Charmed (23 Strokes Series Book 1)

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Charmed (23 Strokes Series Book 1) Page 13

by L. R. Woods

  When I walk up to Purified Recordings, I’m feeling good. I’m fifteen minutes early and for me that might as well be an hour. I salute the woman at the front desk as she waves me on through. When I step off onto the 13th floor, James, Alex, Drew, and Steve are standing in a corner, all in a heated debate, and I’m seeing red.

  “What in the hell is he doing here?” I growl, picking up my pace. Both James and Drew step in front of me, blocking me from getting any closer to the man that is about to meet his maker. Alex is leaning back on the wall with a hint of excitement in his eyes. Yeah, you just open your mouth and I’ll bring you to the ground too.

  “I’m here, Evan, because I still manage this band. Stacy called me and requested I be present since your contract is being reviewed.” He is smirking and I manage to side step James and get a left hook into his jaw. Not my best shot, but it proves my point.

  He stumbles back into the wall just as Stacy, our representative at the label, comes around the corner. “Still up to your old tricks I see, Evan,” she says, not impressed. “Everyone, follow me to conference room B.”

  James holds me back and whisper yells, “Don’t fuck this up, Evan. This is about more than you and Steve. You need to get calm or leave. Your choice.” I shrug out of his grasp and head toward the conference room. There is a small oval table with about eight chairs around it. James and I take our places and Stacy starts the meeting.

  “It is highly unusual that a meeting would be called without proper representation and from that little display in the hall, I can see there is a reason for that. Now, I called Steve because he is still listed as your manager and we need to have a talk about your contract, in addition to whatever James wanted to discuss when he set up this meeting. Is he or is he not representing 23 Strokes?”

  James begins to speak, but Alex interrupts him, “Stacy, I will be representing the band in all contract negotiations. Steve is a manager in name only, as we are currently looking into dissolving our contract with him. Moving forward, any dealings between Purified Recordings and 23 Strokes should come directly through me.”

  Stacy’s face is as stunned as I feel. Drew is smiling from ear to ear like a proud father. Have I landed into some sort of parallel universe where Alex is the smart one?

  “Uh, well, ok then, Alex. If you are sure that is the best course of action.” She is clearly not believing what just happened either. I’ve never heard Stacy stumble with her words. “Steve, will you please leave the room.”

  Steve laughs. “Good luck, guys. You are going to let this idiot lead you straight into the gutter! I look forward to meeting with your lawyer. Who is it? Evan’s Wildfire? Should be the icing on my cake!” He walks out of the room and a silence hangs in the air.

  Alex speaks again, “Stacy, as I was not made aware that we would be discussing our future with the company, I would request that we reschedule this meeting so that I may review our current contract. I want to have full understanding of all the options afforded to 23 Strokes in regards to renewing or not renewing our contract.” Uh, who is this guy and what did he do to Asshole Alex.

  Stacy doesn’t know what to do. This woman, who is usually so put together and confident, has lost the ability to talk as she eye fucks Alex from across the table. I swear drool is coming from the side of her mouth. He knows it, and has now resumed his usual cocky asshole face, pulling his lip ring into his mouth and letting it pop back out. That seems to spur her on even more and I think she is going to crawl over the table to him like some hair band video.

  James finally clears his throat and Stacy shakes herself out of it. She stands, addressing Alex, “Of course, Alex. There is no rush. You call me when you are ready to chat. You have my number.” And then she winks at him, stumbling out of the room as if her legs can’t hold up her petite body.

  We all keep our eyes on that little display, but as soon as the door closes, all eyes are on Alex. “Just so you fuckers know, I’m not doing this full time. I don’t want Steve anywhere near this band so I’ll help. But you better find someone else fast. I only want to play. Nothing more.”

  Drew speaks first and it dawns on me that this is what everyone was talking about yesterday at Frankie’s. “Listen, man, thanks. I know you hate this, but I’m glad to see you stepping up.”

  I finally find my voice. “Uh… not trying to rock the sinking boat here, but what makes you capable of leading this band. James has been helping Steve from the beginning and he said he can’t do it.”

  Alex stands. “I have acquired degrees in finance, economics, and accounting. I have also started and sold five businesses and worked the books for some of this country’s elite.” He stalks over and gets in my face. “That capable enough for you, Evan, you little fucker?”

  “Yes,” is all I can manage to get out. I don’t know that I even understand what those credentials were. I mean, I knew I didn’t know the guy real well, but I’ve just been floored. And here I’m sitting, without even a high school diploma.

  He smirks and starts to head out the door. I call out, “Hey, Asshole.” He turns around. “Thanks, man.” He nods and the door shuts behind him. Shit, I owed him that much.

  James addresses Drew and I. “So, I guess that part is taken care of for now. I’ve got my lawyer reviewing Steve’s contract, so hopefully that can be sorted soon. We all know that we’ve only got two months to finish the album or we’ll be in sideways with Stacy. So I say we focus on that for now and let Alex figure out the rest.”

  I keep my eyes on James with an open mouth, confused. “Are we seriously not going to talk about what just happened?”

  Drew responds, shrugging, “He’s an asshole, but he’s also a genius. He just doesn’t want anyone knowing it.”

  He stands and walks out the door too. I turn back to James and he shrugs, gets up, and follows Drew out. And with that, I guess our meeting is over.

  Chapter 29


  I decided to stay in the condo while Evan was in his meeting so I could figure out who this man really is. I went through every drawer, cabinet, nook, and cranny. What? I’m a snoop. So sue me. I didn’t really find much of anything. It’s like he only lives in the master bedroom. It’s weird, but who am I to judge.

  Martha showed up and tried to avoid me, out of fear, I think. I finally introduced myself and we decided to have a cup of tea.

  She has been working with Evan for the last five years and says she always knew he was a tortured soul. She confirmed that Evan rarely had visitors and when he did, it was usually James or Drew checking on him. She said he mostly stayed home or went on long rides around the city.

  I can’t help but ask, “So, no girls, huh? That seems unlikely. I’ve seen all the magazines and online pictures.”

  Martha studies my face. “You don’t seem like the kind of girl that asks questions she doesn’t want answers to.”

  “Well, let’s say I do want to know, but I don’t want to know.” She laughs.

  “Yes, I do understand that. Well, this is as much as I’ll say. He’s a good-looking famous man with a lot of money, and he took advantage of those benefits for a long time, but the only woman I’ve ever seen in this apartment is you.”

  I smile and she pats me on the leg. “Sweetheart, this is all a lot to take in, I know. This condo does not make up who he is. The last years of his life do not make up who he is. Trust in the love he has for you, and the love I see you have for him.”

  I hear the click of the card latch opening and turn to see Evan rushing in. “Wildfire, you are never going to guess what the hell just happened.” He walks over to me, pulling me up in a bear hug and kiss. He looks down to Martha. “Oh, sorry, am I interrupting something?”

  Martha stands and pats Evan on the shoulder. “No, dear. I’ll be around if you need me.” She walks away and Evan turns back to face me. I’m still off the ground, being held up in his arms. “So, it turns out that the asshole is a genius or something. He’s going to manage the band until we ca
n get Steve fired and someone else as a replacement. I mean, I still can’t believe it.”

  “Who is a genius?” I ask, not understanding the conversation.

  “Alex. Asshole has three degrees and manages businesses or something.”

  “Oh, well, that’s...something?” I don’t really know what to make of that. I can’t imagine Alex doing anything other than fighting, playing guitar, and generally pissing everyone off. “So, you have it all figured out then?”

  “Well, no, but the most important thing is finishing the album. It has to be finished in two months. Then I guess we’ll do another tour and other promotions, but that’s awhile away.”

  “Oh, yeah, well, that’s really great, Evan. I’m happy for you.” And I am, but I don’t know what this means. I’m here for the next two weeks, but then I go back home and Evan stays here to work. I guess we’ll just have one of those long-distance things. Those work out sometimes, right?

  “You want to hit LA?” Evan has excitement in his eyes and although I really don’t want to leave the safety of the condo, I don’t want to ruin his moment.

  “Sure. What did you have in mind?”

  “It’s a surprise, but I think you’ll like it.” He’s beaming and I don’t know what to make of it.

  “Sounds great, Evan. I should go get dressed or something.” I have on jeans and an ACL festival t-shirt from ten years ago on, five-year-old flip flops on my feet.

  “Nope, you look perfect. Let’s go.”

  He takes hold of my hand, leading me towards the door, calling out to Martha that we’ll be back in a few hours. I barely manage to snag my purse before I’m dragged down the hall and into the elevator. “Geez, Evan, in a hurry much?” I laugh out.

  “I’m a man of action these days, Wildfire.” He smiles back to me and I’d have to agree with him on that one.

  We reach the lobby and head over to Mac’s station. “Ah, Miss Wildfire. Good to see you again.”

  “You too, Mac, and you really can call me Kimber.”

  “No, I’ve only ever known you as Wildfire. Our boy here has told me everything about you, although he didn’t do justice to your beauty.”

  Evan laughs now. “Easy now, Mac. Don’t make me fight you.”

  “Just what did he tell you, Mac?” I’m curious as to why I would even come up.

  Mac starts batting his eyelashes, imitating Evan’s deep voice, “She came running from Heaven stealing my breath and capturing my heart. Our love was one for the ages. An epic love story that...”

  “Ok, that’s enough,” Evan interrupts. He seems embarrassed for some reason but I think it’s cute.

  Mac laughs out, “I know everything about the legendary Wildfire as does the rest of the staff. Our boy brought you up any chance he could. Larry, the weekend guy, had a bet that you weren’t even real because the stories he told seemed too good to be true. I just won $300, so thank you. Never did hear about what split you two up...”

  He lets it hang there but Evan shrugs and I hold on to his hand a little harder. He really has been thinking about me this whole time.

  “The past doesn’t matter. Only the furture,” Evan states. “We’re heading out but I have a delivery coming sometime this afternoon. Can you make sure it gets to Martha?”

  “Yes, sir. Would you like me to call you a car, sir?” Mac just went from cool guy to official security guy in two seconds flat. I scan the room and, sure enough, a man in a suit is watching our interaction. Must be Mac’s boss.

  “Nope, we’re going to give the rails a ride.”

  “Good thinking, sir.” Mac smiles and nods towards me.

  I give him a wave as Evan leads me back out into the LA sun and down the street to a rail station. I smile big because I know exactly what he’s doing. We are going to ride the Metro and get to know each other the same way we did on the bus in Mills Point.

  When we get settled on the train, I have to ask, “So, why exactly are you telling the building staff about me?”

  “It started when I first moved in. I wanted to make sure you’d have access if you ever tried to come find me. Then, last year when I started writing for the new album, I used them to bounce ideas. We got close, I guess.”

  “Why not ask the guys?”

  “It’s a different type of music and I wasn’t sure they’d like it. I wanted to have it all straight before I took it to them. I was changing and my lyrics and melody’s changed with me. Needed some input outside of 23 Strokes.”

  God, he sounds exactly like the Evan I know. Confident in what he wants, but nervous to open up to the guys. For some reason, he always felt beneath them. I’ve never understood it because, although they are each amazing, not one of them has half the talent Evan does.

  “But the guys, they obviously agreed with the change.”

  “Yeah, turns out we were all ready for something with a little more meaning. I love the old music, but this album will be my legacy. It’s the one I want 23 Strokes to be remembered by.”

  “Wow, Evan, that’s pretty intense.”

  “You ready for it to get even more intense, Wildfire?”

  “Not sure. What did you have in mind?”

  “We have three hours to the end of the line and then back. Ask me anything you want to know for the next three hours. I’ll answer and then you can decide if you know me or not.”

  “Anything, Evan?”


  Chapter 30


  I hope I don’t regret this. I decided we are going to just take this day by day. If it falls apart, I’ll bring out the big guns earlier than planned, but I’m hoping to make her understand she does know me and does belong with me.

  “Did you try to kill yourself on purpose or was it an accident?” she asks.

  “Shit, Wildfire, going straight for the balls, huh?” She laughs a little, but I promised myself I’d be open and honest so I’ll answer. “Both, I guess. I never said to myself, this is the end, but I knew where I was headed and didn’t stop. Not until I almost lost everything for the band.”

  “Was it because of me?”

  “I wanted to get you out of my head and drugs and alcohol helped, but I made the choices I made and I own them. It’s not on you, Wildfire.” I lean over and kiss her on the head. Something else I didn’t think about was that she might be blaming herself for this. She shouldn’t be. We both played our parts in what happened.

  “Why did you stop talking to Mom? I know she called you.”

  “She stopped calling me. I only remember bits and pieces about it but I treated her like shit. I know she told me she’d always be there for me when I was ready.” I’m trying to hold it together. I don’t want to discuss how horrible I was to Nancy. It’s still too fresh.

  Wildfire seems to feel the same way, because she changes her line of questions. “How many models have you dated?”

  I laugh. “None.”

  “You’re lying. I know you dated that Susan Bently for a year.”

  “Not lying. Suz and I had an arrangement. She wanted publicity and is a great girl so I took her out, showed up to events with her, all that. Once she’d gotten enough attention to get her movie deal, she publicly dumped me for cheating. Steve thought that’d help my rock star image. Guess it did, to some extent. We’re still good friends.”

  “So you two never…”

  I turn my head to her, but she asked and she’s going to get the truth whether or not I want to give it. “Didn’t say that, Wildfire. But we were only ever friends. The arrangement worked for both of us.” Shit, that sounded horrible. But friends with benefits did work for us.

  “Huh, thought that one was serious. I went on a drinking binge for a week when I read a headline at the supermarket that you’d proposed.”

  I can’t help but smile. “Seriously?”

  “Seriously. Penny had to make me shower and brush my teeth because, by day four, I was rank.” She gets her toothy smile and I kiss it off her. She cared even th
ough she thought I’d left her. “So who was your longest real relationship?”

  “Kimber Wildfire Morgan. She was this amazing girl I met on the street. She came out of nowhere, told me I was her Prince, and changed my life forever. No one else ever stacked up.”

  She laughs out, “Bullshit. You can’t sit there and tell me you didn’t have any girlfriends all this time.”

  “You asked about real relationships. But no, I wouldn’t say I’ve had any girlfriends.”

  “So just fuck buddies?”

  “Is this really what you want to know about, Wildfire?”

  “No, but I’ll take that as a yes.” Strangely enough, she doesn’t really seem bothered by it. “So what’s the best thing that’s happened since we parted ways?”

  I have to think about that one. Obviously, getting signed, our music being heard. But that’s not really it. “I guess getting tight with Drew, Alex, and James. I was the outsider when we started out, but we grew into brothers. We have each other’s backs and that’s a good feeling.”

  “Evan, are you shitting me right now. You won Grammys, Billboard awards, MTV awards, and god knows what else. You’ve toured the world and touched so many lives. And you call those assholes the best thing?” She’s smiling big again and I can’t help but laugh because they are assholes, but I love them.

  “What’s your best thing?” I ask.

  She taps the side of her head, thinking. “Talking with George as an adult. He still comes in night after night. He remembers things about my parents that I never knew. He remembers things about us, although I usually walk away when he starts up on that. He remembers things everyone else seems to forget and that’s my good feeling.”

  “Wildfire, I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you.”

  “No, I didn’t mean it like that. It’s just nice to know that someone remembers how great life was for a brief moment.”

  “It wasn’t great, Wildfire. It was fucking fantastic.” I want to tell her it’ll be fantastic again if she’d let herself go the way she used to. Believe in us. I wish I knew how to make that happen.


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