Samantha's Talent

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Samantha's Talent Page 15

by Darrell Bain

  "I'd have to think about that."

  "Please do. I might also mention that my boss believes her talent may have implications even beyond those I've mentioned."

  "Such as?"

  Jane smiled wryly. "I couldn't tell you if I knew, which I don't. As my boss said to me, it's beyond my pay grade. I trust him, though. He sent me to tell you that our agency is thinking of nothing but Samantha's safety and peace of mind and of ways she could help the country as she chooses to. Other agencies of our government aren't nearly so benevolent. I would appreciate it if you would contact me if you suspect anyone of that nature is nosing around, and the same goes for anyone from foreign powers as well. Be suspicious of everyone. Be suspicious of me Mr. Orleans. Any time you believe I'm not thinking of her welfare, please let me know. Will you?"

  "Yes, I suppose I could do that much. Have you spoken to her parents yet?"

  "No, but I will soon. Or perhaps someone else may. We would much prefer for her to continue to develop normally, just as young girls do, or to develop as normally as is possible for someone with her talent and her intelligence. It may be that a loving home environment such as I think she's experienced so far is exactly what she needs to enhance her talent. Anything you can do to help her, we would sincerely appreciate."

  "And you're ready to help if I call on you, I take it?"

  "Yes, of course."

  "Very well, then. The first thing you can do is intervene if the CPS in the form of Ms. Jesha Meriweather attempts to remove Samantha from her home."

  "Don't worry about that, sir. In fact--" she reached into her handbag and removed a small folder. "Take this. You may open the envelope inside if you wish, but it is to be shown to the judge if a case involving Samantha ever gets as far as a courtroom. You'll also find a check made out to you inside. That is to reimburse you for your services. We know you've been hard-pressed to devote as much time to her as you have already. That should help."

  Steve took the folder and put it in a desk drawer. He wondered whether or not he was doing the right thing by working with this woman, if he decided to. He had to admit she had brought questions to mind he'd never thought of, but he could see where someone like the lady sitting across from him naturally would. And that other, perhaps much more threatening agencies or powers probably would also. What a damn stupid world it is where someone as sweet and thoughtful and caring as Samantha Douglas might become a pawn being played on an international chess board, he thought sadly.

  Chapter Fourteen

  "There he is now!" Betty said excitedly.

  Samantha turned to look and sure enough, Shelton Brady was just being let inside their home by her mother. She had thought miserably that he wasn't going to be present for her birthday party since almost everyone else in the class had arrived, but there he was! She hurried toward him then slowed as she felt her face burning. She had never spoken to him other than to shyly murmur hello when passing him in the hall at school. Nevertheless she managed to get the words out. "Hi Shelton. Thanks for coming."

  "I wouldn't have missed it for anything," he said, and then she noticed that he appeared to be studying her intently. She hoped it was because he was interested in her but it was impossible to tell.

  "Well, I'm still glad you came." She felt a cold touch on her hand and knew what it was without looking down. Shufus had poked his nose into her hand. He had gone to the door as each member of her class arrived.

  "Shelton, this is my dog, Shufus. He's real smart."

  As if to prove the point, the dog sat up on his haunches and offered a paw to the boy. Shelton took it hesitantly but then his hand and the dog's paw parted almost instantly. Shufus had his full growth but had yet to fill out completely. When he did, he had the promise of becoming a very big German Shepherd, even larger than he already was. Samantha didn't notice that it was Shufus who had broken contact rather than Shelton.

  "Does he bite?" the boy asked warily.

  "Not unless someone threatens me. So far no one has while he's around."

  "I can see why!"

  Samantha chuckled. "Uh huh. Come on in and get some punch and have some munchies while we wait for the pizza to arrive."

  "Thanks. Uh, this is for you." He offered a small wrapped package to her.

  "Oh, thank you! I'll put it with the others and open them all after we cut the cake."

  Now that her favored guest had arrived Samantha's attitude brightened considerably. She didn't think she was purposely trying to stay close to Shelton but she found that they were managing to be near each other more often than not during the afternoon. Ronald didn't notice this, but his wife certainly did. Her thoughts were tinged with nostalgia as she thought of her own youth and how easily young teens could be attracted to the opposite sex and also how easily they could have their feelings hurt. Samantha's first approach to a boy had ended badly but perhaps this one wouldn't. It appeared to be off to a good start anyway.

  There was punch, cold drinks, mixed nuts, chips and dip, sandwiches and other munching food displayed as a buffet, with the pizza yet to come, in a rather hopeless attempt to fill the continuous appetites of teenagers. The ones in Samantha's class were aged twelve to fourteen. The Brady boy was fourteen, she thought. At least he looked to be that old. As the afternoon passed some of the teens danced to loud music that almost drove the adults to other parts of the house. When she thought she could stand the booming, rhythmic sounds of the instruments and screaming (as she thought of it) from the accompanying artists any longer, Elaine announced that it was time to cut the cake and open presents.

  The cake was enormous, of a size she hoped would be enough to top off all the other goodies that had been consumed. She lit the candles, thirteen of them with "one to grow on" then stood back.

  "Blow them out, Sammie! Blow them out!" The chorus of commands brought her to the side of the cake. She took an enormous breath then blew as hard as she could.

  "Yay! She got them all! What did you wish for Sammie?" Her friend Betty yelled.

  Samantha blushed. She wasn't about to tell anyone what she had wished for but she hoped it would happen.

  It did, once the presents had been opened. Samantha saved Shelton's for last. It was so small she was curious over what it could be. Slowly, she untied the ribbon and carefully pulled the paper off. Inside was a small white box with a cover. She lifted it off and saw the glint of gold, or more likely gold plate but she really didn't care which. It was a thin bracelet with places where charms could be attached. As yet it had only one, a small plain gold heart.

  She looked up and toward Shelton. "It's beautiful, Shelton. Thank you."

  "What is it?" Betty wanted to know. She was sitting next to Samantha and leaned forward to peek. "It's a charm bracelet with a heart on it!" she proclaimed to the group, who whistled and cheered, causing both Samantha and Shelton to blush.

  She got her nerve up and held out her wrist to the boy. "Would you put it on for me, please?"

  "Okay." He fumbled with the clasp and finally got it fastened.

  "Now you have to kiss her!" someone yelled. That voice was joined by most of the others except for a few girls who had cherished hopes of becoming his main interest.

  Dutifully, Shelton leaned forward and gave her a quick kiss. If it was lacking in ardor it certainly didn't bother Samantha, since receiving a kiss from Shelton sometime during the party had been her wish when she blew out the candles. She grinned and thanked him again for her gift.

  The rest of the day was anticlimactic for Samantha. After her last guests had been picked up by parents or friends she began helping her mother and father clean up. "Thank you both for having the party for me," she said. "It was so nice of you and everyone had a good time."

  "Well, I'm glad," her mother responded, then couldn't help tease her a bit. "That's a pretty bracelet that good-looking young man gave you. I think he must like you."

  "I guess he does, or at least I hope so."


  The next
several weeks went well for Samantha. She and Betty continued to eat lunch together but now they were joined by Shelton and Betty's new boyfriend, Delton Shakeston, a dark haired boy not much taller than her. There was even some more kissing after lunch and at the movies when Shelton asked her to go with him.

  Dr. Summers called her again and asked for her assistance. This time it was for an aged gorilla that had become moody and wasn't eating well. Samantha stood outside his cage and tried to talk to him but for once she was unable to help. The old fellow would talk to her but a moment later ask her who she was and what she wanted all over again. Finally Samantha had to give up.

  "I'm sorry, Dr. Summers. I think he's just old and senile. I can talk to him but he doesn't remember anything a few minutes later. I think he's just forgetting what food is for and that's why he isn't eating."

  "I suspected as much myself but I wanted to make sure."

  "What will you do with him?"

  "There's really not much to do, Sammie. We'll try feeding him more regularly and see if that helps but most likely we'll just have to euthanize him soon. I hate it, but it's better than letting him starve to death or simply sit and stare into space because he doesn't know what's happening any longer."

  Samantha looked sadly at the old grizzled gorilla. Just from seeing his dazed expression and vacant eyes she knew Dr. Summers would be doing him a kindness. A couple of times in Alaska she had seen old animals but in the wild there was no lingering death. The old ones were eventually pulled down and eaten by animals that preyed upon them. It was just the way it was and the animals accepted it, just as she had learned to. It was only humans who took care of the elderly and incurably ill of their species.

  As Dr. Summers was escorting Samantha and her father back to their car she exchanged glances with Ronald. He knew what she was thinking. It couldn't be much longer before Ms. Meriweather made her move. He hated that it was coming. Samantha seemed so happy now, with friends she liked and who liked her, and with occasional jobs at the zoo where she could most of the time help an ill animal. She had her young boyfriend who was commendably polite and well-mannered. He was still hoping everything would work out in their favor but there was no way to be sure. In fact, he was worried. The best outcome would be no CPS hearing at all. Next to that would be drawing Judge Simonson, the one judge of the two who heard CPS cases and who would be favorably inclined toward them to begin with. The selection was random though, and that meant no better than an even chance of getting him if there was a hearing. Also, he was certain that whatever evidence Meriweather dug up would be distorted. And even if whatever she found wasn't slanted against them, Meriweather's investigator might turn up more facts against Samantha's parents than there was favorable evidence to offset it. That would depend upon subjective determinations, of course and there was no way of predicting how they would be taken.

  He and Elaine had been trying very hard not to let their daughter know what was probably in the offing, and so far he thought they had succeeded. They had, but lately Samantha had begun noticing the number of private conversations they were having and they had been unable to completely conceal their worry from her.

  Samantha didn't know exactly what was going on but she was beginning to suspect that whatever it turned out to be, it probably wasn't going to be good. She was just glad she had Shufus almost always nearby to show his affection and to talk to. There was also Shelton. She liked him a lot and she liked it when he put his arm around her at the movies or stole a kiss at school when she wasn't expecting it. That always made her laugh afterward and tell him he was being bad but she didn't mean it. The only flaw she had found with him so far was that Shufus wasn't very friendly toward him. When she asked him why, the big German Shepherd simply looked sad. Sometimes if he was lying down when she asked, he covered his eyes with his paws so he could pretend he hadn't been paying attention or couldn't see her. That made her laugh but Shufus never returned it in the manner that dogs displayed humor. His actions bothered her but she thought he would come around eventually and decide that Shelton was as nice as she thought he was.

  Chapter Fifteen

  "You're wearing your hair differently this morning, Sammie," Mrs. Douglas remarked at the breakfast table Monday morning.

  She grinned. "Uh huh. Betty showed me how to braid it like this and I decided to try it for a few days. How does it look?" Her grin disappeared and an anxious expression replaced it.

  "It's very pretty, Sammie," her father answered the question. "Of course you're a very pretty girl so just about any hair style would look good on you."

  "What do you think, Mom?

  She knew her daughter must really be asking how she thought Shelton would like the new style. She really thought Samantha looked better with her naturally wavy auburn hair falling and curling around her shoulders or tresses of it escaping to the front and drawing attention to her small but rapidly developing breasts. However, she had obviously taken some time to get the two braids arranged with bright hair ribbons holding them together and she wasn't going to disappoint her this late in the morning.

  "It's just like your father says, honey. You're pretty enough that just about any style would look good on you. I'm sure you'll be noticed by all the boys and envied by all the girls."

  She grinned and stuck her tongue out but was obviously pleased by the compliments from both parents. She glanced at her phone and hurriedly finished the last of the toast and eggs on her plate when she saw how late it was. "I've got to get my purse and gym bag. I'll be right back down and ready to go in another five minutes."

  True to her word, five minutes later she was back downstairs with her gym gear and purse. Since her school books were all compiled in her text tablet and her phone was in a handy specially designed side pocket of her jeans she was ready. Her parents smiled at her, both of them thinking of how much had changed since they were her age. Back then they would have been burdened with backpacks bulging with school books and writing and drafting materials. The kids their age might have possessed a phone or might not have and even if they did, the phones would have had limited functions compared to the ones today. They were not nearly so universal or necessary--or versatile--then as they were now.

  Samantha smiled back, not knowing what they were thinking but glad she had parents who loved her and tried to do their best to see that she got a good education but also had a good time, within limits, while in school and with her friends and classmates. She knew a few unfortunate kids who were allowed to carry phones that were good for nothing but talking and used mostly in case of emergencies. There were also a couple whose parents were so poor they had no phone at all. Samantha sympathized with them and allowed them to use her phone on occasion but only under her supervision. She wasn't about to let anyone use it for anything but normal texting or sharing something from the internet.

  She was dropped off by her father a few minutes before her first class. Since she was carrying her gym bag with the newly washed garments, she decided to run to her locker quickly and get the burdensome thing out of the way while she had time. Her locker was one of the last before the hallway broke into a T intersection. She punched in the password while half-listening to conversations being carried on around the bend from her. Suddenly she realized all the voices were from boys and that one of them belonged to Shelton. Her expression brightened immediately.

  She was stuffing the gym bag into her locker any old way, anxious to get it secured and her locker closed so she could step around the corner and surprise Shelton. Maybe she could grab a quick kiss when the group of boys he was with broke up and before she had to get to her first class. Abruptly, she stopped what she was doing when she heard her name mentioned. She stood very still as she also realized it was Shelton speaking, and in a manner and attitude she had never heard from him before.

  "Sammie? Hell yes, I'm gonna get some of that stuff, just you wait and see. I ever get her alone in the right place, I bet she'll shuck her panties right quick."
r />   "You'd better be careful. That dog she travels with so much would have you for lunch if you ever hurt her."

  "Fuck that damn dog. I hate it. If I get a chance I'll feed it something that'll make it too sick to interfere if I'm ever alone in her house with her."

  "Yeah? I was at her birthday party and tried to give him a sausage wrap. He wouldn't take it. You ever hear of a dog that wouldn't grab something like that in a New York Second? Hell, most dogs would probably take a couple of fingers with it."

  The gang laughed then Shelton responded. "I don't care. It's seen me enough it would take it if I brought it with me, and told her I liked her dog so much I brought it a treat."

  "Well, if that doesn't work you could always do what you did to that stray cat."

  "What stray cat?" one of the boys asked.

  "You didn't hear? Shelton found a stray cat at the park and fed it some bread from his sandwich, then poured some vodka on its tail and set it on fire."

  "Oh, yeah!" Shelton brayed. "That was hilarious. You should have seen that fucking cat run! It looked like a damn jet plane with its tail on fire!"

  Samantha was horrified. She could hardly believe what she was hearing. And Shelton was laughing at the cruelty he'd propagated. Even worse, he had threatened to feed Shufus doctored food in order to make him sick and was going on about how he'd... She listened for a few more moments but the talk only grew worse. She burst into tears and ran down the hall, away from the cruel hilarity and the sexual braggadocio of the boy she had liked so much. I should have paid attention to Shufus, she thought as the tears continued to run down her cheeks. He never did like Shelton.

  She found a girls restroom and an empty stall where she sat and cried with soft, heart-rending sobs. Finally she stood up and exited the stall. She examined her face in the mirror. She made a few half-hearted attempts to fix her face before giving up. When she left the privacy of the restroom she headed directly toward the office of the school nurse instead of class. There she complained of being too sick with menstrual cramps to remain at school, although in truth she'd never had much trouble with her periods. Instead of accepting the offer of a place to lie down until the sickness passed she insisted that her mother come to the school and take her home. A half hour later she was in the car with her mother. Almost immediately, she burst into tears again.


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