by Ford, Neicey
“Don’t worry. I’ll talk to him and see what’s going on. I’m sure everything is straight.”
They took the elevator up to the studio.
“Kane! What’s up? What are you doing here, man?”
“D, I need to talk to you on the real. I know what you said,” Kane slurred as he stumbled forward.
“Whoa…hold on bruh. Look, let’s go into the lounge and sit down so we can rap.”
“Naw, I’m good. I don’t need to sit down,” Kane stated waving DJ off.
“Okay. Well, let’s go into my office so we won’t disrupt the flow of business.”
Kane snickered. “Yeah, so we won’t disrupt the flow of business.”
“Come on.” DJ placed his hand on Kane’s shoulder and escorted him down the hallway to his office.
DJ sat down in his chair while Kane stood by the window.
“Kane, what’s going on with you man? What are you doing here?”
“I messed up. I really messed up bad, man. I needed money and I needed it quick.”
“Kane, I told you that I’m not getting caught up in nothing I didn’t play a part in.”
“I know, I know. You don’t have nothing to worry about. I handled it.”
“You handled what?”
“I did. I handled it. You know you can’t let niggas think you weak and shit. They’ll walk all over you.”
“Aw, my bad. I’ll stop cussing and shit.”
DJ sighed.
Kane laughed. “I’m sorry. Okay, okay. What did I say?”
“This dude here,” DJ said aloud while shaking his head. “You said you got your money back and…”
“Right, right! I couldn’t let dude think he had pulled one over on me and keep what was mine.”
“And why not?”
“Because that’s weak nigga shi…stuff.”
“So, what? You tried to get the one who got you?”
“No, no, no,” he slurred. Kane staggered over to the sofa and sat down. “How can I get him on for something that was mine to begin with? It was mine.”
Kane ran his hand over his face.
“I just wanted my money back. I didn’t want us falling out over the shi…stuff, but I ain’t weak, feel me? I knew what he was up to when he wanted me to take the dope with me. It was an obvious setup.”
“Kane, I don’t know what you did and if it’s bad then I don’t want to know either because what I don’t know I can’t speak on.”
“Damn, have some faith in me,” he said laying his head back on the sofa. “D,” he whispered. “The room is spinning, dawg. This is craze!”
DJ picked up the phone and dialed the receptionist desk.
“Jonathan, do me a favor. Bring a cup of coffee please. BLACK! Thanks, man. Look, Kane. I don’t know what kind of mess you’ve gotten yourself into, but you’re going to have to take it to your grave. A dead man can tell no tales.”
“I told you how I thought my homeboy tried to set me up, right?”
DJ nodded.
“Well, I had to get ‘em. He had my money and my work. I couldn’t let him get away with that. So, I knew he was stepping out the other night, right? I planned to get my cash back. I parked. I watched. I waited for him to leave,” Kane grinned. “You would think the nigga would have an alarm system or something, but he don’t. I crept in through the basement door, found the stash spot and took what I gave him plus a little extra. I felt like Bushwick Bill going in that mutha…”
“Hey, can you play some of that Ghetto Boys while I’m here.”
“Kane, you gotta roll!”
“I wanted to kill the nigga, D, I swear I did.”
“Did you?”
“Nope. Somebody beat me to it.”
“What you mean ‘somebody beat you to it’?”
“Word on the street is that he got into it with some cat from the block and he put three hot ones in ‘em.”
“Damn, Kane! You’re gonna mess up everything I’m trying to help you get!”
“I’m tired of waiting! Plus, he had it coming. It’s called karma. He deserved it.”
DJ rose from his chair and began to pace back and forth. “I don’t believe this. Here I am out here trying to make stuff happen while you’re in the streets working against everything I’m working for. I quit, Kane. You hear me, dawg? I QUIT!”
“D, please,” Kane pleaded. “I’m on the verge of self-destructing.”
“You’ve already self-destructed!”
“You’re my only voice of reason. Please, dawg. I’m begging you.”
DJ walked back to his desk and sat down. “I am mentally depleted. I can’t continue to go through this stuff with you. I have a business to run and a life to live.”
“I know, I know. If you could just help me, please.”
“What? What can I possibly do to help you?”
Kane sighed. “I started using again. Umm, I felt like I was about to have a serious breakdown. I just wanted to escape everything. That was the only way to do it. I know that if I don’t get help I’m going to end up in jail or either dead.”
“Are you sure this is what you wanna do?”
“I don’t know what else to do.”
“Ted, I think we’re ready. I interviewed the girls and I loved them. I’m so excited!”
“I’m glad to hear that. They’ve been asking if I’d heard anything back from you yet. I assured them that you’d call if you were interested. So, when do you want to get started?”
“How about next Monday?”
“Next Monday works for me. I will let them know and we’ll meet you at the office, say around nine?”
“Nine is great, Ted. Thanks again.”
Denise dialed the front desk.
“Yes, Mrs. Chatman?”
“Keisha, can you have Jonas come see me, please?”
“Sure thing, Mrs. Chatman.”
“Thank you.”
Denise looked at the book covers Jonas had designed. He really does have a gift.
Knock Knock
“Come in.”
“Mrs. Chatman, you wanted to see me?”
“Have a seat, Jonas.”
“Thank you.”
“After looking over these book covers I’m very impressed. I like them all. Tell me something. Why’d you apply for the runner position and not something in the graphic design department?”
“Well, one of the requirements was a degree, which I don’t have.”
Denise nodded. “I understand. Well,” she stated removing a piece of paper from her desk. “I’d like to personally offer you the position of Graphic Designer I.”
Denise slid the offer letter across her desk.
“Mrs. Chatman! Are you serious?”
Denise nodded. “Unless you’ve changed your mind about wanting the position.”
“No! No! I want it. Oh, my God!”
“Take a second and read over it and let me know if you have any questions. If you don’t, sign the bottom and then I’ll walk you over to meet Kaleb. He’s the manager in that department. I think you guys will get along great.”
“Mrs. Chatman, I don’t know what to say,” Jonas stated. He signed the offer letter and slid it back toward Denise.
“I’ll make sure you get a copy of this, but I believe Christine has already mailed you out one. Oh, and a simple thank you will suffice,” she smiled.
“Thank you, Mrs. Chatman. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.”
“Don’t disappoint me, Jonas. I believe in you, You ready?” Denise asked.
They stood to walk out of the office when her phone rang. She looked at the display.
“Jonas, I have to take this call. We’ll have to meet Kaleb later today or you can just walk over to the department and tell him who you are. He’s expecting you.”
“Yes, ma’am. I can do that.”
“Thank you. You’ll do great,” she assured. Wi
ll you pull the door closed on your way out?”
“No problem. I won’t disappoint you and thanks again,” he spoke softly as Denise answered her call.”
“This is Denise.”
“Hey lady, what are you doing?”
“I’m working, what are you doing?” Denise asked playfully.
“I don’t know what I’m doing in all honesty.”
“What happened, Aprile?”
Aprile sobbed harder than Denise had ever heard. She closed her eyes as a tear rolled down her cheek.
“Aprile, please stop crying.”
“I. Don’t. Know. What to do. I feel so hopeless. Like I don’t even wanna be here anymore.”
“Stop talking like that! You’re not hopeless and you have to be here whether you want to be or not. God has a plan for your life, honey. This is only a test and He’s going to use this test as a testimony to help someone who’s going through the same thing you are.”
“Denise, I can’t eat or sleep. I keep calling him and he doesn’t answer my phone calls. I’m dying over here.”
“ have to stop doing this to yourself. You can’t make someone love you. You can’t force somebody to be with you if they don’t want to. I know you want to be loved and like I told you before someone already does love you. He loves you more than any man in this world ever could. You have to get back in the Word, stop focusing on Alex, and start focusing on God.”
“I’ve been praying and God isn’t hearing me. He hasn’t answered any of my prayers!”
“How do you know? You’ve been so distracted that you wouldn’t know if He answered them or not. You’re so focused on what you want that you couldn’t hear Him if He screamed in your ear! Aprile, honey, I love you and I truly hate to see you like this. What do you want me to do?”
Aprile cleared her throat. “Pray for me.”
“Today has been a really trying day for me, Denise. Really trying.”
“You wanna talk about it?”
“No. Not right now I don’t.”
“Um, okay. Well, is there anything you need me to do for you?”
“No. I think I’m going to take a shower then go to bed. It hurts to even think.”
“So, you’re not going to eat dinner?”
“Can you put it in the microwave? Maybe I’ll eat after I shower and if not, I’ll take it for lunch tomorrow.”
“Okay, baby. Hey…”
DJ turned around.
“I love you.”
“I love you, too,” he smiled.
Denise thought about Aprile so much that she couldn’t sleep. She prayed that God would speak to Aprile’s heart as He had done for her in the past. She realized there was nothing more she could do. Telling her what she wanted to hear only made matters worse however, that’s what real friends do. They tell you the truth even when it’s not what you want to hear.
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves received from God. (2 Corinthians 1:3-4)
“Welcome. Down the hall, fourth door to the right,” Helen instructed.
“Thank you,” Keisha replied.
“This house is huge!” Jonas said excitedly.
“I know. The first time I saw it I wanted to ask if I could move in.”
They laughed.
The room was filled with people; co-workers, friends and family members of Denise and DJ.
“Keisha and Jonas! Glad you could make it.”
“We are, too,” Keisha replied.
“May I ask you a question, Mrs. Chatman?”
“As we were walking down the hall we passed three other rooms: Smiling Way, Comfort Circle, Joyful Boulevard and then this room, Happy Place. Why are the rooms named like that?”
DJ laughed as he approached. “Welcome to our humble abode.”
“Hey there, Mr. Chatman,” Keisha replied.
“Baby, you remember Jonas?”
DJ shook his head. “Nice seeing you again, Jonas.”
“Same here, Mr. Chatman,” Jonas stated with an extended hand.
“The reason why the names of the rooms are so, ummm, odd is because we believe that where the mind goes the man follows.”
“So, if the mind goes to Smiling Way then the man will be smiling.”
“Well, that’s my hope,” Denise laughed. “Those rooms are special. Smiling Way is my office and I always smile when I’m working and able to create something that makes me feel good. Comfort Circle is our study room and we truly do feel that when we’re in there. It’s like God wraps His arms around us and tells us that despite what we’re going through, He has us and everything is going to be okay. Joyful Boulevard is DJ’s office, and then Happy Place is where we go to escape, listen to music, talk and share happy fun stories about moments we’ve had.”
“Man, you guys are awesome,” Jonas complimented.
Denise smiled.
“You guys grab something to eat. There’s Champaign, wine, bottled waters, sodas or whatever you’d like. Just ask the bartenders,” said DJ.
“Great! Thanks,” Keisha replied.
“Come on, Keish. I want something to drink.”
“Ooh, Jonas, they have sushi!”
“Keisha is such a comedian.”
“Yes, she is,” Denise laughed. “She keeps me laughing.”
“Is Aprile coming?”
Denise shook her head. “I don’t think so. I called her earlier and she didn’t answer, but she sent me a text message saying she didn’t feel like talking and would call me later. She wished us good luck with the party.”
“I hate to hear that, babe. I really hate to hear that.”
“Yeah, me, too.”
The guests filled the room as the night continued on.
“DJ!” A voice called.
He turned around toward the bar.
“Hey, dad! Baby, I’ll be right back.” He kissed Denise on the forehead.
“Take your time. I’m going to check on Helen.”
“Okay. Let me know if she needs anything.”
Denise walked down the long corridor and into the kitchen.
“Helen, how’s it going in here?”
“Everything is good. I’m just sitting here watching Fox News as they recap the trial.”
“I’ve seen enough. The closing arguments wore me out.”
“I feel so sorry for the family. This has to be hard on them.”
“I couldn’t imagine our son being the victim of something like that.”
“True. It’s so terribly sad. Well, did you eat? Is there anything you need?”
“Yes, I ate and the food was delicious. I’m so glad you decided to go with The Black Italian instead of that other place.”
Denise smiled. “So am I. Well, if you need anything please let me know. Oh, and you can stay in one of the guest rooms tonight. I don’t want you driving home when the party’s over.”
“No, Mrs. Chatman…”
“We insist, Helen. This is not up for debate.”
“Yes, ma’am.” Helen grinned.
“Good. When you’re finished watching the recap you have to come and meet a friend of mine. I think the two of you will hit it off really good. Matter-of-fact you guys have similar mannerisms.”
“I will as soon as they go to commercial break. I wanna hear what Greta’s going to say about his attorney.”
“Don’t let the trial consume you. Remember, whether he’s found guilty or innocent, God is in control.” Denise popped a cocktail shrimp into her mouth and headed back to the party.
“Has anybody seen my wife?” DJ asked as Denise appeared in the doorway. “There she is. Baby…come here.”
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing’s wrong. Excuse me everybody. Can I have you
r attention please? I’d like to propose a toast. Please raise your glasses.”
Denise grabbed a glass of Champaign from the tray.
“To my wife: My heart’s desire is to see you attain God’s best. I want you to believe that all that is required is the faith of a mustard seed. NO DOUBT! For we walk by faith and not by sight. I’m so proud of you and your many accomplishments. I’m thankful that I get to share in your successes. In addition, I appreciate your love and support of me. You are my good thing. I believe in you. I believe in us. So, to us,” he said as glasses rose in unison. “It was a long and somewhat trying journey that we had to travel to get here, but through it all we made it.”
“Thank you, DJ. I wouldn’t have been able to do it without you. We’re a team. The toast should be to us.
“Well, in that case this toast is to you… to me…to us. TIA!”
Denise raised her glass to her lips.
“I hope I’m fortunate enough to meet someone who adores me the way your husband does you.”
She turned around.
“TED! You made it!” She yelled enthusiastically.
“There’s no way I was missing this event.”
“Well, I’m glad you made it. Did you see the work bunch?”
“How could I miss ‘em? They’re the life of the party.”
“You work hard you play harder. They deserve it after the quarter we’ve had.”
“So, what did you think about Camille?”
“Not tonight, Ted. We will not be discussing business at our party. DJ would have a fit if he overheard you talking about work after hours,” she laughed.
“You’re right. My apology. Monday will be here soon enough.”
“You ain’t lying about that.”
“In that case I think I’ll have me a nice cold beverage.”
“I think you should.”
“If you think I should then I know I should. See you in a minute.”
Denise smiled.
“Rosemarie! How are you?” She asked as they embraced.
“I’m doing great. This is one heck of a party.”
Denise smiled. “I pray everyone else likes it as well because planning it really stressed me out.”
“For what it’s worth you did a great job.”
“You’re a gem.”
“The jury has given a verdict!” Ms. Helen screamed as she entered the room. “They found him…not guilty.”