Soul Mates Kiss

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Soul Mates Kiss Page 6

by Sandra Ross

  Erick couldn’t seem to find anything else to say due to being stunned into silence. Just at that moment, another of those pains sliced through the middle of his stomach. He grimaced as he clutched his body to help ease the pain. The man in the chair noticed this.

  “That pain you are currently experiencing is called hunger. Humans deal with this several times a day, every day if they don’t eat food on a regular basis. There’s also some information on the best types of food that you need to eat in order to remain healthy in one of your bags. You will most likely want to eat something as soon as possible. Once you do, that pain will subside. Be sure to drink plenty of water. Humans also enjoy such liquids as juices made from fruits and vegetables, teas, coffee, soda, and other creations. These are things that you will need but your new body will let you know as you go along.”

  “I cannot believe this,” Erick whispered. “How can you simply leave me here like this?”

  “As I said, Erick, you have much to learn about compassion for those less fortunate than you. Your appalling opinion regarding the humans must change and the only way to do that is to live among them as one yourself. I could, of course, simply use this as a warning to you, but I already know that would not accomplish what is needed. You must completely understand how difficult it is to live as a human so that you may fully comprehend just how special and strong these creatures are. Now, I am not saying that they are perfect, not by any means. I am not even saying that all of them are good. Sadly, that is not the case, but there are many ways for them to change and find their way from the darkness into the light. I do not expect you to ever attain the level of love and caring that I have for my humans, but I do expect you to learn how to care about them to the extent that an angel would.”

  “I still do not understand,” Erick said dejectedly.

  That wasn’t exactly true, though. He actually was starting to understand the seriousness of his situation and just how much trouble he was in. His Father was really going to leave him here in this terrible place, in this imperfect body. He was going to have to live in a house and mingle with the humans here on Earth. Another hunger pain attacked him and he realized that he was now going to have to put food into this body. Right on the heels of that thought, another realization hit him. Oh no! The food I eat is going to be required to find a way out of my body. Now he truly was sorry for every time he had argued with his Father over the humans.

  Finally, the soft spoken man rose from the chair in which he had been sitting and approached Erick. Putting his hand on Erick’s shoulder, he looked down at him with an expression of intense love tinged with sadness.

  “I know that you feel very sad and frightened right now, my son. Please remember that I do love you and it is because I love you that I am doing this. Once you have sincerely adjusted your attitude and opinion regarding humans, we can revisit this situation and, most likely, bring you back into the fold. However, for now, this is how it must be. I will never be far away and anytime you need Me, you can simply pray to Me and I will hear you. At some point in the future, when you are more settled in as a human, I will contact you and let you know what your special calling will be.”

  “My what?” Erick said as he looked up at his Father.

  “Your special calling. I will explain it all when the time comes. For now, adjust to living in your new body and to what it requires. Pay attention to your instincts and you will adjust much more quickly. I must leave you now, my son. Be sure to get something to eat and then rest. You may want to use that device there. It is called a telephone. You use it by looking up the places you wish to contact in that large book there. There is a list of restaurants there in the yellow section. Choose whatever food you want and have it delivered here to you. The address of your location is right here on this stationary. Your room number is 333. Don’t worry. You will figure it out. I have faith in you.”

  “Wait,” Erick cried out as he grabbed his Father’s hand. “I have so many questions and no answers! Please don’t leave me here yet.”

  “I am sorry, Erick, but I have stayed away far too long as it is. You have been given the tools to learn what you need to know. Use them and, in no time, you will feel at home with the humans just as if you were born as one. I love you, Erick.”

  Then, he was gone.

  Chapter Four

  Erick closed his eyes and allowed the full horror of his situation wash over him. Why, oh why had he been so arrogant when it came to the humans? He knew they were his Father’s pets and yet, he couldn’t seem to leave them alone. If he truly thought about it, he would admit to being jealous of how much his Father cared for these creatures. The jealousy came from knowing he was, indeed, superior to these weaklings and that his Father simply refused to acknowledge that fact. In thinking back, the beginning of the end for him probably came when, during their last debate over this subject, he had called his Father an idiot.

  Just then, a loud noise erupted from outside, startling Erick. He jumped violently, opening his eyes at the same time. What was going on out there anyway? Probably some stupid human activity. They were such loud, obnoxious creatures, after all. How was he ever going to get through this? He thought about simply lying back down and trying to sleep but the gnawing pain in his stomach was getting worse rather than going away. That had to be dealt with before he could even think of doing anything else.

  Reaching for the book of numbers that his Father had pointed out, he flipped through the pages. It seemed that he had been granted the ability to read as part of his humanity. Hopefully, he would soon learn how to navigate this contraption that Father had called a telephone.


  Several weeks later, Erick stood outside on the lawn of the enormous castle-like structure he had just decided to purchase as his home. His Father had not lied to him about leaving him with enough money to do as he needed. This 19th century castle had caught his attention while he was out practicing his driving in the countryside. He had wasted no time in contacting Velma Stockton, the real estate agent who handled the listing. Once he had met with Velma, she had all but curtsied before him when he told her the house he wanted to see. She had become a preening, quivering mass of submission when he asked her who he needed to make out the check to in order to purchase this home. It got even more interesting when he told her that he would be paying cash. He was actually a bit worried that she may faint from shock.

  Now, though, Erick had written his check, signed the necessary documents, and was handed the keys to this amazing place. Something about it reminded him of Heaven. He wasn’t sure what it was, but this was the first place that he had felt completely comfortable in since he had become Earth Bound. Yes, he thought as he nodded. This will do nicely.

  Chapter Five

  In no time, he had made negotiations on what furniture in the home that he would be keeping and what he would be selling. Next, he contacted an interior decorator who had come highly recommended to him. However, after speaking with this very snooty woman, he decided to look elsewhere for his decorator and he found one much more to his liking. A young man who was just getting his decorating business started seemed to have all the time in the world for Erick and actually listened to what sort of environment he preferred. After spending scarcely half an hour speaking to the young man, Erick hired him to redecorate his entire mansion. Leon’s face lit up with absolute excitement when Erick informed that cost was no object.

  The first part of the house that was completed was the master bedroom suite. In this way, Erick could move into the house quickly while ongoing work was being completed. It turned out that things weren’t as noisy as he would have thought. He barely noticed the activity was going on in other parts of the house.

  He was quite happy with the progress of things but there was one thing that he had decided he must have and he spoke to Leon about this. As it turned out, Leon knew just who to contact to insure that Erick got the one thing that he felt
his house was missing. It would be a way for him to be able to reconnect with his Heavenly home even though he was currently cast out of it. He would have a special place built onto the upper part of the house that would make him feel as if he was still a part of Heaven.

  By the time everything had been completed and the house was finally his, Erick had been Earth Bound for approximately six months. Time was something else that he had learned about since being banished from Heaven. It was another totally new concept to him. There was no time in Heaven, but it seemed to be quite important to the humans. Therefore, he learned how to use and manage it.

  He wandered around his huge and now, very beautiful home, thinking that it was rather empty. Although he had taught himself how to cook, he preferred to eat out because he actually didn’t like dining completely alone. At least when he ate in a restaurant or café, there were people around. They may not have been eating with him, but at least they were in the vicinity. What he needed was someone to help him take care of this place.

  Chapter Six

  With that thought in mind, Erick drove into the city of Moon Bay, which is where his Father had dropped him when he kicked him out of Heaven. He had managed to find a favorite little café where he actually liked the food. It was a tastefully decorated establishment and served delectable home cooked meals. The only things that remained the same on their menu were the beverages, appetizers and salads. Main dishes, sides and desserts changed frequently. It was almost a family atmosphere.

  At any rate, eating at the Moon Bay Café was one of the few things that Erick could actually say that he enjoyed. The digestive process was something that had been very difficult for him to adjust to. But once he had tasted certain foods, he had decided that one was definitely worth going through the other. Many of those food dishes were ones that he had discovered at this café.

  Another thing he liked about the café was that he was greeted by name. He had been coming here so often that everyone who worked there knew who he was. There was a warmth here that came close to the way he had felt when he lived in Heaven.

  “Hello, Mr. Angell,” an older woman with at grandmotherly energy said as she sat down a cup of coffee and a glass of water on the table in front of him. “How are you tonight?”

  “I am fine, Grace,” Erick replied with a slight smile. “And what about yourself?”

  “I can’t complain,” she started to say.

  Then tears formed in her eyes and she tried to hide them by fussing over getting his coffee just right. But Erick wasn’t fooled.

  “Grace, what is it?” he asked.

  “Oh, Eli and I have just had some very upsetting news today.”

  “What news?”

  “Well, both of us had our hours cut during this year and we had fallen behind on our house payments. Today we got a notice of foreclosure from the bank. It seems as if we’re going to lose our house. On top of that, Eli can’t keep up any longer at work so he’s going to have to leave soon.”

  By the time Grace was at the end of this little speech, she was practically sobbing. One of the things that Erick had learned along his journey as a human is that tears made him incredibly uncomfortable. But this was a very sweet lady who had treated him quite nicely and he hated to see her this upset. As he searched for something comforting to say, an idea occurred to him.

  “Grace,” he said softly. “Please don’t cry. I may have an idea that will help us all. What time are you finished with your shift here tonight?”

  “Oh, Mr. Angell, I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to blubber on like this! Would you like your usual?”

  “Yes, Grace, that will be fine. But I still want to know what time your shift is over tonight. I want to talk with you. Will you do that for me?”

  “Of course, Mr. Angell,” Grace said as she looked at him quizzically. “I get finished here at 10 tonight.”

  “That’s excellent,” Erick said. “If you are amenable to it, I will return here at 10 and follow you to your home. In that way, I can speak you with and Eli both.”

  Still rather puzzled, Grace agreed before bustling off to the kitchen with his food order.

  Chapter Seven

  Promptly at 10 PM, Erick was back at The Moon Bay Café and followed Grace in his car to her home that she shared with her husband, Eli. Their home was a clean, well-tended cottage that suited the two of them perfectly. Grace invited Erick inside and led him to their family room where Eli was waiting for them. Then, she went into the kitchen to fix tea for them all.

  Once they all had their tea in hand, Erick opened the conversation.

  “You all probably know that I have recently completed redecorating a home on the outskirts of Moon Bay,” he said.

  “Oh yes,” Grace chimed in. “Everyone knows about your castle, Mr. Angell. It’s said to be quite the show place.”

  “I am very pleased with the way it turned out,” he said smiling. “But my problem is that it’s much too large for me to take care of by myself. I need someone who can manage the home for me as well as manage a crew of landscapers. From what I’ve seen of your work ethic, Grace, I feel that you are the perfect person to manage my home. Eli, I understand that you have quite a bit of experience in the landscaping business. If you were both to come to work for me, I would be most grateful.”

  Both of them sat and looked at Erick in what can only be described as a mild state of shock.

  “Now, before you answer, let me explain further,” Erick said. “First of all, this would be a live in position. Besides, it would be a bit of a drive for you twice each day. You may or may not know that I not only have a very large main house, but I’ve got some cottages on the grounds. Where you live would be totally up to you. But I would require that you live on the property. You both will be given free rein as far as what you need regarding staff. Hire as many people as you feel is necessary to keep things running smoothly and just submit the payment information to me. Now, Grace, may I ask you about how much money you make at the café?”

  She told him how much she made. Erick reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a pen and a small notebook. He wrote a figure down and tore out the sheet of paper. Then he slid it across the coffee table to Grace. She picked it up and gasped when she looked at it. Eyes still wide, she handed it to Eli who also looked a bit startled.

  “Would that amount be suitable for the two of you to come and manage my home?” Erick asked.

  “Oh Mr. Angell,” Grace breathed. “I don’t know what to say! This is quite generous!”

  “Yes, Mr. Angell,” Eli agreed. “Are you certain about this?”

  “Very certain, Eli,” Erick assured him. “Believe me, you and Grace will earn every dime of this money. It is more than worth it to me to have professionals on the scene to help me run my home as well as free my time to pursue my own business interests. Now, I understand that you will need some time to discuss this. Please contact me as soon as you have reached a decision.”

  Bidding them both a good night, Erick drove back to his castle and settled into his master suite. He had a feeling that he would hear back from Grace and Eli sooner rather than later but even he was a bit surprised when his cell phone rang. They had apparently not needed that much time to think over his offer. Rather, they were ready to move to his estate whenever he wanted them to be there.

  Chapter Eight

  Erick told them that all they needed to do was pack what they didn’t feel comfortable allowing others to pack and show up by the end of the week. As for the rest of their things, he would make arrangements to have them packed and brought to his home. He almost had to smile at the enthusiasm with which the couple accepted his offer.

  Laying back against his pillows, he put his hands behind his head and stared up at the ceiling. Everything seemed to be coming together for him even though he wasn’t in Heaven. Maybe it would work out after all and he could help enough humans to understand them better. The sooner he figured that out the sooner his Father would allow him to retur
n home.

  There was a little bit of something he couldn’t identify at first but after thinking on it, he decided that it was anticipation. Yes, he was actually looking forward to Grace and Eli joining him in this beautiful cavernous home of his. It was good that they were going to be here to help steer him in the right way. They would most likely be the only humans who would ever be this close to him while he remained on Earth. That thought didn’t really bother him, though. He was better off alone. Grace and Eli were only going to be here because he did need assistance with the upkeep of this estate. He didn’t need anyone else in his life while he was Earth Bound.

  At least that’s what he thought until the day he met Hollianne Talbot.

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  Want to finish the story? Continue reading Dark Knight in Disguise, The Prequel: Earthbound Angels 1

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  About the Author

  The moment Sandra Ross held her first romance novel when she was ten, she knew she was going to write romance. At thirty now, a prolific reader and a freelance writer, she's since then expanded her preferences from just romance to romance with a dash of now trending sub-genres--paranormal, fantasy, sci-fi even, and erotica. She loves challenging herself and would write on a dare. On a normal day, she would be found in her herb garden collecting spices for her kitchen or ingredients for her potions; in her huge eclectic Provencal kitchen with the big modern oven cooking pots and pans of food for her family of one husband and three kids (an ardent daughter and two boisterous sons) that'll probably last for weeks; in her library with floor-to-ceiling bookshelves and an e-reader in her hands as she reads the latest erotic hit; or scribbling pages upon pages of different erotic lifestyles, searching for the one that feels like it was inspired by just the right mix of passion, story line, and sex. Aside from these activities, the rest of the time she'd be found in front of her laptop typing the latest Sandra Ross concoction for her readers. Download other books by Sandra Ross


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