To Protect the Heart of a Brazen Woman [Brazen Sisters 6] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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To Protect the Heart of a Brazen Woman [Brazen Sisters 6] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 16

by Rita Sawyer

  She wasn’t about to go back to sneaking around. Just thinking about that bothered her, probably more than it should. After all, she’d gotten the guy she wanted even though it hadn’t been easy. Now she wanted to keep him. Her plan was to wait until they were well on their way home and he had no way to escape her questions, then she’d ask him where this was going. They had about an eight-hour ride ahead of them, so she was thinking she’d ask one question an hour leading up to the big one.

  Bobbie would marry him in heartbeat, but she knew Jake wasn’t ready for that. Just to hear him say she was his girlfriend would have to be enough for now. And as a couple, they could be together openly, yet discreetly, of course. In a warped way, it made enough sense to her that it just might work.

  “What’s wrong? Did I add too much flour? Was that salt, not sugar?” Bobbie knew Molly’s panic wasn’t unwarranted, since baking even the simplest biscuits went against her instincts.

  Bobbie glanced at the containers on the counter. “No, you’re good. I was just thinking about stuff at home.”

  “You’ll catch up on any schoolwork you missed.” Molly’s staunch confidence in her made Bobbie smile.

  “I will. There won’t be much. I’ve done most of the assignments online. Actually, I was focused more on the ride home rather than what is waiting for me there.” Her confession made Molly’s forehead get scrunched up with lines. “Stop thinking so hard.”

  Molly laughed and visibly relaxed. “You’re not afraid to travel home alone with Jake, are you?”

  “Hell no! I bet he might be afraid to travel with me, though.”

  “What? Why? He adores you.”

  “He adores me here. I believe him when he says he loves me. Jake doesn’t like to lie and never would about something as important as that. The problem is that we haven’t come to a firm understanding about where things will go from here. I plan to rectify that on the way home.”

  “Oh. And you think he might know your plan?”

  “Jake may have avoided his feelings for as long as he could, but he’s always been pretty good at figuring me out.”

  “Is there anything I can do to help?”

  “Just cross your fingers and wish me luck.”

  The rest of the morning went smoothly. Molly practically glowed when Adam, who had stopped by to say good-bye to Bobbie and Jake, complimented her on the biscuits. Yeah, those two seemed to be on the right track now. Beth was still sore, but she was on the mend enough to run roughshod over Frank and Molly until she could do everything on her own.

  As they drove away with Jake behind the wheel of her Jeep, Bobbie couldn’t resist looking back. These people were more than friends. They were family and she’d miss them all.

  Jake took her hand and gave it a tight squeeze. “They’ll come visit, and we’ll come back down soon.”

  “I know. It’s just like leaving home again.” She couldn’t explain it any better than that. “But I’m excited to go home, too. Victor said Jessie finally agreed everything is done.”

  “So you guys are going to launch all the new promotions and stuff soon?”

  “Uh huh. I’m hoping to have the place booked solid right through next summer. Weddings, honeymoons, spa retreats, and of course, just getting out there and experiencing all that nature has to offer.”

  “You’re all going to be very busy. Especially with Sam and Jessie adding to the family.”

  “True, but we’re all excited about that, too. We’re not worried at all. Us Brazen women know how to pull together.”

  “You don’t have to do it all alone. Your brothers-in-law will be there to help.”

  “Just like you’ve always been there.” She smiled up at him.

  “Yeah.” He tone was a bit sarcastic, but he lifted her hand and brushed a kiss across her knuckles.

  Bobbie knew he wasn’t fishing for the compliment. Jake never had been one to take praise lightly, but she wanted him to know she appreciated him being around even though at times it hadn’t been easy.

  “Jake, I need to ask, did you come after me because of everything that happened with Patrice?” It had crossed her mind, and since it was one of the easier questions she was going to ask, she decided to do it now.

  “No!” He shook his head and she wished he didn’t have on those mirrored aviator sunglass—even though she loved the sexy edge they gave him—so she could see his eyes. “You know that I almost came after you last time.”

  “That’s true.” She leaned back against her seat and played with his fingers.

  They both seemed content to keep their thoughts to themselves for now. Bobbie hummed along with the light rock music oozing out of the speakers. The windows were down, and wind whipped at her hair, so she grabbed an elastic from her bag and tied it back.

  “Before you ask, it had nothing to do with me saying I love you, either.” His lips turned up into a smile. “I think I was about to say it before Jessie and Victor showed up at my cabin.”

  “Shack,” she corrected him, and he groaned.

  * * * *

  Jake had gotten used to being a few steps behind Bobbie’s thought process. He was pretty sure everybody felt that way around her. What surprised him was that she’d tipped her hand so soon. The funny thing was Jake was okay with it. She wanted answers, and he was more than willing to give them. With every question she pretended to subtly ask, he knew she was getting closer to the one she really wanted to ask.

  Of course, to keep her from guessing that he was on to her, he suggested that they take Route 1 instead of the Maine Turnpike. It would add a few more hours to their trip, but driving along the coast and being able to check out some of the fabulous views was worth it. Jake insisted they stop every so often along the way to stretch their legs, shop, and sightsee like any normal couple would. He could tell Bobbie was enjoying almost every minute. But each time, right before she decided to ask him a question, her shoulders went stiff and her smile faded just enough for him to notice.

  They stopped at a shopping area on the coast to find something for dinner. As they walked, they came to a little jewelry store. Bobbie let out a squeal and tugged him toward the window that took up most of the store’s front wall. His eyes were drawn straight toward a selection of engagement and wedding rings.

  Bobbie’s taps on the glass had him looking to the other side. “This is what I’ve been looking for.”

  Jake looked at the pendant and rings. Some had little stones of different colors and some were plain gold or silver. Before he could ask what she was talking about, Bobbie tugged him to the door. He reached for it before she could and opened it for her, following her inside.

  She went straight to the counter. “I’d like to see the mother-and-child pendants in the window.”

  “Of course.” The older guys came out from behind the counter and led them to the window.

  Jake stood by while Bobbie touched a few and asked the guy questions. For those five minutes while she made her decision, Jake could have been invisible, which was fine with him because he was contemplating a purchase of his own. Bobbie chatted with the jeweler, who recommended they try a restaurant a few doors down for dinner. Jake instantly came up with a plan.

  They walked out of the store with Bobbie rambling on about how thrilled Sam was going to be. Her sisters had been looking for a mother-and-child charm for the twins and hadn’t found one. Frankie had said if they had to, they’d order one online, but Bobbie didn’t like buying clothes or jewelry unless she felt it first. Jake glanced at the window one more time as they walked away. After they entered the restaurant and were seated, Jake excused himself.

  Instead of going to the men’s room, he hit the exit and jogged back to the store. As Jake expected the guy was surprised to see him, but when Jake explained what he wanted the guy understood. Jake knew exactly which ring he wanted. It was totally Bobbie’s style. The elegant, classic gold band held a round diamond solitaire. The stone might be a bit bigger than she’d like, but that was
okay with him. He smiled, knowing that there’d be no missing the fact she was engaged. Damn, he really liked the idea of that, so she’d just have to get used to it. It was a size too big, but that could be fixed easily enough once they got home.

  He handed over his credit card without a second thought. He glanced down at the watch on his wrist. The old guy laughed, but he got the hint and picked up speed. If Jake was lucky Bobbie might have taken a trip to the ladies room and not noticed how long he’d been gone. He didn’t jog back. Instead he flat-out ran.

  When he got back to the restaurant, a young waiter was standing beside the table. The guy was clearly flirting with Bobbie, and she didn’t seem to be trying to dissuade him at all. Jake was tempted to walk over and slam the ring box on the table to get both of their attention. That wasn’t the proposal she deserved, or that he wanted to give. So he reigned in his temper and forced a smile on his face.

  She glanced his way and her smile changed. He couldn’t explain it except to say it burned something inside him. Instead of taking his seat like he would have in the past, he leaned down and pressed his lips to hers. The waiter cleared his throat, and she laughed.

  “I was about to order for both of us, since you were taking so long,” Bobbie said as he sat down.

  “Sorry.” Jake picked up the menu then put it back down without even looking at it. “You know what, go for it.”

  “Really?” she asked.

  “Yup.” He put his elbows on the table and crossed his arms.

  “Okay. I’ll have the shrimp scampi, and he’ll have the…” She paused then smiled. “The double-stuffed pork chop.”

  “And to drink?” the kid asked.

  “She’ll have a glass of your best red wine, and I’ll have a root beer.” Jake saw the way her eyes widened just a bit.

  “I’ll need to see an ID.” The waiter’s cocky tone made Jake laugh, but Bobbie groaned.

  She opened her purse and pulled out her wallet. The waiter glanced at her license and nodded. As he walked away, Bobbie glared at Jake. He held up his hands. The waiter delivered a basket of warm rolls and their drinks. The little black box was burning a hole in his pocket, but he needed to wait for the right moment. Yet, Jake had to do it before they got home. Not because he thought her sisters would protest. Hell, they’d probably cheer. His reasons were personal. He figured if he was going to pour his heart out, he wanted her undivided attention.

  Over dinner, they talked and laughed about people at home. They told stories about their friends and family, but neither of them brought up anything even remotely serious. Jake knew she was just biding her time before she asked her next question. Now that he was waiting to ask one of his own he wondered how the hell she was able not to just blurt her questions out.

  Though Jake wanted to get her out of there and go find somewhere more private, he insisted they have dessert. While they were waiting for it to arrive, Bobbie excused herself and headed for the bathroom. Jake flagged down the waiter and ordered himself a cup of coffee and Bobbie another glass of wine. Everything arrived at table at the same time she did. Jake reached across the table and tangled his fingers with hers.

  It was about a half hour later when they finally left the restaurant. Jake suggested they take a walk on the shoreline a few feet up across from the strip of stores. They took their shoes off and rolled their jeans up well above their ankles. The water crashed against the sand and lapped against his feet. Bobbie laughed and tried to get away, but he pulled her into his arms and held her still.

  “You know, I don’t feel like driving anymore, and you’ve had a few drinks, so why don’t we find a room for the night?”

  “I guess we could do that.” Her lips curved into a smile.

  Jake lowered his head and pressed his mouth to her cheek right by her ear. “Good, because I’d like to spend a little more time alone with you.”

  Jake turned her to look out over the ocean. Waves rolled across the surface, and he wished it was sunset, but that wouldn’t come for a few more hours. Too bad. The setting would have made a romantic backdrop for his proposal. He led her back to the car. They drove up the coast a ways until they came across a little motel they both thought looked good. He pulled up in front of the office and went inside to get them a room.

  “Hi,” Jake said as the old man behind the counter pushed himself to his feet. “I’d like a room for the night.”

  The guy glanced out the window at Bobbie. “That girl old enough to share a room with you?”

  “Yes, sir.” Jake did his best not to laugh.

  He squinted at Jake. “You could be lying.”

  Jake couldn’t hold back the chuckle that bubbled out of him. He took out his wallet and flipped it open to show his ID. The old guy glanced at the police department seal and nodded

  “Can’t be too careful.” The guy pressed a few buttons on the computer and reached for a key on the wall. “I have a granddaughter and hope some old coot like me would ask if he thought something might be off.”

  “Wish there was more guys like you out there.” Jake signed the register and slid the guy his credit card.

  “Me, too.”

  “My fiancée will be happy to hear that she was right about this looking like a decent place to spend the night.”

  “Well, she might look a little young for you, but since she’s got good taste I’ll have to assume you’ve got something going for you.”

  Jake chuckled and shook his head. “Nah, Bobbie’s something special, and I’m just lucky she picked me and refused to give up.”

  On his way back to the car, Jake thought about the guy’s comments. He was surprised how little the one about Bobbie’s age bothered him. Just a few months ago he would have at least felt some shame, but he’d come to grips with it. Bobbie smiled at him as he got in. As he drove the car to the parking spot in front of their room, he told her about his conversation with the manager. She laughed, and it turned into a huge yawn. He knew the last week had been rough on her, and the three leading up to it had been much, much worse.

  Jake’s need to pamper and protect her had always been at war with his vow not to give in to the desire that burned in him for her. Now that he was done fighting himself, there was no reason why he couldn’t take care of her. He’d love to whisk her away the way she deserved, but they didn’t have time for that. The one thing he could do was make sure she relaxed a little. He shut the car off and turned to face her.

  He held out the room key and said, “Why don’t you go inside and I’ll get the bags.”

  “Okay.” She took the key and slipped out of the Jeep.

  Jake got out, too, and watched her, but instead of going in she just leaned against the wall. He shook his head and went to the back of the car to get the bags. She unlocked the door and shoved it open as he approached. He walked in and dropped the bags into the chair next to a little table for two. She stepped in and closed the door. He waited for her to lock it then wrapped his arm around her waist and swept her up against him.

  He lowered his head till his mouth was right by her ear. “I think there’s sand in between my toes.”

  “Me, too.”

  “Wanna join me in the shower and we can help each other get clean?”

  She wiggled her ass against him. “Lead the way.”

  He didn’t need to be told twice. Jake scooped her up in his arms and carried her into the bathroom.

  The second her feet hit the floor it was a free-for-all. They tore at each other’s clothes, tossing them around the room. Once she was naked and Jake was down to his boxer briefs, he turned his back on her to start the shower and adjust the spray. Bobbie pressed her breasts against his back and tucked her hands inside the waistband of his briefs. Jake held his breath when she let her body slide along his as she followed the boxers, pushing them down to his ankles. The fact that if he turned around his dick would be right in her face didn’t skip his attention.

  He didn’t know how she’d react, but in the state he
was in, he knew it wouldn’t be a good idea for him to test his limits of restraint. Jake thanked heaven that she couldn’t read his mind at that very moment. Hell, she might run screaming if she knew what was running through his head. He wasn’t sure she was ready for him to beg her to take him in that sassy mouth of hers and suck him off. Eventually they’d get there, but only when she was ready. Tonight he wanted things slower, easier, and if he could manage it more romantic. She deserved that from him and he really, really wanted to give it to her.

  He knew that was asking a lot from both of them. One touch was like a spark that, most cases, quickly turned into a roaring inferno. Maybe someday, way in the future where she was his wife, when they’d gotten a handle on the desire, they’d have a little more control and finesse. Bobbie put her hands on the outside of his legs and slowly dragged them upward as she stood. Her nails scraped along not enough to hurt, but just enough to make him tense his muscles.

  When she reached his hips, she slipped one hand around and found his fully engorged cock. He held back a groan as her fist tightened around him with the right amount of pressure. She stroked him long and hard. Jake dropped his head forward and let his hips surge forward, asking for more. Her response was to squeeze tighter and pump her hand faster. His whole body was so rigid he thought it might snap.

  Jake grasped her wrist and stopped her before he embarrassed himself and came in her hand. She let him go and he turned to face her. She looked up at him with a smile that both teased and melted his heart. The little wench knew exactly how much she affected him and was damn proud of it. He couldn’t blame her. He loved knowing how much he turned her on.

  “Ready?” He held out his hand, and she put hers in it and let him help her into the shower.

  Jake followed her in, not giving either of them time to change their minds. The tub was barely big enough for the two of them. It only took him a few seconds to lather up his hands and have them on her body. She moaned as he massaged and washed her soft skin from her shoulders to her toes. He lingered at her breasts and thighs, giving them plenty of attention. Jake wanted her so ready for him that she might even beg for him to take her. As he pushed back upward from his crouched position, he spun her around so that her front was under the stream of water.


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