Realms of Fantasy

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Realms of Fantasy Page 3

by Mychael Black

  Back at home, Lev felt the whispers reaching for him, trying to pull him to the demon. No good would come of him answering the summons.

  For several nights after that, Lev stayed as far away as he could from Alael. Returning to the realm of his Order’s training grounds, Lev kept himself busy with the tasks of preparing the new ones for their duties. Yet his mind wasn’t truly focused on the work. Twice now Alael had gone out of his way to help. It made absolutely no sense except for some warped ulterior motive understood only by the demon himself.

  What had been between them must be forgotten. Although relations between angels and demons weren’t unknown, it would cause more problems than Lev wanted to handle. His duty was and had always been the welfare of humanity in the first world of the universe. Alael had already proven his own ability to create disorder in the world Lev had to protect.

  Finally, on the fourth night, Lev returned to his apartment and crawled wearily into his bed. Normally he didn’t need to sleep, but he had the ability to use sleep to re-energize. After having spent the last three days training and nights hunting, he really did need a break. He stretched out naked beneath the sheet. The night was warm, and he’d left the balcony door open for any breeze to circulate through the room. His stream of consciousness slowly faded, pulling him into sleep.

  Chapter Three

  Alael swore to himself that he wouldn’t go, that he could stay away from the angel. Trouble was, that was a lie, and he knew it. He felt it crystal clear every time Lev called out into the ether for him. It was as if a part of him was screaming, tugging him back. This wasn’t supposed to happen. But…before he really knew what he was doing, Alael found himself perched on Lev’s balcony, leaning against the doorframe as he watched the angel sleep.

  Even in his sleep, part of Lev’s essence cried out for its twin. Alael knew Lev simply didn’t realize what he was doing, that awake the angel had been too busy trying to deny everything. Alael saw his closer presence made Lev’s body shift restlessly on the bed. A low sound came from Lev’s throat, though he didn’t quite awaken. Alael felt the part of the angel needing the connection with him grow quiet as it began to feed on him. Lev seemed completely and utterly defenseless in sleep, and to a degree he was.

  Unable to resist, Alael made his way to the bed, stripping as he went. He shuddered when he felt the pull—an intense tug on his very psyche that made it nearly impossible to be away from the angel before him. As he crawled onto the bed, he pulled the sheet off of Lev, taking care not to wake him. He knelt between Lev’s legs, parting them slowly as he leaned forward. With only a small touch of thought, he summoned the shadows, smiling as the smoky, dark tendrils wound around the sleeping angel’s wrists and ankles. With Lev bound to the bed, Alael rose on his knees to gaze down at the feast spread before him.

  The demon’s presence seemed to keep the angel in a state of calm until slowly something impinged on Lev as the shadows pulled at his arms and legs. His eyes opened then blinked sleepily as he tried to fully awaken.

  “Shh,” Alael purred, sliding his lips over Lev’s chest. Closing his mouth over one of Lev’s nipples, he rolled it in his teeth, tugging gently. He slid his hand down Lev’s body to cup his balls, letting the heat of his blood seep into Lev’s skin.

  Lev’s eyes widened at the sight of Alael kneeling above him. Frantically, he tugged at the restraints even as he felt the heat course over him and through him. Lev couldn’t stifle the groan of need, though he tried to free himself from the situation. “Alael, stop, now.”

  “And if I refuse?” Alael lifted his head. Red eyes bright with pure need stared down at Lev. He rolled Lev’s balls in his palm, sliding a finger lower to massage the soft skin just behind them.

  Unable to stop the buck of his hips toward Alael’s touch, Lev tried to reason with the demon, despite the smoldering fire awakening in his body. “You can’t. We can’t.”

  “But we are.” Alael pushed his tongue into Lev’s mouth, silencing any further protests. He circled the angel’s hole, pressing the tip of his finger in just enough to torment and tease. “I want you. I fucking need you.”

  Giving in to Alael proved far too easy. He rocked his hips, trying to drive the demon’s finger deeper into him. He felt the beginning flicker of the raging inferno to come, and everything in him craved it. He bit at Alael’s tongue as the demon’s words sank into his mind.

  Growling into the kiss, Alael pushed Lev’s legs apart and ground down on him, driving their cocks together. Too many clothes. Alael was still wearing entirely too many clothes. He pulled away and stood, undressing as quickly as possible.

  “You have a choice,” he said as he stroked his cock. “Either give me something slick, or make do with my tongue up your ass to ease the way.”

  Lev really didn’t care how Alael took him. The shadows restrained his ankles, keeping him fully exposed to the demon. As his gaze dropped to Alael’s hand, a soft whimper escaped Lev. “I need you. Please.” Lev knew he was begging, but it didn’t matter. He wanted the raging heat to consume him until he knew nothing but Alael.

  With a nod from Alael, the shadows binding Lev disappeared. Alael crawled back onto the bed and slid down Lev’s body, tracing a line from the angel’s navel to his cock with his tongue. A trail of blazing heat followed in his wake and spread over Lev’s torso, enveloping the smooth skin in fire.

  Once freed, Lev’s hands sought the warmth of firm flesh, running over Alael’s shoulders before tangling in his hair.

  “So sweet,” Alael purred as he lapped at Lev’s cock, drinking down the clear drops that seeped from the tip.

  Gasping, Lev arched his hips, trying to thrust into Alael’s mouth as the slow burn sank deeper into him. Biting at his lower lip, Lev tried to stop the sounds struggling to escape him. As he stared down at the dark head bent over him, Lev drank in the sight and feeling as it took him over.

  Alael slid his mouth down Lev’s cock and exhaled, surrounding the hard flesh in pulsing heat. He began sucking, sliding his lips up and down the shaft, teeth grazing the sensitive skin. Slipping his hands under Lev’s thighs, he pushed the angel’s legs up to his chest, spreading him wide open.

  Without thought, Lev grabbed his legs and held them against his chest, letting Alael position him any way he liked. Lev wanted and needed everything from the demon. A low groan tore from his throat as his body twisted. Living fire began to swallow him, and he released his legs to claw at the sheets beneath.

  “Mine.” Alael whispered the word over Lev’s cock as he let it slip from his mouth. Tilting up Lev’s body, he sank down to lick around the angel’s hole, sucking on the puckered skin.

  Shaking his head as if in denial, Lev gasped as Alael’s tongue probed him. He wrapped his hands around the backs of his legs once more and pulled his hips up to give the demon full access. Sensation after heated sensation raced through him, drawing Lev deeper into the beckoning heat that threatened to take him over. Lev craved it now, and a low, demanding growl broke free of his throat.

  As the thickness of Alael’s tongue entered him, Lev cried out. The demon was indeed taking him over, and the angel let him. He wanted to know the pain and pleasure of Alael, to feel it all for himself. “Deeper. Harder.”

  Alael plunged his tongue deep inside Lev’s body, groaning as the musky scent and taste of the angel hit him full-force. He fucked Lev with it, thrusting his tongue in and out, sucking on the ring of muscle. His own cock was as hard as a diamond, as painful as it was demanding.

  If the angel wanted it then Alael wasn’t one to refuse such a request. Tongue buried in Lev’s ass, Alael willed it to lengthen and grow. He felt it sliding deeper, its width expanding to stretch the angel open. Reaching up, he wrapped a hand around Lev’s cock and started pumping his fist up and down the shaft.

  As the tongue filled him, Lev impaled himself harder. With each exquisite rub over his prostate, Lev shuddered as he fucked both the demon’s tongue and hand.

  Outside, the rumble of
thunder signaled a coming storm. A sharp crack of thunder joined Lev’s cries when it all became too much. As he screamed the demon’s name, the spasms of his own release crashed over him. The sharper, more persistent sensations kept his body shaking with the dual orgasm.

  Alael eased out his tongue, willing it back to its original size and length before sliding up to lick Lev clean. The sharp, bittersweet salt of Lev’s seed burst on Alael’s tongue, dragging a low, hungry growl from deep within his chest. In one swift motion, he thrust his cock deep inside the angel and crushed his mouth to Lev’s, feeding the last of the angel’s come back to him. Hips slamming against Lev’s ass, Alael fucked him hard and fast, setting a brutal rhythm.

  Barely given time to recover, Lev wrapped his legs tightly around Alael’s waist. The higher position allowed for a deeper penetration, and the pain only excited Lev all the more. Hungrily, he tasted himself on the demon and returned the kiss as his hands ran over Alael’s back, nails clawing into his flesh. The demon would drive him insane with need and lust. Part of Lev knew that, but he couldn’t help it. The ruthless pounding of the demon’s body into his kept him captive.

  “Mine!” Alael broke the kiss abruptly. “Say it!” The savage, unrelenting way he thrust into Lev made it crystal clear that he expected an answer.

  There was still a part of Lev refusing to submit. Lev shook his head wildly back and forth against the pillow, trying not to let the intensity completely swallow him. The line of his body strained to the bruising jar of Alael’s hips as his hands curled around the demon’s forearms. Tremors began and quickly spread, tensing his entire body. A pained half-groan, half-growl came from him.

  Alael grabbed Lev’s arms and pinned them above his head. “Don’t…fucking…resist…me!”

  A raging heat poured through Lev, driving the words even deeper into him. It didn’t stop at the surface; it entangled within him. He knew what the demon wanted, but Lev didn’t want to give it. His whole body arched toward Alael as shuddering overtook him. Lev cried out. Tears fell freely down his cheeks as a hard, fast orgasm pulsed through him and rendered him incapable of thought and voice.

  Letting out a roar that vibrated the walls, Alael came, filling Lev’s body with liquid fire meant to sear him from the inside out. And then he was gone.

  The agonizing, internal pain left Lev screaming as he clutched at empty air.

  A month. An entire fucking month.

  Alael had taken to growling at anyone and everyone whenever he was out. He no longer gave a damn about fucking with mortals. Let them all die and rot—that was his personal opinion on the matter. The fucking pain was sharp and intense, flaring whenever he even so much as thought about Lev. And to make matters worse, one of the fucking angel’s former students—Simael—had taken a particular interest in him.

  As he sat on the edge of a roof staring down at the people milling about outside one of the many nightclubs on this street, Alael realized he was yet again being watched. Or hunted, as it were. Little puny fuck of an angel was persistent, if anything.

  Growling, Alael took off again, determined to get away before he flat out killed the little feathered prick.

  When Alael suddenly appeared in his own bedroom, waves of fury emanated from him. Lev stood waiting.

  “What the fuck are you doing here?” Alael growled and paced, eyes blazing red, unforgiving. Every time he looked at Lev, all Alael felt was a volatile mix of need, rage and confusion.

  The agitated outstretch of the angel's wings stirred a breeze in the room. “I’m here to talk,” Lev said. “About Simael.”

  In two long strides Alael crowded Lev against the wall, so close he tasted the fear in the angel. It only served to anger him further. “He’s your fucking student,” Alael snarled. “Call him off. Or so fucking help me, I’ll rip those pretty wings off his back and shove ’em down his throat.”

  Lev’s hands flew to Alael’s shoulders, his fingers gripping the demon’s shirt, holding him as he felt the bruising press of Alael’s body. Yet Lev stood his ground.

  “Simael can’t hurt you, Alael. We both know that. He’s been ordered to back off already.” It was paramount to get Alael to understand before the situation got any worse.

  “For his sake, I hope so.” Alael crushed his mouth to Lev’s, forcing his tongue inside as he rocked against Lev’s body. Planting a hand on the wall on either side of Lev’s head, Alael was a wall of solid muscle, completely unmovable.

  This wasn’t what he’d come here for, or so Lev tried to tell himself. Then why was he melting against the demon with one kiss? His fingers flexed in Alael’s shirt before he made the attempt to shove him away. Turning his head, he broke off the kiss, attempting to regain a semblance of sanity. “Not this time, Alael.”

  “You would deny me again?” As Alael stepped back, the building itself seemed to groan around them. “You would deny the truth?”

  Lev had to force himself not to step toward Alael. There was no truth when it came to them. Pain flared and Lev closed his eyes to hide himself. Shaking his head was the only thing he could do.

  “You’re not here just to talk about your star pupil, are you?”

  “That is why I came here.”

  A knowing smile crept across Alael’s lips and he moved closer once more. “Is it now?” He stroked the back of his fingers down Lev’s cheek. Where there had been rage before, there was now only tenderness. “Then tell me you don’t want me. If it’s all you came here for then walk away.”

  Lev opened his mouth, determined to do just that, but found himself tipping his head, rubbing his cheek against Alael’s fingers. Being prey to the demon’s mood swings was frustrating to say the least. Lev could barely keep up with him. Still Lev found he wanted the demon’s touch too much. He groaned low in his throat as he closed his eyes again. His body already felt like it was on fire, and Alael really hadn’t done anything yet.

  “I need you, Lev,” Alael whispered across Lev’s lips. “Being without you hurts too much.” Sliding his fingers through Lev’s hair, he moved his mouth slowly over Lev’s cheek to his ear. “I am a part of you. And you are a part of me.”

  Lev knew Alael spoke the truth. He would have known a lie. Something was different, though, and Lev sensed it. There was nothing of Alael’s normal, more forceful manner. Opening his eyes, Lev studied Alael, seeking the fuller truth. He cupped Alael's cheek with his palm. What he saw inside Alael was his undoing.

  “Everything hurts without you.”

  “I don’t know what’s going on. I don’t know anything other than hunger, anger, pain and sex,” Alael said. Resting his forehead against Lev’s, he closed his eyes slowly. “What I do know is that I can’t go on without you.”

  Lev pressed his lips pressed tenderly to Alael’s, and he brushed his thumbs over Alael’s eyelids. “I am your heart, Alael.”

  For the first time, Lev did understand, and with that understanding came his faith as well.

  “I’m sorry,” Alael murmured. “I tried to run from it before, but I can’t anymore, Lev.”

  “I didn’t know. I didn’t look deep enough.” Lev drew Alael’s head to his throat. “There’s no more running for either of us. Not anymore.”

  “Please,” Alael whispered, sliding his mouth over Lev’s neck. “I need to feel you…everywhere.”

  With a gentle push, Lev nudged Alael toward the demon's bed. “You were right. I belong to you. I was made for you, from you. Just as you were made for me, from me.”

  When he hit the pallet, Alael laid down, pulling Lev down with him. Shifting beneath the angel, he spread his legs, letting Lev settle between them. He licked a path from Lev’s neck to his ear then down to his mouth. The words sat on the tip of his tongue, but every time he tried to tell Lev what he’d finally come to realize, the words wouldn’t come. A soft whimper—sounding foreign even to his own ears—escaped Alael, and he rocked his body against Lev’s.

  “Shh. I already know, Alael. Our souls are one.”

nbsp; The words came from his heart and echoed within his soul as it joined with its twin. Lev began to undress Alael before shrugging out of his own clothing. Quickly, he returned to the demon, his body stretching over Alael's, pressing the demon down onto the pallet.

  To Alael, it felt as if something that was broken was finally made whole. For the first time in his existence, he felt something positive—something so strong that it left him breathless and shaking. Clinging to Lev, Alael finally understood.

  “Our souls are one.” He chanted it over and over, breathing it into Lev’s ear.

  Lev was the healing force to Alael’s darkness. Sometime he might explain the meaning of his name to the demon, if Alael didn’t know it already. The press of Lev’s lips silenced them both as Lev captured the demon’s mouth in a breath-stealing kiss.

  Wrapping his legs around Lev’s waist, Alael surged upward, sliding their bodies together. He cupped Lev’s head and deepened the kiss, filling the angel’s mouth with soft sounds of need and want and love.

  The angel’s wings flattened to surround them both, shielding them from the outside world. Alael was truly his, and Lev's heart soared in the knowledge. He could feel everything within the demon, and it resonated to his core. Ending the kiss, he wet his hand and ran it slowly over his own cock. A small shift of his hips positioned his body, and a slow forward thrust drove him inside the demon. His eyes darkened, taking on a heated intensity as he whispered, “You are my soul. Forever mine.”

  “Yes.” Eyes rolling back and closing, Alael opened himself completely, drowning in the light of Lev’s soul—their soul. Every stroke Lev made caused the light to pulse and grow, spreading through Alael, coiling around the fires within him.

  In that, Lev understood he belonged to Alael as well. There couldn’t be one without the other. It played serious havoc with the balance. Their bond had already formed and consumed them both, just as it was doing now. The expression of his love came from his body, heart, mind and their soul. Slowly he drew Alael upward with each grinding rock and thrust that joined them as one body. “I am your soul. Forever yours, Alael.”


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