Now Maybe

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Now Maybe Page 8

by Sharon Coady

  Liam grabbed her, flipping her onto her back as he crushed his lips to hers. “I think I’ll always be up to it with you.”

  Their third time was just as wonderful as the first two times. He didn’t think he would ever get enough of this woman. When their breathing finally slowed down and their hearts were no longer racing, he leaned up on his elbow. “I’m starving. Would you like me to make us some breakfast?”

  “You cook?”

  “Maybe not that great but yes I do cook. That is if you like eggs, bacon or sausage, toast, biscuits, or pancakes.”

  She crinkled her nose. “I don’t eat pork.”

  “I don’t either. I use turkey sausage and bacon.” He pointed at his abs with both hands. “You think I would look like this if I ate pork?” He leaned down and cupped her face in his hands, kissing her gently. “So tell me, Sophie, what do you want for breakfast?”

  She sat back and tapped her lips with her finger. “Let me think. So I can order whatever I want?”

  Liam nodded as he pulled on a pair of baseball shorts.

  “Good because I’m starving too. I’d like two eggs over easy, two pieces of the turkey sausage, one piece of toast, and a cup of coffee.” She grinned as a cute blush spread over her face. “Do you have something I can put on?”

  “Sure.” He walked to his dresser and pulled out a sleeveless tank top and a pair of shorts with a tie. “These will be way too big, but at least you won’t have to sit in the kitchen naked. I don’t think I’d get any cooking done.” He handed her the clothes and kissed her forehead before strolling out of the room.

  When he rounded the corner, he leaned against the wall trying to regroup. Shit, this woman had him going crazy. He was starving, but when she looked at him, all he wanted to do was crawl back in bed and take her all over again. He wasn’t sure what to do about his feelings. He was scared shitless, that was for sure. Maybe he needed to hit the beach and do a little surfing after he took her home later today. Yeah, maybe that’s what I need.

  Glancing at the clock, Liam was shocked to see it was almost ten. Running a hand through his hair, he tried to remember the last time he’d crawled out of bed that late in the morning. He turned on his coffee pot, grabbed the eggs, butter, cheese, and sausage out of the fridge, and set them on the counter. He pulled his favorite cast iron pan off a hook and set it on the stove to heat. He turned to call her and was surprised to see her leaning against the doorframe watching him.

  “There you are. Come sit while I make breakfast.” Liam pulled two mugs from the cabinet. “I have regular and decaf coffee. They’re single serve cups. I even have some flavored coffees.”

  “Plain works. Where are they? I can make them for us.” She walked to the coffee maker and saw two shelves underneath. “This is cool. I need to find one for my house. Where’d you get it?”

  “Wally World of course.” He wanted to take back the words when he saw the look on her face. Jesus, he never called it that. Why was he suddenly so nervous around her? He was never nervous around anyone. He was the cold, proverbial “bad boy” who never gave a shit about anyone. The loving and nervous guy was not who he was anymore. He turned back to the stove and put butter in the pan then grabbed his spatula from the stone crock sitting next to the stove. “Over easy coming right up.” He checked the sausage and rolled it over.

  She put her hand on his shoulder. “Bailee calls it that too, which I find a little amusing.”

  He spun and pulled her in for a kiss. “I can’t believe I said it. I never use that term. That’s actually Troy’s thing.” He smiled and turned her back toward the coffee maker. He heard her giggle and smiled, loving what that sound did to his stomach. Yeah, he was probably going to have to call Daniel and get talked down from this one.

  “It smells delicious. Where’d you learn to cook?”

  He took notice of her putting one spoon of sugar in her cup and giving it a stir. “Well, I like to eat healthy and since I’m on my own, I figured it was something I’d better learn to do. So...” he pulled his lip between his teeth before continuing, “I bought some cookbooks, watched some videos on how to cook, and voila. But you haven’t tasted it yet.”

  “I’m sure it’s wonderful.” She set her mug down. “I’ll get the plates if you point out where you keep them.”

  Liam pointed at the cabinet to the right of his sink. He cracked the eggs into the pan and pushed the sausage around to brown on the other side. “If you want to start the toast, I’ll keep an eye on these.”

  He watched as she stood on tiptoe and took down two plates. She set them beside him on the counter and watched the pan as he carefully flipped each egg.

  “You make that look easy. If I tried that, it probably would have flown out of the pan.”

  “You don’t cook?” He lifted the pan and slid two eggs onto one plate and three onto the other. He then placed sausage links on each plate while she finished buttering the bread.

  She shook her head. “Not really. I usually just eat cereal in the morning, a salad for lunch, and if I eat dinner, I usually just do something simple and quick.”

  “If you want, I can show you some failsafe meals that are easy and quick for one person to make. It’s a lot healthier and cheaper than eating out.”

  Sophie smiled. “Sure. I’d like that.” She picked up the plate with two eggs and made her way to the table. She pushed her food around before taking a small bite.

  Liam wondered what kept drawing her away now and then but hesitated to ask her after her reaction last night. He sat down and picked up his fork. “How is it?” He paused before taking a bite.

  “It’s good. You made the eggs perfectly.” She looked down and cleared her throat. “I was going to tell you about myself and why my friends were pushing me.”

  “And you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to. This is just a no-strings-attached summer fling, remember?” He saw her cringe. “I didn’t mean for that to sound crass. I thought we were going into this with our eyes open?” Liam hated the words coming out of his mouth, but she had told him that was what she wanted. Why did she look so upset?

  “We did.” She took a deep breath before meeting his eyes with what appeared to be a forced smile. “It is. I’m just getting used to it. Like I said, I’ve never done anything like this before so be patient with me.” She shrugged and winked. “How about we clean these dishes up and go back to bed?”

  Liam watched her as conflicting thoughts and emotions raced through his mind. “I have a better idea. Why don’t we clean up and you let me take you to my favorite spot. What do you think?”

  Her face lit up and a real smile spread over her face. “I’d love to. Can we go by my place so I can change? I don’t want to wear the same dress I wore last night.”

  “Yeah, we can do that. Do you have sneakers and something warmer than a sundress?”

  “Sure,” she replied, a curious look on her face. “Where are you taking me?”

  “I want to take you to the Museum of Arts and Sciences. They have some really cool exhibits. I enjoy walking around and taking in all the culture.”

  “I love museums.” She sat up and leaned forward. “The Smithsonian is one of my favorite places to go.”

  Liam stood up and made his way around the table, pulling her to her feet. He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear before kissing her plump lips softly. “I’ve never been there. Maybe one day I could come visit. You could show me around.” He pulled her against his chest before he could see anything in her eyes telling him they would never see each other again.

  Chapter Twelve


  Sophie snuggled closer against Liam’s chest, breathing in his scent. Why did she have to agree to such a short time with him? She suddenly felt like she never wanted to let him go. Three weeks definitely wasn’t going to be enough to get to know this man that made her feel so much in such a short time. Her heart soared and ached at the same time. Hell, her heart felt as if it might shatter like c
rystal dropped onto a tile floor. She’d take what time she had with him and hopefully leave as friends. Maybe he would come visit her. Why even think that when I know he won’t?

  She tilted her head back and smiled at him. “I’d love to show you around if you ever get to Maryland.” She pulled out of his arms. “I guess we better get cleaned up so you can take me home to change.” She grabbed their plates and headed for the sink. “I’ll wash if you dry.”

  “Sounds good.” Liam opened a drawer and took out a clean tea towel before turning on the under-counter radio.

  The sultry sound of blues flowed through the kitchen mixed with the sounds of the water filling the sink. Liam started singing to the song. His deep soulful voice drew Sophie in as the last of the wall she had built around her came crashing down. The sweet notes of the sad music grabbed her heart, and she felt like she couldn’t breathe for a few seconds as he belted out the last of the song. She couldn’t wash, soaking in the sound of his voice, knowing that even when she went home, its beauty would follow her.

  “That was beautiful. I could listen to you sing all day.”

  Liam smiled, turning slightly red in the face. “Thank you.” Drying the last of the dishes, he turned to her, a smile lighting up his face again.

  “Ready to take me back to the cabin now so I can change?”

  “Sure, let me get my keys.” He strode from the room and disappeared down the hallway.

  Why was she letting herself fall for him? Watching him, listening to him, he was so different from Nathan. She could hear Nathan’s laugh. The big, awkward laugh that grated on her nerves every time. She could hear his biting words again about what she’d done in his eyes. The entire time, she really didn’t care because all she’d wanted was to be done with him. She shook her head, anger rising in her. She was glad he was no longer a part of her life.

  Sophie felt a warm hand touch her shoulder. “Hey. Are you sure you’re okay?”

  She looked up as this handsome man watching her. “I’m okay. I’m just tired. We didn’t get much sleep last night after all. Maybe too much excitement for me and not enough sleep.” She smiled, reaching for his hand. “Thank you for putting up with me.”

  “Sophie, what is this demon you have inside that beautiful head of yours?”

  Shaking her head, she squeezed his hand gently. “Maybe someday, you’ll know.” She wrapped her arms around him and laid her head against his chest. “I’m going to miss this,” she mumbled mainly to herself.

  Liam tilted her head up and grabbed her eyes with his. “We have time to do this again and again before you leave me.”

  She tensed. “I’m not leaving you, Liam. I’m just going back to my old life.” She felt tears sliding down her face, and she wiped them away with her hands. “My lonely life where I just go through the motions of acting like I’m happy. Yay for me.” When she saw the corners of his mouth turn down, she shook her head. “I’m sorry. I don’t know where that came from.” She pushed away from him and started putting her wall back up, one freaking brick at a time. It’s what she had to do. This is why she hadn’t wanted to do this to start with. “Can you just take me home, please? I’ll be right back.” Sophie hurried from the kitchen to change, knowing she’d reacted harshly to his comment. Changing back into her clothes from the night before, she returned to the kitchen to find him right where she’d left him.

  Liam ran a hand through his hair. “Let’s go.” He turned and walked out the door, holding it open for her to walk through. He turned off his light before he closed and locked the door. Liam took her hand in his as they walked to his car in the parking lot.

  Sophie laid her head back against the seat, closed her eyes, and sighed. He was such a thoughtful, nice man who had a horrible break up with his ex. Here he was looking at her like she was something special, and it seemed she’d hurt him.

  She felt the car sway as he slid into the driver’s seat and started the car. She opened her eyes as he shifted into reverse and backed out of the parking spot. Shifting the car into first, he took off, pushing her against the seat. Her breath caught in her throat as he shifted quickly into the next gear. Sophie grimaced as their speed increased. She didn’t want to break it off with him. Not yet. She reached over and grabbed his hand. “Liam?’ She saw the muscles in his jaw jump from tension.

  “Yes?” he asked softly, his eyes never leaving the road.

  “If you’re still up for it, I would love to see the museum with you.”

  “Are you sure?” He slowed the car and glanced her way.

  “I am. I want to spend my time with you while we’re here. Well, as much of it as you will let me spend with you. I promise to try to keep my demons at bay, if you promise not to ask me about them.” She smiled.

  He turned into the drive of the little yellow cottage. “I’m never going to ask you for more than you are willing to give.”

  She nodded, appreciating his understanding.

  A sad smile spread over his face. “So if you want, you can pack a few things and stay with me for a few days.” He wiggled his eyebrows. “I still have some exploring of that beautiful body of yours I would like to do.”

  Sophie laughed. “Ditto back at you, buster.” She felt relief settle over her. She wasn’t going to have him for the long haul, but she was going to have him for the time she was here. “Walk me in?”

  “Sure.” He undid his seatbelt and climbed out of his car, getting to her in time to help her out and pull her in for a long, hot kiss. “I wish you understood what you do to me,” he whispered.

  She smiled and wiggled against his erection. “I think I know exactly what I do to you.” She giggled. When she opened the door, the cottage was quiet. “No one’s here.” She spun and wrapped her arms around his waist. “Are you sure you want me to spend a few nights at your house? I don’t want to overstay my welcome.”

  “I’m sure. Just do me a favor.” He cocked his head and waited for her to nod. “Don’t say anything to any of the guys. I don’t need them riding me about you.”

  “Okay.” Ouch that hurt. She pointed to the sofa. “Sit, I’ll be back in just a moment.” She hurried to her room, grabbed the smaller of her two suitcases, and quickly packed a couple of days’ worth of clothes. She sent a quick text to Chelsea and asked her not to say anything to Daniel or the other girls. I’ll keep in touch.

  She walked out to find him leaning against the back of the sofa with his eyes closed. He was perfect in her eyes. His chiseled looks were breathtaking. How could a man be that good looking and be real? She cleared her throat and felt the heat of a blush cover her face when his eyes lit up.

  Liam pushed up from the sofa and strode to her, quickly taking her suitcase. “So are you really set on that museum tour or can we go find our own exploring pleasures for the rest of the day?”

  He looked her up and down slowly, making her feel like he was caressing her with his eyes. She stepped into his arms, wrapping hers around him, filling the gaps between their bodies by pressing as close against him as she could. “I can’t wait to see your museum.”

  His face lit up as a big grin spread over his mouth. “Well then, let’s go. We’re burning daylight here.” He took her hand and pulled her to he door. “I think we have some back roads we can travel.”

  Sophie knew her grin matched his as she locked the cottage door, tried to put her heart’s walls back in place, and climbed into his car. She had a little over two weeks to spend with this amazing man, and she was going to milk every ounce of pleasure she could in that time. She sure hoped he was up to the task.

  The museum was adorable. Even though it was miniscule compared to the Smithsonian, she loved it. The part she loved the most was watching how animated and excited he was showing her the exhibits and telling her the history behind them. He really did know a lot about the place. Liam was a puzzle, an exciting, multi-layered man, who intrigued her more and more. As the wound their way through the last of the museum, she found her heart beating faste
r at the thought of having more alone time with him.

  “Are you hungry? I thought we could get something to eat before we head back to my place.”

  “I am but couldn’t we just fix something there? I really don’t like eating out too often.” She wasn’t trying to put on weight while she was here. “I could cook if you want.”

  “I like eating at home myself when I get the chance. I think I have some steaks in the freezer. We could grill those on the balcony along with some baked potatoes.”

  “That would be perfect. I saw some salad greens and tomatoes in the fridge. I could whip up a salad for us.”

  “Okay, we have a plan. Let’s go home and spend the night in. We can turn off our phones and spend time getting to know each other better in all the ways that count,” he said, slapping her playfully on the ass while giving her a huge grin. He helped her into the car and hurried around to the driver’s side.

  Sophie swore the ride back to his place was faster than the ride to hers. As soon as his door clicked closed, he was on her, pushing her against the wall as he kissed her breathless again. She moaned as he kneaded her breast, moving impossibly closer to her. Suddenly he lifted her, his hands under her ass as he walked her to his bedroom and laid her onto the bed, never allowing his kisses to stop. “Too many clothes,” he whispered against her lips.

  “Uh-huh. What are you going to do about it?” she asked as she arched her back and moaned.

  Liam reached under her sundress and pushed her panties aside before moving between her legs as he undid his zipper and freed himself. He pushed into her quickly and filled her completely. Their lovemaking this time was frenzied, unlike before. He took her roughly and fast, bringing them both to a climax quickly before collapsing on top of her.

  “I’m sorry, Sophie,” he growled. “I didn’t mean to do that.” He rolled off before she could answer.

  “It’s okay. I think we both wanted it fast this time. You didn’t see me stopping you.” She looked up at him and gave him a smile.


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