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Red Satin Lips, Book One (The Surrender Series)

Page 10

by Неизвестный

  “No! This is not your fault, if anything Gage and I picked the dinner. You had no idea where we were going.” Lars sat down next to Gage when he looked up at the TV behind the cop lines. “Gage?”

  “I see him, but why is he? There, look at his eyes?” Gage looked down at Tamara who was leaning over to get a closer look.

  “I’ve never seen him like that. Is there any way we can get that blown up?” Tamara looked to Maxim, who nodded.

  At once a freeze frame of her father appeared on the TV and a cold child seemed to fill the room. Murmurs and whispers, the names Ose, Nergal, Baal.

  Lars jumped as his phone went off in his pocket. He kissed the top of Tamara’s head and placed her in between himself and Gage. “I need to get this. It’s my father.” She nodded as he dug out his phone and opened it.

  “Are you seeing this? Your grandfather and three other elders want to see Tamara now.” His father’s voice was rough and demanding as he issued the order.

  Hearing the order, Gage snarled and pulled Tamara into his lap. “She goes nowhere off this land.”

  “I’m sorry. I can’t and won’t bring Tamara there. She is safe here and this is where she will stay till this is over.” Lars placed his hand over the phone. “Could they come here? It might help solve this if we know what is going on, Gage.” He looked at Gage, then at Maxim, knowing that nothing was approved unless he authorized it.

  “They will be allowed to come, but be warned, if they mean her any harm, they will not be able to step onto this property,” Maxim announced and turned to Gage’s brother, Herick. “Have the conference room here in the house ready. She does not need to go outside in her condition.” Herick nodded and left.

  Uncovering the phone, Lars repeated what had been said and within seconds his father and grandfather appeared in the room with the other three men. He flipped the phone shut and looked to Tamara who was clutching Gage tightly, shaking her head.

  “I can’t do any tests now Lars. I can’t even stand up,” she whispered, watching as Maxim introduced himself and some of the men around them.

  “Look at me, baby,” he reached over and placed his finger under her chin until he had her full attention. “Do you really think I would let them hurt you? I’m sure they just need to see you and talk to you, that’s all.”

  “No, it’s not. We will need a sample of her blood and a patch of her skin to determine what she is made up of,” Alton, Lars’ grandfather said, standing behind the couch, glaring at her.

  “We will find out if you brought this wrath down on us or not.” With that last sentence, Gage snarled and stood. The whole room seemed to fill with tension at once.

  “Enough!” Tamara yelled and held out her hand to Gage. “I’m sorry. It's obvious you believe I had a hand in all of this. I was hoping the rift between you and your son had disappeared, but I guess I wasn’t so lucky.” Tamara cried out as she stood, but didn’t fall. Her gaze met Ishka’s for a minute. “Now you see what I was talking about,” she whispered and Lars noticed her lip tremble.

  Before he could move closer to her, Ishka was there hugging her. “You are family now,” Gage’s grandmother said and turned to glare at Alton. “I know you have lost a lot these past few days, but hasn’t she also? Why hurt her until you know the truth. She’s carrying your grandchildren.”

  In all is life the words that came out of his grandfather never shocked him more. “Not if she is what we think she is. I will have nothing to do with this woman if she has any part Baal in her.”

  Tamara jumped back and would have fallen if Gage hadn’t caught her. “You need to leave now. The other council members can do the testing. You do not need to be here and you are no longer welcome here,” Maxim said, coming up to his grandfather.

  His grandfather disappeared in an instant. “I’m sorry Lars, but I won’t allow that kind of threat in this home. They are just looking for someone to blame and I’m afraid it’s your mate.”

  Inside him his own personal beast raged to break free, but Lars refused to allow it out as he turned to glare at his father. “Is this why you came here? You believe what grandfather has said?”

  “I’m sorry, but if she even has a trace of Baal in her…she can’t be trusted and won’t be allowed in our home,” his father declared, drawing a cry from his woman.

  Chapter Nine

  Tamara shook as she made her way to the conference room. Ishka walked right next to her, holding her up. Her heart was shredded into a thousand pieces right now and she couldn’t even look at Lars.

  The one thing she didn’t want to happen was happening. His family was drawing the line between her and them. Let alone the fact her father could actually be…she couldn’t even say the words.

  Maxim held open the door to the meeting room and smiled at her. “Not to worry, all will work out, you’ll see.”

  All she could do was nod as Ishka helped her sit. Both Gage and Lars sat beside her as one of the council members stepped forward. “I’ll need a piece of your skin from the inside of your thigh, and then I’ll take a blood sample.”

  Nodding, Tamara slid the blanket apart allowing him to have access to her right thigh. The procedure only took a couple of seconds, but she still felt as if she had been violated somehow.

  Lars and Gage said nothing, but watched everything as the man stepped back with her DNA. “We’ll have the answer in a few hours. Do you have any way to contact your father?” he asked and she shook her head.

  “He does not answer the number he gave us and there is no bond between them,” Lars answered for her.

  The man frowned. “If he is her father, there should be a natural link.”

  She shook her head. “There is nothing, believe me I’ve tried to contact him a few times, but there is nothing. If you will excuse me, I’m tired. I think I’ll go lie down.” She tucked the blanket around her and went to stand, but Gage scooped her up into his arms.

  “Get them out of here, they’ve hurt her enough,” Gage snarled at Lars, who nodded.

  Before they left the room, she heard Lars say, “You have your samples, leave and don’t ask for any other tests, because it won’t be done and, father…” She turned to tell Lars not to say anything, but Lars looked right at her.

  “No matter who or what Tamara is, she is our life. We won’t give her up or let her be touched in anyway.” His gaze left hers to glare at his dad. “So choose wisely what you say. You’ve already lost one son, will you lose another?”

  Stunned, Tamara closed her eyes and rested her head on Gage’s chest. “You shouldn’t have done that. I don’t want to stand between you and your family Lars. What will it mean if I have part of this Baal in me?”

  Lars opened the bedroom door that they would stay in and waited till he shut it before speaking. “Baal is the prince of Hell. His power is untold, but his mind is not all there also.” Lars sat down on the bed and sighed.

  “What the council and my family will look for is the trait that runs in all of Baal’s offspring usually. Supposedly, if the offspring have this gene, it’s a good sign that child will be like his father.” He looked at her as she sat between the both of them. “But I know in my heart you don’t have that gene and for my family to threaten you like they did...I can’t forgive them. You have gone out of your way to help and fit in, but they have done nothing. We will not live near them.” Lars stood and started to pace.

  “Lars you’re just angry, but you never did say what happened to the other children who didn’t have this gene?” She patted the bed and he stopped his pacing.

  “I won’t lie to you, Tamara, only a few didn’t have the gene. They are powerful and carry some aspects of his powers. It might explain how your testing turned out so well.” He sat down and took her hands into his.

  “These children have hidden themselves well. Only a few know their whereabouts, but they are leading normal lives. From what we know not one of them passed the trait either to their children so that’s good. We have hope.” H
e lifted her hands up and kissed each one. “No matter what, we stand behind you and will never leave your side.”

  A knot formed in her stomach and she took a deep breath trying to push back the tears. “But I’ll always be watched. Do you really want to be stuck with someone who will be limited. To give up your family?”

  Before any of them could answer her question, someone pounded on the door. “Gage, Lars, can we speak with you three?” Maxim asked from the hallway.

  “I need some clothes. I’m tired of running around in a blanket,” she mumbled and tucked the blanket around her tighter, before she nodded for Lars to open the door.

  Three men stepped in to the room, Maxim, Herick and a man who could be an older spitting image of Gage. The door closed behind them as the older Gage stepped before her and kneeled.

  “I’m Gage’s father, Daniel, and I want to personally tell you that you are safe here. No one, and I mean no one, will hurt you here.” He leaned over and kissed each of her cheeks, before standing.

  “The three of us have been talking and we agree. Gage, we’d like you and Lars to take over here. You’d be safe and have plenty of family and the pack around you,” his father said to them.

  “I will not take what is Herick’s right as Alpha,” Gage said, but his brother shook his head and pushed away from the wall.

  “See that’s where you’re wrong.” He explained looking at her. “Ana, my wife, well her father isn’t doing too well and he doesn’t have any sons. He’s asked me to take over his pack. I’ve never thought of leaving, but with you here I know our own pack and the property would be safe. I wouldn’t trust anyone else but you and your family. Dad and grandfather have agreed, I just need your okay before I inform the pack.”

  Gage glanced at Lars who shrugged. “It’s fine by me. Tamara would be safe and we can always do our work anywhere.” They both turned to Tamara who sighed.

  “But what if I have his gene in me?” Tamara looked down at the floor. “I don’t want to put anyone in danger.”

  “Granddaughter, look at me,” Maxim said, placing his finger under her chin and lifting her head. “You do not carry the gene. I told these idiots this, but they refused to believe me. I’m older than most any of those young fools.”

  She snorted. “And you look ten times better than they do to,” Tamara said and he grinned.

  “I knew you picked a good one, Gage,” he said and Gage moaned.

  “How do you know, though?” she asked.

  He kneeled down in front of her. “While I was working on your wound there was blood all over you. If you carried this gene the color of your blood would be a very pale pink color. Why do you think they took your blood, but even that wasn’t enough for those fools. There is also an odor to his blood, like that of rotten fish. Believe me no matter what form Baal takes his blood always smells the same.”

  “Do you believe my father is behind all these attacks? That he is really this Baal? Could there be a mistake? Maybe a trick in the camera?” She knew she was pleading, looking for anything that would make it right.

  “I’m sorry. Tamara there is no question that man on TV was Baal. As far as the killings, we don’t know that yet, but it would explain a lot.” He placed a kiss on her forehead before he stood. “There are some dresses in the closet that should fit you and in the top two drawers there are some other things my daughter placed there for you.”

  She nodded. “Thank you. I think I’ll take a nice shower and change into some clothes. Gage, Lars it’s up to you on where you want to live. I’ll be taking enough away from you as it is.” Tamara slowly stood and made her way to the closet, but before she could enter Gage, wrapped his arms around her.

  “You haven’t taken anything away from us. Don’t you know by now that life would mean nothing if you weren’t in it. We could live anywhere, but we would be empty shells without you.” He turned her and looked down at her. “I feel the sadness and I’d do anything to take that away if I could, but I really think you’ll be happy here. We have over a hundred acres and they are all protected. There is even a small town on the property the pack opened up.”

  She reached up and cupped his chin. He hadn’t shaved so his stubble brushed against her hand. “It sounds perfect, but will the pack accept me? Let me grab a shower. I’ll feel better. Then maybe you two can show me around.”

  Not giving him any time to say anything, Tamara slipped into the bathroom off of their room and closed the door, leaning on it. Tears rolled her face as she made her way to the tub. There was no one, she couldn’t work and Tamara had no choice but to rely on others now.

  The blanket fell to the ground as Tamara adjusted the temperature of the water, before stripping off the shirt. She ripped off the bandage from her leg knowing it was almost healed already. The hot water pulsed down her body as she closed her eyes and just stood there.

  Her mom was gone, her father was some kind of prince of hell and she wasn’t even sure what she was. But there was one thing she hoped would never change, Gage’s and Lars' love.


  Lars slipped off the rest of his clothes and stepped into the shower. Tamara’s eyes opened, her smile not reaching her eyes. It would take a long time to ease her pain, but Gage and Lars were bound to make her life a good one. “Come here baby,” Lars stepped closer to her and opened his arms for her.

  She hugged him tight, her head resting on his chest, as her body shook from the sobs coming from her.

  “Let it out, Tamara, let all out.” Lars held her tight, rubbing her back and just holding her as she slowly pulled herself together.

  “I’m sorry,” she said as she looked up into his face. “How can you look at me or even still want me Lars? There is a good chance my father killed your grandmother.”

  “That’s easy. You’re not your father and I know for a fact you couldn’t hurt anyone. You are the gentlest person I know. It’s also one of the reasons Gage and I always make sure we’re close to you.” He tapped her nose. “You’d give your shirt to anyone if they needed it and there are too many out there that would take advantage of you.” He reached around her and grabbed the bottle of shampoo.

  “Turn around and I’ll wash your hair. Gage is talking with the betas of the pack now. Tonight after supper Gage’s brother is going to make the announcement to the pack. About two miles from here further up the bluff is the pack house. We thought it would be fun to take a sleigh horse ride up there.”

  Her muscles slowly started to relax as he washed her hair and body. He loved to bathe her. Her skin was like silk under his big hands. The contrast in color, her light skin compared to his dark complexion, mesmerized him. Soon he would have the family’s artist paint a portrait of her, maybe under the shower or lying on a black rug.

  “Where are you?” she asked as he stared down at her.

  “I was thinking about having our family’s artist paint a picture of you. I’d love to have one hanging above our bed when we settle.” He reached around her and turned off the water. “Come, let’s get you dressed and show you around the house. I know Ana would like to meet you and show you a few things before dinner.”

  She nodded, but he knew that expression on her face. “What are you thinking about now?” He dried her off before drying himself off.

  “Just going over the facts, what we know. If my father is who everyone says he is how do you stop him? Can even your bounty hunters do anything?” She asked going into the bedroom and seeing Gage there holding a dress.

  “You are not to worry about this. You’re not going to get involved anymore, Tamara. The further you are from him, the better,” Gage declared and put the dress over her head. “You will have plenty here to keep you busy now that you will be Alpha female here.” He pulled the green cotton dress down over her body.

  “I mean it, Tamara. I don’t want you even to call. We’re going to start a new life here. We’ll be your family.” He kneeled before her and pulled green panties out of his pocket. “Step in bab

  “Gage, I just can’t forget. These people killed Lars’ family and my mom. I haven’t even buried her yet. I should call the funeral home. Do you have the number where she is?” Gage looked over at Lars who was fully dressed now.

  “Sit down Tamara, we need to tell you something,” Lars said as Gage helped her up and pulled her over to the bed. “I had one of the team members go by the funeral home. Your mother isn’t there baby, she never was.”

  She sat there not saying anything, her hands gripped the blanket under her and her eyes closed. “Killing her wasn’t enough, but taking her away so I can’t say goodbye. Why did he even save me when your brother attacked me? He should have just killed me then. I just don’t understand it.”

  Lars was in front of her, holding her face. “I thank every day he did save you. Just the thought of you hurt or …I can’t say it.” He kneeled before her. “We’ll have a service here for your mother. Let us set it up for you. Now, no more tears. You know your mother wouldn’t want you crying.”

  Tamara snorted. “She’d say what a waste of body fluids, always a nurse. I’d just like something simple.” She looked over at Gage. “Could you make my mom one of your wooden statues? She loved the ones I showed her.”

  “I’ll start on it tomorrow and I know the most perfect place we can put it. I’ll show you tonight on the way to the pack house. I’m so sorry baby.” He leaned over and kissed her cheek. “Do you feel up to dinner with everyone tonight?”

  “I’m fine. It will do me good to be around others. Get my mind off of everything else.” She took his hand and they led her out of their room.

  At the bottom of the stairs, Gage’s brother and his wife waited for them. “We thought we’d show you our private wing, it will be yours when we leave,” Herick announced. “Tamara this is my wife, Ana.:

  Not waiting till her husband was even done with the introductions, Ana was engulfing Tamara in a big hug. “I’m so sorry about those old farts, but know you are home now,” she said and pulled Tamara down the hall talking a mile a minute.


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