Stay: Odd Jobs #1

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Stay: Odd Jobs #1 Page 8

by Alexander, AJ

  “Cool your jets, lover boy, she’s just fine. Like I wouldn’t take care of my own cousin. She’s in bed, even with the tears,” Heather snarks into the phone.

  “Tears? What tears? What the hell did you do?” I push my foot down on the gas pedal willing my car to go faster, panic suddenly sets in. The thought that something could happen to Addy when I wasn’t around scares me.

  “Seriously, Cole! You need to chill. She got a phone call from her dad before we went out, it was the entire reason I suggested we go in the first place. He gave her a tough time once again and tried to force her to come home.”

  I can hear the sympathy in her voice. She doesn’t have the best relationship with her father. The little that Addy has told me about her father, he’s a real piece of work.

  “I could strangle that asshole for making my girl feel less worthy,” I growl as I stop in front of their house.

  “Your girl, huh?”

  “Shut up! Just open the door, I’m here to check on her.”

  As I head up the path, I notice the door open and Heather standing in the doorway. She cocks her eyebrow at me as she crosses her arms over her chest. I know what this looks like, but this time it’s different.

  “Please,” I whisper looking my best friend in the eyes. She must see something because she steps to the side so I can come in.

  “First door on the right, I better find you with clothes on when I come up there. You have ten minutes.”

  I rush up the stairs two at a time before I make it to her room. The muffled sobs I hear through the door make my heartbreak.

  “Addy,” I whisper before I enter the room. She turns around, and I see her tear-streaked face, but it has never looked so beautiful.

  “What are you doing here?” I can hear the panic in her voice as she reaches up to smooth her hair down and wipe her face.

  I walk over and frame her face with my hands. “You're beautiful.” I place a kiss on her forehead.

  Tears begin to stream down her face once again as she lays her hand on mine. “Why do you have to be so perfect?”

  “Not perfect, I just care about you. When will you let me in?”

  She turns from me to face the wall, shrinking in on herself. “Will you stay with me until I fall asleep?”

  “Of course, now close your eyes before you wake the dragon.”

  She giggles softly before settling onto her side, pulling my arm with her. I pull her to my chest, willing my raging hard-on to calm down. This isn’t about getting laid, not in the slightest. I want to show her that there’s someone out there that wants to take care of her and love her the way she deserves.

  As her breathing begins to even out, I hear the door creak open. “How touching. Now get out,” Heather says from the doorway before turning to head downstairs, leaving the door open. Looks like I’m out of time.

  I extract myself from Addy’s embrace and place one last kiss on her forehead, following Heather down the stairs. Once I reach her, I let her have it.

  “I didn’t think you were serious about the ten minutes. Did you honestly think that I was going to do something to her?” I try to keep my anger in check, I know she’s looking out for her cousin, but she should know me.

  “I was more worried for you than about you doing something to her. You had no intentions of something happening, but I’m sure that once she started pawing at your dick, all those good intentions would go out the window.”

  I nod my head in confirmation. I only have so much willpower, if Addy had tried to get her rocks off, I’d have been more than willing.

  “Now, I’m tired. Between the tears from drunkie and having to play babysitter, I’ve had enough. I’m going to bed.”

  With that, Heather heads to her room leaving me to my own devices. I fight the urge to head back up the stairs and curl up with Addy, and head in the opposite direction toward the front door. Thoughts of Addy and what she said haunt me as I head home.



  “Wakie wakie, drunkie.”

  I groan as the sunlight filters into my room. I pull the blankets back over my head.

  “Oh no, I had to deal with your drunk ass last night, the least you can do is take me to breakfast.”

  “Why? Just why would you be so evil?” I mumble as Heather yanks the covers off my head.

  “You should be thanking me, I stopped you from dry humping Cole and embarrassing yourself.”

  I bolt straight up in the bed at the mention of Cole. “What the hell are you talking about? We went out to the club, I drank one too many shots of tequila and came home. Cole was nowhere in sight.”

  “Don’t you wish that was the case. Think really hard, you weren’t that drunk that you can claim amnesia about what happened last night.” Heather walks into my closet and begins opening and closing drawers. I guess she was serious about breakfast. I sit up in the bed, wiping the sleep out of my eyes as I think back to what happened last night after we left the bar. A light bulb seems to go off in my head as I remember my conversation with Cole on the drive home.

  “Shit, that conversation really happened? I thought I was dreaming.” I throw my arm over my eyes as I fall back on the bed.

  “Nope, not a dream, neither was the snuggle session you two had before you fell asleep.”

  “Could this get any more embarrassing?”

  Heather throws some clothes at me and heads toward the bathroom.

  “What are you doing in there, we are going to breakfast, not prom. Give me some sweats, a shirt, and a ponytail holder. At this point, you’re lucky I’m moving.”

  “I don’t think you want to see Cole with no makeup and sweats,” Heather yells from the bathroom as she rummages through my drawers

  “You’ve got to be shitting me! That’s it, your evil. I hate you!” I scramble out of bed and head into the bathroom for a shower. As I turn the water on to warm, I hear Heather from beside me.

  “I knew that’d get your ass moving! There’s a glass of water and Tylenol on the counter. Take it before you get in.”

  “Yes, Mother,” I chirp as I throw the pills back and step under the hot spray.

  * * *

  Once I finish my shower, I feel human again. Still a slight headache but a lot better than when I woke up. “Now get dressed, Cole and Wyatt are meeting us at the Broken Yoke in twenty.”

  My good mood just turned sour, I have no desire to see Cole after laying my heart out to him last night. Here’s hoping that he’ll pretend like it never happened or better yet chalk it up to drunken ramblings.

  Just as I’m pulling my shirt over my head, my phone rings. “Grab that, I’m sure it’s lover boy calling to check and see how you’re doing this morning.”

  I roll my eyes before answering the phone. “I’m fine. Nothing to worry about, just a few too many tequila shots.”

  “I hope you didn’t do anything to embarrass your mother and I in your drunken adventures last night,” my father says through the phone. Pulling the phone away from my ear, I look at the screen and see his number glaring back at me. I was hoping I was still drunk, but I was mistaken. That will teach me to answer the phone without checking the caller ID. Maybe I should change his ringtone to the Imperial March, that describes my father perfectly.

  With the picture of Darth Vader in my mind, I answered my father. “Nothing to worry about. Heather got me home before anything could happen.”

  “Not that that’s any better, I am not sure if that girl has enough brain cells between her two ears to hold her head up,” he gripes into the phone. He has never been a fan of Heather or my aunt for that matter. If she wasn’t his sister, I bet he wouldn’t have anything to do with her.

  “What can I do for you? If this is another attempt to tell me to come home, you’re wasting your breath. You can tell your lackey to come home too. He’s the last person that could persuade me. I’m happy here, I have friends and a job, there is nothing for me to come back to New York for.”

“I can’t say you are keeping the best company, Addison. I want what is best for you…”

  I cut him off before he can even finish speaking. “No, what you want is what works best for you. Why can’t you just love me for me? Why do you need to change the person that I am?” I’m practically begging my father over the phone to love me, my tears are threatening to fall.

  “Don’t be ridiculous, Addison, of course, I love you. You’re my daughter.”

  “Only when it’s convenient. I can’t do this today. Don’t call me again unless you want to apologize.” I don’t even bother to wait for his response before hanging up the phone and throwing it on the bed with a thump. Suddenly, I’ve lost my appetite.


  My leg shakes impatiently as I wait for Addy and Heather to arrive, after our conversation last night I can’t wait any longer to make her mine.

  “Is this seat taken?” I see my best friend’s sad smile.

  “She’s avoiding me, isn’t she?” My shoulders slump as I scoot over so she can have a seat.

  “Don’t be like that, man, I’m sure there’s a good reason for her not showing up. If she drank as much as you say, there’s no way she’s up and moving around this morning,” Wyatt says from across the table as he takes a sip of his coffee.

  “Easy for you to say, the girl of your dreams is sitting across from you,” I mumble as I cross my arms over my chest and pout. I was really looking forward to spending time with Addy this morning.

  “Nothing that crazy. She was actually ready to come, but her Dad had to call and ruin everything,” Heather sneers as she picks up her menu to place an order.

  “I don’t know why you even look at that thing. We come here at least once a week, and you always order the same thing.” Wyatt smiles over his menu, when are these two going to get a clue and get together?

  “I’m female, I need options.” She continues to checkover the menu with a shy smile on her face.

  “I can’t take this anymore!” I slam my menu down on the table startling everyone around us. “What else can I do? I’ve done everything I can to show her who I really am but nothing!”

  Heather places her hand on top of mine. “We will come up with something, Cole. Don’t you worry. You have to fight for anything worth having.”

  “Why don’t you ask her on a date?” Wyatt says.

  “If it were that easy don’t you think I’d have done it already? She thinks I want nothing from her but sex.” I clench my teeth trying not to lose my temper.

  “Why not a double date? Hey Heather, let’s go out?”

  She places her menu on the table. “You’ve got to be kidding me, right?”

  I try to get Wyatt’s attention before he puts his foot in it, there’s no way this conversation is going to end well.

  “Sure, you and I go out. We can invite Addy and Cole, and everything will be perfect. Those two will hit it off, problem solved.”

  I shake my head as I watch my friend crash and burn. Heather leans over and gives me a kiss on the cheek before getting up to leave.

  “Dude, you totally messed that up.”



  I roll over as my phone ring, making sure to check my caller ID, I see Heather’s smiling face on the screen.

  “What,” I grumble as I lay my head back on the pillow. I’m still not ready to face the world after the phone call with my dad earlier this morning.

  “Wyatt finally asked me out, I think. Maybe it was an accident, but still, he said the words go out with me,” Heather screeches into the phone so loud I have to pull it away from my ear.

  “Yea, I’m happy for you. Now let me go back to sleep.”

  “Hell no, wake up! I need an outfit and a wax cause we both know I won’t stop until I get laid. Oh, by the way, you’re coming!”

  Now, I’m awake! “What the hell, Heather! Did you not think to ask me if I wanted to go on a double date with you?”

  “I’m not asking, I’m telling. You owe me, bitch.”

  I know she’s right, but I really don’t want to tell her.

  “What the hell do I owe you for?” I say, trying to fane ignorance.

  “Seriously, Jay Simpson,” she responds.


  I was seriously hoping she forgot. There was this one time when we were thirteen. Jay Simpson was my very first crush, ever. Heather was visiting for the summer, and he had FINALLY asked me on a date. She took one for the team and went out with his not so good-looking friend, Justin Krispin. They used to call him Krispy because of his eczema. Heather took the longest shower in the history of showers after that night.

  “When is this said date?”

  “Well, I’m not really sure actually. He kind of asked me in a fucked-up way, I have to make him work for it. Here’s hoping he doesn’t change his mind.”

  “Seriously! Heather, you didn’t even say yes or wait for him to tell you the details.” I shake my head, not that she can see me.

  “I need to make him sweat! He has made me wait this long, what’s a little while longer. Now get up, I know you’re moping after talking to your father. We have some shopping to do.”

  Before I can even answer she hangs up the phone, I’m sure she knows what she’s doing, or at least I hope she does. Time to get my “armor” ready for my date with Cole, if I’m not careful, I’m sure to be begging before the end of the night.


  I can’t help but reach across the table and smack my friend on the back of the head. He’s going to have to do something to fix this and fast. If he ruins my chance of getting to see Addy tonight, we are going to have some serious issues.

  “What the hell, dude? You’ve been telling me to grow a pair and ask her out. I do, and I get physically abused.” He rubs the back of his head. “I don’t know what made you think that was a proper invitation for a date, but fix this, fast!”

  Wyatt hangs his head in shame. “I have no idea what I’m doing, do I?”

  “Obviously not, you figure out where we are going and come up with a fabulous plan. I’ll go and make sure Heather knows what an idiot you’re and that we’ll pick them up at 7. I push back from the table without a word and dial Heather’s number. Before I can even make it out of the restaurant, she answers without a hello.

  “No stress, beefcake, just tell me when and where. Addy and I’ll be ready with sparkly bells on.”

  I let out the breath I didn’t even know I was holding.

  “Have I told you how much I love you recently?”

  “I take diamonds, platinum, gold, and the name of your first born as payment.” She giggles in response.

  “I have to get her to like me first. I sent Wyatt on a mission to plan the perfect date. We will pick you two up at seven.”

  “That’s not nearly enough time! You don’t get this beautiful without effort. Peace out boy scout, see you at seven.” She hangs up before I even have a chance to respond.

  I climb into my car and head back to my place to make plans of my own. I need to win my girl tonight before both of us lose our minds.



  After being painted and plucked in places I didn’t even know I needed to be, we are finally home. After talking to the guys, Heather decided to call in a favor and have some outfits couriered over from the local boutique for us to wear.

  I’m thankful for the thought, I don’t think I could go out in just anything tonight. I need to be on my A-game with Cole. I’m getting closer and closer to giving into his games. I can’t be caught in just anything when I see him, I refuse to be the one to beg, but no one said anything about making him beg first.

  Since the weather is nice and we have no idea where we are going, Heather chose outfits that are semi-formal and can work in about any setting. I have on a blush color cashmere three quarter sleeve sweater with a scoop neckline. I paired with a flowery navy-blue skirt that hangs loosely around mid-thigh. Tan color ballet flats cap off the outfit. I’m stan
ding in front of the floor length mirror in my room trying to decide what to do with my hair when Heather enters the room.

  “A short skirt for easy access I see.”

  I whip around and catch the mischievous smile on her face. Heather’s red hair is pulled up in a set of intricate braids and twist as it sits delicately on her head, soft tendrils drift down framing her face. We apparently had the same idea about keeping it simple as she has on a peach-colored A-line dress that hugs her curves in all the right places.

  “I don’t think anyone will see me when you walk into the room,” I respond turning back toward the mirror. Heather walks up behind me and smacks my hand away, taking control of fixing my hair. As she pulls a few tendrils away from my face, she huffs.

  “Stop that nonsense right now! You and I both know that Cole will have eyes for only you. When will you get it through your thick head that if all he wanted was sex, he wouldn’t be trying so hard? You gave him the goods already, so why is he still hanging around?”

  I never thought about it like that, but before I can respond, she pats me on the shoulder and pronounces me ready for our double date. I can’t say that I wanted to go earlier but now this evening is looking slightly more promising.

  “How about some liquid courage before we leave?” I ask as we head downstairs. I know I’m going to need to keep my wits about me this evening if I’m going to avoid falling into bed with Cole again, but a shot or two won’t kill me.

  “Shots it is,” Heather says as she prances toward the kitchen. “Any request?”

  “Anything but tequila.”

  “You’re cut off from tequila for the rest of your life or at least until I need another good laugh.” I hear Heathers tinkling laughter as I continue down the stairs.

  I enter the kitchen to a line full of shots on the counter, amber color liquid, and limes. “I said no tequila!” I growl.


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