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Léopold's Wicked Embrace (Immortals of New Orleans)

Page 4

by Grosso, Kym

  “Léopold, you know I love seeing you, but I assume you need something.” She crossed her legs and cocked her head knowingly.

  “Oui. We both know you have the pulse on this town. I’m looking for someone. Someone special.”

  “Aren’t we all?” she laughed.

  “This is a serious matter. I’m not sure who I’m seeking, but I’m looking for someone with certain powers.”

  “This town is crawling with supernaturals. Frankly, I’m surprised you’re coming to me. Kade practically runs this town. Between him and Logan, they could find whoever you are looking for.”

  “I’ve already talked to them both. Logan doesn’t know and neither does Kade. Neither has heard of the one I’m looking for.”

  “And who’s that?”

  “I’m looking for a being who can move objects.” Léopold raked his fingers through his hair, reluctant to share too much information about the child.

  “A witch?”

  “I don’t know…maybe. We all know the most powerful witches can make things move but in all my years, it’s always taken a spell of some sort. This gift…from what I can tell, involves pure telekinesis. No magic.” Hunter had told him that he’d suspected the child had the ability to move objects. Witch or not, a baby wasn’t capable of spells.

  Charlotte gave a small smile, waiting to see if he was serious.

  “It’s possible no one knows what kind of supernatural we are looking for. We only know a few of their powers,” Dimitri added. Taking a cue from Léopold, he held back information about why they were asking. He knew damn well that if Hunter didn’t know what the child was, then it was likely no one knew. Hell, Léopold of all vampires should know. He’d been on the Earth nearly a thousand years, and while Charlotte was a mover and shaker in New Orleans, he couldn’t imagine she’d have the answers they sought. He had to suggest something else, something to brainstorm. “Or it could be a hybrid. Maybe a new kind of supernatural.”

  “Man or woman? Bigger than a breadbox?” Charlotte laughed as she said it, noticing the scowls that crossed their faces. “Come on. Seriously, look at this from my point of view. A vampire and werewolf walk into a bar…”

  “This isn’t a joke,” Léopold snarled.

  “Okay, fine. No joke. How the hell am I supposed to know what you are talking about here? Telekinesis? That’s all you’ve given me.”

  “We don’t have much to give.” Dimitri rounded next to her and sat down, sighing in frustration. This was not turning out how he thought it was going to go. He stared over to Léopold who pushed out of his chair and approached the French doors, appearing deep in contemplation.

  “Forget it, Char. Let me ask you this. Have you noticed anything dark in town over the past few days?” Léopold practically choked on the question, realizing how stupid he sounded. Darkness in New Orleans? The town was the epicenter of both worlds, good and evil. Yet Hunter had told them about the presence he sensed. Léopold shook his head, realizing that he needed to disclose more information. “When I say dark, I don’t mean the usual. I’m talking, well, evil…from hell.”

  “Demons?” she asked in a whisper, not wishing to conjure trouble.

  “Yeah, anything like that? Hell hounds, a demonic trace on anyone here in the club, rumors of rituals,” Léopold continued, keeping his back to Charlotte, scanning the club through the glass.

  “Léopold, I’m not sure what you are looking for or why, but if we’re going down this path, I’d appreciate a little more information. Whatever you tell me, I’ll keep it confidential. I swear it. But let’s not speak more of demons. You know as well as I do that we don’t want to attract the evil to us. I may not be a witch or psychic, but even a human can call on hell.”

  Léopold stood silent a minute, deciding how much information to divulge. “A wolf named Perry. A she-wolf named Mariah. She was a hybrid. Have you ever heard of them?”

  Charlotte bit her lip and her eyes honed in on Dimitri. “Let me get this straight. You’re asking me if I know a couple of wolves?”

  “They aren’t ours,” Dimitri offered. He wished Léopold would turn around and give him some indication of how much he wanted to share with the vampiress. Damn it all to hell, what could it hurt to tell her where they were from? “They belong to Hunter Livingston. But they’ve been here in New Orleans. No one in our pack knows them. All we know is that they’ve been to the city, but at no point did they check in. But Hunter says they were here.”

  “Well, now, this is interesting, boys. Sorry to disappoint, but I’ve never heard of them. And as far as evil, it’s been the same ole, same ole. Nothing terribly out of the ordinary.” Charlotte blew out a breath and took a sip of the golden liquid in her glass. “I can’t say I’ve heard of pure telekinesis. But the witches…they must know. Have you tried Ilsbeth?”

  “I don’t think the person we’re looking for is a witch, but I’ll be calling on her. She may be able to do a spell to help us find the supernatural we seek. I wanted to start with you first because…”

  Conversation stopped as a tall lithe blonde entered the room, carrying an iPad. Charlotte quickly approached her and accepted the tablet.

  “Camera five. Situation has been handled, my Lady.” Focused on her task, the newcomer pointed to the screen.

  “Excuse me gentlemen. This is my assistant, Lacey.” Charlotte crossed to the staircase, readying to leave the room. “She’ll attend to your needs.”

  Lacey wore a see-through mesh mini-dress, which left little to the imagination. Her black lace panties and rosy nipples were clearly visible through the netted fabric, catching the attention of Dimitri. Clearly in need of female companionship, he smiled and stood to greet the alluring woman.

  “Hello, cher. I’m Dimitri,” he said.

  “Yes, I know who you are. Beta of Acadian Wolves.” Lacey smiled.

  Avoiding contact with the wolf, she made her way over to the French doors and opened them. A wave of music rushed into the living space, and she pranced out onto the balcony. She closed her eyes and her hips began to sway. Léopold watched as the siren on the ledge crooked her finger at the beta. Dimitri shot him a knowing smile before he joined her, sweeping her into his arms.

  Normally, Léopold would enjoy watching the erotic dance of a man and woman sensually moving to a driving rhythmic beat. He’d revel in the excitement, knowing that eventually they’d make love. Perhaps in public or in private. He may even join into a threesome given the right circumstance. But not tonight.

  While he found Lacey attractive, his mind drifted to the leather clad woman who’d fallen off her barstool. Perhaps after he finished with Charlotte, he’d call on the lovely little rabbit whose scent reminded him of home. He smiled to himself, slightly confused as to why she held his interest. It wasn’t as if she was his type. No, he generally liked his women assertive and ready for sex, ones who weren’t looking for a commitment that he’d never give.

  Léopold sighed, attempting to dismiss the feelings that had been creeping up on him over the past week. He’d only made one vow in his life to a woman, his wife. At the young age of nineteen, they’d married. Then, the day he was turned, reborn as vampire, he’d sworn he’d never love another. Women were mere distractions in the adventure he called life. In all his years, not once had guilt arisen as he liberally used humans for blood and sex. But ever since saving the Alpha’s mate, he’d found himself reminiscing about his first life, the last time he’d felt anything…felt love, alive. Yet every time he allowed himself the indulgence of remembering his wife, a flood of memories of his last hours as a man slammed his psyche, reminding him why he’d never love again. No, love brought nothing but pain, death and despair.

  Thoughts of Ava wrapped around his heart, draining his libido. He had to find a clue as to what she was so that he could protect her. He wouldn’t allow another child to die under his watch. He could still hear the sound of her cooing as he’d held her tight against his chest. It was as if her own energy had meshed with
his, cleaving open the terrifying past he’d worked so hard to keep sealed tight. By the time he’d gotten her to Logan’s, he’d felt the bond forming and he cursed it. Ava had clutched on to his fingers, smiling at him as he rocked her softly. Even though she couldn’t talk, he knew the connection between them was as real as a father to daughter. When he placed the infant into Wynter’s loving arms, a tear ran down his face as he turned away to materialize back to Wyoming. Goddess help him, he’d keep the child in a New York minute if she weren’t wolf. He knew it wasn’t right for him to raise a wolf. No, she needed to be with her people, her pack. And she sure as hell deserved better than the cold-hearted bastard he’d developed into over the years.

  The sound of Charlotte’s voice jarred him out of his silent contemplation and he turned to find her still clasping the tablet. A devious smile crossed her face. She’d found something.

  “Well, my old friend, you’re one lucky fellow.”

  “Ah, mademoiselle, there’s no such thing as luck. Destiny? Perhaps. Fate? Maybe. But I believe we make luck. Besides, you know the universe won’t fight with me for long. She owes me.” Léopold let it go at that. He wasn’t about to share why, but as far as he was concerned, the universe was a diabolical bitch who owed him a debt, one far greater than she ever could repay.

  Charlotte offered the iPad to Léopold, stealing a glance at Lacey and Dimitri, who appeared to be lost in their own world.

  “Hit track twenty-seven. Interesting little fight we just had in the bar.”

  “And we missed it?” His thoughts immediately flew to his little rabbit. Is she okay? Still here?

  He tapped the screen; a grainy black and white video began to play. Anger licked through him as he watched the scene, his eyes widening in disbelief. A large vampire approached the woman in leather, wrapping his arm around her neck, flicking off her sunglasses. As he hoisted her off the seat, her feet began to flail on the floor. With one hand, she clutched the banded arm around her neck and attempted to elbow him with her other arm, but her attacker refused to let go. No one intervened or attempted to dislodge the man. She struggled helplessly as the others told him to release her. What Léopold saw next both amazed and thrilled him. It happened so quickly, he was surprised Charlotte had caught it. He looked to her and back to the screen.

  “Telekinesis, no?”

  “I think you may have found the being you seek. A woman no less? Play it in slow motion. I almost missed it, but after you’d asked me if I’d noticed anything strange, well, it was remarkable that a human was able to best that asshole. My suspicion was confirmed. I don’t know what she is, but she’s no human.”

  Léopold replayed the video, ignoring Charlotte’s commentary. Second by second the frames passed and he observed how his little rabbit, held tight by the beast, had glanced over to the bar. A knife that had been used to cut lemons and limes sat on the edge. With the naked eye, it would have appeared as if the object had been within her reach. It was only a few inches, hardly enough movement for anyone to notice. But on the slow motion video, it was clear the knife had slid to her. As her hand wrapped around it, she immediately brought it to her assailant’s neck. Locating his carotid artery, she pierced the skin right beneath his ear. If she’d pressed any harder, he’d have bled out, but very smartly, he released her. As she fled, bouncers pounced, taking him to the floor and cuffing him in silver.

  “Gotcha.” Léopold smiled at Charlotte.

  “You do realize that the witch could have caused it.”

  “The witch? The blonde spitfire yelling at the vampire?” He pointed to Avery on the screen.

  “Avery Summers. She’s a regular. Belongs to Ilsbeth’s coven. The big guy behind her is Mick Germaine. Warlock. Also runs with Ilsbeth’s witches. From what I’ve seen, they’re a couple. But your little dominatrix-looking girl, she’s new. I’ve never seen her before.”

  “Tell me she paid with a credit card. I need a name.”

  “Sorry, darling. No name, but I do have a way to find her.”

  “The witch?”

  “No, it would take too long. Besides, I doubt she’d tell you…well, not willingly, anyway.”

  “Stop with the games. If you don’t have a card and you haven’t talked to the witch, what’s her name? Do you know how to find her?”

  “Ah, do you doubt me?”

  Léopold smiled at her. This is why he came to Lady Charlotte.

  “Track thirty-five.” Charlotte grinned smugly as Léopold tapped at the screen.

  “Well, now, that is surprising.” Léopold licked his lips as his rabbit hopped onto a motorcycle that had been parked across the street and took off like a bat out of hell. Hell. He sighed, shaking his head. She’d piqued his arousal, but damn it all, she’d better not be some kind of fire-breathing demon. She smelled way too good for that. Pulling his mind away from the memory of her scent, Léopold tapped again on the screen, freezing the image of the bike and used his fingers to enlarge the photo until he had a clear shot of the license plate.

  “Welcome to my world, mon petit lapin,” he growled. He memorized the numbers; he’d find her by the morning and she’d be his.

  Chapter Three

  Léopold sat in his black Lamborghini outside LT Antiques. The candy-apple-red Harley had been registered to a Laryssa Theriot. Through the painted glass window on Royal Street, he watched a man arranging knick knacks in the window, and he couldn’t help but wonder about his relationship to the girl. Was he an employee? A family member? A husband? The thought of her with another man caused a tick in his jaw. He shook it off, aware that it didn’t matter either way. This afternoon, he’d get answers.

  He half wished he’d brought the wolf with him today to help him focus on his target. Last night, he’d reluctantly left him to Lacey, figuring Dimitri needed a little female loving to offset the awkward feeding situation. When he’d left Mordez, he’d given fair warning that not a single hair on his mongrel friend was to be harmed while he was there or there’d be hell to pay; more specifically, death. Lady Charlotte, while powerful in her own right, knew better than to go against his wishes and had guaranteed the wolf’s safety. Dimitri had promised he’d only stay briefly and then go to Logan’s to check on Ava.

  As Léopold opened his car door and breathed in the cool winter air, his determination to protect the infant grew stronger than ever. He’d called Kade in the middle of the night, unapologetically waking him and Sydney. Sydney had agreed to run the license plate number for him. They’d planned to meet at Logan’s later in the day to discuss the best way to keep Ava safe from whomever, whatever had tried to kill her. Léopold refused to leave her security solely in the hands of wolves. No, his people would be on the case, ensuring that nothing happened to her while he investigated.

  Léopold confidently approached the storefront and entered. The distinct musky odor of times gone by filled his nostrils. But there was another scent, one far more delicious and enticing that caught his attention. Laryssa. As he passed through the crowded aisle of chairs and tables, he noted the feminine nature of the store with its pink floral stencils along the edge of the ceiling. A collection of crystal chandeliers illuminated the ancient treasures. As he made his way past an enormous armoire, his eyes lit up with excitement. Perched precariously on a step ladder, his little rabbit was hanging a mirror on the wall. He quietly observed as she toyed with the wire backing, carefully adjusting the frame so that it hung straight.

  His eyes roamed over her body, and he smiled, realizing that she’d been wearing a wig in the club, which had hidden the thick brunette curls that danced to the middle of her back. Gone were the tight leathers, replaced by a form-fitting pencil skirt that accentuated the curves of her hips and bottom. A pink cashmere sweater clung to her shoulders. She’d casually pushed the sleeves up as if she’d been working for quite a while and Léopold couldn’t hide his amusement at the transformation. While he certainly enjoyed the way she’d looked last night, he admittedly favored this softer, femini
ne attire. He sniffed into the air, catching a hint of mandarin with notes of coconut. She smelled fresh and warm, as if she’d just stepped out of the shower. Shocked at his reaction to the mere sight of this woman, he silently rolled his eyes. It had taken all of fifteen seconds to lose focus. Willing his visceral attraction to Laryssa into submission, he cleared his throat, hoping to get her attention.

  Intrigued, Léopold observed her with both interest and annoyance as she fumbled with the mirror. He heard her say that she’d be right with him, and sought to offer assistance when she began to topple off the third step of the ladder. A loud scream filled the air just as he caught her in his arms. He wanted to be angry, but all he could feel was the softness of her breasts under his hands. Instantly, he hardened as her back pressed against his chest. He wished he could stop but before he knew what he was doing his nose was buried deep into her hair. And he’d been correct about the citrus, definitely mandarin.

  Léopold loosely held Laryssa, indulging both his curiosity and desire to touch her. Goddess, what is it about her? He couldn’t help but notice how well she fit against him. Merde, he needed to get this conversation going. But of course she’d fit against him. She was a female after all. Any female would feel good against his body, but it was as if her body melded to his, making him harder than he’d ever been. He moved his legs, unwilling to let her feel the way she’d affected him. His burgeoning erection painfully pressed against the zipper of his pants and he cursed. Setting her onto her feet, he forced his hands away from her and took a deep breath. Never. He’d never feel this for a woman. He’d never let it happen again.

  Laryssa had heard the customer behind her, but the damn mirror wire wouldn’t seem to catch right. It kept slipping and she cursed under her breath, hoping she wouldn’t drop it. If she could just hold it up a minute longer, she could get it to hang squarely on the wall. She fingered the hook that she’d just renailed into the wall and then moved her thumb over to the thin metal string. With a final shove upward, she attempted to flick it into place. But as the wire caught, it sliced into her flesh. A sharp sting threw her off balance, and her pumps began to waver. Shit. Not again.


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