “Oh My Goddess! You’re a hybrid,” Aunt Viola had scribbled with a look of awe on her face.

  “What’s a hybrid?”

  “Until now, I always thought they were mythical beings,” Aunt Viola she continued writing. “But then again, I don’t get out much.”

  “Mythical beings? Hybrid? I still don’t understand.”

  “What your aunt is trying to tell you is that because my mother (a witch) is mated to my father (a Shifter), it essentially makes me special in both worlds. Not only can I shift, but I can also wield magic. Of course, I’m not as powerful as you, but I have my moments.”

  “I think I need a drink… and maybe a cheeseburger. Could anyone else go for a burger?”

  “How can you think about food at a time like this?” Nicolai asked.

  “Don’t hate because food makes me happy. Besides, I have a crazy, fast metabolism that lets me eat whatever I want, whenever I want without gaining a pound. It’s awesome.”

  “Yep! She a witch and definitely my daughter. Zelda is always hungry,” Fabio said with pride. “Come on sweetheart. Let’s go in the kitchen and I’ll whip you up some chocolate chip pancakes that’ll make your mouth water.”

  “Sounds yummy. Could I also get some strawberries and whip cream?”

  “Whatever makes you happy, sweet pea.”

  “You’re not so bad after all, Leotard Dude.”

  “Since it’s obvious you’re not ready to call me dad, let’s just stick with Fabio. Okay?”

  “Sure, if it’ll get me more chocolate chip pancakes.”

  “Unbelievable,” Hildy said, frustrated and exhausted. “Chuck and I will be back later. If you need us sooner, just whistle. You know how to whistle, don’t you, Fabio?”

  Fabio continued chatting with Zoe about food, while shooting Hildy the bird behind his back. Nicolai and Viola shook their heads in astonishment and trailed behind them to the kitchen. It seemed as though almost dying was exactly what Zoe needed to embrace her destiny as a witch and an Empath. It’s funny how death can change one’s perspective.

  * * * * * *

  “Mm. These are the bomb-diggity. Could I have two more, please?” Zoe asked as she and Nicolai reached for the last piece of bacon on the platter. “Touch that pork Nick Purry and it’ll be the last thing you do,” Zoe warned with a gleam in her eye that would have put the fear of Goddess in any Shifter.

  Nicolai held his hands up in surrender and said, “Sorry, sweetheart. I wouldn’t want to interfere with a witch and her smorgasbord.”

  “Damn straight,” she said before biting into the slice of bacon with glee.

  Clearing his throat, Fabio said, “I hate to interrupt your food foreplay, but we need to come up with a plan to retrieve Viola’s magic and extinguish Alaric’s cocky ass once and for all.”

  “I couldn’t agree more,” Viola scribbled on her notepad.

  “I would like nothing more than to send him to Hades or the
Council of Witches for trying to kill Zoe. I think the first thing we need to do is train Zoe how to use her magic,” Nicolai suggested.

  “That’s not a bad idea. The more she channels her emotions; the stronger her magic will be against that ass-hat. She also needs to learn some hand-to-hand combat. Maybe if she could get close enough to him, she could steal back Viola’s powers before we kill him once and for all.”

  “Hey, I’ve survived thirty years as a human without killing anyone and I don’t plan to start today now that I’m a witch,” Zoe protested.

  “We’re not asking you to kill anyone, sweetheart. Besides, as your mate, it’s my job to exterminate that cockroach.”

  “Okay, that’s really gross. Could we stop with the bug references while I’m eating, please?”

  “As you wish, my love. Now that we have a plan, I suggest that we get started,” Nicolai said in a matter of fact tone that almost left Zoe speechless… almost.

  “Who died and made you the alpha? Besides, there’s nothing to get started with. I didn’t hear a plan.”

  “Stop being difficult, Zoe. We don’t have time for this nonsense. If you think that I’m going to stand by and give that scumbag another opportunity to kill my mate, then you need to think again. Now get up and go change your clothes so we can begin your hand-to-hand combat training,” Nicolai said in a deadly voice that silenced everyone in the room.

  “Why don’t we let these two settle this matter alone, Viola” Fabio said as he released silver and gold magic to clean up the kitchen. “I would love it if you would accompany me to Paris to pick up a few things for Zelda and Zoe. Maybe after our little shopping spree, we could make a pit stop in Vegas to do a little gambling. Do you play poker, Viola?”

  Viola smiled, nodded, and accepted Fabio’s arm as he teleported them out of the kitchen.

  * * * * * *

  “Are you done throwing your little temper tantrum?” Zoe asked Nicolai in a sweet, saccharine voice.

  “That depends on whether or not you’re ready to listen to reason?” he countered just as sweetly.

  Zoe had reached her limit on patience, which was the reason she got right up in Nicolai’s face to make her point. “Listen up Winston Furchill, if you imply that I’m being foolish one more time, you’ll be taking yoga classes with my dad to learn how to lick your non-existent nads after I charge them up with my uncontrollable powers. And just for the record, I didn’t ask for any of this crap, so take it down a notch.”


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