To Protect the Heart of a Brazen Woman [Brazen Sisters 6] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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To Protect the Heart of a Brazen Woman [Brazen Sisters 6] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 18

by Rita Sawyer


  “Yeah. We’re all having dinner at the lodge. Beau and Charlie will be there, too.”

  * * * *

  Jake had spent the last six and a half hours trying not to think about what was waiting for them at home. But now that they were only ten minutes or so from hitting town, he couldn’t ignore it any more. Anyone who had ever attended a Brazen family dinner, even celebration, knew they usually turned into mini-inquisitions. Someone always ended up on the hot seat, and he was pretty sure that it was his turn. Hopefully, he’d get a chance to talk to her sisters before the questions started flying. There were a few things they needed to get straight before Bobbie told everyone about their engagement.

  It might seem antiquated, but if her parents or grandfather were alive, he would have asked them for permission to marry her. Since they weren’t, he needed to do the next best thing and ask her sisters. He didn’t think they’d give him too much of a hard time since both their families had assumed it would happen sooner or later. Still, he wanted to assure them that he planned on taking care of her. He really didn’t need an audience when he did it, but if someone noticed the ring then he’d have to go to plan B and ask in front of everyone, which wouldn’t be nearly as comfortable for him.

  He slowed the car as he drove through town. Jake asked himself if he was trying to think of a reason to stall. His answer was to speed up. They drove past the police station, and he spotted Clint’s car parked out front. It seemed everything had survived without him around. A few more hours wouldn’t matter.

  “Remember, not a word,” he said as he took the turn that would take them past her house and up to the lodge.

  She nodded, but her almost always present smile was missing. This wasn’t going to be easy for her. She was fabulous at keeping other people’s secrets, but she wasn’t known for holding back on her own stuff. He pulled into a parking spot in front of the lodge instead of parking in the back like the rest of the family. He cut off the engine and looked over at her.

  “I won’t say a word.” Her flat tone almost made him tell her she could tell anyone she wanted.

  He pulled her over into his lap. “Trust me, I have a good reason for making you wait.”

  “Want to tell me what it is?” Her smile made him laugh.

  “No, Miss Nosy. You’ll find out soon enough.” He lowered his head and took her mouth in what he meant to be a sweet kiss.

  But as always, one taste of her and he burned for more. Her hands fisted in his T-shirt as she clung to him. His cock hardened under her squirming ass, and he groaned into her mouth. He slid his hand under her shirt, wanting to make her as crazy as she made him. Jake cupped her breast in his hand and squeezed, thumbing her nipple. She arched her back, pushing herself into him.

  A hard knock on the window made them both jump. Jake followed Bobbie’s gaze when she looked back over her shoulder out his window. His brother and niece stood there staring at them. They wore matching cartoon character shirts and huge smiles. Charlie waved excitedly, while Beau just winked at him. Bobbie scooted off his lap and reached for her door.

  When Jake didn’t make a move she asked, “Are you coming?”

  “I need a minute.” He glanced down at his lap.

  Bobbie blushed. “I’ll wait for you.”

  Jake watched her get out of the car and scoop Charlie up in a hug and swing her around. He eased out of the car and exchanged hellos with his brother, ignoring Beau’s questioning yet smug look. Jake turned his gaze back to the girls. He had missed Charlie’s laughter so much, and it was great to hear it again. Now that he had himself under control he could give her a proper hello.

  “Hey, what about me?” Bobbie let her go and Charlie ran and jumped into his arms.

  “I wanted to go see you yesterday, but my dad said you weren’t home. Where were you?”

  “Bobbie had to go help some friends, and I went with her.”

  “Since you guys were kissing does that mean you’re not mad at each other anymore?”

  “Charlie.” Beau’s tone had everyone looking at him. “What did we decide about you asking questions people might not want to answer?”

  “You decided I shouldn’t ask them. You never said I couldn’t ask Uncle Jake, and Bobbie said I can ask her anything, anytime,” the little brat countered, and Jake laughed.

  “Don’t encourage her.” Beau shook his head.

  Jake held out his arm, and Bobbie stepped in, and he tugged her against his side. “Yeah, squirt, we’re not mad at each other.”

  “Good.” Her smile practically reached from ear to ear. “Now just don’t be a jerk and she won’t get mad at you again.”

  “Charlie!” Beau’s admonishment was a little louder and harsher this time.

  “Sorry.” She shrugged her shoulders. “I forgot I’m not supposed to offer my opinion unless it’s asked for.”

  “Seems you and your dad have a lot of new rules, and it’ll probably take you a little while to get used to them.” Bobbie took her hand and they headed for the lodge.

  Jake grabbed Beau’s arm, holding him back. Once there were a few feet between them and the girls, he said, “I asked her to marry me.”

  Beau tripped over his own feet and came to a stumbling stop. “What?”

  Jake didn’t bother repeating it. “She said yes.”

  “Are you sure you’re ready for that?” Jake nodded and Beau said, “Light speed. You can take things slow, you know. Give it time to make sure things work out.”

  “That’s what she said. I’ve wasted enough time. I need to talk to her sisters. Can you try to distract everyone else?”

  “Now?” Beau asked and Jake nodded. “Dude, do you know what you’re doing?”

  “Yeah, just buy me a few minutes.” They caught up with Bobbie and Charlie at the door.

  Beau never got the chance. Once they stepped inside they heard the commotion coming from the dining room. Bobbie took off running, and the three of them followed. Jake caught up with her at the door. Tyler was lying on the floor, and everyone was standing around him. Jake had no idea what happened, but it didn’t look good.

  He moved forward and saw Tyler was conscious, but there was blood on the corner of his mouth. “What happened?”

  Everyone looked at Stephanie. “I didn’t mean to hurt him.”

  “What happened?” Jake repeated calmly, not wanting to frighten the girl.

  “I told her that self-defense stuff the girls have been teaching her probably wouldn’t work on a big guy like me and she should just run.” Tyler groaned as Victor and Trent helped him to his feet.

  “We told him it would.” Georgie handed Tyler a napkin. “But he wouldn’t take our word for it. Nope, big tough guy needed to see for himself.”

  “So you showed him?” Jake asked with a smile and Stephanie nodded, her eyes filling with tears. “Good girl.”

  “Hey,” Tyler protested.

  “Who do you think taught them all the dirty tricks?” Jake asked, and all the guys groaned except for Beau and Hal, who laughed.

  “Am I in trouble?” Stephanie asked Tyler.

  He pulled her into a bear hug. “No. I pushed you into showing me I was wrong. I’m glad you can handle yourself, but I’d still like it if you ran to me so I could dish out the beatings for you.”

  “Said like a protective older brother.” Beau slapped Tyler on the shoulder.

  After that, things moved quickly. Plates of food were brought from the kitchen, and everyone dug in. Thankfully, during dinner Charlie enthralled everyone with stories about her vacation. They all found she had new rules because she asked all the women—and according to her, there were tons of them—who flirted with Beau inappropriate questions. When she started to run out of steam, Bobbie told everyone how things had gone at the B&B. She updated everyone on Beth’s recovery, which was going great. And she told them all about Molly and Adam.

  All through dinner she waved her hands around as she talked, but that was normal
for her. Of course, Bobbie offered to serve people, and passed stuff when asked. Jake knew he was damn lucky no one had noticed her ring yet. He figured another few hours and he’d be able to get them out of there before anyone noticed. He would have to call her sisters and ask them to meet with him tomorrow.

  Jake wasn’t really paying attention, which turned out to be a huge error. He heard the clang of metal on glass and a gasp. Then Charlie and Stephanie, who were sitting next to each other, squealed. Everyone including himself watched as the two girls lunged from their chairs and raced around the table. There was nothing Jake could do now but go with the flow.

  “Why didn’t you say something?” Sam asked, rounding the table and taking Bobbie’s hand from the girls.

  Bobbie looked over at him, and Jake took it as his cue. “I asked her not to.”

  “How come?” Jessie locked her gaze on his. “If this is something you really want you’d be happy and telling everyone.”

  Victor, Jessie’s husband, sat by her side. He cleared his throat and Jessie turned to him. Her voice was much softer when she said, “It was different with us. There were issues we needed to deal with.”

  “He had issues, too,” Bobbie came to his defense, which was sweet but unnecessary.

  “Give him a second to explain.” Frankie might be willing to give him a chance, but he knew that he’d only get one.

  That was okay, because that’s all he needed. “I asked her not to say anything because I wanted to talk to you ladies before we made any announcements.”

  “About what?” Joey and Georgie asked at the same time.

  Jake looked around at the faces staring back at him. “I can’t ask your parents’ or your grandfather’s permission to marry her, so I’d like yours.”

  Sam sniffled, and Jake watched her wipe tears from her cheeks. Her husband, Trent, stood and wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

  “It’s hormones,” Trent offered, placing his hand over her round belly, only to get her elbow jammed into his stomach.

  “And if we say no?” Jessie asked, and Bobbie gasped and shot to her feet.

  Jake grabbed her hand and tugged her closer to his chair. “I don’t know. I never even considered it as a possibility. Honestly, I’ll marry her anyway, because I love her. But I’d like to think you’d accept me as a member of your family.”

  Bobbie slid onto his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck. “You’ve always been a part of the family.”

  She smiled up at him, and Jake was tempted to kiss her right there in front of everyone. To hell with it! He realized there was no reason for him to hold back. He lowered his head and covered her mouth with his. She immediately yielded to the pressure of his lips and opened, inviting him in. Her tongue stroked his, driving his desire higher. He told himself now wasn’t the right time to let this get out of control, and it would easily, so he eased back.

  “And if we give you our blessing?” Frankie asked, breaking the silence that had fallen over the room.

  “Then your sister will have me knowing you all approve. Either way, I’ll protect and love her as long as she’ll have me.” Jake meant every word, but he didn’t tell them it would probably kill him if she ever changed her mind.

  “Bobbie, I know we don’t have to ask, because we already know the answer, but I’m going to anyway. Are you sure this is really what you want?” Joey asked.

  “It is. Jake and I have talked it over and we’re not rushing into this.”

  “It’s been years in the making.” Beau laughed, and almost everyone joined in.

  “She wanted a really, really long engagement, but, I…” He paused and pressed a quick kiss to her smiling lips. “I’m not getting any younger and don’t want to wait, so we negotiated and I got her down to a year.”

  “Where did you start?” Georgie asked Bobbie.

  “Five years. I want him to have time to make sure this is what he really wants and isn’t doing it just to make me happy.”

  “I won’t be changing my mind.” Jake decided everyone needed to know this. “It’s taken me a long time to admit it, but I’ve never wanted anything more. It was your heart I was trying to protect all along, because you’ve always owned mine.”

  The five women who might as well have held his fate in their hands looked at each other. Their husbands, his friends, all sat silently, waiting for them to make a decision. Jake didn’t know what else he could say to prove himself. With Bobbie curled against him, her head on his shoulder, she could probably hear the way his heart was thudding in his chest.

  “Fine, you can marry her,” Jessie finally said, and he wondered if the answer really would have been anything else.

  “Yay!” Charlie shouted. “I get six aunts and a cousin. Now all I need is a mother, and maybe a little brother or sister.”

  Everyone laughed except for Beau, who dropped his head to the table and groaned.

  Bobbie leaned close to his hear and said, “I would have married you anyway.”

  “I know, but I needed to know that your sisters understand just how much I love you.” He looked into Bobbie’s watery eyes and wanted to smack himself for making her cry on what should have been a tear-free day.

  Thankfully she smiled and blinked the tears away. “It took you long enough to admit it.”

  “Babe, it was always my intention to protect your heart from getting broken, especially by me.”

  “Deep down I think I knew that, but from now on just love me.”

  “Forever.” He covered her mouth with his, and a round of cheers erupted from around them.




  Rita is a contemporary romance author from the New England area. She has a couple of romantic comedies out there, too. Her stories vary in heat levels from sweet to sizzling, but hopefully they all have a hint of humor. If you enjoy family- and friend-based series, then you’ve found the right author.

  For all titles by Rita Sawyer, please visit

  Siren Publishing, Inc.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  About the Author




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