Coveted (Charming Bastards #2)

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Coveted (Charming Bastards #2) Page 7

by Lexie Davis

  He was shouting at her over the music and noise. Scarlett pursed her lips, taking in the scenery. When a man pulled a woman’s skirt up and started fucking her on the picnic table, she nodded. He smiled and leaned in to kiss her.

  “I’ve missed you today.” He spoke into her ear as he pressed a kiss along her jaw.

  “Can we get out of here?” Scarlett motioned for him to get in the passenger’s seat. Joker sat his beer aside and got in. She didn’t know what the deal was with the partying but she couldn’t live in a place like that.

  Once they were away from the club, Joker reached out and rubbed his hand along her thigh. “Do you have class work or did you just want to leave?”

  “Leave.” She glanced over at him. “I find nothing appealing about yelling at a person standing next to me because they can’t hear me over the music.”

  Joker laughed. “I know.”

  Scarlett drove to his house and parked in the driveway. She debated on how to confront him about what she’d read earlier. She decided to just go for it.

  “I need to ask you something.” She closed her car door and walked with him toward the house. “I was doing research for my paper today and I came across some interesting stuff about the MC and you.”

  He pulled out his keys and stared at her. “Me?”

  She nodded. “Your arrest record and your court papers.”

  He snorted. “Okay.”

  “Okay? That’s all you have to say?” Scarlett stared at him. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “When’s a good time to bring that conversation up? While we’re fucking?” Joker thrust his hips forward, mimicking the act. “Ah, yeah, I fucking love your cunt. Oh, and by the way, I’ve got a record.”

  Scarlett rolled her eyes. “You don’t have to be an ass about it.”

  He held out his hands. “What do you want me to say?”

  “What happened?”

  Joker shook his head. “I can’t tell you that.”

  “Why not?”

  “Club business.”

  “You beating the shit out of some guy is club business?”

  He didn’t say anything. Scarlett studied him for a moment. He was definitely drunk which probably explained the shitty comments and the desire to avoid her questions. She nodded.

  “Okay.” Scarlett folded her arms over her chest.

  Joker rubbed his eyes. “So you’re going to stand there pissed at me all night?”

  “Why not? I haven’t got anything better to do.” Scarlett glanced around the large living area. “I’m going crazy living in the clubhouse anyway. Maybe it’s best that this happened now. I need to get out of that place.”

  He frowned. “What are you talking about?”

  She met his eyes. “Do you really think I’m going to continue being with someone that won’t fucking have a conversation with me about something personal? I don’t give one shit about it being club business. I want to know what happened that provoked you nearly beating the shit out of some guy. Not once but twice.” Her voice hitched up a notch at the end of her monologue as her anger and frustration came out.

  He came toward her and pulled her back against his front, wrapping his arms around her. “That fiery redheaded temper is coming out. It’s almost scary.”

  “Shut up.”

  Joker kissed her neck. “So it’s a deal breaker for our relationship? Me not telling you what happened?”

  “Yes.” She was certain of that. Reading those articles made her feel like she was reading about someone else.

  He sighed and pressed his lips against her shoulder. “I’m not going to tell you the specifics of club business but the whole incident stems from the Reaper Boys roughing up one of the hang around girls at the club. Club voted and we did some retaliation.”

  He moved away from her. “I have a temper. Not quite like your redheaded one, but it’s there. One of the punks said some shit and I said some shit with my fists. Cops were called and I didn’t get away fast enough. Damn cigarettes.”

  “You beat a guy up for saying something to you?”

  “For describing his sick and twisted fantasy for the girl they’d roughed up. I have a few buttons and nobody pushes them all like the Reaper Boys. I think it’s part of their initiation into the fucking club.”

  “You defended her honor?” She narrowed her eyes. “Was it Lauren?”

  Joker stared at her, falling back into silence. Why that didn’t surprise her, she didn’t know. Scarlett shook her head. “You said you didn’t have any feelings for her. Why does that admission not convince me anymore?”

  He rubbed a hand over his face. “I don’t.”

  “Save it.” Scarlett shook her head. “You went to jail for her. I’m not an expert criminal or anything but I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t go to jail for someone that I didn’t have feelings for.”

  Joker didn’t say anything which only pissed her off. She didn’t want those articles to be true. Ollie had said some pretty nasty things about the MC and everything she experienced minus the drugs had been the exact opposite. She didn’t want to believe that the man she let fuck her was capable of such gruesome things.

  “Technically prison. Jail is completely different.” He cleared his throat. “Not the point though. I know.”

  “No wonder she thinks you’re hers.” She rolled her eyes. “For all I care, she can have you.”

  Scarlett went to the door and opened it. The night was full of twinkling stars that were bright enough to spot in the sky even though they were on the outskirts of the city. She found a chair and sat on the porch unsure of where she went from there.

  Joker finally joined her after a few minutes. “I love you, Scarlett. I’ve never said that to any other woman and I’ve never felt that way about any other woman. You’re it for me.”

  He walked to the railing and turned, gripping the edge behind him as he faced her. “I don’t know what you want. We haven’t had that conversation but I’m willing to. I can’t erase things in my past. I can’t undo what has been done. I told you that I didn’t have feelings for Lauren and I meant it. There’s a sense of loyalty in the club that makes it like family. She’s not anything to me but she’s family. I don’t want her romantically and I didn’t go to prison for her because I did. I defended her because she’s family. I think you can understand at least that much.”

  Scarlett pursed her lips. “So if we break up, you’re not going to go back to her? Can you admit that to me?”

  “Is that what we’re doing?”

  “I don’t know. Answer the question.”

  The longer he thought about it, the more pissed off Scarlett became. Joker stared at his feet. “I can admit it. I don’t want to lose you, but if that happens, I seriously doubt having sex with anyone would entice me very much. There’s no promises that she wouldn’t try though.”

  There was something about the look in his eyes that made her believe what he said. Scarlett glanced away from him. “I think the question is how long would it take to wear your defenses down? That’s the part that concerns me. If we stay together and I get pissed at you, like now, are you going to turn and run to her for the sex you want? I don’t know if I believe that you won’t.”

  “You don’t trust me.”

  “I did until all this bullshit came up. I trusted you with everything. Now I don’t know. You won’t be open with me and then I find out it was because of her. I don’t know what to think or what to feel.”

  Joker came toward her and knelt so that he could wrap his arms around her waist. “I love you. Not her. I want you. Not her. That’s all you need to know.” He laid his head in her lap. “As for the other stuff, I can only protect you if you know nothing about that part of my life. It’s hard to understand but I’m hoping with time you’ll get it. I’d never deliberately hide something from you. I just didn’t see a need to bring it up.”

  Scarlett ran her fingers through his hair. “Your criminal record is something you need to disclose.” />
  “Noted.” He lifted his head. “I installed the hot water heater. You can take a bath now if you want.”

  “You just want me naked.”


  She shook her head. Maybe there was stuff she didn’t understand and could only understand by living the club life. She’d give him that one. She leaned forward and pressed her lips against his. He wasn’t a horrible person, not by a long stretch. She didn’t understand his actions, but she did see his loyalty. If he said he wanted her and not Lauren, then she believed him. He never gave her any reason not to, not really.

  “I’m going to take a bath without towels or soap, just because I want to soak in water and not stand in a shower. Then we can go back to the club.”

  “I’m way ahead of you.” Joker stood and led her back into the house. He took her to the master bath and pointed to the vanity. “Towels, bubble bath, candles, and a gossip magazine.” He paused. “I had wine too, but I’m not entirely sure you want to share your bath with me.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Pour the wine while I undress. I need some relaxation.”

  He grinned. “Yes, ma’am.”


  Joker woke up early the next morning. Scarlett slept soundly next to him and he didn’t have the heart to wake her up. He knew she’d had a rough day and some much-needed sleep would do her well. He moved away from her and got out of the bed, yawning as he tucked the blankets around her. He walked to the bathroom and used the facilities then brushed his teeth. He didn’t want to take a shower so he found some loose shorts to wear. He had every intention of getting some breakfast for them before she woke up. Leaving the room, he went to the main area of the club. Lauren stood from her spot on the sofa and stumbled toward him.

  “You need some love, baby?” Lauren smoothed her hand along his chest and he grabbed her wrist.

  “Don’t touch me.”

  “Why not? ‘Cause your little girlfriend would cry?” She pouted her lips. Her eyeliner ran, making her look like a raccoon. She’d definitely been partying with someone for the night.

  “You don’t want to go there with me.”

  She draped her arms around his neck. “Since when have you been a one woman man?”

  Joker pushed her off him and she stumbled back into the pool table. “Stay the fuck away from me and Scarlett.”

  She stared at him. “You think she wants you? That she really loves you? She’s a drug addict. Look at her twitter profile. There are pictures of her partying with Eddy Grier. Plenty of pictures of her showing her boobs and cunt to the world. How can you really trust someone that fucked around with one of your enemies?”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Look it up.” She grabbed a cigarette and lit it. “She was brought here to take you down. Take this club down. You just let her pussy get in the way of your good judgment.”

  He left the room and went back to his apartment. The computer sat on the desk in the corner and he fired it up before logging into Twitter. He typed in her name and found the profile with her picture. Scrolling through the photos, he saw Lauren was right. Plenty of pictures were of Eddy doing rows of coke off Scarlett’s body. There were pictures of his face buried between her thighs. Joker scrolled through more of him squeezing her bare breast and posing. He studied the pictures and Scarlett’s smiling face. She looked like she was enjoying what Eddy was doing. She looked like she had more than a casual relationship with the man.

  She stirred on the bed and he glanced over at her. Could she really be lying to him? Maybe his club was right for not trusting her. Maybe he fucking opened them up to unnecessary chaos by letting her into their world.

  “Hey.” She yawned and stretched on the bed. “What are you doing up? And why are you dressed?”

  “I need to know about you and Eddy.” He licked his lips. “You said he came on to you at Marrow’s house. Is that all?”

  She pushed up from the bed. “Why? What happened now?”

  “Tell me the truth, Scarlett.”

  “I met Eddy that night. I didn’t feel comfortable around him. I resisted him the best I could and then he poked me with something and I blacked out.”

  “So you’re not working with him? To try and get information from me?”

  “What are you talking about? Of course not. I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Look at these pictures. It makes it look like you and Eddy had a fun time together.”

  She stood and walked over to where he was. Her eyes widened in initial shock. She grabbed the computer and scrolled through them. Tears welled in her eyes.

  “I didn’t do any of that.” Her hand shook as she covered her mouth. “Oh, my God. I didn’t … they took advantage of me!” She turned away from him clenching her fists at her side. He watched her. “They used me in some sick game they’ve got going. Clearly for their own disgusting deeds.” She clutched her arms over her stomach.

  Joker closed the laptop and went toward her. He tried to reach out and she jerked away from him. “Don’t touch me.”

  He swallowed and pulled his hand back. “Why are you smiling in them? If you were drugged, why does it look like you’re having the fucking time of your life?”

  She turned toward him, her face a mixture of disbelief and disgust. “You think I would do that? That I would let some guy do drugs off me or take pictures of him …” She didn’t finish the sentence. “If you think I did that, then get out of my face. I can’t be around you.”

  “I’m saying you don’t fucking know what you do when you’re high.”

  “Did we do that?” Scarlett asked him. “You were with me the entire time.”

  She had a point. From what he knew of her, she wasn’t the partying type. She called a good time reading in bed, surrounded by numerous books. She spent her time at the library and enjoyed it. But he couldn’t shake the feeling that it could all be a lie. She could be faking it so he wouldn’t suspect her.

  “Oh my God. You don’t believe me.” Tears filled her eyes. “After everything we’ve talked about and shared, you don’t believe me? You said you loved me and you think I’m spying on you!”

  Joker reached out to her and her jerked away from him. “Scarlett, would you calm down?”

  She didn’t bother changing her clothes as she grabbed her bag and keys from the table. “Stay the fuck away from me. I mean it. I don’t ever want to see you again.”

  He grabbed her arm before she could get out the door. Pushing her up against the wall, he crashed his mouth against hers. He held her arms above her head and forced her legs apart as he pressed his entire body against hers. He didn’t know what to believe. She could very well be playing him, but it didn’t really change any of the facts. He did love her. He did care about her. He wanted her here with him and in his arms at night.

  “Let me go.” She pushed against him as tears leaked out of the corner of her eyes.

  “Not until you listen to me.” He shifted so his hips pressed into hers. “Eddy Grier is a bad man. I feel strongly that he took advantage of you. But you have to understand that because of your connection with him, I have to ask those questions. He’s bad news for you and me. He’s especially bad news for the club.”

  She moved beneath him and it only rubbed her pussy against his cock. “Let me go.”

  He shifted so she couldn’t move anymore. “I meant what I said, Scarlett. I do love you. I love you so fucking much that I don’t really care. It fucking hurts to think that you could walk out that door and out of my life forever.”

  “I’m not a spy.” She stared into his eyes. “I’m a good and decent person. Things keep happening in my life that I did not consent to. I did not do anything with that man. It disgusts me to even think about what he photographed and what else could have happened. It disgusts me even more that you think I would do that.”

  She shoved at his hands and almost broke free. “Let me go.”

  “I had to ask, Scarlett.”

  “Oh yeah? You should be pissed off. You say you love me … well, they hurt me. Where’s the loyalty? You’re standing there like I fucking wanted it.” She shook her head as more tears leaked from her eyes. A soft sob escaped her throat as she tried talking. “I didn’t want any of this to happen. I just wanted to do my paper and get a good grade. I wanted to get a good internship and maybe get hired at a good job. Now none of that’s going to happen.”

  Not one single ounce of him believed that she was planning something with Eddy. God, every part of him hurt for her.

  “I love you.” She sobbed uncontrollably. “I thought you loved me too, but it was just a lie.”

  Joker forced her to look into his eyes. “I do love you. More than you’ll ever fucking know.” He pressed his face against her neck. “For the record, I am pissed off. I will take care of it too.”

  “Oh, yeah?” Her voice was scratchy. “You going to beat the shit out of him? Kill him with your bare hands?”

  “Don’t worry about how.” He pushed away from her. “I’m sorry. Please forgive me. I know you don’t understand the position I’m in but I know I can ask you the hard questions and get an honest answer.”

  He pushed off her and ran a hand through his hair. “Fuck this mess.”

  “Yeah.” She sat her bags on the floor. “I don’t really feel like going to class today.”

  “Okay. Do you want to stay here?”

  “No.” She still looked so vulnerable. Fragile. Like she’d break any minute if he wasn’t careful. “I want to go back to your house. Maybe paint some walls or something. I don’t know.”


  She nodded. “I’ll take a shower and we can leave.”

  He nodded. “I’d planned on getting us some breakfast but we can get something on the way.”

  She nodded again. He hated this mess. He hated that these asses made her feel violated. God, he wished he’d beat Marrow when he had the chance. He wasn’t sure if he ever saw that punk ass again that anyone in his club would be able to pull him off.

  He opened the door and stepped out into the hall. He walked to the main area where several of the others were.


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