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Page 10

by Charlotte Boyett-Compo

  Gillian drew in a ragged breath. “Make him atone how?"

  “He offered to give back the money as soon as he could sell Revenge."

  “Revenge?” Gillian gasped. “But he surely would not!"

  Duncan nodded quickly. “Aye, he would to keep me from ordering what I've already ordered."

  A sharp pain of fear pierced Gillian's heart. “What do you mean?” She stepped closer so she could better see the Jarl's face through the mist of fog.

  “I told my brother he would have to pay—and pay dearly—for his crimes this time.” The Jarl looked out across the water. “It is past time he took responsibility for the things he does; he is no longer a green boy to be excused of his mistakes.” He turned to face her once more. “I informed him I would not stay the Tribunal's hand when they seek to prosecute him for the theft of depository funds if should he find a way to pay them back."

  Gillian reached out to him, took hold of Duncan's jacket lapel. “Your Grace, no!” she begged. “He could not stand to be put into prison! We will pay the money for him! I will do anything to keep him from such a fate! I could not bare to see him locked away!"

  For one brief moment, Duncan saw true, unselfish love flitting through the young woman's eyes and his heart lurched. If only he could find the same kind of blind devotion Kaelan had stumbled into ... He shook his head, knowing such love was rare, indeed, and he would never be on the receiving end of it. The thought turned his mouth bitter and his words hard and brutal.

  “Have no fear of that happening, mam'selle,” he sneered. “My brother has already found the solution to the problem and—true to form—he will benefit from the plan. To avoid the disgrace to the family a public trial would surely bring, the Tribunal has agreed to what he proposes although I, myself, find it deplorable."

  “I don't understand,” she replied, her forehead crinkling.

  “He told me to offer him on the marriage market,” Duncan snapped, looking away from her lovely face. “To the Lord with the highest Bride Price."

  “What?!” Gillian breathed.

  “One with land and holdings equal to a Jarl's kin,” Duncan lied. “A Lord willing to reimburse the Depository and still have enough left over to replace the horses that were killed in the flood.” He watched her face crumble and felt a momentary stab of guilt, but he threw it aside. “Kaelan doesn't care who the woman is as long as she has enough money to keep him in style, and hails from his homeland."

  “A Viragonian woman?” she questioned, stung deeply by Duncan's words.

  The Jarl lifted his chin. “He can not marry a foreigner, dearling, and keep the bloodlines of the Principality pure; he said so, himself."

  “But he asked me to marry him!” she protested and felt like screaming as Duncan slowly shook his head in regret.

  “To get you in his bed, Mam'selle, he would have promised you the moon and stars and planets. That is his way."

  Gillian backed away from her tormentor. She held up her hands when he would have spoken again. “Tell me no more of your lies, Duncan Hesar!” she warned. “I'll not hear them!"

  “If you do not believe me,” the Jarl said softly, “go speak with the Duchess. It was she who sent me here. The lady loves you like her own."

  Elga love her? Gillian thought hatefully. The woman loved no one but herself. But the mention of her father's mate brought about the effect Duncan had intended: it made Gillian stop to wonder what reason either she or the Jarl would have to put an end to tonight's plan unless at least a portion of what Duncan said was true. If Kaelan had really loved her, would he not have come? Even if he were guilty of the things of which his brother had accused him, would he not—if he even cared for her—have come anyway to spirit her away with him? Into exile? Even with so dishonorable an intent as simply bedding her as the Jarl suggested? Had he any feelings for her at all, would he not have made the effort to seek her out instead of running to Serenia?

  “Sweet merciful Alel,” she cried, burying her face in her hands. “I don't know what to believe!"

  “I am aggrieved at the hurt Kaelan has caused you,” she heard the Jarl saying. “At least allow me to make amends to you."

  “And how would you do that?” Gillian asked, bitterly.

  Duncan came to her and stood staring down into her ravaged face. “The announcement of my brother's availability will go out on the morrow.” He smiled ruefully. “I would wager to say there will be emissaries from every great house throughout the Realm speeding toward Tempest Keep within an hour of the news’ release. There will be a great hue and cry as the Lords seek to ally themselves closer to the House of Hesar. I would not think you would care to be here to watch the circus that will surely come."

  Gillian shook her head. “It doesn't matter,” she mumbled.

  “Nor would you,” Duncan continued as though she hadn't spoken, “care to be present when he takes his Joining vows with the lady whose dowry will bring the highest bid."

  A stab of jealousy and irrevocable hurt turned Gillian's tearful face to stubborn anger. “No, I think not."

  Duncan reached out and took her into his arms, feeling her body stiffen even though she made no move to stop him. He drew her to him—made heady by the sweet perfume of her hair and the softness of her young body—and held her head cupped in his right hand.

  “I will have the Windlass readied,” he whispered. “You can sail to Chale and stay there until this whole sordid mess is over."

  “How soon?” she asked, and her voice was a mere sigh of defeat.

  “A week, perhaps,” he answered, his heart hammering in his chest.

  “Aye,” she said, and the Jarl would have been stunned had he been able to see the hard glitter of hate forming in the young woman's pretty green eyes. “Make your ship ready, Prince Duncan. I would like nothing better than to leave this heathen place!"

  * * * *

  Kaelan looked up as the door to his cell opened. He was surprised to see the Duchess Elga. Standing quickly, he felt his heart slamming heavily against his ribcage. “Milady?” he questioned, hoping against hope she was here to help him.

  “May I have a moment of your time, Your Grace?” she asked. She held her satin skirts up and away from the dust of the cell's floor.

  “A moment is all I am left with, I fear,” he answered. He looked about, realized he could not offer a seat on his grimy bunk.

  “It's of no matter,” she said, understanding his lack of amenities. “I've come to discuss Gillian with you."

  His heart nearly burst from his chest. “Gillian?” He went to her. “Does she know where I am?"

  Elga Cree held up a hand to stop him. “We saw no need to tell her you have been incarcerated,” the Duchess stated. “It would only hurt her the more."

  That his lady had been hurt by all this, he had no doubt. From the look in Elga's eye, he knew she was as much a part of the cause of that hurt as his brother, Duncan, was. The thought nearly lifted his hands to circle the woman's slim neck and squeeze until there was no life left in her whoring body. As it was, he turned away from her and plopped down on the cot.

  “So you are the power behind the Jarl,” he sneered. It had often occurred to him that Duncan was far too weak and wishy-washy to do the things he had since becoming Jarl; he knew there had to be someone advising the bastard, for Duncan had not the mental facilities to come up with such diabolical schemes as the one in which Kaelan found himself trapped.

  “I have some influence at Court,” Elga granted and chose to ignore the snort of contempt that came from the young prince.

  “What do you want?” Kaelan growled.

  “I would ask your opinion concerning Gillian."

  He looked up. For the first time, he saw what might well have passed for worry on the older woman's face. “What of her?” he asked, feeling uneasy.

  Elga stared hard at him. “What do we say to her?"

  “Say to her?” His tone was incredulous. “You help to destroy her life as well as mine, a
nd ask me how to explain your evil to the woman I love?"

  Elga fanned away his words. “She cries the day long,” she snapped.

  “And who is responsible for that?” he hissed at her. He had no idea what lies they had told Gillian, but he hoped she knew him well enough to know they were just that: lies.

  “She will be leaving at the end of the week,” Elga told him and was pleased at the flinch that shivered through his strong young body. “She does not wish to be here when your bride is chosen. Until she leaves, I would see her at least calm, if not so near to despondency as she is now."

  “How could you hurt her like this?” he asked. “What ill has she done to you, Elga?"

  “No ill, at all,” the woman said. “In my way, I care deeply for the child.” She smiled hatefully. “It is you I wish to hurt, Kaelan."

  “Oh, I've no doubt of that!” he shot back. “You and your spineless lover!"

  “You've spoiled her for other men,” Elga complained. “A woman does not ever get over her first love; he will always be there at the back of her mind: a yardstick by which she will measure every other man."

  “And I ain't what you have in mind for her, is that it?”

  “She needs a husband who is powerful; whose sword hand the Jarl can count upon to defend the House of Hesar."

  “De Viennes,” Kaelan sneered. He almost came off the cot to throttle the witch. “You aim to give her to that son of a bitch!"

  “Only if you do not do as your Jarl wishes,” Elga warned him, cutting him off and smiling at his wary look. “Either bow to Duncan's authority or we will gladly give her hand to Rolf de Viennes.” She dusted a fleck of lint from her sleeve. “Surely you must know the man has been after Duncan to do just that."

  “I'll kill that bastard before I will allow you to hand Gillian over to him!” Kaelan told her.

  “We'll not, unless you give us trouble, Kaelan,” she cautioned. “Either way, you'll not be seeing Gillian again, so do for her now what you can before it is too late."

  “Too late for what?” he whispered, suddenly fearful for his lady's safety.

  “She cries for you, Kaelan!” Elga said with annoyance. “I have already explained that to you. We can not have her mourning you.” She pointed a finger at him. “For one thing, you are not worth it; and for another, she is so furious at you for abandoning her."

  “I did no such thing!” he bellowed. “It was you who tore me away from her!"

  “So furious, I fear she will never trust another man,” Elga continued spitefully as though she hadn't heard him. “How can she allow herself to love again if she does nothing but wail over you?"

  Kaelan was stunned to hear himself say: “She'll get over it."

  “Will you?” Elga shot back, pleased with the intense pain that shot through her former lover's eyes.

  The young prince laughed sardonically. “It can not be said that Elga Cree does not cut right to the heart of the matter. You know I won't!"

  “Tell me what to do for her, Kaelan,” Elga snapped. “How to explain your leaving in terms she will accept."

  “You mean other than telling her the truth you are incapable of telling?” he threw at her. “Or which isn't in your best interest to tell?"

  Elga glared at him. She would have to make doubly sure this man was sent as far away from Tempest Keep as they could get him. “Do you wish to have the flesh removed from that strong back of yours!"

  “Nothing you do to me can hurt even a fraction as much as losing Gillian!” he spat. “That is an agony far worse than any physical pain you or that hateful brother of mine can inflict!"

  “Care you to see if we can not inflict a much greater pain upon you, Kaelan Hesar?” she challenged.

  Kaelan snorted. He drew his feet up onto the cot, circled his legs with his arms and simply stared at the woman, hating her with every fiber of his being. “I wish you joy of Duncan, Elga,” he chuckled. “You are two of a kind."

  “Just answer me!” she hissed, stamping her velvet-clad foot. “What do I do to make Gillian happy again?"

  “Let me out of this wretched place and let us leave!” he threw back at her.

  “Out of the question,” she told him through clenched teeth.

  “I suppose it is,” he sneered, “since you won't make any money off that, you conniving harpy!"

  “Gillian is crying herself to death because of you!” she flung at him. “She has not eaten since night before last! The Healer worries for her health. Do you not care at all?"

  “And who is the cause of her despair, Elga?” he growled.

  “Ultimately you are, you selfish little bastard!"

  When he just sat there—continuing to glower at her-she threw up her hands. “This is useless! You care not one whit for that poor girl's health. She is making herself sick and all you can do is throw epitaphs of hate at me!” She went to the cell door and kicked it. “Guard!"

  “Tell her I'm a bastard,” she heard him say softly and turned around to look at him.

  Kaelan lowered his forehead to his raised knee. “Make me out to be the villain you've no doubt already have.” His shoulders slumped. “I'll not challenge what you say."

  “How do we make her believe us?” Elga demanded. “Nothing we've said has worked."

  Hot, burning grief washed over Kaelan's soul. “Tell her,” he said, having to stop when his voice broke, “tell her that it was never my intent to ask her father for her hand. Tell her I only wanted....” A wretched sob came from deep within his aching chest. “Tell her I only wanted to bed her."

  A gleam of victory glinted in Elga's eye. Kaelan had no way of knowing those had been Duncan's very words to the girl. “And you'll not deny the explanation?"

  It was on the tip of his tongue to take back all he'd said, but he knew he couldn't. One way or another, he would do all he could to protect Gillian. He would never be allowed to have her to wife; Duncan would make damned sure of that. As long as Gillian was spared the danger of becoming Rolf de Viennes’ mate, nothing else mattered.

  “I'll not deny it,” he whispered, “on one condition.” He lifted his head and stared into Elga's eyes. She was stunned to see bright tears in the depths of his brown gaze.

  “What condition?” she asked, suspiciously.

  “That when you choose a mate for her, he be a man of honor. One you know will love and cherish her as you would have yourself loved and cherished, Elga Cree.” His gaze pleaded with her for help. “A man as unlike Rolf de Viennes as there is to be found in the Seven Kingdoms."

  Elga tucked her bottom lip between her pearly teeth. He would never know, she thought, what mate she would choose for Gillian. She would make sure Duncan sent him to the farthest reaches of the realm and kept him there for as long as he lived.

  Out of touch with the Court and away from anyone who could tell him differently. She smiled, gently, went to him and laid a placating hand on his stooped shoulder.

  “I swear it on my love for your brother,” she said. “I'll give her into the keeping of a man who will take as good a care of her as you, yourself, would."

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter Eighteen: Holy Dale Manor

  “I had given my heart into Gillian's keeping,” Nick listened as Kaelan explained. “And I knew it would be hers alone ’til the day I died. If she was to ever know happiness again, I had to set her free of me. What I did, I did for love of her."

  “So it was not your intent to simply bed me without benefit of vows."

  Nick jerked around, not having heard his sister return. He frowned at her sarcastic tone. “You are very rude to eavesdrop on a private conversation, Gilly. How much did you hear?"

  “Of course, not!” the prince stated, ignoring Nick. “I meant for us to Join. I told you as much."

  “What of the money?” she sneered.

  “Money?” was Kaelan's echo.

  “And the ransom."

  Kaelan's brows drew together. “Ransom?” he echoed again. />
  “What are you talking about, Gillian?” Nick challenged.

  “The money you stole from the Depository!” she threw at him. “The ransom you planned to seek from my father for my safe return after you'd had your fill of me! The ransom with which you were going to replace the money you took so the Tribunal would not send you to prison!"

  “WHAT?” Kaelan gasped. His face had drained of color only to become suddenly infused with a scarlet rush of rage, as perfect understanding took hold of him. His eyes flew to Nick. Kaelan saw full realization of what must have happened already forming on Gillian's brother's face and clenched his hands into fists. “SON-OF-A-BITCH!” he exploded.

  “Oh, Gillian,” Nick mumbled. He ran a hand over his tired face. “Dearling, they lied to you."

  “He did not meet me at the bridge!” Gillian protested, already beginning to have suspicions of her own.

  “He couldn't” Nick sighed. “Obviously you didn't hear the entire conversation else you'd have learned where he was and why."

  “Who told you I took money from the Depository?” Kaelan growled, his gaze snapping with burnt amber fire.

  “Both of them,” she answered. She looked from Nick's sad face to Kaelan's enraged visage. “Elga and Duncan."

  “And just why was I supposed to have taken this money?” When she explained to him, Kaelan's face became even more livid with fury. “And you believed this?” he questioned so softly his words were nearly inaudible.

  “You were not where you said you would meet me!” she defended. “When I got there, Duncan came not long after. What else was I to think? He knew of our meeting place. How else did he know if you were not the one to tell him?"

  “What exactly did my loving brother tell you that night?” Kaelan demanded.

  Gillian could not look at him. Her voice was tiny and filled with shame. “He said when he caught you, you were running away to Serenia to keep from being charged with the theft of the money."

  “I was running away so we could be together!” the Viragonian prince shouted at her. “So I wouldn't be forced to marry another woman!"


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