by L. R. Woods
I could have flown, but buses have always been my ride of choice. Grandpa and I traveled around on the bus and I guess it stuck. Buses mean leaving the past behind while the road clears it from your mind. We would pack up, catch a ride, and the minute we pulled out he’d tell me to close my eyes and forget the past. Never look back, so to speak.
Shit, I’m nervous. I wipe my palms down my jeans, letting out a small chuckle. “You play for sold out arenas to tens of thousands of fans. You can handle this, Evan Stone,” I tell myself in a mental pep talk.
It doesn’t work. I’m still scared as shit to walk into this bar and face the past. I hope Bill and Nancy can forgive me for not coming back to see them and I pray they will tell me where to find their daughter. It isn’t lost on me that one little thing can make a usually confident man, crumble. But then again, she always did have that effect on me.
Letting out a long breath, I walk in the front door and take it in. Same old tables and bar stools. Same small stage in the corner. Same wooden bar along the back wall. I almost expect to see her running toward me, smiling, because I’ve returned. Throwing her arms around my neck and kissing me with a hunger I’ve been missing since the day I left this town.
“I’ll be with you in a minute. Make yourself at home,” I hear a woman shout, pulling me out of my fantasy. Home. Damn straight.
I never had a home growing up and that seemed fine at the time. Sure, Grandpa rented out houses in different places, but they were never homes. We traveled too much for me to be able to really keep anything other than clothes and my guitar, so our houses were mostly made of lawn furniture and sleeping bags. After he passed, I kept up the only lifestyle I had ever known.
The first time I ever really felt what it might be like was when I moved in with the guys. It was cramped, and had a smell we never did figure out, but it did feel like a home. A feeling I didn’t know I missed until I had it. But we eventually left that, moving to California and getting places on our own.
“No problem,” I reply back with my back towards the bar. “Do you still let anyone up on stage? Any time?” I feel like reliving the good old days.
James, Alex, Drew and I played this stage more times than I can count, sometimes with only Nancy there to listen. This is the stage that got us into battle of the bands and launched our careers. This stage was ours. Anyone else was just renting.
I hear a loud crash and jog over to the bar to make sure everything is ok. I don’t see anyone at first, but a reflection of a girl on all fours in the mirror attached to the wall directly across from me catches my eye. Well, I can see three quarters of a girl because the angle of the mirror is keeping all of her from sight. She’s on the floor, grabbing for towels, picking up what I’m assuming was a beer bottle because the beer fridge is wide open.
“Are you ok?” I ask, trying to lean over the bar to see what’s going on, but it’s too wide so I look back into the mirror. The girl squeaks out a “Yes”.
I laugh a little, watching her crawl around, cleaning up the mess, her cute little ass waving a hello to me with every move. I give a silent thank you to the decorator. Who doesn’t love a well-placed mirror?
“Do Bill and Nancy still own the place?” That stops her dead in her tracks and a whisper of a voice speaks. “No.” Just as quickly as she stopped, she starts back up with the cleaning.
I take off my glasses and cap and run my fingers through my hair. Shit, now what. “Do you know if they are still in the area? I need to talk with them, if possible.” She doesn’t say anything. Just keeps crawling around on the floor.
Now, usually, I’m a firm believer of a girl on her hands and knees, especially when I’m pounding into her, but what in the hell is she doing? I need information and this bartender seems content on all fours. I finally laugh out, “You sure you’re ok down there? I’m willing to help if you need it, sweetheart.”
And then, it happens. A moment in time that will forever be etched into my soul. You don’t get very many of these moments in life. Some are good and some bad, but all are life changing. I can count on one hand my soul-etched moments. My grandpa passing away, meeting a wide-eyed girl on the street, the band getting signed, and coming off that stage after the festival. These four things define everything about me.
And now, that definition is going to change because in this moment, a stunning woman stands up from behind the bar, crosses her arms over her full chest, and glares at me with eyes of crazy fury. “I will never need anything from you and I am not your sweetheart.”
“Holy shit,” I whisper to myself as a smile begins forming on my face. I can’t believe my Wildfire is standing right here in front of me. I’m stunned stupid and the only thing my body can do is rake my eyes over every inch of her, taking in the beauty before me.
She has her red hair piled up on the top of her head and a baggy t-shirt that has gotten just wet enough to show off the curves of her perfect tits. Her pissed off face is like an angel straight from heaven.
Shit, she is even more beautiful than I remember. I’m being obvious, but fuck if I can stop myself. She watches me as I try to memorize every detail of her face and every curve of her body in case this goes south fast. With my Wildfire, you never know. In fact, I’m counting on it. Nothing gets me more excited than watching her go crazy.
“What do you want, Evan? I’m working,” she finally spits out, having had enough of my leering.
“You, Wildfire. I want you.”
Something ignites in her eyes like a bomb exploding. God, I’ve missed this girl. No, not girl. She is all woman now and damn if I don’t get aroused seeing that fire dancing in her eyes again.
I can see the wheels churning as she tries to come up with something to say. Hell, I don’t even know what else to say. I didn’t mean to just spit it out like that but I’m still in shock from seeing those crazy bright blues after all these years. I thought I’d have a talk with her parents first. Get a lay of the land, but now I’m standing in front of her and I don’t have a fucking clue what to do next.
She finally speaks through gritted teeth, “You want me, huh. Well, go eff yourself, Evan. I have work to do.”
I throw my head back and laugh. That was the worst comeback I’ve ever heard from her. That means I still get to her and that’s a good start. “I’ve missed you, Wildfire.”
“My name is not Wildfire and you need to leave.”
All I can do is smile. There is only one thing I can say that will make my intentions perfectly clear. It’s the same thing she said to me the first night we met and it took on a whole new meaning in the months that followed. “Wildfire, I’m not going anywhere. I will wait here for you.”
Chapter 4
The hell I’m about to unleash on this man will be epic. How dare he walk into my bar spitting out lies about wanting me and using my own words against me! Standing there in all his sexed up glory, tossing that old smile around like I’m just going to crawl over and thank him for finally coming home to poor little Kimber. Screw him and the bus I’m sure he rode in on.
After I couldn’t logically crawl around on the floor anymore praying he would just leave, my resolve came back and I stood up to face the man that broke every fiber of my being. Some days, I’m still not sure I’ve recovered because he took away my magic. He shattered everything I thought was true.
But seven years gives a woman a lot of time to think and a lot of time to come up with a list of exactly what she would say to the asshole that broke her heart should she ever see him again.
And I tried to remain strong enough to recite my list. But I was not prepared to look into those familiar green eyes and feel my heart jump out of my chest like it did the first time I saw him. When he started looking me over, I felt tingles all the way down to my toes. When he smiled, I came undone.
Lucky for me, he kept running that jackassed mouth and the rage is alive and breathing again. Lucky for Evan, the door chime rings as I was opening my mouth to beg
in my epic hell.
As calmly as I can manage, because I can’t unleash the crazy in front of customers, I yell whisper, “Evan, I swear on everything holy that if you do not leave this bar in three seconds, I’m going to...” I can’t even finish my sentence about where I’m going to shove his balls because another jackass walked in and is heading towards the bar. I mean, I don’t know him, but since he’s a man, it’s a safe bet that he is a jackass.
“Going to what, Wildfire?” I hear. “Jump over that bar and let me give you what you’ve been missing all these years,” he whispers, and pulls out a bar stool, clearly not leaving. The struggle to not grab the wall darts from the box under the counter and throw them into his panty-melting smile is real, people.
“One,” I start as he sits down.
“Two.” He leans back.
“Hey, aren’t you Evan Stone?” the new jackass asks as he sits down next to Evan. The smirk on Evan’s face grows another two inches. God, I don’t remember him being this hot.
“Why, yes. Yes, I am,” he replies, the smugness oozing off this incredibly delicious man. I try to deflect my growing lust by rolling my eyes, but I land on those strong tattooed arms that used to hold me so tight and I’m slipping.
I mentally slap myself across the face. And then I do it again. Remember standing like a fool, watching your dreams go up in stage smoke. Slap. Remember getting played every day for three months. Slap. Yep, I hate him again but for some reason I’m finding it harder to hold on to the anger. Damn that smile that makes me want to give him everything I have.
“I’ve been listening to 23 Strokes since the first album. You guys are amazing! This is so awesome. I hate to ask but can I get an autograph?” Jackass #2 is doing nothing to hide his excitement.
Oh hell. Now I’m going to have to kick his ass. Am I allowed to punch a customer in the face if it’s my bar and he’s fanning over my original jackass? I think that must be in the handbook somewhere. Wait…no, Evan is not my jackass. Another mental slap.
The door chimes again and I throw my hands up in the air. God, what does a girl have to do around here to be able to unleash her hell of epic proportions! Evan stifles a laugh, shaking his head. Shit, I don’t know if he’s laughing because I threw my hands up or if I said that out loud. I probably said it out loud, but that’s fine. Better that than telling him how freaking hot he still is.
Evan raises an eyebrow trying to hold in another laugh and turns to Jackass #2. “I’d be happy to sign something for you, man. In fact, why don’t I buy you a beer.” He then stares me dead in the eye and says smugly, “Wildfire, two beers for me and my friend here.” Oh. No. He. Didn’t! Screw the struggle with wall darts. I’m about to start screaming like a banshee and punch that smirk right off his beautifully chiseled face.
I’ve got my hand closing and arm starting to swing forward when #2 gasps loudly. “Oh man, that would be amazing. I can’t believe I’m sitting here about to drink a beer with Evan Stone.”
Reeling back my arm, I look over at #2. He is clearly about to blow a gasket at the thought of sharing a drink with Evan. His legs are bouncing so fast, he might just vibrate right off the stool. And because I’ve always been known for my charity, I take a calming breath and tilt my head, smiling sweetly. “Sure, Evan, let me get you those beers.” God, somebody give me an effing trophy because I had to have just won an award for that performance.
I’m in the middle of pouring two stouts, because I know Evan hates them, when I think I do hear a banshee. “EEEEEEEEEEEEE. Tim, do you know who you are talking to, babe?” Guess Jackass #2 is named Tim.
“Yes, Layla. I do. Please stop screaming,” Tim answers as I set the pints in front of him and Evan. Layla is running over to the bar so fast, I’m afraid she won’t be able to stop.
“Evan,” Layla starts after landing practically on top of him, putting her hand on his bicep and not turning down the volume one bit. “I am your biggest fan. I love your voice and everything about you.” She’s drawing out the o’s and e’s and I can’t help but roll my eyes.
She presses her body tighter against him like a cheap perfumed blanket on a cold night. I guess she could be considered beautiful if you find women with blonde hair, delicate features, and the body of a swimsuit model beautiful. I don’t, but I’ve heard some people do.
“Thank you, Layla,” Evan replies, turning on the panty-dropping smile again. “It’s always nice to meet my biggest fans.”
Layla has now begun running her hand up and down Evan’s thigh. Tim and I need to be having a serious talk about his questionable idol fixations and the babes that go with it, but I’m too busy throwing up in my mouth to say anything.
Layla continues her groping, giving Evan a heated look. If this girl does not remove her hand I’m going to... wait. Slap. Why do I care where she puts her hand? I don’t. I absolutely do not care that she is rubbing that grimy little fake-nailed hand up and down his muscled thigh. Slap.
Things go on like this for a while. Tim watching Evan. Layla groping Evan. Me watching Layla. Evan watching me. Me trying my best to not watch Evan. Beer being poured. It’s all getting to be a little exhausting actually, but when Layla begins to take things up a notch by pulling Evan’s head towards those botoxed lips, Tim finally wakes up. “Ok, Layla, I think we need to leave.” Tim hauls a pouting Layla through the bar towards the front door.
“Evan, my number is...” Layla is screaming as she’s pulled outside.
By now a dozen patrons have come in and I’m getting busy making drinks and pouring beers. I’ve been ignoring Evan best I can but when I look down at the end of the bar, I see him get up, grab his cap and sunglasses and head towards the door. Wait for me my ass! He couldn’t even wait a few hours! Good ole Evan. Coming in and out of my life like it was nothing.
But even though I knew he would leave, hell, I told him to, my heart starts to hurt a little seeing him go. I stare as he heads out the door, putting his hat and sunglasses back on. Right before walking out of my life again, he pulls his sunglasses down and gives me a wink with another knowing smirk. And now I want to scream bloody banshee murder again.
Chapter 5
7 years ago
God, could I have been more of a spaz. At least I’ve managed to rein in the crazy eyes and shark-toothed smile. I think. Every time he turns to check on me and I see his sexy profile, my heart jumps out of my chest a little more and my body starts tingling all over again. I need to get my head out of the clouds before I have him running for the hills. Heck, I’m surprised he isn’t halfway to the top preparing a nice little yodel for the country folk.
He is even more amazing than I originally thought and it’s not just his striking god-like looks or soul-saving voice. His presence commands this little corner and people are stopping to listen instead of just dumping change in his case. I’m getting a few raised eyebrows as people also look at the girl sitting on a rock with blood halfway down her legs, but that’s ok. It is what it is.
Coming down from the high that is his smile, I realize I’ve been sitting here for thirty minutes, drooling over this dark-haired sexpot and I don’t even know his name. I mean, of course I don’t. That would have required a little more conversation than the twelve words I managed to spew at him.
I don’t dwell on it too long because I’m, once again, taken with his song. I close my eyes and smile as I listen. I’m vaguely aware of the music stopping as I’m having a nice little fantasy about him on a white horse holding me in his arms, the two of us galloping down the street, riding off into the sunset. “I love you, Wildfire,” he tells me, crushing his lips against mine. “I love you too, mystery man.”
“It’s a little early in the relationship for I love yous, don’t you think?” a deep voice questions from beside me. Oh God, did I just say that out loud. Please say I didn’t say that out loud.
“Um, you didn’t say that out loud?” the voice chuckles out.
Oh God, kill me now. This ti
me he laughs. I think I’m in love with his laugh. Another louder laugh. I’m never opening my eyes again.
“Wildfire, you might as well open your eyes, because everything you are thinking is coming straight out of that little mouth of yours.”
I open my eyes to a man so breathtakingly beautiful, I swear I hear angels singing in the background and see the rays of heaven behind his head. It should be a sin for a man to look this sexy and edible.
He extends his hand and catches my stare. “So, Wildfire, what do you say we head out. We can grab a bite to eat and get you cleaned up.”
I know this is where I should be talking, but his blazing green eyes have me stunned silent once again. He doesn’t wait for an answer, but instead grabs hold of my hand. The jolt of electricity I feel seals this man’s fate. He is mine.
Holy hell. What have I gotten myself into with this one? I’m not sure if instead of walking to the diner, I should make a run for it in the other direction. But I feel strangely calm as I’m holding firmly on to her tiny hand.
I should have stayed out longer, but damn if I couldn’t wait to get my hands on this girl. I could feel her presence behind me and was lucky to play as long as I did without turning around and taking her right there on the street. I think I’ve lost my damn mind.
We make our way inside Frankie’s, a small diner that is open 24 hours. It’s crowded with the late nighters, but I see an open booth in a corner so I walk us over that direction. We slide in on opposite sides of each other. She still hasn’t said a word other than when she thought she wasn’t talking. I laugh a little, shaking my head at that memory of this Wildfire that is consuming me.
Almost immediately, she sits up and pushes the bangs that have fallen in front of her eyes across her forehead. She rolls her shoulders back and pins me with a look that would bring me to my knees if I weren’t already sitting. She begins to open her mouth and all I can think is “Shit’s about to get crazy”.