IGINS: Elementum Novel

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IGINS: Elementum Novel Page 2

by A. M Martin

  I just shrug and shake my head. Ignis Gen? Don't know what that means and I'm definitely no warrior. I'm tiny barley reaching 5'1 and small boned. I wouldn't make a very good warrior more like a sprite. That's somewhat believable than me being a warrior.

  "Ignis means Fire dear. I thought you would know that, considering you spoke in the old tongue." His old eyes hold confusion along with a hint of curiosity in them while he looks me over.

  "This better be important Gate Keeper." A deep booming voice echoes out of the dark, causing me to jump.

  "Ah, Commander. It is. It is." The Gate Keeper says seriously, giving his head a couple of bobs.

  A man comes into view, and he's huge. Like over six foot something with nothing but bulky muscles clad in some type of black armor with hints of red swirls. He's like a Viking with deep black hair. Hell, he might be for all I know that crazy tree took me back in time.

  This must be the man mom was referring too. He hasn't noticed me yet, which is kind of relieving. Before he speaks again I speak up in a frightened whisper, "Expeto Ignis Eligere." Gods, he's scary.

  I try not to fold in on myself as the Commander's square head snaps in my direction. His lips are pulling down.

  "What?" He barks out. His black eyes are narrowing on me.

  Gods, he's intimidating.

  I have to clear the fear from my throat, "Expeto Ignis Eligere." I say a little louder. A little shakier.

  "She knows the language of the old. Who is she?" His dark eyes take in my features as he speaks to the old man.

  "I do not know who she is. She's barley spoken at all, but when she does, it's the old tongue." The old man chuckles out, enjoying this.

  "Who are you?" The Commander barks out taking a threatening step towards me.

  A streak of black comes from behind me. I like to say I was unaffected, but I squeaked like a mouse, jumping in my chair.

  It's the cat standing between the Commander and me. It lets out a vicious growl that seems to shake the walls and floor of the cave.

  I jerk back almost topping over the chair I’m sitting in, as the Commander puts distance between us, surprise written on his tough face.

  "She's a warrior." His eyes bounce between the cat and me.

  "So it would seem." The Gate Keeper chuckles.

  "But she's just a child."

  See told ya I'm small. Most people who don't know me think I'm fourteen or something when actually I'll be seventeen in about a month depending on what today is.

  Gods are their days even similar to mine.

  Fed, up I yell, "Expeto Ignis Eligere!" The cat adds a growl to it making it seem more meaningful. I give him a nod of thanks.

  "Finn." The Commander yells out.

  A boy appears from what I expect is the exit to the cave. He seems about my age with a mop of curly brown hair. He's in the same type of leather armor as the Commander, but the boys seem to be newer, just without the odd swirls.

  He gives a bow of his head, "Yes, Sir."

  "Go fetch the Ingnis Eligrer."

  "Yes, Sir." Finn raises his head and spots me. He gazes at me for a moment, but he takes off with a stern look from the Commander.

  "What have you learned so far Gate keeper?" The Commander asks taking the seat furthest from mine.

  "Ummm. Let's see. She knows the old tongue; she's a girl, a warrior with a bonded...."

  "Something I don't know." The Commander snaps.

  The Gate Keeper winks at me, "She didn't know where she is, and if you ask her a question, she sometimes shakes her head yes or no. She came out pretty banged up too."

  "When did the fire cat get here?"

  "Three days ago and didn't leave the doorway to the Gate till she came out." They both look towards the cat and back at me.

  Me being uncomfortable would be an understatement.

  "It healed her?" The Commander's dark eyes are glued to my face.

  I shift in my seat, which alters the cat who lets out a warring growl grabbing my attention.

  It's like the thing knows how I feel.

  "Yes. And it seems they're quite bonded already." The Gate Keeper chuckles.

  He seems to find everything funny which is quite frustrating to me.

  Bonded. Heal me. Nightmare. This is just one crazy ass nightmare. The things I dream up.

  I take a peek at the cat hearing it move. It's setting up watching the Commander closely with those intelligent ember eyes. It’s long tail flickering back and forth across the cave floor.

  The Commander seems to be considering something by the way his gaze keeps flickering,


  Great more senseless questions. Why does this stuff even matter to him? He’s not the one I’m even supposed to be talking to.

  "Where did you come from?" A slight pause, "How old are you?"

  I see his face tense.

  Uh oh.

  "Who are your parents?" He snarls out.

  The cat is up and pacing between us. It's eyes never straying from the Commander.

  He in return eyes the cat up and down.

  "When did she come through?" He turns his attention toward the Gate Keeper.

  "Two days ago."

  "Am I the first to know of her?"


  "And why is that?"

  "Because she just woke up and asked for you."

  The Commander gives a grunt, "Was she alone?"

  "Yes." The Gate Keeper says wearily.

  The Commander has his mouth open, more questions at the tip of his tongue when a voice cuts through the tension.

  "Now, who needs my most lovely talents." Comes a smooth voice.

  He steps into the light, takes the four of us in. His eyes are not missing a thing.

  The first thing I notice is his easy smile. My eyes flicker around him and stop at the lace like markings on his skin. Blue and red lace like swirls going from his wrists up his arms disappearing underneath a black leather vest, with the same design on it as his skin.

  What the H.

  I look at the Commanders arms. He has only red just on and around his wide wrist.

  My eyes bounce to the Gate Keepers arms, but he is cover up with some type of robe thing.

  Turning my attention back on the new comer. I take in more details. He's dressed in leather armor that looks more finely made than the Commanders.

  He's lean and muscular and tall. Not as tall as the Commander, but close to it. His legs are cased in black pants with knee high black boots. He has a set of shinny knives at his waist. His hair is brown with steaks of blond going through out it and hazel eyes that have a sparkle to them. He's kind of cute.

  And that stupid thought makes my cheeks tint red. Cute. No. Nothing about him or this place should be considered cute. It's supposed to be a nightmare after all. Yep, just keep telling yourself that Basil.

  "Ignis Eligere?" I say. Everyone quits talking and looks at me.

  Yep, I'm the weird one here. Let’s all just stare at Basil with wide eyes and frowns.

  "Ignis Eligere?" I watch the smile leave the guys face as he sends a questionably look to the others.

  The Commander speaks up, " She came through the Gate, won't answer any questions and keeps saying that." He states quite mad.

  Mr. Hazel eyes turns his attention back to me and gives a slow nod.

  The breath I didn't even realize was tripped in my lungs comes gushing out with words,

  "Custodia. Flamma Celo."

  His eyes widen as he sucks in a surprised breath. Those hazel eyes take me in from head to toe. He goes to take a step towards me but stops short when the cat lets out a growl. His eyes flicker to the cat than back to me, and he stretches his hand out.

  I stare at his callous palm and fingers when I remember what mom said, 'Show them your ring.'

  I slip off the black band ring from my thumb and drop it into his out stretched hand. I don’t know why my ring is so important. I’ve had it for as long as I can remember though.

>   There’s this electrical feeling in the air. It feels like something big is about to happen.

  I watch as he cups my ring into his hands and brings it up to his face. His lips move as he breaths over my ring. After some time he hands it back to me. Or maybe I was wrong.

  The plain band is no longer plan. Blue, purple, and red lace wrap around the ring. A slight heat soaks out of the ring and into my hand as I slip it back on my thumb.

  I look up catching his gaze, in a calming tone he says, "I am Quinn, and you are safe now Basileia."

  Safe. Ha. I'm so safe in a cave. In a place that's supposed to be a night mare. Yep, I believe I'll never be safe again.


  Even though my mind knows me being safe is quite unbelievable, my body feels another thing.

  I relax, and my tears start to fall. I hate crying, and usually, I'm not a very emotional person. But this night, day whatever it is has shattered that for the moment.

  "How did you...."

  Quinn interrupts with a no questions allowed tone, " Now is not the time Commander."

  It shuts the questionnaire Commander right up. Quinn must be somewhat important to put a Commander in his place.

  "Finn." The boy comes running back at Quinn's yell.

  "Go to the Ignis camp. Ask for a cloak and Rylan. If he's not back yet ask for the first guards and do it quickly." Quinn snaps.

  The boy Finn takes off on long legs.

  Taking the chair next to me, Quinn sets down and with a much calmer tone asks, "What happened Basileia?"

  Ugh. I hate my full name. "Basil. I go by Basil." I whisper snap.

  He gives me a small smile, "Ok Basil. What happened?"

  What happened. Gods what didn't happen would be a better question.

  "I don't really know. Mom just woke me up and started dragging me through the forest. With daggers and shooting hand flames. There were men after us, and she started saying weird things and giving directions, and now I'm here. In this cave. I don't know who anyone is or what's going on. Or what that cat wants from me." I say all in one breath, pointing a finger at said cat.

  Yeah, I'm acting a little crazy, but this is supposed to be a nightmare. Right.

  He lets out a soft chuckle, "Everything will be explained eventually. Did you see what these men looked like?"

  "No. It was too dark." Plus, I was kind of scared. Ok really scared.

  "Alright, what about your Cutos?"

  "My what?" I ask confused at the word and not liking it. That's the word mom called herself. What does it mean?

  "My apologies. What happened to your mom?"

  "I don't know. She said she would be right behind me, but she's not, here is she?" I turn to look at the Gate Keeper.

  He shakes his head softly, "No dear she's not."

  "But she's coming. Right?"

  All three men share a look. One I don't like very much.

  "No dear. The portal you stepped through more than likely imploded on its self."

  "What? Portal? Why?" I ask breathlessly, my pulse going wild. Imploded. Gods that doesn't sound good.

  "You need the help of a Gate Keeper to help you pass through. And you my dear did not have that help."

  "But she could come through another Gate," I say with resolve in my voice.

  "No, my dear that was the only Gate to the Earthen realm. And it's now destroyed."

  "But she will. This is just a nightmare." I say still in denial.

  They give me pity filled looks that squeeze my heart. Quinn is the one to dash 'this is a nightmare idea.'

  "No, sorry Basil. This is very much the real deal."

  I gasp and flinch at the reality of what's happening and stare off into space.

  Mom. She's not coming. And me, I'm left alone, stuck here forever in this weird world. Elementum. And she knew. Knew this was going to happen. It was the look in her eyes. My gut feeling. I should never have left her. I would still be there with her and far far away from this strange place I've found myself in.

  "Basil honey. Everything will be fine." Quinn says gently.

  I just shake my head. No everything will not be fine. I know nothing of this place.

  She promised. She's supposed to be here. Mom.

  Nothing's going to be the same again. I can feel it, deep in my bones. That rattles my very core. This is the beginning of some big change.

  "Basil here put this on. Once we get to camp, we'll talk more."

  Finn must have come back as I've been comatose to the things around me.

  I look at Quinn, holding out a red blood cloak at me.

  I can't do this.

  'Where's your back-bone Ba?" Mom's voice echoes in my head.

  My back bone. Gods mom said that to me all the time when whatever she was teaching was getting to tough and I just wanted to give up. Quiet. But that stupid saying, 'Where's your back-bone Ba' always, always sparred me on.

  I'd sneer and say, 'My back bone is right here.' And give whatever she thought I needed to know my all.

  I wipe the tears off my cheeks. Blank out the fear and uncertainties from my face. I stand up, straighten my shoulders. I have my back bone.

  I let Quinn help me into the cloak. He fixes the hood over my head, making sure all my hair and my face are completely covered.

  "Come on." He says softly.

  I start to follow him when something wraps around my wrist. My heart pounds and fear blooms in my gut. Glancing down I see that it's black. Following it with my eyes, I find the end. It's the beast of a cat’s tail. Wrapped around my very able to break wrist. I let loose a screech and try to jerk away with no luck.

  There goes my back bone.

  Quinn snaps around, "What’s wrong?"

  "It grab me. Has me." I screech. Eyes wide. Pulse pounding. Tiring to pull away.

  Chuckling he answers me, "He's your souls heart. He wants to be close to you."

  "Gods, what does that even mean?" I jerk my arm, and the cat lets me go. I scoot away, and he snorts at me.

  Quinn chuckles again, earning him a glare, "Alright. He's a fire cat, by the way, you need to name him. Souls heart or bonded animals come in many forms with the Leopard being the most powerful. He is bonded to you and you to him." Noticing my huh look he goes on, " Only Eligere warriors get a souls heart. They can feel the emotions of their warriors and track them. The warriors can also feel their souls heart emotions. They like to be close to their bonded. They have healing powers along with their Gens power. He will protect you at all coast. Never fear him. Understand?"

  Sure yeah. Never fear the big ass cat that can bite my head off with a snap. I give him a nod because I understand somewhat. Nope, not understanding at all. Lying to myself will get me know where. This isn't normal to me, and hopefully, someone can explain it better. He kind of sucks. Or is it my own mind not wanting to comprehend. Who knows.

  "What does Gen mean?"

  He lets out a sigh, "She didn't teach you anything did she." It's not a question, just a statement that seems to upset him, "Gen means clan. No more questions till later."

  I give a nod.

  "Let's go."

  I take a step to follow when that tail wraps it's self around my wrist once more. My eyes close and I gulp swallowing my fear.

  I wouldn't be so scared if the cat wasn't so freaken huge. It's head coming to my chest. I have a back bone. I nod at myself and somewhat ignore the tail, the cat and trail Quinn out of the cave. I have a back bone.


  Leaving the entrance to the cave, I must cover my eyes. The sun's bright, but I welcome its warmth as it seeps into my skin and chases away the chills in my bones. It's a blissful feeling compared to the dim, damp cave with its musty, stale air. How the Gate Keeper stays, there is unreal.

  After my eyes adjust and I no longer see bright spots, I look around.

  There are eight guys standing around the small clearing, dressed in that same leather armor with red swirls. I glance at the visible skin and see the same
red swirls. Some end sooner on their arms than others.

  What's up with the damn swirls. I have so many questions bursting to come out, but I bit my tongue.


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