Charmed (23 Strokes Series Book 1)

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Charmed (23 Strokes Series Book 1) Page 10

by L. R. Woods

  Chapter 22


  I’m wiping the tears out of my eyes as I head over to the table they’ve pushed together. “Christ, you guys. Could you be any more dramatic?”

  I sit on one of the two empty chairs furthest away from Steve because I’m still itching to beat his ass to a bloody pulp. Wildfire goes for the second, but I pull her into my lap instead. I need to be touching her right now. In fact, I’m not sure she’ll be allowed to sit in her own chair ever again.

  She leans back against my chest and I kiss her on the neck as she tilts her head, giving me better access. Everyone is watching us and I hope they see and understand why I came back here. Understand that it has nothing to do with 23 Strokes and everything to do with completing my life. A life that was stolen from me.

  “Yeah, well, we are all about to learn the band’s fate, so I think that calls for a little drama, Fucker,” Alex sneers, breaking the silence.

  “What happened to I’ll stand with you?” I retort, still nuzzled in Wildfire’s neck.

  “Didn’t say I wouldn’t stand. Just saying we are awaiting our fate.” Alex is getting a pissed off face but I don’t give a shit. Actually, now that I’m really looking at him, I think he’s more jealous than pissed. But that can’t be right. He doesn’t want anyone like I want Wildfire.

  Rolling my eyes, I voice, “Nobody’s fate is changing here except maybe one.” I stare straight to Steve and he pulls at his collar, his face going pale. Everyone turns to him and he visibly starts sweating.

  “Now, Evan, let me expl...” he starts with a shaky voice.

  “I’m going to stop you right there, Steve, because if I hear your voice, I am going to reach over and beat the ever living hell out of you. Police will be called. I’ll go to jail...”

  Wildfire interrupts, turning to face me, “Oh, Evan, I’d never call the police on you, sweetheart. We can just dump his body in a lake or something.”

  I kiss her hard and long. She returns my kiss with the same intensity while everyone else stares. Get a good look, guys. This is what forever looks like.

  “Does someone want to tell the rest of us what is happening here?” James asks calmly, eyes moving between me and Wildfire.

  “What is happening is that Steve is going to get up, walk out that front door, and fly back to LA. Then we are going to have a band meeting about the future of 23 Strokes,” I respond.

  Steve is opening and closing his mouth like a fish out of water. James and Steve are the ones who handle all of the band’s management, and we’ve never had a meeting without Steve present in some form.

  James rubs his neck, questioning me with his eyes, but I’m not saying anything more with Steve here. This is between the four of us. I’ll go with the majority, but I want him out. We all sit there, waiting on Steve to get up, and eventually Tall Girl starts whistling the theme to Jeopardy.

  After she starts the second verse, Steve stands up, knocking his chair back as he does. “Evan, this is bullshit and you know it. I did what I had to do to make you rich and famous and this is how you are going to repay me?”

  “I never wanted to be rich and famous. I only wanted my family, you fucking prick!” I yell out to him. Wildfire buries her head into my neck, kissing it softly.

  He turns to the rest of the band. “You guys call me when you get home and I’ll take care of everything. We can do it without him. The songs belong to each of you, thanks to his dumb ass listing you guys as writers too. Alex, Drew. You know I already have a replacement willing to step in.”

  Now it’s Alex and Drew’s turn to go pale. I keep my face calm, but that statement has me stunned. Wildfire gasps loudly, putting her hands to her mouth.

  James closes his eyes and his leg starts shaking. He is about to blow and he is the only thing calm within this band. He breathes out his nose. “I’m going to pretend I did not just hear that you two mother fuckers have been talking to Steve about replacing Evan.”

  Drew starts, “It’s not like...”

  But James raises his hand, stopping him from continuing, glaring at Steve. “Steve, you need to leave right now.”

  “James, this affects you too. You need to think about what you are doing,” Steve replies, still trying to get them on his side.

  “Leave. Right. Fucking. Now,” is James’s loud response, his face getting red. Shit!

  James is pissed. Drew and Alex want me gone. And I just wanted to find my Wildfire. Now I may be out of a job.

  Steve storms out, saying in a controlled voice before he leaves, “I’ll see you three back in LA.”

  Realizing this is going beyond what we were expecting, Wildfire tells me in a hushed tone, “Evan, I’m going to go help Penny get set up for today. This is between you guys.”

  She gets off my lap, kisses my cheek and heads over to Tall Girl. I turn back to the guys, expecting someone to say something. Nothing. I’m beginning to wonder why my life is nothing but silences and stare downs.

  James takes a few deep breaths then orders, “Evan, you need to tell us what is going on, and I mean everything that is going on. With Steve, with Kimber, with anything that affects this band. We’ve given you more than enough time to sort your shit. And now that it looks sorted, we need to hear where you stand.” I nod.

  James turns to Drew and Alex, his voice in a controlled rage, “Then, you two assholes are going to explain how you could stab one of your own brothers in the back and sit there like you didn’t just do it.” James is pissed but looks back to me, gesturing with his hand for me to start.

  “So, the day before the Lone Star Festival, Wildfire overheard a conversation between you and me, Asshole. I don’t remember it, but somehow she thought I was laughing at her for believing I would be coming back for her. So, she broke up with me before I could break up with her. But here’s the fucked up part. Steve was there for the conversation and he saw her running down the hall, upset. He was also there for the break up drama. And he was also there backstage when she showed up wanting to talk to me before we left Mills Point. But Steve told her I was staying in California and she made the right decision dumping me before I could do it to her. And everyone, including Steve, knew I wasn’t staying with ya’ll in California.”

  Every head turns in Wildfire’s direction. She does a little nervous wave and then a curtsey. How did that just make me hard again?

  James asks, “Ok, I agree, that’s messed up, but why? Why would he care?”

  And here’s the part everyone is going to be pissed about. “Before I had my talk with Wildfire about the tour, Steve asked if I had to choose between her and the band, what my choice would be. I told him my choice would always be her.”

  I catch Alex’s eye and I can tell he wants to start shit. Oh yeah, let the eye daggers fly, you asshole. Like you wouldn’t do the same if you could find a girl to put up with all your shit.

  I continue, “So, when an opportunity arose to ensure I stayed with the band, I guess he took it.” I glance over to Wildfire, and although her head is down, I see the tears streaming down her face.

  Alex opens his mouth to, I’m sure, lay into me, but James holds up his hand again, stopping him. “Evan, we all know what she means to you and we all know how committed to the band you are.” He is talking to me but is now glaring at Alex. “We all also know that no one in this band was asking you to make that choice then and we are not going to ask you to make it now. I’m assuming that goes the same for Kimber.”

  He wasn’t really asking her but she yells from across the room, “I’d never ask him to give you guys up.” Everyone, including Alex, cracks a smile.

  “So, now we know why Steve has been a little bitch since Evan first mentioned coming back here. But what we still don’t know is why you two assholes were talking about replacing him.”

  Drew speaks up immediately, meeting me straight in the eye. “No, it wasn’t like that. Alex was with me when I told Steve that you were already up here. He told me I needed to get you home bef
ore you quit but that if that happened, he had a replacement lined up so we didn’t need to worry. I seriously thought he was joking, but then we got here and in the SUV and at the hotel…well, we didn’t know what to think, but I swear to you, man, that’s it. We would never do that to you.”

  “It’s ok. I should have just told you guys why I knew he was freaking out, but I never thought it went this deep.”

  Drew chews the side of his mouth and adds, “I think it went deeper than just this, man. I think he screwed with me too.”

  Chapter 23


  Penny and I tried to act busy, but failed miserably, as we were listening to every word being spoken at those tables. I’m never going to forgive myself for what I’ve done. If I had just asked Evan why he was talking like that with Alex, I would have had my ever after and Evan would have had three more years with Mom and Dad.

  And he tried. Tried so hard to tell me he loved me and I didn’t listen. Didn’t trust what I knew in my heart. I couldn’t stop the tears from coming as he talked to the guys. I don’t know how I’m ever going to make any of this up to him.

  Penny came and rubbed me on the back, trying to console me, but when Drew said it went deeper, we both stood to attention. How could Steve have possibly done anything else than he had already done?

  Penny has already put another beer in front of me and I down half of it. This is on top of the two I have already finished. She is keeping pace and it looks like the bar is getting a drunken owner and manager tonight. Free drinks for all! Wait…no. We need to call in our people again tonight. “On it,” Penny says. At least the tips will be good for them if 23 Strokes is playing again.

  I hear Evan ask, “What do you mean?”

  Drew slides his eyes over to me and Penny at the bar and then back to Evan. “Not sure I should talk about this here,” he replies, jerking his head in my direction.

  Evan responds, “Might as well get it all out, right?”

  Drew asks hesitantly, “You sure, man?” Again, jerking his head towards me, trying to get Evan to understand.

  And I know exactly what is coming, and so does Penny, from the glance she just gave me. Obviously, Drew knows and I see Alex shaking his head in a no. Even the asshole is trying to save Evan. In fact, the only one who doesn’t seem to get it is Evan because he says, “Yes.” Maybe he is the dumbass of the group, after all.

  Drew begins, “Uh, ok, so you know Steve was in charge of things backstage. With, um, things we wanted. But you know, Evan, he wouldn’t always give you everything you had requested because, um, they weren’t available or uh…practical?”

  Good grief. It’s almost worse than if he just laid it out straight but he continues, “So, when Penny would come, you always seemed to get everything you wanted. I mean, I didn’t think much about it at the time, but now after hearing this, it makes sense.”

  Evan flashes his eyes over to me and I mouth, “I love you.” He smiles a nervous grin and turns back to Drew. “So what, he wanted Penny to see me at my worst?”

  Drew responds, “Well, yeah. It makes sense, right? If Penny sees you drinking with a bottle in each hand, doing lines off girls’ tits, fucking multiple grou...”

  “For Christ’s sake, Drew, we get it!” Evan yells, slamming his hand down on the table.

  He won’t even look at me now but I actually giggle a little. Either I find it funny or I’m drunk. Either way, I already know all this. I did try and avoid anything to do with the band, but Evan had a picture in every weekly tabloid for years, and some pictures don’t lie.

  “Yeah, ok, well, that’s not it. The last time Penny came, I didn’t even know she was coming.” Penny and I have now finished the earlier beer and she is starting another. Drew glances over at her and continues, “So, when Steve brought her into the dressing room after the show, I was, uh, surprised?”

  Penny yells out, “That’s bullshit, and you know it, Drew. I got your text with the date and I showed up like usual.”

  Umm… another thing we need to circle back to, I think to myself.

  James, who is obviously the voice of reason in this group, asks, “So what? Penny came and went and we all knew she wasn’t talking about what she saw or what ya’ll two did. And Drew, you didn’t always remember who was where and when, no offense, Penny.”

  Penny winks back at James. “None taken, Big Guy.”

  Big Guy? Ok, I think that makes three things we need to circle back to. Maybe four if you count the street show. Phew, I can’t keep track, but whatever; we need a serious girls’ night after all this. “Hell yes, we do, girl,” Penny giggles out, pouring herself another beer.

  Evan’s face is about as lost as I feel when Drew speaks up again. “Well, Asshole, it matters because I never forgot when Penny was coming. I always made sure it was when we had rooms.”

  I don’t know if that makes him romantic or a complete jackass, but I guess it was a nice gesture in a completely romantic jackass kind of way. Right?

  “And I know I didn’t text her that date because we were leaving right after the show for a two-day drive, but Steve brings her right on in,” Drew defends, keeping Penny in his line of sight.

  I’m giggling for some reason. Maybe because I’ve had five beers in about one hour’s time. “So, what,” I hiccup, “Steve’s trying to screw you over too?” Hiccup. “What did you do to him?”

  What comes out of this guy’s mouth, I will never forget, five beers or not. In fact, besides the fact that Penny has spit out all her beer in a distance that I am sure should be measured for the Guinness Book of World Records, we are back to pins dropping, crickets chirping, and piano man not playing. Because the phrase that came out of Drew’s mouth was, “I told Steve I thought I was falling in love with her.”

  We are all staring at him, and he is staring at Penny. Penny is choking on the bit of beer that didn’t get spewed out of her mouth.

  I go over and start hitting her on the back because, hey, I’m a good friend like that, but she quickly says, “Kimber, babe, you’re hurting me.”

  I start laughing out, “Sorry, bitch, but that just blew my mind and I’ve had my mind blown about 20,000 times in the past two days. Did that just blow your mind?”

  Penny starts cackling and answers, “Mind officially blown.” She makes this gesture with her hands and a whoosh out of her mouth. I guess that was her mind blowing, but I couldn’t be sure.

  “You know what, my Biotch,” she screams, although I’m sure it wasn’t intentional, as she throws her arm around my shoulders, “we should open a bottle and get into that circle booth in the corner. Kara and Jake will be here when doors open and let them take care of the assholes.”

  Ok, I think she is wasted. Good thing I’m just buzzed. Wait. Is a drunk person’s first assumption that everyone is drunker or as sober as they are? Ha! That was a rational thought. I’m still cool. I’m going to take care of my bitch so I yell, “Hell yeah, Biotch. You and me, girlfriend! Screw the assholes!”

  Chapter 24


  “Water. Someone give me water,” she croaks and I stifle a laugh. I hand her the glass from the nightstand and the two aspirin I put there last night before she passed out. She sits partially up, putting the aspirin in her mouth and drinking the water so fast it starts streaming from the sides of her mouth. When she finishes, she takes the back of her hand and swipes it across her lips. She glances over to me and rolls her eyes. Falling back, arm landing over the top half of her face, she announces, “I apologize for nothing.”

  I can’t help but laugh at this new side of my Wildfire. We were both underage when we met and although that didn’t stop me from doing what I wanted, Wildfire preferred the sober life. She was afraid of getting caught and disappointing her parents. Last night was the first time I’ve ever seen her drunk.

  “And why exactly do you think you would need to apologize for something?” I ask, grinning ear to ear.

  She pulls her hand away so I can see one eye. �
�I don’t know, but considering how I feel, I’m sure there is something. What happened to Penny?”

  “Drew took her home,” I reply.

  These two girls had every man on his knees last night. After the bomb Drew dropped on us, Tall Girl and Wildfire took a bottle of Deep Eddy’s Lemon Vodka over to a corner booth and proceeded to have what I can only describe as…I actually have no words for what these two girls did. They laughed, danced, and generally became every man’s wet dream. It’s a shame she doesn’t remember it because I’ll replay those images in my head every time I’m alone for the rest of my life.

  “Drew,” she whispers out, sitting straight up in the bed and then throwing her hands to the top of her head. “Oww. What was that all about?”

  She’s still rubbing her head and I answer best I can, “Not completely sure, but somehow we think Steve sabotaged them because if they happened, then we might reunite.” I pause. “Or maybe Drew forgot which dates were which.”

  No one knows what really happened, except Drew is insisting he was sober enough to know when Tall Girl was there. I may have been the worst out of us, but I wasn’t the only one partying back then. I have nothing more to offer since, until a few days ago, I didn’t realize she had been there once, let alone multiple times over a year.

  She turns back to me. “Well, I guess that’s between them anyway, but I need to talk to her. I haven’t been a very good friend, it seems. But, Steve is a lying bastard, that’s for sure,” she states, lifting her pointer finger in the air.

  Her hair is sticking out in all directions and make-up is running down her cheeks so far they are more black than anything. I say a silent prayer that I get to wake up to this beautiful woman for the rest of my life.

  “Now, I need a shower to wash off the drunk funk.”

  She gets up and walks into the bathroom. I know the minute she looks in the mirror because she gasps loudly. That makes me laugh again.


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