by Philipp Blom
Decline of the West of, 45–48
on history and culture, 123–124
on Mussolini, 273
Nietzsche and, 168
Spring of Life (Lebensborn) organization, 369
SS Pocahontas, 51
St. Petersburg, 79
Stadt ohne Juden (City Without Jews), 203
Stahlgewittern (Storm of Steel), 48
Stalin, Joseph
Astor criticizing, 244–245
coming to power of, 88–89
iconostase and, 286
Magnitogorsk and, 233
Pasternak and, 314
Spanish Civil War and, 387, 390–398
on tsars, 279
Ukraine and, 286, 291, 295–296
Stavinsky, Serge “Beautiful Sacha,” 210–211
Stavisky, Alexandre, 345
Stein, Gertrude, 70, 145
Steinbeck, John, 340–341
Steinbrecher, Friedrich, 28
Stella, Joseph, 148
sterilization, 368–369
Sternberg, Josef von, 250, 253
Stevenson, Robert Louis, 180
Stewart, Lyman, 155
Stieglitz, Alfred, 149
Stoddard, Lothrop, 55–56, 165
stories of decline, 45–48
Storm of Steel (Stahlgewittern), 48
“The Storyteller,” 17
Strachey, John, 325
The Strange Death of Liberal England, 327
Strauss, Richard, 305–307
Stravinsky, Igor, 97–98, 371
street cool, 405
Strength Through Joy (Kraft durch Freude), 368
Stresemann, Gustav, 252
Striker, Roy, 342
strikes, 339
subatomic particles, 117–121
sulfur mines, 271
The Sun Also Rises (1926), 71
Sunday, Reverend Billy, 59–61, 155–156
gum-chewing, 371–372
Levy on, 169–172
Nietzsche and, 168
physical ideals and, 361–363
“survival of the fittest” and, 162–163
American art and, 148–150
American life and, 147–148
Dada and, 142–143
psychoanalysis and, 147–148
spreading fame of, 143–146
“survival of the fittest” (social Darwinism), 162–163
“survival of the fittest” (Nazism), 363
Suttner, Bertha von, 301
Swedish Royal Ballet, 140
swing music, 106–107
Tagantsev, Vladimir Nikolaevich, 86
“talented tenth,” 101
Taro, Gerda, 389–390
Tatler, 225
Taylor, Frederick Winslow, 184–185
Tea Party, 409
tea rooms, 320
technological advances
Prohibition and, 66
before World War I, 26–27
during World War I, 28–29
World War I and, 4–7
Tel Aviv, 353
telescopes, 114–117
Tennant, David, 225
Tennant, Stephen, 223–224, 226
Tennessee Supreme Court, 161–162
Testament of Youth, 25–26
Thank you, Jeeves, 317–318, 327–329
“That Thing Called Love,” 1–2
theory of relativity, 118
Thirty Years War, 12
This Side of Paradise, 69
The Threepenny Opera (1930), 110, 229–230
Thurman, Wallace, 102
Thus Spake Zarathustra, 163, 362
Tiger Rag, 73
Tillman, John Newton, 61
Tito, Marshal, 388
Tobacco Road, 341
Toller, Ernt, 187
Tombs of the Unknown Soldier, 36–37
Tommy guns, 64–65
Trachten, 201–202
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, 97
trauma, 31–33. See also shell shock
treatment, advances in, 33
Treaty of Versailles
Austria and, 198
Germany and, 252–253
impact of, 11
Second World War and, 14
Wilson and, 49
trench warfare. See World War I (1914–1918)
Triumph of the Will (Triumph des Willens), 371
Trotsky, Leon, 83–84, 88, 387
Tucholsky, Kurt, 301
Tukhachevsky, Marshal Mikhail, 394–395
Turkey, 343–344
Tuskegee Institute, 107–108
Tzara, Tristan, 132, 135–142
UFA Studios, 173–174
execution by hunger in, 291–292
famine in, 293–296
repression and slaughter in, 285–291
World War I and, 283–285
Ulster Division of Irish Protestants, 28
Ulysses, 68–71, 97
Unamuno, Miguel, 375
Under Fire, 244
unions, in U.S., 339
United States
astronomical discoveries in, 113–117
Battle of Blair Mountain in, 91–94
emigration from, 343–347
immigration to, 343–347
interwar years in, 94–95
Italians immigrating to, 268–273
midwestern. See Dust Bowl
Olympic Games and, 359–360
racial discrimination in. See racial discrimination
Ray from, 144
Spanish Civil War and, 385
surrealism in, 144
United States Steel Corporation, 235
Universal Exhibition, 396
The Universe Around Us (1929), 126
Unser Geschlechtsleben (Our Sex Life), 183
Der Untergang des Abendlandes, 45–48
Unternehmen Feuerzauber (Operation Fiery Magic), 382–387
L’Uomo Meccanico (The Mechanical Man), 126
upper classes, 29–31
urban life
in Berlin. See Berlin
in Paris. See Paris
Prohibition and, 60–61
before World War I, 26–27
World War I and, 4–5
U.S.S.R. See Soviet Union
utopias, 190–194
Vaché, Jacques-Pierre, 133
Valéry, Paul, 39
Valois, Georges, 193
Van Televox, Katrina, 178
Van Vechten, Carl, 103–104
Vanity Fair, 255
Variety, 220
Vatican, 277–278
Verdun, 28–29
“Veronica der Lenz Ist Da” (Veronica, Spring Is Here), 229
Versailles. See Treaty of Versailles
vertigo years (1900–1914), 403–404
The Vertigo Years: Change and Culture in the West 1900–14, 3, 13
The Victor, 370
Berber in, 255
demise of democracy in, 213–214
hatred of patriots and, 207–210
Jewish people in, 202–205
Josephine Baker in, 227–228
opposing forces in, 205–207
Palace of Justice in, 195–199, 203
Red, 199–203
Stavinsky and, 210–211
Vienna Philharmonic, 397–399
Vierkandt, Alfred, 124
Le Violon d’Ingre photograph, 145
Vittorio Emanuele III, 309
Volstead Act, 60, 62–63
Voluntary Aid Detachment, 26
Vossische Zeitung, 346
Vyshinsky, Andrey, 373
Wagner, Richard, 383
Wagner, Robert F., 348
Wallace, Vice President Henry, 339
Walton, William, 110
Wandervogel (bird of passage) movement, 366
The War (Der Krieg), 146
War Letters by German Students, 6
war shiverers (Kriegszitterer), 31
Washington, Booker T., 107, 271
Washington, President George, 61
The Waste Land, 97, 223
Watkins, Ada, 336
Watler, Bruno, 397–400
Watson, John B., 217–218
Watts, Mary T., 167
Waugh, Evelyn, 224, 226, 326
WCFA (World Christian Fundamentals Association), 157
We (1927), 188–189, 194, 363–364
Webb, Beatrice, 326
Weber, Max, 7, 251
Wegener, Einar, 258
Weimar Republic
Bauhaus in, 190–194
Berlin demimonde in, 229, 259
crises in, 75–76, 252–253
Kronstadt rebellion against, 79–86, 88
lack of propaganda by, 280. See also Germany
physics in, 124–125
Weininger, Otto, 4
Well, Dr. M. C., 299–300
Wells, H. G.
The Invisible Man by, 181
on Metropolis, 173–174, 176–177
Plan and, 327
Weltbühne (World Stage), 262, 301
Wessel, Horst, 263
West, Mae, 67–68
Western civilization, decline of d’Annunzio and. See d’Annunzio, Gabriele
race and. See racial discrimination
Spengler on, 45–48
Stoddard on, 55–56
writings on, generally, 45
Western Front
Martin on, 19
Nash on, 22
shell shock and, 27–29, 31
in World War I, 7
Westinghouse, 178
Whale, James, 180
White, Stanford, 100
“The White Leprous Giant in the Countryside,” 136
white supremacy, 52–53
White tsarist forces, 80–81
Whitehead, Alfred North, 127
Whiteman, Paul, 105
Wilberforce, Bishop “Soapy Sam,” 155
wildlife, 336
Wilson, Edmund, 149–150
Wilson, President Woodrow
on black soldiers, 51
Bryan and, 153, 155
on democracy, 49
on Gary, Indiana, 235
wine producers, 62
Winesburg, Ohio, 70
Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 97, 126
Wittkop, Philipp, 6
Wodehouse, P. G., 317–318, 325, 327
Wohl, Robert, 35–36
women’s roles
Betty Boop and, 215–216
Clara Bow and, 219–220
Coco Chanel and, 221–222
Elinor Glyn and, 220
flappers and, 216–222
Josephine Baker and, 227–228
in Metropolis, 175–177
Nadia Boulanger and, 221
speakeasies and, 63–64
Tallulah Bankhead and, 224
Virginia Woolf and, 222–223
in World War I, 26–27
Zelda Fitzgerald and, 217
Woolf, Virginia, 222–223, 369
Worker and Kolkhos Woman, 365, 395–396
Workers’ Party of Marxist Unification (POUM), 390–391
World Christian Fundamentals Association (WCFA), 157
World Stage (Weltbühne), 262, 301
World War I (1914–1918)
aftermath of, 10–12, 400–401, 404–405
awakenings and, 10–12
Battle of the Somme in, 7–8
currents/casualties and, 13–15
impact of, 3
introduction to, 1–6
length of, 10
modernity at war and, 6–10
New Man and, 372–373
period prior to, 3–6
Prohibition and, 61–62
role of government and, 61–62
Treaty of Versailles and, 14
Western Front in, 6–10
on Dust Bowl catastrophe, 340–342
in pogrom of the intellect, 312–315
Prohibition and, 68–69
on Prohibition era, 68–69
as refugees, 346–347
Soviet Writers’ Union for, 314–315
on Spanish Civil War, 389–391
Yagoda, Genrikh, 314, 393–394
Yagüe, Lieutenant Colonel Juan, 379–380
Yeats, William Butler, 369
Yezhov, Nikolai, 393–396
yezhovchina, 394
Yorke, Henry, 223
Young Patriots’ League (Ligue des Jeunesses Patriotes), 210–211
Zamyatin, Yevgenii, 188–189, 194, 363–364
Zinoviev, Grigory, 393–394
Zionism, 105, 352–354
Zola, Émile, 5
Zürich, Switzerland, 131–136, 143–144
Zweig, Stefan, 301, 305–306