Leap of Faith: A Sports Romance (Love of the Game Book 3)

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Leap of Faith: A Sports Romance (Love of the Game Book 3) Page 7

by McClendon, Shayne

  “I thought so, too.”

  Tuck peered over Sasha’s shoulder and laughed loudly. A Green Bay jersey bearing his name and number sat folded on top of a pair of jeans and sneakers. He winked at her mom.

  “Hustle, darling. I looked through your log and if you don’t get your sugar under control, you’re going back on shots. As soon as you’re done, we need to get some actual food in your system.”

  Ignoring the well-meaning lecture, Sasha stood and asked them to push the door closed. She stripped to her bra and panties without glancing in Tucker’s direction and was dressed in the new clothes in under a minute. He tried not to stare.


  As she was tying her laces, her brothers returned. They found her outfit hysterical. In sneakers, she was the same height as her mom while Tucker and her brothers towered over her.

  “Shut up. I mean it.”

  “I’m buying you a Green Bay onesie.” Nathan couldn’t stop laughing at the image he put in his own head. “Pigtails and a teddy bear…”

  “I hate you,” she told him with a grin.

  “You love me and I love seeing you smile.” He gave her a smacking kiss on her cheek. “Now, you need to eat and you know I can always eat so…move your ass, sis.”

  The nurse brought her paperwork and she quickly signed several pages.

  CJ handed her the big bag that held her laptop and wrapped his arm around her shoulder. “Sasha?” She looked at him expectantly and he gave her a brilliant smile. “You’re fired.”

  She hugged him hard and against his neck murmured, “Thank you.”

  He kissed the top of her head and handed her off to Tucker, who took her hand. Ten minutes later, they were driving away from the hospital and on their way to the Irish pub. All of them wanted to thank Ben for his help. His menu didn’t hurt.

  Sasha settled on the seat beside him and Tucker gave her a squeeze. She smiled at him and the rest of her family but he knew she was still upset, no matter how well she was hiding it.

  There was no sign of Collie.

  Chapter Twelve

  After her brothers and Tucker shook Ben’s hand, she and her mother took turns hugging the big man. He blushed at their effusive thanks.

  “Sit, lass. I’ll bring ye some food to hold ye over.” He gently nudged her into her chair between Tucker and CJ. “Might I say, yer grip had boyo screamin’ like a wee girl.” With a wink, he walked to the kitchen and it was Sasha’s turn to blush.

  “Speaking of that, what happened to the self-defense lessons I gave you? You used to be able to flip me.” Nathan volunteered at a local women’s shelter where he taught courses in personal protection.

  “I admit that I went blank at first. I was shocked that he would attack me a block from the office in broad daylight. I just wanted to get away and everything you showed me went right out of my head. I may need a refresher.”

  Her gentle brother winked across the table. “No need, sweetheart. I’ll happily pound him for you. He can deal with someone his own fucking size.” He fist bumped CJ and Tucker.

  “Dial it down before someone gets hurt or arrested. I’m fine and I’m pressing charges.” She smiled. “Even though you’re technically the most deadly, I need you to continue being the most rational of my brothers, Nathan.”

  His dramatic sigh made the others laugh. “Fine. I’ll expect you at the house on Saturday.”

  “My muscles are sore already.”

  * * *

  Food arrived and they chatted while they ate. From his position facing the door, Tucker saw Collie enter the bar and approach Ben. The two men spoke quietly for a minute and Sasha’s father settled heavily on a stool. A glass of bourbon was in his hand soon after.

  Tucker leaned over and whispered in Sasha’s ear, “Your father is here. I’d like the chance to talk to him as someone outside your family.”

  Her eyes located Collie at the bar and she tugged her lip between her teeth. Everything about his body language spoke of a man who was tired. Meeting his eyes, she nodded.

  Dropping a kiss on her lips, he stood and went to join his agent. Collie looked up in surprise before glancing around the bar and seeing his family. A pained expression crossed his face and he turned back to stare into the glass.

  “I honestly never knew what to do with her, how to treat her, or how to just be…nice to her. I was too abrupt. When she was really little, I made Sasha cry a lot. Then she just stopped reacting to me at all; started going to CJ or Nathan when she needed help or advice. I’m close to my boys, but I never bridged the gap with my only daughter.”

  He grimaced. “I forced her into one relationship after another over the years, putting powerful men in her way whether she wanted them or not. She pretended and I realize now that she did that to make me proud.” Silence stretched between them. “She refused to do it with you, Tucker.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “When she got back to California, she told me she knew exactly why I sent her to meet you and said she wanted nothing to do with your representation.” The older man met Tucker’s gaze directly. “Do you want to know why?”

  Tuck wanted to know why more than anything at that moment.

  “She said you were different; that you could break her heart and it wasn’t worth the humiliation. Nothing I said changed her mind.”

  “Did you know Peter was here?”

  Collie sighed. “I helped Aaron set her up. I never thought he’d put his hands on her and I didn’t know she lost her baby. I didn’t know how bad the cheating was or that she was in deep mourning the last time she caught him.” His eyes closed. “I thought she was being difficult. I was thinking like her boss, not her father.”

  “I’ve known you twenty years, Collie. You’re one of the few people I’ve trusted over the course of my career.” He sat up straight and put his shoulders back. “There will be no more games with Sasha. She is mine. Let me show her what her life can be like what it should be like.”

  “I respect you on and off the field, Tucker. I think you’ll be good for her.” Collie took a long pull of his drink. “You cheat on her and it will break her. She’ll never get over it.”

  “I won’t.” Tuck ran his fingers over her hairline. “She’s the last for me.”

  Finishing the bourbon, Collie said, “Now I need to get my head out of my own ass and fix things with the only woman I’ve ever loved. She’ll leave me over this, no matter how much she loves me. I lose her, I lose the only part of myself I can stand anymore.”

  Tucker stood and clapped his agent on the back. “Then you better get to it. Take her on vacation and lose your fucking phone. You’ve got it good from what I’ve seen…don’t fuck it up.”

  Collie chuckled and followed him back to the table. Everyone was quiet.

  “CJ…I’ll be officially retired in thirty days. You and Nathan run things now. I’m taking your mother on vacation for the next month. If you need me, call her phone.” Their mother was shocked into silence. Collie handed his oldest son his cell phone and gently tugged Deirdre from her chair. “We need to talk, DeeDee.”

  When she was standing at his side, he leaned down and cupped Sasha’s face in his hands. “I love you, princess. I suck at showing it and I know that. I reacted badly today and so many days before. I’m sorry.” Her tears slid over his hands. “Forget the company and be happy.” He kissed her forehead and both her eyes before pulling her into a strong hug.

  Then he took his wife’s hand and led her outside.

  The siblings sat stunned for almost a minute. Tuck pointed at one of the televisions and they all looked up to watch the footage of Sasha’s run-in with her ex on national news.

  “Oh my god…” she said quietly and then laughed without a trace of humor. “Cell phone video quality has really come a long way, huh?” The men tried to pull her from her instant funk but it was no use. She pressed the heels of her palms against her eyes. “Here we fucking go again. I’m so sick of this shit.”

; In the pit of Tucker’s stomach, he knew what was going to happen before it did. Sasha sat up, wiped her face, and turned to him.

  “I can’t do this, Tucker. I’m sorry. I just can’t. Please understand.” She ran her fingers through his hair and pulled him to her for a careful kiss. “We can’t see each other anymore. Don’t call me. Don’t text me.”


  “No. I am tired, Tucker. As you said, it is my choice who I have in my life. Mine. I will not choose the path that leads to more bullshit.” She picked up her bag. “I need you to give me space because I’m asking for it.”

  There it was. The one thing he could do for her that no other man ever had. He could respect her wishes, give her the space she thought she wanted, and hope to god it ended up being the right decision. If it didn’t, he’d fuck her until she caved in.

  With a firm option B in his mind, he nodded carefully. “Alright. If that’s what you really want. I’ll see you around, pretty girl.” He stood up, kissed the top of her head, and left.

  He was disappointed – but not surprised – when she didn’t follow.

  * * *

  CJ and Nathan started talking at the same time.

  “What are you doing, Sasha? It’s obvious how much you like him.”

  “Don’t do this because of the fucking news, sis.”

  “You’re going to regret this decision. Think it through.”

  “Why is today so filled with drama? Fuck.”

  She went around the table and hugged each of them. “I’m going to get my car from the office and head home. I love you guys very much.”

  “Let me drive you…”

  “No. I’ll walk. I need to.” She slipped her sunglasses in place and stepped outside. As she headed in the direction of the office, she said aloud, “Don’t hate me, Tucker. Please don’t hate me.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Three months later…

  After her workout, Sasha made her shake and turned on the television for background noise while she straightened her studio.

  Tucker’s voice froze her in place.

  Turning, she stared at the image of him on one of her favorite morning talk shows. He was wearing a tailored suit, a tie that matched his eyes, and appeared relaxed as he answered questions.

  “How are you enjoying LA, Tucker?” The female host she normally liked and respected seemed a bit too enamored with her guest. Sasha propped her hand on her hip in annoyance.

  “Soaking up the sunshine. I like it out here. The pace is pretty relaxed.”

  The male host laughed. “Unless you’re on the freeway.”

  “Very true. I listen to music and keep my head down. My driver this time around doesn’t seem to ruffle at all under the pressure. He would have been great to have in the huddle.”

  Sasha found herself examining his every feature while they bantered back and forth. His hair was a little longer. It curled at the ends and she thought it looked good on him. He looked good period.

  Tilting her head, she watched his eyes. Though he smiled and interacted with his usual charm, she thought he seemed tense.

  The blonde leaned closer. In a voice Sasha found overly seductive, she asked, “So, Tucker. You’ve developed a reputation over the years as something of a lady’s man. Anyone special in your life right now?”

  Tucker rubbed his big palm on his thigh. “I wish I hadn’t developed that reputation. It cost me the woman who could have been my other half. I still think she is even though we haven’t talked.”

  “Does this other half have a name? She sounds fascinating.”

  “She’s a private person.” He glanced out into the audience and took a deep breath. “You go through your life and figure every day is a fresh start, a clean slate, you know? Sure, we all make mistakes but you think you have time to make up for it.”

  He shook his head. “Until you get a chance for something great and your past jumps up and bites you on the ass.” Tucker smiled at his hosts and shrugged.

  They stared at him, unsure how to respond to a heavier topic than they planned on. Eventually, the male said, “Making good choices is so important.” Then they moved on to his charity and glossed over the too-serious content.

  Sasha didn’t realize she was crying until tears dropped on the skin of her crossed arms. She wiped her face and stared at the man she dreamed about almost every night.

  There was no way Tucker was hung up on her.

  “What are your plans while you’re in Cali, Tucker?”

  He stared directly into the camera and said, “I plan to spend some time at the beach.”

  Instantly, Sasha’s body went rogue. Every moment he’d spent with her at the beach house flooded into her brain, destroying the defenses she’d erected against them. Her hands itched to touch him, her lips tingled with the need to kiss him, and her pussy ached for him to fill her.

  There were pleasantries and then the show ended. She watched him until the credits rolled then shut off the TV. Still, she stared at the black screen.

  Her phone rang and she jumped. Relieved and intensely sad that it was her mother, she answered.

  “Honey, are you alright?”

  Clearing her throat, she controlled her breathing. “Of course. Why wouldn’t I be alright?”

  “You sound funny.”

  “No. I’m fine. Are you alright?”

  “Wonderful, dear. Your father and I were wondering if you’d like to drive into the city for lunch. We haven’t seen you in weeks. Say you will.”

  Since their trip to Hawaii, family life had been drastically different for the Fowlers. Collie laughed more now that he was retired and PDA was common between them. If any of her brothers brought up business, he quickly changed the subject and asked about their lives.

  Their marriage had never been stronger.

  Their children had never been more confused.

  “Sure, Mom. What time do you want to meet?”

  “Let’s meet at the office. You know the staff so loves the chance to see you.”

  “Two o’clock sound good?” Her mother agreed and they ended the call. She ran her hands over her face and quickly gathered her hair into a messy bun.

  The ocean caught her eye and she moved to the window. Sasha wasn’t sure how long she stood there with her arms wrapped around her waist.

  She knew she spent the time thinking about Tucker.

  * * *

  After a long shower, she thought about spending more time on her hair but she didn’t; A quick pass of the hairdryer and she called it done. For some reason, she tossed around the idea of applying some makeup then realized she wasn’t motivated. Lip-gloss was sufficient.

  She also considered dressing up as she always had when making an appearance at the agency and changed her mind. A linen sundress and heeled sandals were more fitting. Gathering the leather slouch bag that just might qualify as the perfect purse for her laptop and sketch supplies, she walked to her car.

  The day was far too beautiful to keep the top up. Shades blocked the glare and a huge clip kept her hair from flying everywhere. An accident on the freeway made her glad she left a bit earlier than usual.

  She would have been too late to grab pastry. Tucking everything into the passenger seat, she made it with a few minutes to spare. Both of her parents hated when their kids were late.

  Surprisingly, she was excited to be heading into the office. Since the explosion in the media over her very public confrontation with Peter, she’d avoided the city completely.

  The day of his court appearance, he’d taken her aside to apologize. No press, no ulterior motive. That was when he told her about his increasingly dangerous addiction to prescription medication.

  “I got hurt and they gave me pills. I never stopped taking them. It doesn’t change what I did but I wanted to tell you face to face that I’m sorry.”

  He received community service and probation. He was banned from visiting or working in the United States for three years. His new
agent enrolled him in anger management classes, sent him through rehab, and seemed to have much greater control over him than Collie ever had.

  Only time would tell, but she felt as though they could be civil if they encountered one another.

  Driving beneath the agency, she nodded at the waving parking attendant and took her usual spot near the elevator. The doors slid open on the executive floor and staff happy to see her swarmed from seemingly everywhere.

  CJ worked his way through almost a dozen employees with a grin. “Hey there, little sister. Mm, spoiling us again.” He turned a fierce glare on the people around him and growled, “One fucking chocolate croissant. Just save me one.”

  They laughed and his assistant nodded.

  His big hands cupped her shoulders. “You look incredible. How’s your sugar?”

  “Finally back on track. I’m down to one pill in the morning.”

  “Glad to hear that. You resemble a super classy beach bunny. You realize redheads aren’t meant for too much sun, right?”

  “I dip myself in a vat of sunscreen, CJ. Are you kidding?” She glanced around. “Where are Mom and Dad?”

  He winked. “They run late for everything now. Too busy making out.” Sasha pretended to choke down a gag and he laughed loudly. “I see it daily. I don’t freak out as much.” Wrapping his arm around her shoulder, he led her to his office.

  Collie and Deirdre broke apart like teenagers. Taking in their daughter, they both gave her big smiles as they came to greet her.

  “Well aren’t you pretty as a picture?” Her dad hugged her hard and tilted up her chin. “You look wonderful. Why do I think you’re a little sad?” She shook her head. “Hmm…we’ll see. Look at our girl, DeeDee.”

  She stood still while her mother fussed over her outfit. “I love this more relaxed you. Are you relaxed?”

  Sasha laughed. “Sure. I spend my days painting. Very relaxing.”

  “Anyone interesting in your life?”

  “I…no, Mom. I don’t need that right now.” Deirdre stared at her and Sasha wondered how much she could see.


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