Bite My Love Dark Creature

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Bite My Love Dark Creature Page 6

by Fletcher, Penelope

  His face is stony, eyes searching behind me wildly. “You don’t understand what you’re asking.” He pauses. Perhaps he looks for an excuse to kill me and be done with it. Whatever argument he finds within doesn’t please him. He looks lost. “This thing between us is complicated enough, but returning to Castle is difficult for me.”

  “More difficult than watching someone else take what’s yours?”


  “Yeah. You told me I’m yours. Ergo you’re mine too.” He opens his mouth and I snap. “Yes, I know what ‘ergo’ means.” I motion between us. “This whole possession thing works both ways.”

  “You should not cling to things said in the heat of passion.”

  “A girl can only take so much rejection before she begins to think she’s not wanted.”

  “You’re not wanted.” He makes a rude noise. “You refuse to hear me.”

  “Um, that was a joke, but for the record, ow.” I scowl. “See, that’s what I’m talking about. You open your mouth and all these mean words come out.”

  “I don’t see you moving.”

  Standing, I edge closer.

  Kind of worried he’s going to punish me for disobeying. That’s what a Lycan mate would do.

  “All I want is to ask your leader for help fixing this mess. A mess you caused.” Fidgety, I pat down my skirt. It’s a mess now. Shredded, muddied, bloodied and torn. “I’m looking forward to finding out what your problem is. You’ve got everyone riled, ready for war, and I see no reason for it.” I’m battling the toile and losing. I give up, letting the poufy skirt claim the victory. I stab a finger at him. “Their hostility is your fault. You killed Sean and have given no explanation or apology. Now they’re out for blood.”

  Daniel opens his mouth to argue then pales.

  A dozen howls reveal the Enforcers are closer than expected.

  They sound infuriated.

  I imagine them frothing at the mouth, claws scratching the earth as they race closer. Hunting. Jaws snapping and seeking blood.

  He raises his arms, face pained. “Come. We’ll go, and I will do my best.”

  With a sigh, I cross the line. I should be furious, but all he has to do is open his arms and I’ll start running. I plough into his chest with enough force to push him back a step. Contentment winds through me as his arms wrap around my shoulders and bring me in close.

  I curl my fingers into the creased fabric of his shirt. “We fit.”

  ‘I know.’ His voice is troubled. ‘Heaven help you, I know.’

  Cold wind batters my back. Feeling the pivotal weather shift, I look up.

  The grey clouds are lit from the inside by bright flashes of lightning, and the temperature is dropping.

  It’s going to rain.

  Daniel walks us backwards until we break apart.

  We hurriedly make our way toward the shadowed structure looming at the edge of the cliffs.

  The moonlight caresses the angled corners.

  Humans can’t see this castle. It’s hidden by old magic. I’ve spent hours wondering about it. I’m excited to see inside it despite being taught if I find myself inside that I’m better off dead.

  We reach the bridge arching over a small gush of seawater, and the front door opens.

  An olive-pale face peeks out from behind the dark wood. A multitude of expressions flit across Lee’s face too fast for me to identify. She settles on suspicious. “Harmony?” Voice quiet with distrust, it echoes with power, and resonates into the atmosphere.

  Even the stars shine brighter.

  I wave.

  Her expression is puzzled now. Welcoming to someone she knows, but reserved because that person is unexpected.

  “Can we step inside?” I sound suitably non-threatening. “Please?”

  Daniel reaches for my hand and holds it. Bone crushing. I suppress a wince and smile at him instead; pleased he needs the contact for strength. He misses the moment though because he’s staring at the entrance to Castle like it’s a gateway to hell.

  Lee’s eyes ping back and forth between us. Daniel stiffens. Petrified? Each time her gaze settles on him he starts until he’s vibrating tension.

  “I promise we’re only here to talk.” I motion between Daniel and I. “We need help.”

  Silently moving back she invites us in.

  My step forward is cut short, and I’m left with one foot in the air.

  Daniel doesn’t move and keeps hold of me. “And Ben?”

  “Not here. He–” A howl cuts her off. She blinks. The light from her diamond eyes winks out then returns when her lids lift. “He’s out.”

  I tug Daniel’s hand. “I want to be inside before the Enforcer’s see us.”

  Rain falls as we rush inside Castle. Well, I rush and Daniel skulks.

  The Enforcers coming running from the hunting grounds and past the tree line before skidding to a stop at the boundary line.

  Shutting the heavy doors drowns out the boisterous howling and the screaming winds buffering the sea waves.

  Lost to deep thoughts, Lee rubs her hand on the wood door. The milky splotch on her jaw gives her doll-like face character. Baggy trousers have been rolled so she can walk without tripping. Her shirt neckline slouches, exposing a creamy shoulder, and her sleeves are sloppy. One falls over her hands and the other is pushed to the crease of her elbow. The dark cotton makes her smooth skin paler.

  Would Daniel like me better if I were as small and dainty as her?

  “I wondered why they sounded agitated. I worried I’d convinced Ben of my safety for nothing. He was reluctant to leave, but I need stuff from my flat.” Lee focuses, wrinkling her nose. “The last two nights he’s been panicked. Overly defensive even considering what’s happened.”

  Daniel shifts. Edgy. “You should not be alone and unprotected.”

  “Adam and Simone left to, um, wander after….” Her chin juts stubbornly. “After I gave you to the Pack as restitution. Ben has gone to feed with Afzal. He’s suffering after what happened to Sebastian. And I need space to come to terms with all the changes.” She flaps her hands over her body. “The others were put down. We couldn’t risk them turning on me, and the others are scattered. I’m safe enough. My power is young, but strong.”

  “Fools.” He hesitates then inclines his head with deference. “You should be protected.”

  “From who?” Her eyes flash. You?”

  Daniel turns his head in such a way that has my heart thumping. Regret. As if it cuts him, makes him bleed to remove his gaze from her in shame. “I forget myself.”

  When Daniel said returning to Castle would mean his death I’d been reluctant to believe him. The Vampires were all about family and protecting their bloodline, but I’d underestimated the depth of his transgressions in the eyes of his kind.

  The Vampires care that much if a Lycan is killed by one of their own? Or is something else causing Lee’s hostility?

  “Why did you leave him on the hunting grounds?” I rub my temples at the vision of a pack-mate coming across Daniel. ”Do you know what would’ve happened if any Lycan but me found him?”

  Lee flushes. Her pale face makes the burst of colour sickly. “He tried to kill Ben.” Her alto voice rings damningly. “I gave him to your Pack to try and make amends for the life he took. I promised you I would atone.” She looks perplexed. “I gave you the cause of the rift for your judgment. I must be out of my mind to have let you in here. Ben will be cross.”

  It was my fault the Vampire was on Pack land. I hope Daddy never finds out that part.

  Lee’s in a fluster, and opens the door muttering.

  I place my hand on hers and slam it closed.

  “Please don’t. The Pack won’t stop hunting until the Alpha calls them home. Despite his lordship’s boasting we’re in no state to fight.” This close her scent tickles my nose. I inhale deeper. “Congratulations.”

  Lee blinks. Her heart-shaped face scrunches. “What?”

  “On the little
one.” I direct my gaze to her stomach. “Your scent has changed.”

  Daniel gasps. The choking sound of disbelief cuts, and he pulls his expression into a mask of inscrutable aloofness that makes me mad and hot all at the once. “Is it true.”

  She places a hand on her stomach. A charm bracelet rattles on her wrist from the rapid movement, the rose charm swinging. “There’s life in me?”

  My smile dies. “Yeah.”

  Daniel loses his battle with shock and looks like he’s been smacked in the head with a brick.

  Lee’s frozen. Stone.

  I see. She didn’t know. And it’s a big deal for the Vampires to create new life through sex rather than blood. “Was I not supposed to say anything?”


  Daniel animates first. The shock is replaced with chilling calm. His eyes shutter and his emotions slide behind a veil of disinterest. “I doubt Ben missed this.”

  “That explains his obsession with keeping me safe.” Lee kind of smiles, but her slender hand rubs her brow. “I have something to hold over his head now. What is he thinking not telling me?”

  “He probably didn’t want you to worry,” I say.

  “This is unexpected. I have no memory of this happening in the past. Children never crossed my mind, considering what we are. Ben’s only just gotten over the fact I survived-” The hand on her brow moves to her cheek and presses there in worry. Her eyes land on Daniel, fear lurking in their depths.

  Daniel’s lips twist grimly.

  Lee caresses her tummy then straightens her spine. “Ben will be mad you’re here. Furious.” She laughs nervously. “But I’m the Child, and I’m taking control.”

  She takes her hand from the door, but keeps hold of mine. Her cool skin makes me shudder. Power hums in the space surrounding her, making it difficult to not tug my hand away.

  “Harmony, explain what’s happening?” Her head cocks as she studies me, nibbling her bottom lip. “Please? The last thing I could imagine is Daniel turning up here with you in tow.”

  Lee’s attempt to be bolshie is cute. I don’t think it’s like her to be so demanding, but I oblige her, knowing she wants to be strong in front of my mate.

  “I found Daniel on our territory last night. He bit me. I bit him back and now we’re together. Kind of. Sort of. Well, when he admits it.” I eye him. “How rude is that?”

  Lee blinks. Dark lashes sweep down to milky cheeks, cloaking jewelled eyes. A spark of apprehension has me concerned about bringing my mate close to such loveliness. Her lashes lift and her worried gaze finds the fang marks on my neck. “You know what’s he’s done?”

  I hear what she’s asking. “Yeah. He’s promised to explain.”

  Lee’s eyes twinkle. “That’s the most succinct I’ve heard you.” She gives an awkward hop on the spot. “Look at me keeping you standing here.”

  She motions us to follow, and walks deeper into Castle. Her small frame is spry as she glides down the spacious corridor, footfalls feather-light.

  This woman is the leader of the Vampires. Since I last saw there has been a distancing within. Her mind was elsewhere most of the time we talked, but has been pulled back learning about the life in her belly.

  Lee guides us into a large living area.

  The upholstery is lavish and plush, a vivid reminder of a bygone era. A leather Chesterfield dominates the space. Its full grain leather gleams in the orangey light pouring from the grandiose fireplace. Beneath it is an aged, heavily woven rug. An oak cart table is cluttered with books, empty glass bottles, and other capricious knick-knacks. As if someone left the occasional thing until there was no more space on its chunky surface. Flanking the three-seater are tartan armchairs with high-winged backs, and cherry wood beading. Old wood beams stretch ceiling to floor, and have darkened with time. They break the room into squares. We stand with the main furniture in the first square. In the second is a walnut chess table with complementary stools. The last space is shadowed, but I can see a pianoforte. The roaring fire keeps away the autumn chill, and above the mantle is an oil painting of a feudal lord.

  He shits astride a black stallion in front of Castle. The broad-brush strokes do nothing to dampen the mysterious expression visible on his majestic visage. His lips are twisted in cynicism, and his eyes distant and brooding.

  I squint at it, trying to place the face that’s familiar and too handsome.

  Avoiding the sofa, I jump onto the oak sideboard behind it, shoving candelabras, and miniature busts out the way to make room for my ass. Under my nose there’s a small vase of cut roses that smell fresh and sweet. “That’s Ben up there, right? He looks hot. If I didn’t know better, I’d say he was a wolf.”

  “Delightful.” Daniel reclines in his seat, one arm resting along the top of the sofa, the other holding his ankle as he crosses his legs. It doesn’t matter his clothes are dirty and torn he looks masterful. “Crawl all the furniture like an animal why don’t you?”

  “Seriously?” I glower. “I mention Ben’s hotness and you react like this?”

  He glares at me over his shoulder, and pats the seat. Beckoning.

  “I’m not a fucking dog.”

  Sighing – witheringly – his gaze turns to the fire.

  Delicate face whimsy, Lee pays us no attention. She stands by the fireplace staring at the painting. Smiling faintly. “I remember when this was done. Handsome, isn’t he? The artist captured him in a way that enchants me. My own representations are darker, more intimate.” She blushes. “Desire clouds how I see him, so it’s thrilling to see him through different eyes. He’s Human here. Preparing to take over from his wasting father. He was so sad. Terrified of what the future would bring. His fiefdoms were under attack by vicious wolves. When men entered the forest to hunt, they disappeared, and his vassals were discontent with his lord father’s approach to seeking out the blood devil plaguing the village maidens.” We share a commiserating look for those people. “The night before commissioning this painting he was visited by an ‘evil spirit’, and told he’d been chosen to join the Great Bloodline.”

  My chin rests in my palm as she speaks. “Huh? Evil spirit?”

  Daniel’s long fingers drum on the thick leather of the sofa with staccato beats. “It was the night I showed myself to him.” He smirks, pleased the one he Sired was terrified enough to perceive him as an evil apparition.

  I roll my eyes. “There’s something wrong with you, do you know that?”

  He leers. On a lesser man the facial gesture seems brutish, but his face transforms into something spectacular.

  Wiggling to get comfortable, I rock too far to one side, and my hip knocks the bust of a rearing horse. The figurine jerks a crystal picture frame that tumbles off the edge of the sideboard, heading for the stone floor.

  Lee spins gracefully. Her features blur she moves so fast. Darting around the sofa, she catches the picture frame before it shatters.

  My reflex thanks choke off.

  She isn’t touching the frame. It floats above her palm.

  Overcoming shock, I clear my throat. “Why use speed if you could’ve stopped it from by the fireplace?”

  “I didn’t mean to.” Lines of frustration crease her forehead. “I meant to use my power, but my body moved when I thought about catching it.”

  “Telekinesis.” Daniel’s tapping pauses then commences with greater insistency. Is the sound mirroring his shortening patience? He could’ve caught the frame to spare me embarrassment, but he chose not to.

  It kind of makes me want to tap my fingers at him.

  “You had this power before Ben turned you?” he asks.

  “Um, I’d used it on a teaspoon.” She sets the frame down gently. “I didn’t know what I was doing.”

  “Learn to use your powers without the necessity of physical movement,” says Daniel. “Your thoughts are too aligned with the movement of your body, too literal. Until you learn to separate the two, you’ll struggle to control it and yourself.”
r />   As a being of earth magic, one who relies on the unity of the mind and body to remaining functioning, I’m alarmed. “You’re telling her to separate her mind from her body?”

  “She is no longer built like you. Muscle memory will help her perform basic tasks whilst her mind wanders. A useful thing, she’ll find, especially with her preference to keeping prey alive after feeding.”

  I look between them. Stunned. “You don’t have to kill when you feed?”

  “No,” Lee replies. “We don’t, and we’re not going to anymore. We can consume enough blood and soul to sustain us without killing. We have to feed more often, but that’s a price we’ll pay. I believe the reason my kind ends up so tortured is because they kill so many to live. They may not know it, but it weighs on their conscience.”

  Daniel barks a laugh. “Conscience?”

  “I thought you had to take everything when you fed from full-blooded Humans?”

  Daniel looks at me like I’m mad. “Why do you think we fought between ourselves? There are primal hungers we Vampire are slave to. These hungers are key to our continued existence.” He lifts his baby, third, and middle finger. “The thinking mind, feeling mind, and survival mind. Safety. Sex. Food.” A finger drops with each primal hunger. “Everything else is less basic. I fought for our right to all three.”

  “I hear you.” Lee’s quiet tone reveals how steadfast she is in her belief. “But you’re confusing bodily need with addiction. It’s gluttony I fight, nothing more.”

  Daniel wanted to be able to kill with his feeds.

  I have no immediate damning feelings about his views. The killing of innocence is something to avoid, but is any soul above the natural food chain when it comes to survival?

  Vampires feed from Humans; the hunter and prey; lion and lamb. Can I judge?

  The tension between Lee and Daniel stretches, grows claws, and starts prowling.

  “Let’s shelve this conversation.” I look between them. “Before one of us says something to regret.”

  Lee relaxes.

  The predatory tension vanishes.

  “What Daniel said about my powers, Ben says the same.” She looks at him pointedly. “He also told me only five of us have specific talents aside from the normal Vampire traits.”


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