Bred by the King

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Bred by the King Page 10

by Sam Crescent

  “I would marry you if I could, Ashley. You’re my wife in all the ways it matters, and I will never let you go, never give you up, and I’m going to show you time and time again, just how much I love you.” He moved quickly, pushing her to the sofa. He lifted her hands above her head.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I’m going to make sure you relax.” He opened her shirt, and his lips began to trail down her body, going to her left tit, then her right. He sucked on each beaded nipple before gliding down her stomach, making her moan as he worked.

  Her body belonged to him, as did her heart and her soul. Even with the world around them falling apart, she knew in Draven’s arms, she would be safe. Forever.

  She cried out as he spread open the lips of her pussy and his tongue began to tease her slit.

  “Watch me taste you, Ashley. Just feel and see everything I’m doing to you.”

  She stared at him as he sucked her clit into his mouth. It was next to impossible to keep her eyes open when all she wanted to do was let go, to find her orgasm.

  Draven was the one in charge, and even though she had fought him in the beginning, she loved him being the man of the house. The one in charge. The one who would always have the final say.

  She sank her fingers into his hair, rocking her hips against his face, pressing her pussy against him, not wanting him to let go.

  “That’s it, baby. Let me taste you. Let me make you feel so good.” His hands cupped both of her breasts as his tongue glided down to fuck inside her. It felt so good, she couldn’t stand the pleasure. It was so intense.

  Draven knew how to hit the right spot inside her, and it drove her need higher.

  She screamed his name, the sound echoing around the room. She hoped no one came in as he took her, showing her just how good he could be.

  “Come for me, Ashley. Let me see you let go.”

  She did, crying his name once again. Draven teased her pussy, driving her over the edge, and slowly brought her down.

  Her mouth was dry, and she couldn’t think a coherent thought.

  “It’s not possible for you to be bad at anything,” he said.

  “How can you be so sure?”

  “You’re the love of my life, and I know you’ll always be the best for me, for our child, and for our people.” He gripped the back of her neck as he kissed her hard. She tasted herself on his lips, but it didn’t repulse her.

  “What about you?” she asked.

  “This wasn’t for me. This was for you.” He got up off the sofa, and she let out a squeal as he picked her up. “You can take care of me later.”

  Chapter Ten

  10 months later

  “How long do we have?” asked Draven.

  “No more than twenty minutes until they’re at the gates,” said Luke.

  They were on the roof, the highest vantage point of the kingdom. Luke was on his stomach with the binoculars in hand. A horde of men and a few vehicles were heading their way. Draven had never seen such a large, sophisticated group pass through before. They moved boldly, not even attempting to sneak up on them. A trickle of fear left him unsettled. He had a lot to lose.

  “We’ll arm all the men. Get the women to safety,” said Draven. “There may be more of them than us, but I’ll die before I let them through the gates.”

  Luke lowered the binoculars, glancing up at him. “Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that. I like to think positive before assuming they’re coming to destroy us.”

  “Has anyone come through here with good intentions before?”


  Draven scowled. “That was different. She was running from men like those.”

  “Again, you’re assuming they’re the enemy.”

  Draven started to climb down from the roof. “Let’s agree to hope for the best and prepare for the worst. Get to the weapons locker.”

  Luke nodded.

  It had been almost a year since they’d started expanding their walls and growing more crops. They were overflowing with abundance, and he thought things couldn’t get better. Now there was a risk of losing everything. If the large group of vandals pillaged their crops and food stores, they’d be back to square one again. Forced to travel in search of supplies, never knowing if they’d survive one day to the next.

  And they could lose a lot more than their crops.

  Draven ran a hand through his hair as he walked through the courtyard. Luanna jogged up to him.

  “Tell me what’s going on,” she said.

  “Nothing to worry about.” He kept walking, trying to ignore her.

  “Don’t bullshit me, Draven. You look like you’ve seen a ghost, and Luke’s been on the roof all morning. What’s coming?”

  He stared down at her. “Trouble. Looks like two dozen men and vehicles.”

  “Shit,” she said.

  “Luke’s going to distribute weapons soon. We need to keep the others safe.”

  She nodded. “The weapons lockers are the most secure. They’re fortified. We should bring the old and young there.”

  “Agreed,” he said. She rushed off, keeping quiet as she passed other people. Luanna had become an asset. When she first arrived with Ashley, he’d wanted her gone. Now Draven couldn’t imagine life without her underfoot. Luke would agree, considering they’d been dating for months.

  So much hope had been seeded since Ashley came into his life. Morale was at an all-time high, and their independence had never been stronger thanks to their hard work and planning.

  Now everything could be in jeopardy.

  He found Ashley in the gardens. She was sewing something. The last thing he wanted to do was make her afraid or insecure. Every fiber of his being wanted to keep her happy and safe.

  “What’re you making?” he asked.

  She looked up at him, the sunlight making her squint. “We don’t have any baby clothes, so I’m making some myself. It’s not too hard.”

  “That’s very industrious.”

  Ashley raised an eyebrow. “Industrious?”

  Draven shrugged, squatting down to her level. “Where’s the baby?”


  Their daughter just turned three months old. Clara was perfectly healthy, and they had no reason to believe she’d be infertile. Humanity would survive. They’d survive.

  “Before you came all I worried about was staying alive. Death terrified me because once I was gone, that would be it. You changed all that, gave me something bigger to live for.”

  She smiled, her blue eyes bright in the sunlight.

  “Thank you for giving me a beautiful daughter,” he said. “For showing me what real love is—”

  “Something’s wrong, Draven. What is it?”

  “It’s all the truth.”

  She set down her sewing, twisting to face him. “I know you better than this. You’re worried about something.”

  Was he that easy to read? All he knew was he couldn’t lie to her.

  “It’s probably nothing. Luke isn’t even worried.”


  “There’s a group of men heading our way. Luanna’s already rounding up the vulnerable as a precaution.”

  “Just men?”

  He nodded.

  “I doubt they’re looking for sanctuary then. And you’re worried, which means this could end badly.”

  “I won’t let them hurt you or Clara. No way in hell will anyone get their hands on either of you.”

  “I’m only worried about our baby.” She stood up and paced. “I’m not as helpless as you think, Draven. I’d die to protect her.”

  “You’re the best mother, baby.” He wrapped his arms around her, holding her still. Draven kissed her forehead. “You make me so proud every day֫—”

  “Where’s the safest place?” she interrupted.

  He shrugged. “The weapons lockers are fortified. That’s where Luanna’s taking the old and young.”

  She shook her head. “I’d feel safer
at a higher vantage point. I’ll stay with Clara in our room. Anyone who comes through the door will be in for a surprise.”

  He’d been training her in various weapons during her pregnancy. It was better to be safe than sorry, especially after being hijacked on their last town run. It was one thing to point a gun, but it was another to know how to use it properly under stress.

  “No one will come through the door,” he said.

  It was a promise he intended to keep.

  A fertile woman and a baby born after the virus would be valuable commodities in their fucked-up world. He didn’t intend to share or hand either of them over.

  She rose up on her tiptoes and kissed him. He closed his eyes, savoring the feel of her lips and light brush of her tongue. “I’ll get the baby.”

  “Remember, just a precaution,” he said, hoping Luke was right.

  Ashley nodded, then picked up her sewing as she left the gardens. He stayed rooted in place for a while, looking around at their crops and the flowers that were flourishing along the walls. Survival had turned into paradise, and he didn’t want to lose it.


  Draven snapped out of his reverie and looked toward Luke. How much time had passed since he’d climbed down from the roof? He jogged over to the courtyard to meet his friend and the other men. They were all armed. Benjamin tossed him a shotgun. He caught it in both hands, then used the strap to sling it over his shoulder.

  “They’re only a couple minutes away,” said Luke.

  He took the binoculars and used an opening in the gate to see what was coming. A heavy-duty truck with a covered back—there could be a lot more men hiding. It crawled along with a couple pick-up trucks, dust billowing behind them. He tried to focus in on the faces of the men, but the dust and movement obscured his vision.

  “How many do you think that truck could hold?” he asked Luke.

  “What if it’s women and children?”

  Draven shook his head. Who’d cart around their families … unless they were desperate. Desperate men were more dangerous than common vandals.

  “We have the advantage,” said Benjamin. “They’re outside the walls. As long as we maintain our perimeter, they won’t be able to take us.”

  “I say we fuck them before they fuck us,” said Ian. Much of the mob agreed, raising their weapons and chanting. As tempted as Draven was to engage in their energy, he had to keep a level head as leader.

  “First, we talk!” he shouted, settling down the crowd. “If that doesn’t work…”

  “Yeah, let’s hear what they have to say. They could just be passing through,” said Luke.”

  Benjamin laughed without humor. “You see the armed vehicles they have? Some of them are in uniforms. They mean business, which means it won’t end up well for any of us if we don’t act soon.”

  “They’re almost here,” said Draven. He could see them without binoculars now, hear the engine, and the murmur of distant voices. His heart raced. Was Ashley safely upstairs with their baby? Would they be able to keep the strangers out? He had a handful of skilled men, but the rest were regular civilians with no experience with violence.

  He’d built this kingdom from nothing. Draven had no plans on handing it over.


  Ashley settled the baby in her bassinette and then leaned out the window to watch the outsiders approach the gates. She had a clear view of the courtyard from her vantage point. Things were so much different now. If men broke into her room, it wouldn’t just be her life at stake. She had an innocent baby to consider now. Her defenses flared inside her. Nobody was going to take her Clara.

  “What’s your business here?” asked Draven. The voices drifted upwards, allowing her to hear the conversation that could be the beginning of a nightmare.

  She could feel the tension in their air, like the weight of humidity, making it difficult to breathe.

  “How many souls do you have inside?”

  Draven crossed his arms over his chest. “That’s not your concern, is it? What the fuck do you want?”

  Everyone was still and quiet. Then the stranger smiled.

  “We’re from the city to the east. We’re one of seven groups dispatched to find survivors. To spread the good news.”

  “Good news?”

  Ashley left the window and rushed over to the balcony to get closer to the conversation.

  “We’re taking the world back, trying to undo the damage from the virus. We have a cure. More than enough for every fertile behind your walls. There’s food, medical care, and other resources set up in the major cities, if you’re in need. We’re trying to get the word out.”

  A few other men opened a tarp door on the side of the truck, and two of them carried out wooden crates, small glass bottles clanking inside.

  “What’s in the crates?” asked Luke.

  “One vial now, one in two weeks. That’s all it takes. If you’ve survived this long, you have natural immunities, but the next generation will need protection. Any fertiles should take it. The most important thing is we’re getting control over the chaos. With the cure and the coordinating we’ve been doing, things are only going to get better.”

  “You won’t be insulted if we don’t take your word for it,” said Draven.

  A rush of fear ran turned Ashley’s blood cold. Was her baby in danger?

  The man put up his arms as the other two set down the crates in front of the gates. “Just passing through, spreading the good news. The services in the city are open to anyone. It’s time we have peace again, don’t you agree?”

  Ashley waited for Draven’s reaction. In fact, all the men looked to him for the next move. If what these travelers said was true, it would mean they wouldn’t have to live with so much fear of the unknown. It would mean Clara would be safe.

  “How do we know that’s not poison? Once we’re all dead, you break in and take over.”

  “I thought you’d say that.” The man nodded to one of the men who’d carried the crates. He pried it open with a crowbar and stepped back. “Pick a bottle.”

  Draven reached through the bars of the gates and lifted a random vial. They all watched as the stranger took it, popped the cap, and swallowed it in one long gulp.

  “You’ve never taken it?” asked Luke.

  “Oh, I’ve taken it, but one more won’t kill me. I was on your side of the wall not long ago, so I understand exactly why you’re not ready to trust. Be sure to give it to any fertile women passing through.”

  “Where will you go now?” Draven asked.

  “We’ll keep on our course, looking for more settlements and travellers. We have to stick together. That’s what humanity is all about.”

  Draven nodded, but didn’t move.

  The men started to close the flap on their truck, preparing to leave. Then Clara started crying. It seemed that very moment was void of sound, not a breath or a whisper. Everyone looked up to the balcony where she stood. Ashley wanted to rush inside, but her feet stayed rooted in place.

  “A baby?”

  Would things change now? Would their true natures make their appearance? She held her breath, hoping this wasn’t a major con job.

  “You’ve never heard a baby cry?” asked Draven. She knew he was trying to replicate disinterest, but he had to be as terrified as she was.

  “Not out here. How many fertile females do you have?” asked the stranger.

  “I don’t see how that matters.”

  “If the mother hasn’t received the cure, the baby needs to have it as soon as possible. We’re looking to the future now, but it won’t be easy to rebuild. It will take generations.”

  “You’re right. It will.” Draven palmed his rifle. A subtle threat.

  The stranger nodded, stepping back. “You’re a lucky man. Take care of her. The world won’t rebuild itself.”

  Then they were gone, packing up and driving off in the direction they were heading. Time seemed to halt until even the dust in the distance settl
ed, signaling the convoy was gone.

  Only minutes later, there was a knock on the bedroom door, making her gasp.


  “It’s me, baby. Open up.”

  She removed the barricades she’d put in place and unlocked the door. Draven stood there, the same large imposing man she’d fallen in love with. It felt like a lifetime ago since she first arrived at his kingdom.

  “Do you believe them?” she asked.

  He still hadn’t moved. “What else do we have but hope? They’re gone now. If everything he said is true, that means our threat level will drop and keep dropping. Clara will be safe.”

  “But we don’t let down our guard,” she said.

  Draven smirked. “No, little one, we always have to be ready.” He strode in, step by step, pushing the door shut as he entered.

  He looked hungry.

  She backed up, intimidated by his sexual energy, but not afraid. He looked worn and tired, a man pushed to the limits of stress. And he wanted her.

  Just knowing what he was thinking made her pussy pulse.

  “Ever since Clara was born, you’ve been hiding yourself from me. Why?”

  She kept moving back, reaching behind her for something to anchor her. “A baby changes a woman’s body. You might not like what you see.”

  Even before having her first child, she’d been a big, curvy girl. Everything was only exaggerated since giving birth. She couldn’t bear the thought of Draven becoming unattracted to her, especially when he continued to turn her on effortlessly.

  Draven scowled. “You have no idea how much you turn me on, Ash. Your big tits, heavy and full of milk. Your nipples swollen and pink. I want to get my hands on every soft curve. You’re all woman, and there’s not a minute of the day I’m not fantasizing of getting you naked.”

  “You’re not just saying that, are you?”

  He growled. “I’ve been patient, but it’s been over three months. I think you’ve had more than enough time to heal up from having Clara, no?”

  She paused, then gave the slightest nod. Her body had healed over a month ago. It had been her insecurities keeping her from giving in to their mutual desire.

  “Let me see you.”

  “Please, Draven, no.”


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