Red Satin Lips, Book One (The Surrender Series)

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Red Satin Lips, Book One (The Surrender Series) Page 9

by Неизвестный

  Tamara held out her hand. “Thank you for all that you’ve done for me, but you don’t like me, do you?” She retracted her hand when it was obvious his grandmother wanted nothing to do with her.

  She leaned back against the bed and took a drink of her juice as the woman stared at her. Tamara wouldn’t be bullied, no matter who this woman was.

  “You are mated to both Lars and Gage. Don’t you think that is kind of strange considering they were together before you showed up?: She leaned against the wall, measuring her up.

  “I have no idea. I’ve dealt with other species as far as war and healing, but never knew anything about their mating.” She held the woman’s gaze. “But both of them are mine and I won’t leave them. If you or any others can’t accept that, then we’ll leave.” She swung her legs over the edge of the bed and put the empty glass on the table.

  “Where are you going? You’re not ready to get up. Don’t be a fool,” Ishka said, coming to her side. She tried to stop her from getting up.

  “I’m fine, thank you, but as I stated, I won’t stay where I’m not welcome. I’ve done that before and won’t go through it again.” She braced her hand against the headboard and stood.

  “What the hell is going on? You shouldn’t be up, young lady,” Another gorgeous blond with a perfect body stepped into the room. He was well over six feet tall and had the darkest blue eyes, but what mattered most was the men behind him, her men.

  “I’m fine. Gage, I take it we’re at your home?” She asked and tried to step away from the bed, but her legs were not working well and she would have fallen if it wasn’t for the giant hunk.

  “You are not ready to move around.” He placed her back on the bed, and then looked to Ishka. “Why do I get the feeling you have said something to make her feel uncomfortable here?”

  “I did nothing, just asked her a few questions. I told her to stay in bed,” Ishka said.

  “Grandmother…” Gage snarled as he came around to the other side of the bed, sitting next to her. “How are you feeling? You scared the shit out of us Tamara.” He kissed her cheek.

  Lars stood by her other side when the other man stepped out of the way. “You’re staying here till these people are caught. It’s the safest place possible.” Lars ordered, his voice dropping to that "I’m the boss and you’ll listen to me" mode.

  She sighed and shook her head. “I won’t stay here when I’m not welcome, plus you know I have to help organize this party. You’re parents are pretty upset and there is no one else.”

  “What do you mean you’re not welcome here? Of course you’re welcome here. My mother and father both insisted you stay here.” Gage glanced at her and snarled before turning his attention once more on his grandmother. “What did you do now? Nana she’s our mate and carries our children. What is your problem?”

  “Don’t you take that attitude with me, mister, and don’t you think it’s a little weird she belongs to the both of you?” His grandmother moved away from the wall. “You haven’t even marked her.”

  “Marked? What’s marked? Is it important?” She looked at Gage who hadn’t taken his eyes off of Ishka.

  “When the time is right and not before, but rest assured Nana, she’s mine,” he snarled, fur starting to break the skin.

  “Easy, wolf man, she meant no harm and I’m not going anywhere,” Tamara climbed up onto his lap and rested her head on his chest. “But we are going to have a nice discussion about this marking thing you forgot to mention to me.” She took a deep breath and pressed her face into the crook of his neck.

  “I hope it was you who changed me out of my clothes,” she mumbled still a little bit tired and cold. The large man’s dress shirt she wore reached her knees, but Tamara was still naked under it.

  Gage’s big muscular arms wrapped around her. “Not to worry, we took care of you as we always will. Now, how are you feeling, really?” He leaned back and held her face in between his big hands.

  “A little tired and stiff, but alright,” she said reaching out to take Lars’ hand. “Are you two going to introduce the big guy?” she grinned and winked at Gage. “I mean he is a hunk and as such a name would be appropriate.”

  She jumped when Gage’s hand dropped and pinched her ass. “That is my great grandfather Maxim, so show some respect.”

  “I swear I feel like a child around you guys,” she grumbled. “No one that old should look that hot. There should be a law somewhere.” She took a deep breath and faced said man head on. “I’d like to thank you for saving my life and that of our children. Even though I wasn’t ready for children yet…” Tamara turned and glared at Gage for a moment. “The thought of losing them now after…” Tears threatened to fall thinking of her mother. She looked down at her hands in her lap.

  “My mother would have loved being a grandma. She was so happy to meet both Lars and Gage. Well, anyway I can’t lose them. They’re part of her, all that I have left.” Tamara looked up through tear-filled eyes.

  The man in question sat on the bed in front of them and reached over, wiping the tear that had fallen. “I’m afraid with age I’ve lived through many deaths of friends and it never gets easier, but those of the heart are the worst. You are right. Your mother will live through these children inside you. Think of all the stories you’ll be able to tell them about her, make her alive in their mind.”

  “Thank you again for saving me and being so nice. I just wish I could have saved the pictures at least.” She snuggled closer to Gage, her legs in Lars’ lap.

  “Let me give you a gift. Think of the one of the pictures you wanted the most,” Maxim said.

  She frowned, but at once the picture of her at the age of six with her mom at Six Flags came into focus. It had been one of the best times of her life. The two of them had traveled across the United States stopping places, but the amusement park had been the best.

  Out of nowhere, Gage’s grandfather handed her the picture in her mind in a bronzed frame. With her hands shaking, Tamara took the picture and ran her fingers over it. Her mom’s smile could light up a room.

  “I don’t know what to say. This is priceless to me.” She put the frame aside and leaned over, hugging the man. “Thank you, not only will I think of my mom, but of you as well. My children will hear the story of your generosity this night.”

  “Okay enough, you’ve hugged him long enough,” Lars grumbled and pulled her into his arms. “Thank you, we are in your debt.” Lars nodded to Maxim as the man got up and stretched.

  “We’ll leave you three alone. If you need anything, let us know, we’ll be downstairs. Oh and Tamara should be okay to come down for dinner, but I’d carry her down the stairs for now.” Maxim latched onto his daughter's arm. “Come. You and I need to speak.”

  “But…” She didn’t get a word out as they disappeared from the room leaving the three of them alone.

  “We’re going to stay, aren’t we?” She looked up into Lars’ face and he nodded.

  “This is the safest place. I’m still trying to figure out why they tried to kill you when they wanted this party. It just doesn’t make sense.” He hugged her tight. “God, baby when I saw the blood and you didn’t talk to me. I thought my life was over.”

  “We both thought that and we can’t go through it again. Here you’ll be safe. Whatever you need, we’ll get for you, but you are not to leave the property. If the enemy even comes near the place, they won’t see anyone. A protective shield of some kind slips around our grounds so even outside you’ll be safe.” He traced his finger over the entrance wound before looking up at her.

  “The marking is a form of claiming for many of the shifter species. Lars and I both decided that until you were safe, we wouldn’t mark you. Our mark could also bring more danger to you and we don’t need that.” He taped her nose. “No arguing, when the time is right, we’ll know.:

  She looked away from him, but Tamara could still hear Ishka’s taunt about the marking. “Are you sure that’s the only reason?
I mean I can understand with some of your family not accepting me.” She shrugged and tried to slide out of Lars’ lap, but he held onto her. “I mean even Lars’ family isn’t thrilled with me. Let me go, Lars.” Tamara tried to pry his arms lose, but he wouldn’t budge.

  “Look at me, Tamara,” Lars ordered and didn’t release his hold on her.

  A chill ran up her spine at the tone of his voice and she couldn’t help but look up into his face.

  “You are our world and we will claim you when the time is right, but make no mistake Tamara, you are ours.” Before she could say a word, Lars leaned down and covered her mouth with his.

  His kisses were masterful. He controlled everything. She’d slid her tongue up one side of his and he’d counter her move forcing her to bend to his will. Time seemed to slip away. The only thing that had her coming out of the sexual fog he’d placed her into was the breeze over her now exposed skin.

  Her nipples hardened at his touch, the bed moved as Gage came around to kneel in front of her. He spread her legs slowly. “I need to sink my tongue into you, baby. Your smell and taste are addictive and I can never get enough.” Gage ran his tongue across her pussy lips and she moaned into Lars’ mouth before he broke the kiss.

  “Easy with her, Gage, I don’t want her to move that leg and you know she thrashes around when she comes,” Lars said as he cupped her breast.

  “I’m not going to make her come. She’ll have to wait until tonight. She should be healed by then,” he said before sliding his tongue all the way into her.

  “I’m right here…and you can’t tease me and leave me hanging…”she pouted and tried to move, but they held her down as they played with her.

  “Hush, we need to touch and hold you Tamara,” Lars stated but said nothing more as he leaned down and sucked her nipple into his mouth.

  She squeezed his shoulder tight as he nipped and played with her nipple. “So round and big, I love when they get all hard for me. When I find the person responsible…”

  “Lars, I think it’s bigger than just me,” she whispered as Tamara ran her hand over his bald head. “I was just an added bonus to them till I got too close.” She met his gaze.

  “What do you mean you got too close? You know something?” Both men stopped their petting and focused on her.

  “I know a lot of things, just as you do and decided not to tell me.” She sat up and glared at Lars. “You thought I wouldn’t look into you mind. You weren’t going to tell me about the poison were you?”

  “I don’t see why you’re getting so upset. We just thought it was best to keep that to ourselves. We don’t need you any more stressed out then you are.” Lars lifted her hand and kissed the top of it. “So what do you know?”

  She was hurt that they wouldn’t share with her, wouldn’t mark her, but Tamara kept that buried deep where they wouldn’t see it. The only thing she could hope for was that after this was all over they would open up to her. “The same as you, he’s an ancient and has a grudge against your grandfather, but he’s someone we or your family is close with. They know too much from the things that have been going on.”

  Both men didn’t say a word, she knew they spoke to each other, but left her out of the conversation and once again she was left out.

  Closing her shirt, she managed to button it before they once more turned their attention back to her. “What you say makes sense, but we’ve had many in our home this last week so it could have been anyone,” Lars said and frowned as she slipped to the side of the bed.

  “Really, well that is your opinion, I guess. I think I’ll take a nap, close the door on your way out.” She slid under the blanket and turned on her side.

  The one thing Tamara hated about being pregnant was the stupid emotional roller coaster, because right now she wanted to just leave, but knew she couldn’t.

  Sliding down behind her, Lars wrapped his arm round her and pulled her back into his larger frame as Gage came around lying down in front of her with a frown on his face.

  “We hurt you?” Gage brushed her hair out of her face, but she swatted his hand away.

  “Go down and visit your family, Gage, I’m fine,” she snapped and tried to pull the pillow over her head, but he wouldn’t allow it.

  He yanked the pillow away from her. “You’re lying to us now?”

  “Excuse me?” She sat up and glared at him. “You have the nerve to accuse me of lying when you keep things from me, you leave me out of the conversation and don't trust what I say!” she waved her hand at the door. “Go, just leave me alone.”

  Both men refused to move. “You’re upset because we didn’t include you in our conversation?” Lars sat up and leaned against the headboard as did Gage, both of them staring at her. “Come here Tamara. Let us hold you. We’ll try harder to include you, but some things we feel you shouldn’t have to worry about. It’s our job to protect you. We work things out in our mind going back and forth with each other.”

  For a large black man, Lars was one of the gentlest men Tamara had ever seen, but when pissed watch out. She grinned and shook her head at him. He actually had a confused look on his face and she could not stand it.

  Crawling back onto his lap, she framed his face between her hands. “Maybe I’d like to help too? I’m a great problem solver or so I’ve been told.” She kissed his full lips softly. “I just want to be included.”

  She released him and leaned over to kiss Gage. “I love you two, you’re all I have. But sometimes it feels like I’m alone even with the two of you in the same room. You didn’t even realize I was dressing myself earlier until you stopped talking to each other.” She pulled the blanket up around her and rested her head onto Lars’ chest.

  “Let me sleep for a little while, then we can do downstairs,” she mumbled as her eyes closed. Each one of her men ran their hands up and down her body, just caressing her as if she was a baby.

  “Sleep, baby, we’re not going anywhere,” Gage whispered and kissed her cheek.


  Reaching over, Gage rubbed Lars’ shoulders as their woman slept curled up in their laps. Her hair was a mess, but she looked like an angel sleeping. “With her being pregnant, we’re really going to have to try not to upset her, but she is right. What we did was rude,” Gage said leaning over to place a kiss on his cheek.

  “We’re used to speaking this way. It will take time, but I will make a conscious effort not to do it in front of her. She thinks we don’t believe her about who is doing all the killing and if she is right, God help that person.” He smiled and ran his hand through her hair. “Wait till she meets the rest of your family tonight.”

  “I still can’t believe my Ishka pulled that crap earlier. Honestly, Lars I’ve never seen her act like this before.”

  She moaned and curled up closer to his body. “Calm down, you’ll wake her if she senses your anger. As for your grandmother, well I’m afraid she did the same thing to me when I first met her.” He turned and laughed at the expression on Gage’s face.

  “She did what? I swear I’ll...uggh.” Gage ran his hand through his hair.

  “You’ll do nothing. It’s her way of testing us, seeing if we’re right for you, but she could have done it at a better time as far as Tamara is concerned. Who will show up tonight for supper? I’d like Tamara to have a relaxing night.”

  “I have no idea who will be here. The whole family is coming in when they heard about the threat to our woman. Are your folks coming?” He asked leaning his head against the wall and closing his eyes.

  “My mom will be here tonight, but my father is choosing to stay with my grandfather right now. Have you heard anything from Tamara’s father? When I contacted my folks to inform them about the shooting, I asked them to inform Michael, but no one has seen him since this morning.” Following Gage’s lead, Lars laid his head back and closed his eyes. It was the first time in a week he could actually relax and not have to worry about a threat to them.

  “Nothing, he’s been actin
g strange ever since the house was destroyed. I have to agree with Tamara on one thing. It is very strange that not one of us have been invited to his estate during this whole mess. He offered that one time, knowing we would refuse him, but nothing since.”

  The rapping on the bedroom door had Tamara jerking into a sitting position. Lars ‘eyes popped open and noticed how she flinched as she tried to scurry off the bed. “Easy Tamara, you’re still not ready to stand up. Let me get that, you relax.” He placed her onto Gage’s lap and glared at the door, but frowned when once again. Maxim was there with Gage’s father.

  “I think all three of you should come downstairs. Something is unfolding on the news,” Gage’s father said.

  “Wrap her in the blanket, she should see this,” Maxim said before they turned and left.

  “Why do I get the feeling that this is going to be worse than my mother dying?” She rubbed her face on the blanket and looked so lost.

  “There is no sense in thinking the worst,” Gage tried to reassure her as he wrapped the blanket tightly around her and placed her into his arms.

  “Gage is right. Don’t borrow sorrow till we know. We’ll deal with this together.” They made their way downstairs. In the massive family room, people he had never met nodded to them as they parted letting them make their way to one of the couches.

  The sixty inch TV was on when Lars saw the pictures of the massacre at the Bob Evens they had been at. Everyone in that dinner had been killed. From what the bottom of the screen scrolled, over sixty people so far…

  In his arms, Tamara whimpered as tears rolled down her face. “This is my fault. We should have never left.” She looked up at him and he shook his head.


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