Bred by the King

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Bred by the King Page 5

by Sam Crescent

  He liked storms. They always helped him to clear his mind, even when he was serving for his country. A storm for him always signified a change.

  Teasing across Ashley’s clit, he watched as her eyes closed and her mouth opened on a gasp. She wriggled against him, her nails sinking into the flesh of his shoulders as she held onto him.

  “Do you have any idea what you’re doing to me right now?” he asked.

  “You’re the one doing it to me.”

  He leaned in close and kissed her neck, right over her pulse. He wanted to do more than kiss.

  Draven wanted to suck, kiss, to mark her so every man who saw her knew exactly who she belonged to. He wanted to drive his cock so deep inside her that she’d be dripping with his cum.

  There was so much he wanted to do to her, and instead, he kissed her hard as he stroked her clit, but still it wasn’t enough.

  “I want to see your pussy,” he said. “Do you trust me?”

  She did that biting lip thing that he loved. “Yes.”

  “Good. I’m not going to take this any further until you want me, baby. I’m not going to rush you.”

  “I trust you.”

  There was an edge of need in her voice, and he loved the sound of it. He pulled his fingers from her pussy and tasted her. She was just as sweet as he imagined, and he couldn’t wait to have her explode on his tongue.

  She had nice, large tits, full and ripe, and ready to be taken.

  He wanted to fuck her. His cock pressed painfully against the front of his pants, desperate to be inside her. To claim her.

  As he pushed her shirt off her shoulders, he fingered the bra he’d been toying with. It was a little on the smaller side, but she hadn’t complained. He’d been trying to find bras for her, but unless he ventured out of his castle, he couldn’t get one for her size. She refused to go without one though and had even explained to him how hard it was for her to walk around without a bra. He didn’t see a problem with her tits bouncing around. He loved seeing them, and often found himself watching her just in case she decided to give it a chance.

  As he flicked the catch open, the bra fell, spilling her tits forward. He fingered one of the red lines caused by the bra.

  “I don’t like this. I don’t like the thought of anything hurting you.”

  “It’s fine.”

  He pressed a kiss to her shoulder, and he lifted her arm, seeing how red it was. Once he dealt with the traitors, he was going to plan a trip to the nearest town so that he could get her a bra that fit and didn’t dig into her flesh.

  “It doesn’t hurt. Itches a little.” Her cheeks were a flaming red, and he smiled.

  “You don’t have to be embarrassed with me.”

  “I’m not used to talking with someone like this. It feels too personal.”

  “I want you to talk to me about everything.” He trailed his lips down her chest, going to her breast. Cupping the mounds, he pressed them together, staring at her rounded globes. His cock ached, but he slid his tongue across each peak, enjoying the pleasured sounds she made. She drove him wild, but he kept himself in check.

  Licking one bud and then the other, he glanced up and saw the desire swirling in her eyes. She wanted this as much as he did.

  After giving attention to both of her nipples, he let her tits go and slid his hand down her body to her pants. The jeans she wore were on the loose side, and as he flicked the button open, they fell to the floor easily.

  He held her hand as she stepped out of them, kicking them to one side.

  “I’ve never done this before,” she said, repeating what he already knew.

  Nerves clearly got the better of her.

  “I’m not going to fuck you until you’re ready.” Even as his dick protested, he had to prove he wasn’t only after sex. He wanted the whole package.

  This was what made Ashley different from all of the other women. He didn’t feel this protective need with anyone else. Ashley was the only one to inspire it within him. She made him feel human again, made him dream, and gave him respite from his survival mode.

  With only her panties left, he gripped them and gently pulled them from her body.

  She let out a little gasp.

  “It’s okay. I’ve got you.”

  “I don’t know what it is you do to me. Sometimes I’m scared, but you make me feel so safe, cared for. It’s like I can finally stop panicking about everything because I know I’ve got you. I’m sorry. I’m rambling on.”

  He smiled. “I think it’s cute. You can talk to me all day long.” He’d gladly listen to her, no matter what it was she had on her mind. He enjoyed her company.

  She pressed her hand against his chest. “I want this.”

  “I’ve told you, no rush.”

  “It’s not just about the rush. I don’t know what it is, but I don’t want this to stop.” She slowly slid her hand down to his jeans. Her fingers were on the buttons. He waited, knowing what would come next. As she cupped his cock, it took every ounce of restraint not to pounce on her then and there.

  Draven waited to see what she’d do next.

  She opened the button on his jeans and slid her hand inside, holding him. He gritted his teeth.

  “You’re big.”

  “I know, but we’re going to fit together. We’re made for each other.” He slowly stroked her arms, gliding the tips of his fingers up and down. She let him go and pushed his jeans down.

  He let out a little hiss as the zipper of the jeans scratched him.

  “Be careful there, sweetheart. I’ve got to take care of that guy.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “You’ve got nothing to be sorry about.” He released his jeans and let her get her fill of him.

  He didn’t look away or try to cover himself.

  Men came in all different sizes, and for him, he’d been blessed. Long and thick, and one glance down at his cock, he saw just how aroused he was with pre-cum leaking out of the tip.

  She worked her hand up and down his length. Her touch was so light at first. “Does it hurt?”

  “No. Never.” If anything, his balls were killing him, but that was only because he wanted to empty them right into her tight cunt.


  Don’t fucking lose it.

  He walked her back toward the bed, and as her legs hit the edge, he eased her down. The action stopped her from touching his cock, and for now, he enjoyed the sweet relief.

  “I don’t want to stop,” she said, giving him that pretty pet lip.

  “We’re nowhere near close to stopping. I’ve got the whole evening planned.” If she didn’t want to go all the way, he knew there was more than one way to enjoy tonight. “Lie back.”

  She eased back, nice and slow.

  He waited. He had all the patience in the world. At least, he liked to think he did. It was being tested when it came to Ashley.

  “Spread those pretty thighs. I want to see what belongs to me.” Just saying those words filled him with an overwhelming feeling of possessiveness.

  All of his life, he’d wanted something for himself, and he finally had it in Ashley. The fertile woman who’d found him. She’d come to him for safety, and he was more than willing to grant it—for a price. Everything in this world had a bottom line.

  For Draven, it was owning Ashley. Possessing her.

  He wasn’t going to allow those piece of shit traitors to take from him, not now, not ever.

  She leaned back and lifted her legs, splaying them open as told. Her pussy was so slick, the fine hairs that covered her sex, soaked through.

  “You like stroking my cock, beautiful?” he asked.


  “What else?”

  “I like it when you touch me.”

  She licked her lips, and he saw there was something else she wanted to say. He was curious.

  “Out with it, pet,” he said.

  “I like it when you order me around.”

  He knew that alrea

  Draven stroked her pussy, lightly caressing over those wet curls. “You’re going to need to get used to it because it’s going to be happening an awful lot.”


  One touch from Draven was enough to set her one fire. Ashley wanted more than just his hand on her pussy. She craved his cock sliding inside her, filling her and sating that burning need.

  Everything had changed since coming here to Draven’s Kingdom.

  Luanna constantly told her how nice he was, and compared to the outside world, this was heaven.

  From the few times she’d been allowed outside, she saw the stares she got. Some of the women didn’t like her being here with Draven. They were possessive of him, and she understood it.

  The thought of him being with another woman filled her with so much anger and jealousy, both of which were completely foreign emotions for her.

  Before being branded a fertile and having her whole life torn away from her, there hadn’t been a man in her life. Not one person she could see herself spending the rest of her life with.

  Draven was different. They had this connection.

  Even now as she stared into his eyes, there was something about him that made her believe she was safe. Even as he wanted to fuck her, to take her hard, and to flood her with his seed, he wouldn’t do it, not unless she was ready. It gave her a sense of power and peace.

  She reached between her thighs and touched the lips of her pussy, spreading them open for him to touch.

  Two fingers moved between her slit, teasing her clit. A rush of heat and energy made her body jolt.

  “Are you sure this is what you want?”

  “Yes. I’m yours, Draven. I’m ready.”

  Out there, in the wild, anyone could have her. Her life wouldn’t be her own. She’d be passed around among men like nothing more than an incubator. With Draven, it was different. She wanted him as much as he wanted her. He aroused her, and above all else, he seemed to care.

  She truly believed they could build a life together.

  He moved his hand away, and she let out a whimper, not liking that he was making her wait like this.

  “I’m going to make you beg, baby.” He knelt on the floor between her thighs, and she moved to her elbows to watch him. Draven held her hips in place, and she cried out as his tongue started to tease over her clit. Just as she was getting aroused, he stopped. “You taste so good.”

  “Don’t stop.”

  “You like what I’m doing to you?”


  He chuckled, and she groaned. She’d never been this needy in all of her life. She’d never wanted nor needed a man before. Any minute and she’d demand he fuck her.

  Draven didn’t keep her waiting. He sucked her clit into his mouth, his teeth biting down on the swollen nub, making her cry out and scream for more. He held her still as he attacked her pussy, more animal than man.

  Each touch, lick, stroke, and suck took her higher and higher. She begged for more. She didn’t want him to stop. She was completely at his mercy, his tongue creating a riot of wicked pleasure.

  Not once did he push inside her or force her for more. He took his time, letting her get accustomed to his wicked touch. He made her burn and ache for more.

  Holding her in place, she couldn’t fight him off, not that she wanted to. Whatever he was doing with his tongue was too good to make him stop.

  “You’re going to come all over my mouth, and then I’ll fuck you, Ashley.”

  She knew if she asked him to, he’d stop.

  That was the point.

  No other man would stop. Especially not anyone the government matched her with.

  She gasped as he swirled his tongue around her clit before sliding it back and forth. This time, he didn’t stop, and the magic kept on building, driving her higher and higher. His grip on her hips tightened to the point of almost being unbearable. There would be bruises tomorrow. She cried his name, and then he sent her hurtling toward the stars.

  She’d never felt anything quite so magical in her life. The pleasure rushed over her entire body all at once, making her cry out, gasp, moan, and want so much more.

  The feeling was so fleeting that at first, she couldn’t believe it was over.

  Draven pressed a kiss to her clit and moved up her body. He kissed her navel, then each of her tits, before taking her mouth. She didn’t pull away, even as she tasted herself on his lips.

  He slid his tongue inside, and she moaned, opening up for him to take even more.

  “Tell me, Ashley,” he said, stopping the kiss. “If you don’t want this to continue, tell me to fucking stop.”

  She cupped the back of his hand and drew him down toward her, kissing him harder. “I want this.” She spoke between kisses so he knew without a doubt what it was that she wanted.

  Ashley couldn’t think of a better way to lose her virginity than with Draven, right here, in this moment. She’d belong to the king, the one man all the women wished they could have.

  His cock pressed against her pussy, not probing, but she knew it was there, ready to take her.

  He reached down between them, and he cut off the kiss to hold his cock. He was so big and wide, and the tip was so wet already from his pre-cum.

  She watched him place his cock between her sensitive, wet slit, and as he slid up within her, she gasped at the sudden hit of pleasure as he hit her sensitized clit. He thrust between her pussy lips, going up and down, and finally, he stood poised at her entrance.

  His gaze was on hers.

  Draven didn’t slam inside her, claiming what was his. He waited. Giving her time to say no.

  She was the one in control here. Not him.

  Ashley didn’t say a word. She waited.

  Wanting this.

  Needing it.


  Finally, he pressed forward. He broke through her virginity, and the sudden hit of pain took Ashley by surprise. She gripped his shoulders and released a whimper that she couldn’t stop.

  Draven slammed to the hilt within her, and she cried out. He was so big. He possessed every inch of her.

  When he was seated deep inside, he stayed perfectly still.

  “I can feel every single pulse and ripple, baby. You’re so fucking tight. So tight.” He kept on repeating the last part.

  It was on the tip of her tongue to make him stop, to end this. She hadn’t expected the pain and sudden nerves. But Ashley couldn’t bring herself to do it.

  She stayed silent, refusing to say a word. This had to get better. He’d already given her a taste of how good things could be.

  Time passed. She didn’t know how much, but she did hear the start of the wind howling outside, letting the world know it wasn’t happy.

  Right now, she felt just as unsettled.

  Slowly, she started to wriggle. Draven kept on kissing her lips or her neck, sucking on her pulse, marking her flesh as his.

  Sometimes as he moved, she felt the driving force of his cock, the one that had given her so much pain not long ago. Now her body was adjusting, and those wanton desires returned.

  Ashley gasped as he slid in and out. It felt amazing. So full, so completely taken.

  “Do that again.”

  “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “You’re not. Please, Draven, for me.”

  He hesitated and then slowly slid out of her until only the tip was inside. She stared down at where they were joined. The smallest bit of blood coated his cock.

  Her virgin blood.

  Draven slammed in deep, and this time, she raised her hips to meet him. In and out, he thrust inside her, driving her pleasure higher and higher. His cock was rock hard, and he fit inside her so well. She didn’t want him to stop.

  “I’m not going to be able to last, baby.”

  She groaned.

  Over and over, he drove inside her, pistoning like a machine. His muscles tensed under her touch. He plunged inside her one final time, and she felt his
orgasm, each pulse of his cock as he filled her with his cum. It took her completely by surprise as the spray of his cum set off her own release. His pelvis against her clit provided the right kind of stimulus to give her a second orgasm.

  He held himself over her until he finally collapsed. She didn’t push him away but took his weight, more than happy to have him surround her.

  “I wanted to make that last,” he said.

  Draven pushed up on his forearms, and she cupped his face. “That was perfect.”

  “I hurt you.”

  “You had to. I believe a woman’s first time is always painful.”

  He lifted off her, and she bit her lip at the small bite of pain as he pulled his cock free. “I don’t want to hurt you. Not ever.”

  He moved beside her, and she felt his cum starting to spill out of her pussy.

  Draven touched her stomach. “I wonder if my baby is growing now.”

  Chapter Six

  The storm howled between the cracks in the window panes, an eerie sound that woke him from his sleep. The dark room suffocated him, and it took him a minute to realize he wasn’t in an army bunker but safe in his castle. Although “safe” wasn’t what he’d use to describe his life right now.

  He took a cleansing breath to calm his racing heart.

  Draven wanted to enjoy his newfound happiness, to hold Ashley’s warm body against his forever. But he knew trouble was brewing in his perfect little paradise. Weapons were slowly being taken from the storage lockers, and plans were coming into shape to overthrow his power. He felt it. And his instincts rarely led him astray. Every man and woman within the walls of his compound had been welcomed in. He offered safety, food, shelter, and as close to a normal life as possible in their twisted new world. Apparently, that wasn’t enough for some of them. He began to regret being so generous.

  Ashley stirred in her sleep. He stroked her hair, tucking her closer. The rhythmic rise and fall of her chest soothed him. He wanted to keep away all her nightmares, to give her the life she deserved. He would, despite the uprising in the works. He was on top for a reason, and he’d soon root out his enemies and make examples of them.


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